Do coffee enemas support healing from serious illnesses? YES, aboslutely!
Coffee enemas are a major part of multiple cancer protocols, including the Gerson Protocol, the Gonzalez Protocol, and the Budwig Protocol. The use of coffee enemas helps clear out toxins lodged in the intestines and the digestive system as well as those released by tumors to help eliminate pain and discomfort for cancer patients [1]. Coffee enemas can help patients manage and cure their cancer as well as provide a lasting strategy for overall wellbeing and gut health.Organic coffee enemas help patients release toxins as well as anger and negative emotions that cause the ducts in the liver to become tense, tight, and congested. Liver congestion is often caused by negative emotions or trauma and releasing the bile sludge, stones, and other forms of toxic congestion in the liver, releases the negative emotions as well. Because cancer is so tightly connected to trauma, it’s important for cancer patients to work with enemas and /or colonics as a physical form of trauma release.
Click here to read more about the relationship between trauma and cancer.
Click here to read about Ayahuasca, a powerful psychedelic medicine and a known cure for cancer that causes the liver to purge while also releasing emotional trauma.

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Coffee enemas and other kinds of enemas use cleansing materials have been used in cultures across the world for thousands of years. The Native American tribes used organic coffee beans to create enemas to use as a liver purifier, while the Dead Sea Scrolls (most likely written around the time of Jesus) make mention of the use of daily enemas for the maintenance of overall well being. Cultures including the Greeks, Romans, Hindus, Chinese, and Sumerians also have records regarding the use of enemas for health and healing. Enemas were in common use in modern American culture as well until the 20th century when they started to disappear from use with the rise of Big Pharma and the American Medical Association [2].Coffee enemas as a treatment for disease in the modern western world are not nearly as strange or "unconventional" as some people have been taught. Indeed, the use of coffee enemas was advocated in the Merck Manual from 1890 through 1977 when they were removed from treatment recommendations due (supposedly) to the book's space requirements [4]. In other words, coffee enemas were once used in hospitals and they were even recommended by doctors as a form of detoxification as well as treatment for a variety of diseases including cancer, infections, and more. Other major changes that took place in the 1970s included drastic changes in terms of the development of genetically modified foods (GMOs) that no longer produce nutrients like L-tyrosine, L-tryptophan, Coenzyme Q10, vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7 / MK-7, folate, along with the hybridization of seedless grapes (and more) and other seedless fruits that do no contain vitamin B17 /amygdalin. These changes ushered in a new era of severe nutritional deficiencies that were disguised as “incurable” illnesses like autoimmune disease, diabetes, and cancer. It was certainly a calculated move when the Merck Manual left out coffee enemas from their 1978 edition. Iodine fortification was removed from bread products to be placed in salt (a terrible carrier for iodine) around the same time which created health vulnerabilities through entire populations. Iodine deficiency causes poor intestinal motility and thus a build up of toxins and fecal impactions. Vitamin K2 / MK-7 has a high cure rate for reproductive organ cancers as well as blood and bone cancers, but it is practically non-existent in the food supply in the modern world. With the development of seedless varieties of fruits, vitamin B17 has become far less available in the diet as well. Media promotion of high-dose vitamin D supplementation combined with low vitamin K2 in the diet and low Lugol’s iodine in the diet has created the perfect storm for cancer development. Coffee enemas are an essential part of reversing the damage done by the modern way of life and a typical diet in the industrialized world.
Click here to read more about Lugol’s iodine as a cure for breast cancer, prostate cancer, and other reproductive organ cancers. Lugol’s iodine is an essential nutrient supplement for all forms of cancer and to rebuild the immune system as well as energy levels in patients with cancer.
Click here to learn more about how vitamin D supplements are actually hurting you. When performed correctly, coffee enemas are a safe and effective way to support alkalization of the body. Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment and drinking coffee acidifies the body. But rectally administered coffee enemas have the opposite effect, creating a more alkaline environment in the body that is much less conducive to cancer cell growth and metastasis. As a result, coffee enemas can cause tumor regression while detoxifying the liver [1][3].

