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Dermatomyositis Treatment: Alternative Cures for Skin Autoimmune Disease

Posted By Lydian Shipp | Aug 30, 2022


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Common Fumitory is a plant that plays an important role in recovery from autoimmune diseases like dermatomyositis.

What is dermatomyositis?

Dermatomyositis (DM) is a rare systemic autoimmune disease. It may also be referred to as idiopathic inflammatory myopathy (IIM) or polymyositis. Dermatomyositis can affect anyone of any age, race, or gender, but people between the ages of 50-70 and African American women (and women in general) are particularly affected by this condition. The condition specifically affects the skin and muscles, though the gastrointestinal tract may be affected as well, especially in children and teenagers who develop dermatomyositis. Muscle weakness is a characterizing feature of dermatomyositis, and may lead to problems with the heart, cardiovascular system, and lungs due to weakened muscles in these areas. 

The Barefoot Healer's Guide to Autoimmune Disease, Volume 1 - BUY HERE!

Some subdivisions of dermatomyositis are: 

  • Amyopathic dermatomyositis (ADM) / Dermatomyositis sine myositis - In this subtype of dermatomyositis, patients experience the skin problems associated with dermatomyositis without the presence of the muscle problems.These patients are unlikely to have muscle weakness or any of the symptoms associated with this muscle weakness. However, fatigue is usually still present.

  • Hypomyopathic dermatomyositis - Patients with this subtype of dermatomyositis do not present with any symptoms of muscle weakness, the same as patients with ADM, but they do, however, exhibit signs of muscle weakness in laboratory tests and muscle biopsies. Again, these patients often still have fatigue. 

  • Juvenile/childhood dermatomyositis (JDMS) - Dermatomyositis in children and teenagers typically has a faster onset and calcinosis is more common than in adults.

Symptoms of Dermatomyositis

Dermatomyositis symptoms may develop gradually over time, or they may occur very suddenly. The symptoms of dermatomyositis include: 
  • Calcinosis of the skin (this is characterized by hard lumps or sheets of calcium deposits underneath the skin)
  • Rough, dry, or scaly skin
  • Fatigue
  • Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) and/or a feeling of choking
  • Dysphonia (difficulty speaking)
  • Swelling and inflammation around fingernails
  • Skin rash that is a dark reddish-purple color and patchy, and generally appears on the eyelids, nose, cheeks, upper back, chest, knees, knuckles, and elbows (this is known as a heliotrope rash). An erythematosus rash or butterfly rash, which are somewhat different than a heliotrope rash, may also develop.
  • Vasculitis (swelling of the blood vessels)
    • In juvenile dermatomyositis, gastrointestinal vasculitis is more common and may also lead to symptoms like constipation, melena, and vomiting of blood due to bleeding peptic ulcers.
  • Muscle weakness, aches pain (especially in the neck, back, hips, and shoulders; this muscle weakness may be so severe as to make it difficult for the patient to stand up from a chair or get out of bed)
  • Sun sensitivity (exposure to sunlight may cause flare ups of the dermatomyositis rash)
  • Hair loss (due to dry skin)
  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Edema/accumulation of fluid around the eyes
  • Atherosclerosis

Cancers Associated with Dermatomyositis

It’s not uncommon for a person who is diagnosed with dermatomyositis to already have a diagnosed cancer at the time of the dermatomyositis diagnosis, or to be diagnosed with cancer soon afterwards. This is more common in dermatomyositis patients over age 40-50, but a cancer diagnosis can happen at any age. Notably, the cancer diagnosis generally occurs within 3 years either before or after the patient is diagnosed with dermatomyositis, which strengthens the connection between the two problems. 

