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Treating COVID, Common Cold, and Influenza Symptoms Naturally

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Oct 02, 2021


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Histamines and Common Cold, Influenza, and COVID-19 Symptoms

IMPORTANT NOTE: Scientists have recently realized that COVID-19 (as well as many respiratory infections) need to be treated in 2 phases. Phase 1 takes place during the first 2-3 days of acute infection when symptoms are not that severe. During this initial phase of infection, treatment with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide are appropriate to lower the viral load. However, treating the infection with Reactive Oxygen Species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide beyond this initial 2 to 3 day window could worsen symptoms. During Phase 2 of the infection, when coughing begins, it is vital to supplement with Vitamin B3 at no less than 1000 mg per day (500 mg in the morning and 500 mg in the evening). Patients should also be given medicines to counteract the effects of a cytokine storm during this stage. We provide a list of potential options that you can use to treat a cytokine storm at home at this link.  

Consider using a Methylene Blue, Vitamin C, and NAC protocol for Phase 1 treatment and then continue with Methylene Blue through Phase 2 for COVID-19.

---------------------- Scientific research and anecdotal evidence has shown that histamines play a role in COVID as well as Long COVID and a number of patients have worked with low-histamine diets as well as natural antihistamines to successfully overcome some of the most uncomfortable symptoms of COVID. Big Pharma and government agencies that support Big Pharma try to discourage the use of low histamine diets and natural antihistamines by citing the fact that these treatments take some effort and persistence. There are no other downsides to a low histamine COVID diet or to the use of natural antihistamines that work with the body to help it heal in contrast to synthetic antihistamines that can cause side effects ranging from Erectile Dysfunction and drowsiness, to chronic high blood pressure and more. 

If you’re ready to start the healing process as a COVID survivor, therapies that utilize natural substances will help you heal while they help you diminish symptoms of both COVID and Long Haul COVID. 

What are Histamines?

Histamines exist in all cells and they’re present in especially high concentrations in the digestive system, lungs, and in the skin. Histamines work intimately with the immune system to cause complex physiological changes including the secretion of gastric acid and cytokine production. 

Histamines are proteins that function in a variety of ways in the body, but they are most famous for their ability to cause inflammation, irritation, and redness. Histamines are found in foods including the following:

  • Aged cheese
  • Red wine
  • Eggs
  • Sauerkraut

If you are suffering from the common cold, influenza, or COVID-19, it would be wise to avoid foods that contain high levels of histamines. Read more about COVID diet recommendations here

In the next section, we list natural antihistamines that can be used to counteract the action of histamine in the body to reduce symptoms of COVID-19, the common cold, and influenza. Antihistamines reduce the following symptoms due to allergies or due to COVID and other respiratory infections:

  • Inflammation of the nose or the eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Itching in the nose, eyes, or throat
  • Runny nose (rhinorrhoea)
  • Hives (Urticaria)

Additionally, antihistamines can also also be used to treat the following symptoms:

Interestingly, many people who suffer from motion sickness, chronic hives, severe morning sickness during pregnancy, allergies, and other high histamine related problems have Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection. H. pylori infection is EXTREMELY common, but it is nearly impossible to treat it with synthetic pharmaceuticals because this microorganism is too smart and adaptive for Big Pharma. Thankfully, there are a variety of powerful natural treatments for H. pylori that can also help COVID-19 sufferers and people with influenza or the common cold get histamine-related symptoms under control.  Below we talk about natural antihistamines that you can use to treat the COVID cough, runny nose, and more.

Natural Antihistamines for COVID-19 Cough Treatment, Common Cold Symptoms, and Influenza Treatment

Natural antihistamines work differently than pharmaceuticals. They are not generally toxic to the body, so they don’t challenge or toxify the body the way that pharmaceutical antihistamines do. Rather, natural antihistamines work with the body, so they are very gentle and they often require persistence, especially if your body is used to being inundated with synthetic drugs. 
  1. Stinging Nettle / Urtica dioica -  

Stinging nettle is a valuable little herb that can be used to treat a variety of health problems, but in the context of colds, COVID-19, and influenza, stinging nettle is most useful as a natural antihistamine.

Stinging nettle contains powerful antioxidants, so don’t combine this medicine with Chlorine Dioxide or other oxidant medicines because the combination of these medicines may cancel each other out. 