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Safety and Effectiveness
Coffee enemas help the body process and remove toxins more efficiently during the detoxification process. They help the lymphatic fluids transport toxins out of the body 2-3 times faster than normal, thus speeding up and smoothing out the detox process for cancer patients. Additionally, coffee enemas help eliminate toxins by stimulating the liver and gallbladder to filter toxins out and produce enough bile to maintain proper digestive function. Coffee enemas are paired with different cancer protocols frequently because of their ability for them to clear out the toxins that the body purges when patients follow dietary protocols or cancer treatments that release toxins as the body restores itself to a normal state [1]. According to Mike Vrentas from the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, coffee enemas are capable of eliminating pain caused by cancer as well. The body pain that cancer patients experience is a result of the toxins that cancer cells release when they die and start decomposing. Tumors are composed of an outer layer of living, growing cancer cells that cover a core of dead and dying cancer cells that release toxins. These toxins cause the patient pain. Because coffee enemas eliminate toxins, this pain can be reduced or completely eliminated with their use [1]. It isn’t uncommon for our cancer health coaching clients to report, for example, that they use coffee enemas to get rid of headaches or back pain as well as general “arthritic” pain in their joints. Indeed, coffee enemas can prevent the development of a cold or influenza if they’re properly timed and vigorously administered throughout the day. As with other cancer protocols, such as the Gonzalez Protocol, coffee enemas focus on pH (click here to read about what pH measures and how it can be used to cure cancer naturally): the alkalinity and acidity in the body. Using coffee enemas increases the alkalinity of the body, making it a less hospitable environment for cancer cells, which prefer a more acidic environment. It’s important to note, however, that drinking coffee (via the mouth, of course) can increase acidity, thus creating an environment that would support cancer cell growth [1]. Administering coffee as an enema has an opposite, alkalizing effect.Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Unhealthy diets and the absorption of toxins into the digestive system can result in the development of mucoid plaques in the digestive tract. A lack of Lugol’s iodine or any of the iodine supportive nutrients can cause slow intestinal motility which can make the build up of toxins even more extreme. This mucoid plaque traps food and creates an ideal living environment for parasites. The food that gets trapped rots and releases toxins into the bloodstream, which then causes the liver to become overwhelmed with toxin processing activities. Coffee enemas can help remove this mucoid plaque buildup to lessen the body’s toxic load and improve digestion and nutrient absorption [2]. Besides lessening the liver’s toxin processing requirements, coffee enemas work in the liver by stimulating the production of glutathione. Glutathione can preserve cell DNA and reduce the chances of cellular damage occurring. It can also help remove the toxic waste in cells. Green coffee beans have specifically been noted for their effectiveness in producing glutathione in the body when used within the context of an enema, with up to a 600% increase in glutathione production in the liver and a 700% in the small intestine. [2]. Coffee enemas have numerous benefits, but there are a few noted side effects of this treatment that patients should keep in mind. Coffee enemas may result in:
- Intestinal cramping
- Loss of appetite
- Fever (a common symptom of a Herxheimer / Detox reaction)
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Diarrhea
If you develop any of these symptoms, note that they should resolve within 3-5 days. Often, these kinds of symptoms develop when fecal impactions are removed, revealing infectious bacteria or viruses that have been hidden from view of the immune system. Once exposed, these toxic pathogens can then be dealt with by the body. Note that a fever, is a good sign in cancer patients. Several natural cures for cancer use the production of fever as a way for the body to kill cancer cells. One example is Viscum album / Iscador / MIstletoe for cancer. Another example is Coley’s Toxins / Issels therapy for cancer. Continue doing coffee enemas if you develop symptoms of a Herxheimer / detoxification reaction. If diarrhea is severe, or if you feel any kind of concern about dehydration, note that enemas introduce water that’s absorbed by the body. Enemas do not generally cause dehydration. They can, however, be used to solve dehydration issues. Nonetheless, if you feel dehydrated while doing cancer treatments (for example, if your lips or the skin on other areas of your body get chapped or dry), administer ¼ teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt in your coffee enemas. Also add ⅛ of a teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt to your drinking water to recharge your body with healing trace minerals and electrolytes. Switch out your table salt for Himalayan sea salt as an easy way to introduce healing trace minerals and electrifying electrolytes into your cancer cure protocol. Click here to learn more about how trace minerals and electrolytes heal human cells one-by-one.

