Safe, Natural Treatment for Headaches During Pregnancy
Pregnancy changes the body in significant ways that can lead to headaches that can’t easily be treated using ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen. Indeed, the NSAIDs and aceteminophen should generally be avoided during pregnancy, if possible. Over-the-counter pain-killing drugs like ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin, and acetaminophen aren’t really safe for use during pregnancy though many women use them anyway without realizing the risks associated with them. Ibuprofen, aspirin, and diclofenac can all increase the risk of bleeding and hemorrhage during pregnancy and all of these drugs are very hard on the liver and digestive system. Indeed, these NSAIDs also can cause low amniotic fluid levels if taken during the 2nd and 3rd trimester, so it pays to have access to safe headache remedies during pregnancy.Acetaminophen is extremely hard on the kidneys too. It can cause kidney ulcerations, in fact, and in some cases, it can become toxic for the growing fetus so this over-the-counter pain killer should be avoided during pregnancy. And all of these over-the-counter painkillers for headaches often fail to work during pregnancy depending on the ultimate cause of the headache anyway. So in this article, we’re going to talk about a number of safe headache remedies for use during pregnancy along with some of the common causes of headaches during pregnancy as well.
Licorice Root and Red Clover: Herbal Headache Remedy
One common cause of headaches during pregnancy has to do with the liver and the gallbladder. Gallbladder issues are extremely common during pregnancyLicorice Root / Glycyrrhiza glabra: Safety During Pregnancy
Licorice root / Glycyrrhiza glabra and Red Clover / Trifolium pratense are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to headaches including the natural treatment of migraines during pregnancy. This is a treatment that should only be used on an as-needed basis. Don’t take licorice root long term because it can lower your potassium levels in the body which in turn can raise your thyroid hormone levels and put stress on the kidneys. But if you need a natural herbal remedy for severe headaches during pregnancy, start with licorice root and red clover.
In comparison with NSAIDs like diclofenac, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium, licorice root and red clover are less toxic overall as long as you don’t take them every day. NSAIDs, after all, during the second and the third trimester can cause low levels of amniotic fluid by putting stress on the baby’s kidneys. In contrast, licorice root and red clover tea, when taken in low doses only occasionally, will temporarily deplete potassium levels, temporarily increase thyroxine levels, and inhibit the placental barrier to natural glucocorticoids in the mother’s body. If you drink this tea only as needed on an irregular and infrequent basis during pregnancy, the effects of this herbal combination is safe. In women who suffer from migraines during pregnancy, herbal remedies like this are essential and they can actually take away the pain and also reduce the overall frequency of the headaches.
Consider taking a 100 mg potassium supplement about an hour after you finish drinking your licorice root and red clover tea.
Red Clover / Trifolium pratense: Safety During Pregnancy
Red clover / Trifolium pratense during pregnancy is safe. Though scientists have not studied red clover safety during pregnancy, perhaps due to its miraculous ability to cure cancer, diabetes, HIV, and other serious illnesses, this herb is in fact safe for use during pregnancy and it has a long history of use by pregnant women after the first trimester. For example, Trifolium pratense is an excellent choice as a cure for pregnancy cancer like gestational trophoblastic disease. Click here to read more about other diseases and disorders that can be treated using red clover.
Most herbalists regard this plant as safe during pregnancy because of its historic inclusion in miscarriage prevention teas. Red clover doesn’t contain alkaloids or any known toxins and in fact, it is highly nutritional during pregnancy. Thus, despite the lack of funding for scientific studies into this herb that can gently decongest the gallbladder and help get rid of gallstones during pregnancy, anecdotally, this plant offers some important medicinal benefits. It should not be used during the first trimester, but after your 13th week of gestation, red clover can be used by itself or with licorice root as an herbal cure for headaches during pregnancy.
