Can grapes cure cancer? YES! Grape Seeds Contain the Nutrient That Cures Cancer: Vitamin B17
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A TERMINAL CANCER CURE RATE of 70%? Click here to read more about vitamin B17 as a cure for terminal cancer. Many experts regard the Brandt Grape Cure as one of the most potent cancer diets that has been formulated to date. But this diet isn’t for everyone because not everyone can eat only red, black, or purple grapes for several weeks. For some, it may not be possible to eat only grapes for nutritional reasons, for others, it may be difficult to find grapes that aren’t GMO (for example, seedless grapes are GMO and should be avoided because they don't produce the same nutrients as non-GMO grapes – also, seedless grapes do not have seeds that contain amygdalin / vitamin B17, one of the most powerful cancer curing substances on earth) or grapes that are not sprayed with insecticide (insecticide is particularly relevant because if it contains methyl bromide or organophosphates, and the patient could become iodine deficient as well as bromide-toxic through exposure, which can worsen cancer). Because the patient will be eating a lot of grapes, it’s important that the grapes are not GMO, they should contain seeds, and also they should not sprayed with chemicals [1].
CURES for TERMINAL BRAIN CANCER: If you are looking for a natural brain cancer cure, please click here to read more about frankincense essential oil and dimethyl sulfoxide. Also, please visit this link to the Lugol's iodine protocol, nutrient supplements for brain cancer that we always recommend to our cancer health coaching clients who need to work quickly to overcome brain cancer. Lugol's iodine is essential for proper brain function (among many other things) and all of our health coaching clients have seen improvements in their condition after supplementation with Lugol's. If you are looking for a cure for terminal brain cancer, consider seeking treatment at one of many no chemo, no radiation cancer treatment hospitals that use treatments other than chemo and radiation to cure cancer. CURES for TERMINAL PANCREATIC CANCER: If you are looking for a natural pancreas cancer cure, please click here to read more about pancreatic enzymes as a cure for cancer. Once you understand the role that the pancreatic enzymes play in the development of cancer, you can then read about Momordica charantia as an herbal remedy for pancreatic cancer. Please also visit our Lugol's iodine protocol page and note, in particular, that the pancreas requires plenty of iodine in order to produce pancreatic enzymes. If you are looking for a cure for terminal pancreatic cancer, consider contacting one of the no chemo, no radiation cancer hospitals where doctors use natural medicines, nutrients, and a variety of other alternative medicines for cancer. Also, look closely at Ayahuasca for cancer as a cure that specifically targets and heals the pancreas. Ayahuasca releases trauma that is often at the root of a cancer diagnosis. It can be used to cure most types of cancer.

For patients who wish to better understand how natural cures for cancer work together (or oppose each other), please buy our 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series, which provides a full discussion of the different categories of scientifically validated cures for cancer and how they can be used to create a powerful cancer cure protocol to heal terminal cancer as well as stage 1, 2, and 3 cancers.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Detailed Introduction
The Brandt Grape Cure is one of the simplest and most potent cancer fasting diets available, but it’s important that patients who do this diet choose non-GMO, insecticide-free grapes. If high-quality grapes like this are not available, patients can substitute carrot juice with a little bit of beet juice for the grapes. But, if carrots/beets are used instead of grapes, then grapes can NOT be used concurrently. In other words, if the patient is doing a grape fast, the patient can NOT eat carrots and beets too at the same time. If the patient chooses to do the carrot/beet fast, they can NOT eat grapes too [1]. Note that the Gerson Diet is another anticancer diet that works with carrots and beets.For most of our clients, we recommend the Budwig Diet as an excellent alternative to the Brandt Grape Cure.
All of that being said, purple (Concord) grapes that have both their skin and their seeds are the ideal grapes to use for the Brandt Grape fast, but red and black grapes can work too. The purple grapes and to a lesser extent the red and black grapes contain a variety of substances that are poisonous to cancer cells. These substances can kill cancer cells and stop its spread. At the same time, they can detoxify the body [1]. On the Brandt Grape fast, patients consume only grapes or the juices derived from whole, fresh grapes, for 12 hours of the day. During the other 12 hours, patients should only drink water. It is vitally important that patients who follow this diet avoid chlorinated water, brominated water, and fluoridated water. Bromine / bromide and fluorine / fluoride can negate the positive effects of this diet. Distilled water does not contain essential minerals such as potassium and so it is not acceptable to drink distilled water while following the Brandt Grape Cure either. Drink only pure, filtered water that still contains minerals [1]. If you drink reverse osmosis water, add 1 teaspoon of sea water supplement to every 8 ounces of drinking water to ensure that you are properly hydrated and have enough cellular energy.