Do not use stinging nettle if you are pregnant as it can cause uterine contractions and may cause premature labor or miscarriage. Lactating women may safely use this herb though, and may even find benefit in it because stinging nettle can also increase milk production and treat anemia.

Our Amazon links to powerful cures like Hawaii Pharm herbal tinctures often disappear mysteriously after we publish. Support our outside vendors by purchasing Hawaii Pharm's Stinging Nettle tincture here. 

Medicinal benefits of stinging nettle:
  • Natural antihistamine - As a natural antihistamine, stinging nettles can help relieve coughing and congestion. It works in a manner similar to Benadryl, but with fewer side effects. This is a natural, rather than a synthetic antihistamine so it won’t leave you with the feeling of being hung-over or tired like synthetic anti-histamines such as Benadryl. 
  • Urinary tract health  
  • Prostate health - Stinging nettle can ease pain and problems with urination in men with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (prostate inflammation).
  • Pain Relief - Stinging nettle has been used to reduce pain and inflammation in patients with arthritis. 
  • Blood sugar balance - Nettle encourages the pancreas to make and release more insulin to lower blood sugar naturally. As such, this is an excellent herb for diabetics with COVID who need a natural antihistamine to help them relieve cough and congestion too. 

Stinging Nettle Dosage for COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Infections:

  • Stinging Nettle TEA: Steep 4 grams of the whole Urtica dioica herb in hot (nearly boiling) water for 10 min. Drink a mug of this water 3 to 4 times per day. Put a mug of stinging nettle beside the bed and drink it throughout the night to prevent coughing fits.

  1. Quercetin -

Quercetin is a natural antioxidant that’s found in apples, onions, broccoli, berries, grapes, and turmeric. Don’t use this medicine with Chlorine Dioxide / Miracle Mineral Solution or other Oxidant medicines or else you may cancel out the medicinal properties of both medicines. 

Quercetin has been scientifically proven to lessen allergy symptoms by reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. It stimulates the immune system, exhibits antiviral activity, inhibits the release of histamines (to reduce coughing, runny nose, nasal inflammation, sinus inflammation, and inflammation of the bronchials). But Quercetin is especially important as a COVID treatment because it decreases the number of pro-inflammatory cytokines and suppresses the production of interleukin IL-4, which both play a role in the development of complicated COVID. 

Quercetin had immune-modulating properties that have been used in bronchial asthma responses and anaphylactic reactions. 

Quercetin Dosage for COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Infections: Take 500 mg 2-3 times per day. 

If you take Quercetin to treat a COVID cough that won’t go away, you’ll also experience other benefits from taking this medication. Quercetin not only helps the body overcome a COVID infection naturally, it also helps reduce the most distressing symptoms of COVID-19.

Some studies have indicated that Quercetin is much more powerful when administered intravenously.

  1. Ginger -

Ginger is an antihistamine that also plays an important role in boosting the immune system. Avoid taking ginger with Chlorine Dioxide or other Oxidant medicines or you risk cancelling out the effects of both.

Ginger Dose: Use fresh or dried ginger to make a tea and drink it throughout the day with honey to treat an irritating COVID cough. Add ginger to taste to near boiling water and let it steep for 15 minutes before drinking it 4-5 times per day.

  1. Bromelain -

Bromelain is found in pineapples, but pineapples, ironically, contain high levels of histamine. So don’t eat pineapples to lower your histamine levels! Rather purchase bromelain as a supplement and avoid pineapples if you have an active COVID infection or any other type of respiratory infection or allergies.. Taking bromelain supplements while suffering from the common cold, influenza, or COVID-19 can help eliminate inflammation in the respiratory tract. 

Bromelain Dosage: Take 400-500 mg 3 times per day as a supplement for best results.

  1. Vitamin C -

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, so you shouldn’t take it at the same time as Chlorine Dioxide or other Oxidant Therapies. It performs many important functions in the body. It helps tissues stay healthy. It keeps the immune system functioning properly. And it keeps the teeth and gums healthy. But few people realize that vitamin C is also a natural antihistamine that can help keep inflammation down in the sinuses and bronchial tubes during a respiratory infection.

Vitamin C Dosage for COVID and Other Respiratory Diseases: Take a high oral dose of vitamin C daily at 6000 mg in divided doses (1500 mg 4 times per day).

Vitamin C is also available as an intravenous drip administered in boutique IV clinics in big cities or even sometimes at home (many boutique IV spas make house calls!). High dose vitamin C administered intravenously is absorbed much better than vitamin C administered by mouth. 