How Coffee Enemas Are Administered
Coffee enemas can be administered at home or with the guidance of a healthcare professional. According to the Truth About Cancer website, individuals with cancer or other severe diseases that respond to treatment with enemas may do up to 4 coffee enemas per day. Healthy individuals may benefit from weekly enemas to cleanse out toxins in the intestines and the rest of the body that may have built up during the week. People who are allergic to coffee may consider using undiluted, raw apple cider vinegar or green juice as an alternative. Organic teas like green tea can also be used though green tea contains fluoride which can cause endocrine disruption, so we rarely recommend the use of green tea in an enema [2].Click here to learn more about some different, commonly used types of enema treatments. The type of coffee used in coffee enemas is important. Organic, light roast ground coffee is recommended because it has a lower number of contaminants. Green organic coffee is also a good choice. It’s also important to use purified water (not regular tap water, which can contain chlorine) when brewing the coffee. To administer coffee enemas at home, pour 3-4 cups of boiling water over 3 tablespoons of organic ground coffee and then let it simmer for 15 minutes. Allow the coffee to cool before straining using cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Pour the strained coffee into an enema kit and take it to the bathroom. One should lie on their right side in the fetal position to administer the enema. Individuals should try to hold the coffee in for 10-15 minutes though this is sometimes not possible. Do your best to hold it in for a total of at least 5 minutes at first and build up the amount of time that you hold it in as your body begins to heal [2].
In addition to being a remedy or accompanying method in cancer protocols, coffee enemas also improve energy levels (mentally and physically), mood, and prevent bloating along with the reduction of toxicity in the entire body [2]. Most people feel a significant “lift” after they begin doing coffee enemas 3-4 times per day. Without a doubt, coffee enemas speed up the overall process of healing cancer.
Other Important Information
The Gerson Institute in Tijuana, MX and the Gerson Centre in Budapest, Hungary offer guidance and treatment using the Gerson Method to those who are interested in using coffee enemas to treat and manage cancer at home. The Budwig Center in Málaga, Spain offers guidance for coffee enemas as well. They also offer the Budwig Treatment, homeopathy, biomagnetism, and other therapies. Coffee enemas are often used in conjunction with other therapies because of their ability to support and facilitate the effectiveness of these other treatments. Nutritional protocols, including anticancer diets and supplements such as those included in The Lugol’s Iodine Protocol in particular are frequently paired with coffee enemas.
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Note that all cancer patients need to seek out trauma-informed therapies to release trauma as a part of their healing protocol. Coffee enemas use a physical approach to release trauma from organs such as the liver and gallbladder that store negative emotions (according to Traditional Chinese Medicine). The sacred indigenous plant medicine, Ayahuasca, provides a scientifically researched model of how purging the liver is analogous to purging trauma. Ayahuasca specifically works with releasing trauma that has been conditioned into the mental fabric of the left-brain logical mind as well as the physical congestion in the liver that occurs when a person has experienced a lot of anger as a result of trauma. Click here to read more about Ayahuasca for cancer. If you can't easily work with Ayahuasca due to restrictions on access in certain countries, you can begin working with trauma by seeking out a craniosacral therapies, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR (a trauma-release system that can be done from the comfort of home), or brain entrainment and guided meditation in addition to work with coffee enemas. When you do coffee enemas, you clear toxicities out of the body, including congestion that has resulted from tension in the bile ducts (emotional stress can cause ducts and sphincters in the digestive organs to "clench". Cancer patients often experience the release of congestion as "head-clearing" and also "heart clearing" (energetically speaking) when they do coffee enemas. Though Ayahuasca is one of the most powerful cures for cancer, coffee enemas use the liver purge as a mechanism of action through which to promote healing after cancer develops too. If you work with trauma-informed, somatic and embodiment therapies along with coffee enemas and an anticancer diet, the outcome of treatment will be potentially much better.

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[1] N.A. (2017). Coffee Enema. Retrieved June 13, 2018 from:
[2] Jockers, David, DC, MS, CSCS (n.d.) How to Use Coffee Enemas to Detoxify & Heal from Cancer. Retrieved June 13, 2018 from:
[3] Ballantyne, Sarah Ph.D. (2015). Coffee Enemas: What the Science Says versus What You’ve Heard. Retrieved June 13, 2018 from:
[4] Conner's Clinic (n.d.). Cancer and Enzyme Therapy. Retrieved January 8, 2020 from