Some of the cancers that are closely associated with dermatomyositis include: 

In patients who have been diagnosed with both dermatomyositis and cancer, the symptoms of the dermatomyositis often resolve when the cancer is removed or successfully treated. Many of the natural, alternative medicines that work to treat cancer are also likely to improve the health situation of a patient with dermatomyositis. Therefore, it stands to reason that any natural treatment plan for patients in this situation should consider both health problems simultaneously, though the natural, successful treatment of the cancer may be enough in some cases to entirely resolve both the cancer as well as the symptoms of dermatomyositis. 

The Cancer Cure Catalog, Vol. 1-4, the Complete Set - BUY NOW!

Differential Diagnosis for Dermatomyositis

Some other conditions that may resemble or be misdiagnosed as dermatomyositis include: 

Causes of Dermatomyositis

The skin is an organ of detoxification. Though most of us don’t really pay our skin much thought when it comes to its role in detoxifying our body, the evidence is abundant and easy to find in regard to the skin’s importance in removing pathogens, chemicals, and other foreign substances from our bodies. Acne is an excellent example of this (and one most people probably have some experience with). For some people, an overload of pathogens may look different than in other people. For dermatomyositis patients, undiagnosed infections or the presence of toxins manifests predominantly in the skin (despite the fact that other organs may have some secondary involvement).

Viral Infection

Like many (if not most) autoimmune diseases, dermatomyositis often has its root in an initial infection. There are a few viral infections that have been linked to the onset of dermatomyositis; the patient may have had one of these viral infections in the recent past, or it may have been many years ago. In some cases, the patient might not even know that they’d ever had an infection with one of these viruses, or the infection was perhaps misdiagnosed. Regardless, viruses can live in an area of the body like the liver or gallbladder where they remain relatively difficult to identify or treat. The body may acknowledge the presence of this virus, and attempt to eradicate it by activating the immune system. However, since the virus has hidden itself away, it may be very difficult to test for an infection, so to the average eye, it looks like the patient’s body is attacking itself, or having an “autoimmune” response. In reality, the body is likely going after a well-hidden virus (or another pathogen) like one of these below:

  • Epstein Barr Virus - The Epstein-Barr virus causes mononucleosis, or the kissing disease. This is by far one of the most common viral infections in humans, so it’s not surprising that it may ultimately be one of the causative agents in the development of dermatomyositis. In one case-control study, patients with dermatomyositis were shown to have higher frequencies of antibodies against EBNA1 (Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen-1) than healthy individuals without dermatomyositis. The Epstein-Barr virus genome was also detected more often in dermatomyositis patients than in the healthy control subjects. 

  • Coxsackievirus serotypes B1, B2, and B4 - Coxsackieviruses are enteroviruses that can cause a wide range of symptoms, including gastrointestinal distress and cardiovascular problems (such as pericarditis and myocarditis). One study observed that a group of 12 juvenile dermatomyositis patients had significantly higher antibodies against Coxsackievirus serotypes B1, B2, and B4 than patients with different conditions, such as juvenile arthritis. A group of adult dermatomyositis patients also demonstrated elevated antibodies against Coxsackievirus B3 in a different study in contrast with a group of adult rheumatoid arthritis patients. 

  • Parvovirus B19 - Parvovirus infections are seen most frequently in children, and are a cause of erythema infectiosum (an infectious skin rash). Parvovirus B19 in particular has been observed to be a cause of the onset of juvenile dermatomyositis, as well as some other related connective tissue diseases. 

  • Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus (HTLV-1) - This virus has also been cited as a potential cause of other autoimmune diseases, such as Sjörgen’s syndrome and Evan’s syndrome. Patients with polymyositis also may actually be suffering from an undiagnosed HTLV-1 infection. One case series report in Martinique reported on 5 patients with diagnosed polymyositis and 2 patients with diagnosed dermatomyositis who tested positive for HTLV-1. 

  • Adenovirus - Some studies have been done on agammaglobulinemia that demonstrate that when this condition is caused by an adenovirus infection, the patient may present with symptoms resembling dermatomyositis. 

  • Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) - Though this doesn’t seem to be a particularly common cause of dermatomyositis, some case reports have emerged of HIV patients developing dermatomyositis within 6-18 months of being diagnosed with HIV. 

  • Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) - Both of these hepatitis viruses cause liver swelling and damage. The hepatitis B virus has been known to cause symptoms (apparently) unrelated to the liver, including dermatomyositis and symptoms resembling dermatomyositis, such as an erythematosus skin rash, myalgias, joint pain, vasculitis, and arthritic symptoms. The hepatitis C virus can, if left untreated, cause hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), a kind of liver cancer, that can then ultimately lead to the symptoms of dermatomyositis. One 79-year-old woman diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma developed dermatomyositis 9 months after her cancer diagnosis. The onset of dermatomyositis in this woman was correlated with a worsening of her cancer (suggesting the very close connection to the two).

  • Human Polyomavirus - There are many different human polyomaviruses, but the HPyV6 and HPyV7 varieties are the most commonly seen in patients with dermatomyositis. Both of these human polyomaviruses have been shown to produce distinctive skin problems, including a type of scaly, brown skin plaque known as “peacock plumage”. HPy7 may also cause swelling or enlargement of the skin or organs in the body as seen in the initial stages of cancer. Both are considered to be a normal part of our skin’s bacterial flora, but sometimes these viruses can still cause health problems for some humans (such as immunocompromised individuals).

Parasite Infection

The possibility of a parasite infection is rarely acknowledged by conventional physicians. Most doctors in developed countries ascribe to the belief that parasite infection is an uncommon affliction for non-traveling residents of said country, and so often overlook the possibility that certain diseases and disorders might be caused by parasites. As an excellent example of this, Indian doctors acknowledge that epilepsy patients or patients who are having seizures may have a parasite infection known as neurocysticercosis, but the vast majority of American and European doctors (with some exceptions) don’t even know about this potential misdiagnosis. 

Dermatomyositis may also be due to an undiagnosed parasite infection in some cases. In fact, though not particularly well-known, parasitic myositis is a diagnosis that some patients receive, indicating the symptoms of myositis caused by a parasite infection. Some of the most compelling parasite infections that may be misdiagnosed as dermatomyositis include: 

  • Trichinellosis / Trichinosis - Caused by the Trichinella roundworm, trichinosis shares some symptoms in common with dermatomyositis, including itchy skin, aching joints, fever, swelling of the eyes and face, trouble coordinating muscle movements or breathing, heart problems, and gastrointestinal issues. 

  • Katayama syndrome / Schistosoma spp. Infection - Katayama syndrome is caused primarily by the Schistosoma japonicum or Schistosoma mansoni parasites. Muscle weakness throughout the body as well as fever and rash are present with this kind of parasite infection. 

  • Cysticercosis - This is the same disease that causes epilepsy, as I mentioned earlier, and is caused by the eggs of Taenia solium parasite. The central nervous system is especially affected by this parasite infection, although the eyes and skin are also affected. Skin nodules and calcifications, muscle weakness and deterioration, severe fatigue, and heart problems (sometimes) are all seen in cysticercosis. 

  • Toxoplasmosis - Toxoplasmosis can have similar symptoms as dermatomyositis as both a primary, initial parasite infection as well as in cases where the Toxoplasma gondii parasite “reactivates”. Symptoms of toxoplasmosis that resemble dermatomyositis include myalgia (aching, painful muscles), fatigue, problems with coordination, lung problems, skin nodules, and skin rash. Notably, infants who were infected at birth (by their mother having a toxoplasmosis infection) may develop problems due to this infection later on in their lives, although they typically don’t display symptoms at first.

  • Leishmaniasis / Kala Azar / Leishmania spp. - Leishmania infection may cause muscle fiber necrosis and atrophy, vasculitis, and severe muscle weakness and wasting. Though skin manifestations and myositis are relatively rare symptoms of leishmaniasis, some cases of leishmaniasis patients with misdiagnosed dermatomyositis have been reported. 