Note that this herbal tea works extremely well with the Hulda Clark Gallbladder and Liver Cleanse during pregnancy. If you have gallstones or high stress or emotional issues surrounding the birth and gestation of your baby, your headaches might actually be caused by a lack of proper cadence and rhythm in the secretion of bile into the digestive tract. If you are having a lot of digestive upsets like nausea and vomiting, your gallbladder is likely involved in the problem. Removing gallstones (without surgery) can get rid of back pain, restore your digestive function, and help you eat a better diet during pregnancy. Also consider doing coffee enemas during pregnancy to clean out the bile ducts in the liver to restore proper bile flow. Without proper bile flow, your body may have trouble digesting fat soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E, K1, and K2) which can lead to serious issues for both mother and baby. Along this same vein, Enzyme Therapy can do wonders for a digestive system that’s overburdened by pregnancy. If you have had a gallbladder attack during pregnancy with severe headaches, it’s likely that these two painful conditions are directly related and can be treated using red clover and licorice root tea with Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanses, Coffee Enemas, and Enzyme Therapy.
Note that the licorice root significantly enhances the effects of the Trifolium pratense as a medicinal agent that can open the gallbladder and liver ducts to get rid of obstructions. While red clover is a “deobstruent herb”, licorice root has antiviral and antibacterial activity and it tends to meld with other herbs to make them stronger and more effective even at low doses. Also note that though licorice root depletes potassium levels, red clover, as a legume that is high in potassium restores them.
How to Make Licorice Root and Red Clover Tea: Herbal Remedy for Headaches During Pregnancy
On many licorice root powder products, the dose is between 500-1000 mg per day, but during pregnancy, you should start with a dose that is as low as possible to naturally treat severe headaches. If you’re using a root bark powder, ¼ teaspoon equals 1000 mg. The maximum amount of licorice root that you should take per dose is 500 mg. Start with just a sprinkling of licorice root (about 100 mg if you have a scale) and increase the dose by 100 mg every 15 minutes if your headache doesn’t go away. Don’t take more than 500 mg though if you can avoid it.If the licorice root and red clover tea is going to work to get rid of a pregnancy headache, it will work quickly, within minutes usually. That’s why you’ll increase the dose slowly over the course of an hour or so, up to 500 mg, if needed, to treat a pregnancy migraine.
Try to avoid taking more than 1000 mg per day of licorice root / Glycyrrhiza glabra during pregnancy. Avoid taking more than 500 mg of licorice root in one dose.
Administer the red clover / Trifolium pratense blossoms at a dose of 250-500 mg and up to 1000 mg per day.
How to Prepare Licorice Root and Red Clover Tea
Put ¼ of a teaspoon of licorice root bark in a shot glass or a small cup so that you know how much of it you’ve administered during one dosing. This is 500 mg of licorice root which should be your limit for a given dose.Boil 8 ounces of water. Put your licorice root dose (a sprinkling at first) directly into a mug. Put 1 teaspoon of red clover into a tea strainer inside the same mug. As soon as the water stops boiling, pour it into the mug. Let these herbs steep together for 10-15 minutes.
Sip the tea. Wait for 15 minutes. If your pregnancy headache persists, add another sprinkling of the licorice root to the tea.
Sip the tea again. Wait for 15 minutes. If the migraine headache continues, add yet more of the licorice root.
Do this until you’ve used up all of the licorice root bark dose.
Drink only as much tea as you need to get your headache to go away. Let the rest of the tea sit in the refrigerator until you need more if your headache returns (up to 3 days).
You can take 2-4 teaspoons of red clover in a tea by itself or with licorice root daily as an herbal remedy for pregnancy migraines.
Alpha Lipoic Acid: A Safe Treatment for Headaches During Pregnancy
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), also known as thioctic acid is a derivative of caprylic acid, a substance that is normally manufactured naturally by animals as an essential component in aerobic metabolism. It plays a role as a cofactor in a number of enzyme complexes. Alpha Lipoic Acid is safe for use during pregnancy and it can even be administered at high doses.