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Johanna Brandt was a South African naturopath. She developed the Brandt Grape Cure as a rendition of ancient natural remedies that were written about as far back as 1556 [6]. According to Quackwatch, in 1965, 1971, 1974, and 2000, the American Cancer Society (ACS) reviewed Brandt’s Grape Cure, but claimed to find no evidence of its benefit against human cancer or any other disease. But then again, the American Cancer Society maintains a number of conflicts of interest in The Cancer Industry. ACS has close ties to the cancer drug industry and the mammography industry. The ACS receives financial support from the pesticide industry, the petrochemical industry, the biotech industry, the cosmetics industry, and the junk food industry. These industries are exactly those which have been most implicated as causal agents in the development of cancer. As with most of the other mainstream “anti-cancer” organizations that appear to have altruistic motivations, the ACS actually profits from the development of cancer and patients’ willingness to undergo conventional cancer treatments (chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery) even though the cure rate for these treatments is low for most types of cancer [6][7]. The American Cancer Society along with the National Cancer Institute focus exclusively on cancer research for the diagnosis and chemical treatment of cancer. They remain mute in regard to how chemical exposures can spur the development of cancer [7].Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
According to Dr. Samuel Epstein:Giant corporations, which profited handsomely while they polluted air, water, the workplace, and food with a wide range of carcinogens, remain greatly comforted by the silence of the ACS. This silence reflected a complex of mindsets fixated on diagnosis, treatment, and basic genetic research, together with ignorance, indifference, and even hostility to prevention” [7].
“Not surprisingly, the incidence of cancer over the past decades has escalated, approximately parallel to its increased funding” [7].
Quackwatch also notes that the American Cancer Society acknowledges that some of the chemicals in grapes (resveratrol and proanthocynadins) are being studied for their “possible preventive effects” against cancer. The ACS however downplays the potential value of the Brandt Cure [6] in an effort to steer patients back toward conventional treatment options. In other words, these substances that occur naturally in grapes may be able to be chemically manipulated into pharmaceuticals that can be sold by the pharmaceutical industry for a much higher cost than what people would pay for grapes to do the Brandt Grape Cure [6][7]. Financial donations to the American Cancer Society are allotted primarily to numerous well-paid executives. Only a small amount of each donation goes toward “cancer research” [7]. Given this organization’s profile, it isn’t surprising that the ACS does not endorse the Brandt Grape Cure. An effective, affordable cure for cancer would eliminate the need for an organization such as this.

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Safety and Effectiveness
The Brandt Grape Cure, by rotating between 12 hours of water-fasting followed by 12 hours of grape-fasting, is able to “trick” cancer cells. During the water-fast, cancer cells get hungry for sugars. When the patient finally eats and consumes only grapes, the cancer cells must consume the grape sugars along with the following other substances that are poisonous to the cancer cells (but not poisonous to healthy cells) [1]:- Resveratrol
- Selenium - This nutrient supports iodine absorption and utilization by the body.
- Lycopene - This substance is also found in tomatoes and has been shown to play a major role in treating skin cancer.
- Lutein
- Laetrile/Amygdalin/Vitamin B17 (located in the seeds of the grapes)
- Beta-carotene
- Ellagic acid
- Catechin
- Gallic acid
- Caffeic acid and/or ferulic acid
- Pterostilbene
- Quercetin
- Oligomeric proanthocyanidins or pycnogenol [1][5]
In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded a Nobel Prize for demonstrating that cancer cells metabolize sugar differently than healthy cells. His research showed that cancer cells consume far more glucose molecules than healthy cells which causes them to have an acidic pH. Salts of potash are plentiful in grapes. As such, grapes alkalinize the acidic cancer cells which causes the cells to either become healthy again or die. The cancer cells’ flawed cellular metabolism is one of the mechanisms, along with the substances listed above, that makes the Brandt Grape Cure so effective [1][4].