  • Malaria / Plasmodium spp. - Malaria is caused by Plasmodium parasites and is transmitted through mosquito bites from the Anopheles mosquito. A malaria infection may cause an initial illness (which sometimes may not be recognized as malaria), and then lie dormant for years, only to flare up again later on. If you’ve traveled to an area where malaria is endemic, either recently or in the more distant past, this is a diagnosis to consider. Plasmodium falciparum in particular may cause muscle damage and myositis, as well as rhabdomyolysis in more severe cases. Muscle enzyme deficiency is also seen in malaria patients as well as in dermatomyositis patients. Other malaria symptoms that may present similarly to dermatomyositis include fever, fatigue, muscle weakness, pain, and achiness, myalgias, and gastrointestinal distress. In some more rare cases, hives and skin rash/coloration may also occur.

  • Sarcocystosis / Sarcosporidiosis / Sarcocystis spp. - The Sarcocystis parasite causes lesions on the muscles in the body, including on the tongue, diaphragm, larynx, tongue, and esophagus (areas where cysts caused by this parasite might cause some of the symptoms of dermatomyositis, like difficulty swallowing and breathing). Cysts may also be present on the heart muscle, and sometimes in smooth muscles. Hemorrhaging and vasculitis are common with Sarcocystis infection, as is skin erythema and nodules up to 2cm in diameter. Muscle pain and weakness and involuntary twitching movements are also reported. 

Bacterial Infections

Like with viral and parasitic infections, bacterial infections may be misdiagnosed as dermatomyositis in some patients. 

  • Lyme Disease / Borrelia burgdorferi - Lyme disease has been previously misdiagnosed as dermatomyositis. As a “Great Imitator”, Borrelia burgdorferi infection has a long list of manifestations and is all-too-commonly misdiagnosed as other conditions. Dermatomyositis is just one of a number of autoimmune diseases and other health problems that may be (incorrectly) diagnosed when a Borrelia infection is present.

  • Mycobacterium tuberculosis - This bacteria is known to cause tuberculosis. In one case series study done in Mexico, 5 out of 30 individuals in the group who had had a M. tuberculosis infection had been previously misdiagnosed with dermatomyositis or polymyositis (a different, though similar and related, condition). 

  • Streptococcus pyogenes and other streptococcal infections - In one case report of a patient who had been diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis was observed to have infectious myositis caused by Streptococcus pyogenes. This particular Streptococcus bacteria is also implicated in psoriasis, a skin autoimmune disease. 

Post COVID-Vaccine Dermatomyositis 

The COVID vaccine has been known to cause the onset of various autoimmune conditions and other health problems. These conditions have been reported in people of all ages and races and in both men and women, and regardless of the exact type of vaccine that was administered (different health problems are often associated with different vaccine types, with some overlap). 

The onset of dermatomyositis has been reported following the administration of the Oxford Astra-Zeneca SARS-CoV-2 vaccine as well as the Pfizer-BioNTech SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. As of the end of August, 2021, 77 total reports of dermatomyositis onset following administration of a vaccine had been reported in the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), with 17 of these being attributed to a COVID-19 vaccine. Most of these reports were attributed to the Moderna vaccine, though the Pfizer-BioNTech and Janssen vaccines also had reports. The related conditions of polymyositis and immune mediated myositis also had reports in the VAERS system from patients who had received a COVID-19 vaccine. 

One case report tells of a 65-year-old woman who experienced the first symptoms of dermatomyositis within 5 days following the administration of the Oxford Astra-Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Her first symptoms were the Gottron’s sign (a skin rash) and heliotrope rash. Two months later, she received the booster shot for this vaccine and her symptoms of dermatomyositis evolved to include muscle weakness and trouble swallowing. 

In a different report, an otherwise healthy 76-year old woman experienced the onset of dermatomyositis symptoms within 2 days following her booster shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. After 7 weeks, the woman’s symptoms worsened and evolved. 