Alpha Lipoic Acid, is a dietary supplement that has the following medicinal effects on the body that can be used as as a natural treatment for headaches during pregnancy:
- Antioxidant
- Anti-inflammatory Agent
- Immunomodulatory Agent
- Natural Pain Killer
- Natural Treatment for Insulin Resistance
- Natural Treatment to Stop Miscarriage
- Natural Treatment for Chronic Pain
- Natural Weight Loss Treatment
- Anti-Aging Effects
One study that analyzed the effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid as a natural treatment for headaches during pregnancy, observed 610 expectant mothers. In the study, the pregnant women were given 600 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid for 7 weeks during their gestational period. The Alpha Lipoic Acid had no adverse effects on the pregnant women or their infants. Studies have observed that ALA can be used prior to or during pregnancy to treat the following health issues:
- Threatened miscarriage
- Resorption of Subchorionic Hematoma
- Headaches During Pregnancy
- Neuropathic pain
- Chronic Pain of Unknown Origin / Chronic Idiopathic Pain
- Endometriosis - ALA is used in combination with N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) and Bromelain (an enzyme found in pineapples) to treat endometriosis naturally.
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Vestibulodynia / Painful Bladder Syndrome - ALA is combined with Lugol’s iodineomega-3 fatty acids to treat vestibulogynia naturally. Vestibulogynia is pain at the entrance to the vagina.
- Diabetic Embryopathy
- Premature Rupture of Fetal Membranes
Alpha Lipoic Acid Dose During Pregnancy:
Studies involving the natural treatment of headaches for pregnant women typically use 600 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid per day. But higher doses up to 1200 mg per day may be recommended for women with severe headaches during pregnancy.N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C: Natural Headache Treatment During Pregnancy
NAC During Pregnancy: Health Benefits
N-Acetyl-Cysteine, also known as NAC, is one of the safe headaches treatments during pregnancy that’s often used with vitamin E, and vitamin C in a combination protocol to reduce brain inflammation. NAC, vitamin E, and vitamin C must be administered daily to reduce the frequency of migraine headaches in pregnant women while also reducing the strength and duration of the headaches. Women who were experiencing 2 to 8 migraines each month are often able to reduce the number of headaches by 3 on average using this treatment protocol.
NAC works by increasing the levels of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is the body’s strongest and most important detoxifying substance and it’s particularly important during pregnancy. Toxins, after all, can cause brain inflammation that brings on strong, persistent headaches during pregnancy. Vitamin E and vitamin C support liver health to further promote detoxification and reduce neuroinflammation naturally during pregnancy.
NAC also reduces inflammation in the sinuses. Sinus inflammation can also occur as a result of digestive inflammation or liver / gallbladder congestion that occurs during pregnancy. NAC can be used to naturally reduce sinus congestion during pregnancy, which in turn, can help women get rid of headaches during pregnancy as well.
Take up to 600 mg of NAC every 4-6 hours for a total daily dose of 2400 mg.
Take 3000-6000 mg of vitamin C daily to prevent headaches as well as postpartum hemorrhage.
Take 500 mg vitamin E in the form of D-alpha-tocopherol daily for maximum absorption.
Vitamin E During Pregnancy: Health Benefits
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that should be taken in the form of D-alpha-tocopherol or mixed tocopherols. The L-tocopherol form of vitamin E is synthetic and it does not produce the same beneficial health effects as natural D-alpha-tocopherol forms of vitamin E. As a supplement that can prevent headaches during pregnancy, vitamin E works through the following mechanisms of action:- Modulates the immune system.
- Protects the body against free radicals.
- Reduces fatigue and helps pregnant women recover after activity.
- Has mildly anticoagulant effects to improve the circulation of blood to the brain and the rest of the body as well.
Vitamin C During Pregnancy: Health Benefits
There is currently a myth out there online about taking vitamin C during pregnancy. Though vitamin C is affordable and easy to get, women are told that they only need 75 to 85 mg of vitamin C per day during pregnancy. That’s crazy! Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients that the body needs in order to build new tissues. For example, a person who undergoes surgery or who is severely wounded, would benefit from high doses of vitamin C to help the body regrow tissues. Pregnant women need vitamin C so that the growing fetus can grow new tissues too. And they need vitamin C in order to absorb iron. Everyone knows that iron is really important during pregnancy, but without vitamin C, the body struggles to absorb iron. So it makes sense that pregnant women need vitamin C for proper fetal and placental development. What doesn’t make sense is the media campaign saying that pregnant women don’t need more than 80 mg of vitamin C each day. How could any scientist come to that conclusion? Vitamin C and its utility in human health isn’t exactly a new discovery, after all.In reality, women who take 3000 mg of vitamin C or more (up to 6000 mg per day) are less likely to experience hemorrhage and other serious issues like pre-eclampsia, placenta abruption and hemorrhage, intrauterine growth restriction, and maternal anemia. Women who supplement with vitamin C during pregnancy have babies with a higher gestational age at birth and they have a reduced risk of preterm birth. Vitamin C can also be used to prevent and treat premature rupture of amniotic membranes.
