Does vitamin D really reduce inflammation? That’s only half of the story--and the half you don't know about might kill you.
This news story talks glowingly about the value of vitamin D.At AlivenHealthy, we acknowledge that vitamin D is important, particularly the natural vitamin D that’s produced by the body when the body is exposed to sunlight (sans the sunscreen), but there’s an important piece of information missing from the mainstream news article above about vitamin D, namely the lack of information about vitamin K2. Before you can really decide for yourself whether vitamin D is good for you or not, you have to be fully informed.
Vitamin K2 is different from vitamin K1. Vitamin K2 is a newly discovered nutrient that is only found in products like meats and dairy from grass-fed animals. If you do not currently seek out meats and dairy products from grass-fed animals and if you don't regularly consumed non-GMO plant products or Nattokinase (either in supplement form or as a food), then you are deficient in vitamin K2. And if you are deficient in vitamin K2, you have some big problems. Read more about vitamin K2 deficiency here.
Vitamin D ensures that the body absorbs calcium, but vitamin D is lazy. It doesn’t tell the body to put that calcium in any particular location so the calcium ends up in soft tissues like organs or in blood vessels. But if you take a vitamin D supplement with vitamin K2 (or if you happen to take a supplement called Nattokinase, or if you eat grass-fed animal products), then your body will put calcium into the bones and teeth where calcium belongs.

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So, in other words, our bodies need sunlight exposure (without sunscreen, by the way -- eat a lot of cooked tomatoes and lycopenes instead of using sunscreen). The full-spectrum light of the sun causes our bodies to produce not just vitamin D, but also fumaric acid, one of the most important natural cures for autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, cutaneous lupus, diabetes, and psoriasis. Of course, you can drink a tea made with Fumaria officinalis to get a daily dose of fumaric acid if you live in a dark area of the world or if you tend to be inside all day. And theoretically you could expose your body to artificial full-spectrum light to spur vitamin D production. But additionally, our bodies were designed to function best when we eat animal products from animals that consume chlorophyll, which is a green plant-based energy derived from the sun. Indeed, if you don’t believe that the sun is a source of healing particularly for those with autoimmune diseases, think again. In this article, we talk about how hundreds of thousands of psoriasis patients flock to special sunlight and seawater facilities to cure their disease. And psoriasis is just one of many autoimmune diseases that can be cured through calibrated sunlight exposure (without sunscreen to prevent healing).Further, the chlorophyll in plants absorbs the light of the sun to produce energy but our human bodies have melanin, a substance that causes our skin, eyes, and hair to have color. Melanin can act as armor against toxic forms of radiation (which is one reason why potassium iodide (one of the two ingredients in Lugol's iodine) is given to populations of people who are at risk of radiation exposure to enhance their potassium iodide content in melanin. But melanin also acts like a solar panel that can pick up healthy forms of radiation in the environment and use it for energy. Click here to read more about the magic of melanin and how the U.S. government uses their knowledge of human melanin to produce weapons that are "armored" with synthetic melanized "solar panels".

Click here to buy Nattokinase as a high-quality source of vitamin K2 / MK-7.
So, when we read news material extolling the virtues of vitamin D in mainstream media, it’s upsetting because people who take vitamin D without vitamin K2 will end up with organs that calcify. And often, this problem of calcified soft tissues in the body can lead to autoimmune diseases or even a diagnosis of cancer. Read more about the connection between vitamin K2 deficiency and autoimmune diseases like lupus here.
The pineal gland may calcify, leading to serious problems throughout the body. Atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, and dental cavities and problems with teeth including jaw deterioration and more are all related to vitamin K2 deficiency. A number of these disease states can be cured using a combination of vitamin K2 therapy at a dose of at least 1200 mcg per day while avoiding vitamin D supplements (be sure to check your cod liver oil, dairy products, and your multivitamin for vitamin D that's added to these products). Diabetics may develop diabetes that happens as a result of calcification of the pancreas. A wide array of different types of disease may develop as a result of organ calcification. But, if you started taking a vitamin K2 supplement today and if you were to get rid of any multivitamins and other vitamin products that contain vitamin D by while increasing your vitamin K2 dose to between 400-1200 mcg per day, your body would automatically start putting calcium where it goes: in your bones and teeth. It takes about 6 weeks for soft tissue calcifications to be reduced by half with this type of regimen. No need to avoid sunlight though. Eat your cooked tomatoes (as lycopenes act as a natural suncreen in the body) and catch as many rays as you'd like. And if you learn just a little bit more about how teeth and enamel work, you’d find that you can heal cavities and remineralize your teeth, your jaw bones, and the other bones in your body very quickly if you incorporate vitamin K2 into your life. Read more about how to remineralize your teeth and heal cavities here.
Click here to read more about sunlight exposure and autoimmune disease: how sunlight interacts with the skin to cure disease.
Click here to read about how some herbs like St. John's Wort are "cleaved" inside the body into natural antibiotics by sunlight exposure.