Other Vaccines That May Cause Dermatomyositis

Though the studies are limited, a correlation between the onset of dermatomyositis and the administration of the vaccines below has been observed and documented: 

  • Influenza A / H1N1 vaccine
  • Trivalent influenza vaccine
  • Hepatitis B (HBV) vaccine - The HBV vaccine has also been associated with the onset of other autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), autoimmune thrombocytopenia, autoimmune hemolytic anemia, pemphigus, and vasculitis. Two case reports for teenage boys exist where the subjects developed dermatomyositis shortly following hepatitis B vaccinations.
  • BCG vaccine / Tuberculosis vaccine - One case report of two boys who developed dermatomyositis following a BCG vaccine was published in 1979.
  • Tetanus vaccine - A case report was published regarding the development of calcifying dermatomyositis in a 59-year-old woman who received a tetanus vaccine.
  • Smallpox vaccine 
  • DPT vaccine / TDaP vaccine / Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis vaccine
  • Inactivated polio vaccine

The Post-COVID Vaccine Recovery Book and Autoimmunity Reference Guide

Treatments for Dermatomyositis

Nutritional Therapies for Dermatomyositis

Depending on the person and their exact health situation, nutritional therapies may be the cure they need, or the key supporting piece in a combination of healing therapies that ultimately help them overcome their disease. In either case, I’m a firm believer in the healing power of simple nutrients. These are the basic building blocks of everything in your body, and without the correct nutrients, your body will fail to function correctly. It will take shortcuts and use inappropriate materials to achieve less-than-optimal ends. Which, in the end, leads to disease or difficulty curing an existing disease. 

There are certain specific nutrient deficiencies, such as those in vitamin K2, iodine, and vitamin B17, that are extremely common and also detrimental to human health. These are nutrients that everyone should be taking (and, in reality, unless you grow ALL of your own food and live off the grid in some obscure location outside of any developed country, you’ll probably need to take these nutrients for the rest of your life, since they aren’t present in high enough quantities in our food anymore). 

Below I’ll briefly discuss some of the most important nutritional therapies for dermatomyositis patients in particular. 

Vitamin K2+D3

Any kind of calcification of soft tissues is caused by a deficiency in vitamin K2. This vitamin was discovered relatively recently and was shown to work in combination with vitamin D and calcium. In simple terms, vitamin K2 decides where to put the calcium that we take in (the K2 knows that the calcium needs to go to the bones and teeth), the vitamin D actually directs the calcium. Without vitamin K2, the vitamin D doesn’t know where to put the calcium, and often puts it in soft tissues and arteries instead. Supplementing with a high quality vitamin K2 supplement (and avoiding supplementing exclusively with D3) will often be enough to reverse dermatomyositis calcinosis. 

Bronson Vitamin K2 (MK7) with D3 Supplement Bone and Heart Health Non-GMO Formula 5000 IU Vitamin D3 & 90 mcg Vitamin K2 MK-7 Easy to Swallow Vitamin D & K Complex, 250 Capsules

Vitamin B17 / Laetrile / Amygdalin

Vitamin B17 is another essential nutrient for autoimmune patients, including patients with dermatomyositis. Cancer experts agree that a deficiency in this nutrient leads to the development of cancer in particular, as well as other degenerative diseases. Since autoimmune disease and cancer go hand-in-hand, supplementing with vitamin B17 is essential for both prevention of cancer in dermatomyositis patients as well as in the treatment of dermatomyositis itself. 

Mighty Apricot USDA Organic Bitter Apricot Kernels(1LB) 16oz, Natural Raw Bitter Apricot Seeds, Vegan, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Great source of Vitamin B17 and B15


Iodine deficiency is extremely common, and bromine toxicity (in combination with iodine deficiency) is also common in countries like the United States where bromine is still commonly used in farming and commercial production of foods and other household goods. Many patients with autoimmune conditions can trace their symptoms back to either iodine deficiency and/or bromine toxicity. Iodine deficiency/bromine toxicity symptoms that resemble dermatomyositis include:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Skin “cuts”
  • Rash (also known as bromoderma)
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Aching muscles and joints, similar to symptoms of arthritis
  • Development of reproductive organ cancers (breast cancer, prostate cancer, etc.)