It is possible to combine NAC, vitamin E, and vitamin C with daily doses of Alpha Lipoic Acid to create a natural protocol of treatments to get rid of headaches during pregnancy. Follow the dosing instructions below to combine NAC, vitamin E, vitamin C, and Alpha Lipoic Acid.
NAC, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Alpha Lipoic Acid Dosing During Pregnancy:
NAC is safe for use during pregnancy. Administer 600 mg up to 4 times daily for headaches.
Take Vitamin E as either D-alpha-tocopherols or mixed tocopherols. Do not take DL-tocopherols or L-tocopherols during pregnancy (read ingredient labels to find a high quality vitamin E product). Take 20-30 IU up to 400 IU of the D-alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E daily with 3000-6000 mg of vitamin C daily.
NOW Supplements, NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) 600 mg with Selenium & Molybdenum, 250 Veg Capsules
Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Methylfolate / Vitamin B9 Supplementation as a Natural Treatment for Headaches During Pregnancy
Migraines and severe headaches during pregnancy can be caused by vitamin deficiencies. Pregnant women need higher levels of vitamin B12 and methylfolate and studies have shown that the administration of vitamin B12 and methylfolate / vitamin B9 with vitamin B6 can decrease homocysteine levels in the body, which in turn, reduces the severity of migraines with aura. During pregnancy, these three vitamins can be taken in higher doses to prevent migraines by keeping homocysteine levels low. Meanwhile, you can also take vitamin E and vitamin C, as noted above along with NAC and Alpha Lipoic Acid.Methylfolate is one of the most important nutrient supplements during pregnancy. This nutrient used to be found abundantly in staple food products, but today, in the western world, it has been effectively removed by the widespread cultivation of GMOs like corn, soy, and wheat that do not go through the methylfolate-producing Shikimate Pathway. Read more here about the nutrients that genetically modified foods are lacking today.
Vitamin B12 / Methylcobalamin is a nutrient that’s required for the proper production of red blood cells. A pregnant woman with low vitamin B12 levels may experience severe headaches as a result of anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Note that a vitamin B9 / methylfolate deficiency can cause a vitamin B12 deficiency because these two nutrients support each other in the body.
If you are or have ever been vegan, you may be experiencing headaches because you have a vitamin B12 deficiency. Your doctor may not be able to identify this problem. Some women with poor digestion may develop a vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy even if they are taking a vitamin B12 supplement because this nutrient is sometimes poorly absorbed. Under our dosing information below, we discuss how to administer vitamin B12 topically at home to bypass the digestive system in pregnant women who believe they might have pernicious anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency.
Note that vitamin B12 deficiency can cause miscarriage as well as fertility issues.
Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B9 / Methylfolate Dosage During Pregnancy:
Vitamin B6 Dosage During Pregnancy:
Take between 25 and 100 mg of vitamin B6 during pregnancy.