Treat COVID Headache Using Butterbur

  1. Butterbur / Petasites japonicus

Butterbur is an antioxidant so it should not be combined with Oxidant Therapies such as Chlorine Dioxide. If you combine an Antioxidant like Butterbur with an Oxidant like Chlorine Dioxide the medicinal properties of both will be cancelled out. 

Our Amazon links to powerful cures like Hawaii Pharm herbal tinctures often disappear mysteriously after we publish. Support our outside vendors by purchasing Hawaii Pharm's Butterbur tincture here. 

Butterbur is a plant that belongs to the daisy family. Butterbur is used to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches as well as to treat inflammation in the respiratory tract. This herb is nothing to be scoffed at! The American Headache Society gave Butterbur the A Level Recommendation and declared that it is effective at preventing migraines. The Canadian Headache Society concurred and gave Butterbur a strong recommendation for use in preventing and treating headaches. Butterbur reduces the severity of migraines and it reduces the frequency with which people experience severe headaches.

Pediatric migraines have also been successfully treated using Butterbur. A randomized study from 2005 used Butterbur to significantly reduce migraines in children. 

Though dosage is extremely important when treating COVID headache with Butterbur in both children and adults, there are other compelling reasons to use Butterbur as a COVID treatment and perhaps also as a Long Haul COVID headache treatment. This herb is used to treat asthma and respiratory infection in Asia. It seems to have the ability to reduce inflammation in the nose which can make patients more comfortable during an active COVID infection.

Additionally, Butterbur has a neuroprotective effect, which is important for anyone who is suffering with a Long Haul COVID cough. Treatment with Butterbur may help the brain centers that control cough return to normal. 

Butterbur is a better option than ibuprofen or aspirin for headaches because both ibuprofen and aspirin can weaken the stomach lining, which can ultimately lead to an H. pylori infection (the bacterial infection that causes stomach ulcers and many of the gastrointestinal upsets that are so common today). 

Below are symptoms that Butterbur has been scientifically proven to treat:

Butterbur DOSAGE for COVID-19 headache prevention:

How to Reduce Congestion Naturally: COVID-19, Common Cold, Influenza

  1. N-Acetylcysteine / NAC

NAC is an antioxidant so it should not be taken at the same time as Oxidant Therapies such as Chlorine Dioxide.

NAC has the ability to thin mucus. As such, it can prevent the sinuses and the chest from becoming congested with thick phlegm that can lead to secondary infections and pneumonia. Mucus, after all, functions in the body to trap pathogens and toxins to transport them out of the body. Further, NAC is converted into the most potent detoxifying agent in the human body: glutathione. So NAC works double-overtime to detoxify the body and transport pathogens like the COVID virus out of the body via the mucus.

Read more about how to use NAC to treat COVID-19 here. 

Currently, at the time of this writing, there are clinical trials being performed on NAC to show this supplement’s utility in treating chronic sinus and nasal symptoms including the following symptoms:

  • Chronic cough
  • Throat clearing
  • Nasal obstruction / inflamed nasal passages
  • Dryness and crusting in the nose 

NAC is a powerful respiratory antidote that has been used extensively to treat cystic fibrosis and other serious respiratory diseases.
  1. Cysteine

Cysteine is an essential amino acid that thins mucus in the lungs. Cysteine and NAC are related and both can be converted into glutathione in the body. 

  1. Sulfur / MSM

Sulfur decreases swelling and reduces congestion. The presence of higher levels of sulfur may be one of the reasons why chicken soup is an effective treatment for the common cold as well as COVID. Another excellent source of sulfur is MSM. Be sure to purchase MSM salts rather than MSM capsules. MSM salts are much more effective than MSM capsules.


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Schapowal, A. (2004). Butterbur Ze339 for the Treatment of Intermittent Allergic Rhinitis: Dose-Dependent Efficacy in a Prospective, Randomized,Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study. Retrieved September 30, 2021 from

Dempsey, T. (2017). 5 Natural Antihistamines to Combat Allergies. Retrieved September 30, 2021 from,Then%20drink%20and%20enjoy

Ennis, M. & Tiligada, K (2020). Histamine Receptors and COVID-19. Retrieved September 30, 2021 from  

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Duke University (2021). The Healing Powers of Chicken Soup. Retrieved September 30, 2021 from

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