Our Amazon links to powerful cures like Lugol's Iodine often disappear mysteriously after we publish. Support our outside vendors by purchasing Lugol's Iodine here. 

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!

Other Nutritional Therapies for Dermatomyositis

Taking a moringa supplement as a multivitamin (since moringa is more affordable and higher quality than the vast majority of multivitamin supplements available) as well as higher doses of the nutrients listed above is a good base supplementation routine. Other nutritional supplements that may specifically benefit dermatomyositis patients include: 

  • Vitamin A as Beta-Carotene - As most people know, vitamin A is good for skin health in general. What most people don’t know is that patients with autoimmune disease tend to have gallbladder problems, which can lead to a deficiency in fat soluble vitamins like vitamin A. Take a supplement that contains beta-carotene rather than retinol since beta-carotene is a safer and more natural form of vitamin A. 

  • Vitamin E as D-Alpha Tocopherol - This is another fat soluble vitamin that dermatomyositis patients and other autoimmune patients may be deficient in. Choose a supplement that contains D-alpha tocopherol (not DL-alpha tocopherol, since this is the synthetic form of vitamin E, and is not as bioavailable or effective, and can even be unsafe in contrast with the natural D-alpha tocopherol).

  • Vitamin C - Vitamin C is also important for skin health, but it’s also valuable for gallbladder health and gastrointestinal health. In high enough doses, it can also be used to treat certain pathogenic infections, such as Helicobacter pylori. Take a minimum of 1000mg of vitamin C daily. 

  • Sulfur - Sulfur deficiency is more common than most people realize, and since this nutrient is so vital for human health, it’s a good idea to add in some extra sulfur to your daily health protocol. MSM and DMSO are both good choices, and also have other health benefits that dermatomyositis patients will appreciate. 

  • Magnesium - Magnesium deficiency is less common perhaps than sulfur deficiency, but in people who eat a conventional western diet, it’s not unusual. Magnesium is an essential mineral for a large number of processes in the body, and deficiency can lead to deterioration of multiple processes over time. Magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate are the best, most bioavailable versions of this nutrient for most people. 

Pancreatic Enzymes + Ox Bile

Digestive health in general is important for anyone trying to treat a disease, but extra attention to the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder is of particular importance for dermatomyositis patients. Pancreatic enzymes are not only important for digestion, but are also a vital part of the immune system, where they play a role in targeting cancer cells and pathogens. Ox bile can help support gallbladder health and improve intestinal absorption of fat soluble vitamins and other healthy fats (such as omega-3’s, for instance).

Vital Nutrients Pancreatin and Ox Bile Extract | Natural Digestive Enzyme Supplement | Helps Break Down Protein, Fat, and Carbs* | Gluten, Dairy and Soy Free | 60 Capsules

Quinine / Cinchona Bark for Dermatomyositis

Hydroxychloroquine is a commonly prescribed medication for dermatomyositis patients that is used to help manage symptoms like rash and skin eruptions. This medication is derived from quinine, a natural substance present in the bark of the cinchona tree native to South America. Quinine has been used for hundreds of years as a prophylactic and treatment for malaria, and cinchona bark was regarded by native South American groups as an important healing plant. This medicine, when used correctly, may help eradicate pathogens (viruses, bacteria, and parasites) that may ultimately be the cause of dermatomyositis. 

Our Amazon links to powerful cures like Hawaii Pharm herbal tinctures often disappear mysteriously after we publish. Support our outside vendors by purchasing Hawaii Pharm's Cinchona Bark / Quinine tincture here. 