Click here to read more about how to use baking soda to alkalize the body quickly in order to cure cancer. Note that Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT) is a cancer treatment that can be used to make it possible to administer low-dose chemotherapy for cancer using some of the same principles of medicine delivery espoused by the Brandt Grape cure for cancer.
How the Brandt Grape Cure Is Administered
Johanna Brandt’s original instructions have been modified by Webster Kehr of CancerTutor.com to take into account some of the changes that have taken place since the 1920’s when the Brandt cure was developed. For example, in the United States, nutrients in the soil have been depleted to a point where fruits and vegetables (including grapes) that are grown there are less nourishing. Also, pre-packaged grape juice has, by law, been pasteurized, which destroys the enzymes necessary to properly digest the grapes down to the most important constituents. And all grape juice, including organic grape juice has been mixed with chlorinated water. The chlorine can break down many of the essential phytonutrients that play an important role in making this cure work. As a result, it’s recommended that patients who follow this protocol consume primarily whole grapes [1][2][3][4].For 12 hours of every 24-hour period, the patient must fast and drink only water. During the other 12 hours, the patient consumes only grapes [1].
The Original Brandt Grape Cure consisted of four basic stages:
Stage 1 – 7 days to 8 weeks
During this stage, the patient detoxifies. It is during this stage that most of the weight loss occurs. When the weight stabilizes, it is time for the patient to move on to the next stage [1][4].
Stage 2 - Continue with this stage until all cancer symptoms are gone [1].
During this stage, grapes are still the primary food eaten by the patient, but the patient can gradually re-introduce the following foods, one type at each meal and something different every day:
- Fresh fruits
- Tomatoes
- Sour Milk
- NOTE: In the 1920’s Brandt herself recommended using sour milk, but milk is no longer a recommended part of this diet because commercial milk today often contains hormones and because milk is pasteurized it also no longer can be properly digested. However, if you have access to locally produced, organic, grass-fed, raw cow or goat milk, then you can include sour milk from these sources in this stage of the Brandt diet.
- Cottage cheese [1][4]
After 1 week to 10 days of following this diet, different combinations of fruit and sour milk can be consumed at every other meal [1][4]
Stage 3 (Raw Food Diet Stage) –
During this stage, patients can eat any food that can be consumed uncooked/raw. This includes:
- Vegetables
- Salads
- Fruits
- Nuts
- Raw, Organic Honey
- Extra Virgin Olive oil
Stage 4 (Lifelong Diet) – This stage lasts indefinitely.
During this stage, there may be a recurrence of the cancer if the patient didn’t stay on the Stage 1 and Stage 2 part of the diet long enough. During Stage 4, patients eat 3 meals a day between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM (maintaining the 12 hour fast) [1].
Possible Negative Effects
The Grape Cure is not appropriate for diabetics without modifications. Diabetic patients should consult a doctor about how best to proceed with the Grape Cure to avoid blood sugar issues. [1] Cancer Tutor (2017). Johanna Brandt Grape Cure for cancer: a Stage IV treatment for cancer. Retrieved June 11, 2018 from https://www.cancertutor.com/grapecure/[2] Kehr, W. (2017). The Brandt Grape Cure. Retrieved June 11, 2018 from https://www.cancertutor.com/brandt_cure/
[3] Manning, R. (1997). Grassland: The History, Biology, Politics and Promise of the American Prairie. Penguin Books.
[4] Brandt, J. (2011). The Grape Cure. Ehret Literature Publishing.
[5] Jenson, B. (1988). Foods That Heal: A Guide to Understanding and Using the Healing Powers of Natural Foods. Avery.
[6] Barrett, S. (2001). The Grape Cure. Retrieved June 11, 2018 from https://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/Cancer/grape.html
[7] Mercola, J. (1997-2018). Is it Time to Boycott This ‘Anti’ Cancer Charity? Retrieved June 11, 2018 from https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/05/24/american-cancer-society--more-interested-in-wealth-than-health.aspx