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)

CDS/MMS is a Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) medicine that everyone should be familiar with. It has an extremely broad range of action against disease, and is also able to be used in various ways. CDS/MMS tends to be a highly effective as well as flexible medicine; it is safe for people of all ages, including infants, young children, and pregnant/breastfeeding women. This medicine can target pathogens, cancer, and other unhealthy cells. For dermatomyositis treatment, consider the following treatment protocols: 

For detailed information and easy, searchable access to all of the MMS/CDS protocols, visit our website to sign up for our database! This database allows you to search for a disease or symptoms and receive suggestions of MMS/CDS protocols that have worked for others in the past, as well as instructions on how to administer each protocol correctly.

Click here to sign up for the CDS Protocols App!

Essential Oils

Below are some essential oils that can be incorporated into a dermatomyositis treatment protocol. For more information about each of these essential oils, as well as additional information on symptom management for dermatomyositis, visit The Living Database and sign up for our Essential Oils Database! We’ve designed this database so that users can search for their symptoms or health problems and receive information on scientifically proven treatments.

Frankincense Essential Oil + DMSO

Frankincense (Boswellia spp.) essential oil is an effective remedy for cancer. It can be applied to the skin by itself or in combination with DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) to increase the absorption and strength of the essential oil (IMPORTANT NOTE: Don’t combine DMSO with just any essential oil; frankincense essential oil can safely be combined with DMSO for the treatment of disease, but other essential oils may not be safely combined with DMSO, so use caution). 

NOW Essential Oils, Frankincense Oil, Centering Aromatherapy Scent, Steam Distilled, 100% Pure, Vegan, Child Resistant Cap, 1-Ounce

Frankincense essential oil is also a powerful anti-inflammatory and skin healer, and has been used to treat other autoimmune conditions besides dermatomyositis, including rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and others. Dilute a few drops in apricot kernel oil and apply to the skin in affected areas daily. Apply DMSO over the top of this if you wish (if your skin is particularly dry, wait until it is more hydrated before you use DMSO to avoid over-drying your skin; you may take the DMSO internally instead for the time being). 

Patchouli Essential Oil

Patchouli essential oil comes from the Pogostemon cablin plant. It is another powerful essential oil with therapeutic action that may benefit dermatomyositis patients. The oil can be taken internally as part of a treatment protocol for Helicobacter pylori, a bacterial infection that sometimes affects people with dermatomyositis. It also has immunomodulatory effects and has been used as a treatment for other autoimmune conditions as well.

doTERRA - Patchouli Essential Oil - 15 mL

Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium essential oil from Pelargonium species plants can be used to treat dermatomyositis at home. Traditionally, this plant has been used to treat skin conditions, including rashes, ulcers, eczema, dry skin, and fungal skin infections. It also has antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, and anticancer properties. 

MAJESTIC PURE Geranium Essential Oil - 100% Pure & Natural Rose Geranium Oil - Geranium Oil for Skin, Hair Growth, Body, Massage, Aromatherapy, Diffuser, Candle & Soap Making - 1 fl oz

Radix bupleuri / Chai Hu Essential Oil

Chai Hu is a traditional Chinese herbal remedy with immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Radix bupleuri also protects the liver and nerves and has anti-cancer properties. It may also have some effects against viruses and bacteria, such as Helicobacter pylori, hepatitis B virus, and others. 

Our Amazon links to powerful cures like Hawaii Pharm herbal tinctures often disappear mysteriously after we publish. Support our outside vendors by purchasing Hawaii Pharm's Chai Hu tincture here. 

Apitherapy / Bee Venom Therapy and Kambo

Bee venom therapy, or apitherapy, is a treatment that involves using bee stings to heal disease. This treatment has been around for thousands of years and has been used to treat Lyme disease, dermatomyositis, and other autoimmune diseases, among a long list of other health problems. Kambo is a frog venom therapy that has similar benefits. 

Sea Water Supplements

Sea water supplements can easily be incorporated into your daily routine and make a significant difference in health. Drinking sea water helps your body more effectively absorb the water that you drink, and also specifically helps hydrate the fascia just under your skin. It can help relieve pain and discomfort, and also aids detoxification and healing. Sea water contains essential trace minerals that are often not found in the food supply (not anymore, anyways), so drinking sea water can help correct deficiencies in these vital minerals.

Panakos Deep Seawater Hypertonic Ultra Pure Marine Plasma Agua de Mar Profundo 12 Bottle Box

Chelation Therapy, Environmental Detoxification, and Other Detoxification Methods to Cure Dermatomyositis

Detoxification should be a part of any dermatomyositis patient’s healing protocol. Here are some detoxification treatments and considerations to incorporate: 

  • Chelation therapy - This is an intravenous treatment usually administered at boutique health clinics. It is designed to detoxify heavy metals from the body. It’s important to note, however, that if you have mercury fillings you should get these removed before receiving chelation therapy in order to receive the maximum benefit (also, mercury fillings alone can cause serious health problems)

  • Enemas - As you begin using natural medicines to cure dermatomyositis, it’s likely that at some point you’ll experience a Herxheimer reaction, otherwise known as a detoxification reaction. While this is a normal and expected part of the healing process, it can be very uncomfortable. Enemas can help cleanse the colon and liver and speed up the process of detoxification, thus relieving some symptoms of the Herxheimer reaction. Different kinds of enemas have different effects on the body, but plain water enemas, coffee enemas, and MMS/CDS enemas are some of the most important ones to familiarize yourself with. 

  • Environmental Detoxification - There are layers to detoxification of one’s environment. Invest in a quality water filter for your drinking water and shower water (to filter out bromine, fluorine, and heavy metals), replace cosmetics and personal beauty products like shampoo with natural alternatives, and choose natural substitutes for house cleaning products to start this process. 

Budwig Protocol

The Budwig Protocol involves following a whole foods diet that includes “living” oils (oils that are cold-pressed and unheated) as well as eating a special “smoothie” of cold-pressed flaxseed oil and cottage cheese (substitutes include full-fat coconut milk, goat’s milk, rice milk, and others). This smoothie is meant to be eaten while sitting in the sun without sunscreen with as much skin exposed as possible. This allows the ingredients in the smoothie to “activate” in the body to help reenergize cells and regenerate tissues. Here is just one testimonial from a dermatomyositis patient who used the Budwig Protocol with some success. 

Barlean's Organic Lignan Flaxseed Oil Liquid Supplement from Cold Pressed Flax Seeds, 7,230 mg ALA Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Cold Press Flax Seeds for Joint & Heart Health, 32 oz

Fumaria officinalis / Common Fumitory / Earth Smoke Plant

Fumaria officinalis is an herbal treatment for autoimmune disease that helps restore liver and gallbladder health. It is one of the core herbal treatments we recommend for the treatment of psoriasis, another autoimmune disease with skin manifestations. Earth Smoke Plant works closely with the liver and gallbladder, and helps support the body’s need for fumaric acid, a substance that is a part of the ATP cycle and is naturally produced in the liver when the skin is exposed to sunlight.  

Our Amazon links to powerful cures like Hawaii Pharm herbal tinctures often disappear mysteriously after we publish. Support our outside vendors by purchasing Hawaii Pharm's Fumaria officinalis tincture here. 

The Dreamlight: A Tool to Treat the Psychological Components of Dermatomyositis

The Dreamlight is a tool that we developed at Alive-N-Healthy to help our readers heal their minds as well as bodies. The mind and emotions play a huge role in health, and working on the psychological aspects of a disease can be one of the most important parts of a successful cure for many patients. The Dreamlight was designed to be an Ayahuasca alternative for patients to use from the comfort and safety of their own home. Visit this link to learn more about The Dreamlight and sign up today. 

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