Nutricost Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl) 100mg, 240 Capsules
Vitamin B9 Dosage During Pregnancy:
Vitamin B9 / Methylfolate should be taken at 15 mg per day. Though it used to be possible to take a lower dosage of methylfolate, today, women need the full 15 mg due to a lack of methylfolate in the food supply. Also note that folic acid is a synthetic form of methylfolate and the “methyl-” part of this nutrient helps to activate vitamin B12.Vitamin B12 Dosage During Pregnancy:
Take up to 100 mcg of vitamin B12 daily. If you believe that you are vitamin B12 deficient and your doctor refuses to give you a vitamin B12 injection, you can administer vitamin B12 topically through the skin using dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as long as you are not taking prescription medications. Read more about how to use DMSO with vitamin B12 here.Herbal Remedies for Headache During Pregnancy
Headaches during pregnancy might be caused by any number of things from blocked sinuses to neuroinflammation. Below is a list of herbal remedies for headaches during pregnancy with dose and herbal combination recommendations based on suspected cause of the headache:- Chamomile / Chamomilla recutita
- Lavender / Lavandula officinalis
- Lemon Balm / Melissa officinalis
- Meadowsweet / Filipendula ulmaria
- Passionflower / Passiflora incarnata
- Skullcap / Scutellaria lateriflora
- Valerian / Valeriana officinalis
- Wood Betony / Stachys betonica
- Nopal (for constipation-related headaches)
Combine any of the above herbal remedies for pregnancy headaches in combinations of two or more. These herbs can be taken as teas or tinctures. All are safe herbal remedies for pregnancy headaches.
Skullcap and Wood Betony are excellent treatments for tension headaches.

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Safe, Natural Treatment for Headaches During Pregnancy
Pregnancy changes the body in significant ways that can lead to headaches that can’t easily be treated using ibuprofen, aspirin, or acetaminophen. Indeed, the NSAIDs and aceteminophen should generally be avoided during pregnancy, if possible. Over-the-counter pain-killing drugs like ibuprofen, diclofenac, aspirin, and acetaminophen aren’t really safe for use during pregnancy though many women use them anyway without realizing the risks associated with them. Ibuprofen, aspirin, and diclofenac can all increase the risk of bleeding and hemorrhage during pregnancy and all of these drugs are very hard on the liver and digestive system. Indeed, these NSAIDs also can cause low amniotic fluid levels if taken during the 2nd and 3rd trimester, so it pays to have access to safe headache remedies during pregnancy.Acetaminophen is extremely hard on the kidneys too. It can cause kidney ulcerations, in fact, and in some cases, it can become toxic for the growing fetus so this over-the-counter pain killer should be avoided during pregnancy. And all of these over-the-counter painkillers for headaches often fail to work during pregnancy depending on the ultimate cause of the headache anyway. So in this article, we’re going to talk about a number of safe headache remedies for use during pregnancy along with some of the common causes of headaches during pregnancy as well.
Licorice Root and Red Clover: Herbal Headache Remedy
One common cause of headaches during pregnancy has to do with the liver and the gallbladder. Gallbladder issues are extremely common during pregnancyLicorice Root / Glycyrrhiza glabra: Safety During Pregnancy
Licorice root / Glycyrrhiza glabra and Red Clover / Trifolium pratense are a force to be reckoned with when it comes to headaches including the natural treatment of migraines during pregnancy. This is a treatment that should only be used on an as-needed basis. Don’t take licorice root long term because it can lower your potassium levels in the body which in turn can raise your thyroid hormone levels and put stress on the kidneys. But if you need a natural herbal remedy for severe headaches during pregnancy, start with licorice root and red clover.
In comparison with NSAIDs like diclofenac, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium, licorice root and red clover are less toxic overall as long as you don’t take them every day. NSAIDs, after all, during the second and the third trimester can cause low levels of amniotic fluid by putting stress on the baby’s kidneys. In contrast, licorice root and red clover tea, when taken in low doses only occasionally, will temporarily deplete potassium levels, temporarily increase thyroxine levels, and inhibit the placental barrier to natural glucocorticoids in the mother’s body. If you drink this tea only as needed on an irregular and infrequent basis during pregnancy, the effects of this herbal combination is safe. In women who suffer from migraines during pregnancy, herbal remedies like this are essential and they can actually take away the pain and also reduce the overall frequency of the headaches.
Consider taking a 100 mg potassium supplement about an hour after you finish drinking your licorice root and red clover tea.
Red Clover / Trifolium pratense: Safety During Pregnancy
Red clover / Trifolium pratense during pregnancy is safe. Though scientists have not studied red clover safety during pregnancy, perhaps due to its miraculous ability to cure cancer, diabetes, HIV, and other serious illnesses, this herb is in fact safe for use during pregnancy and it has a long history of use by pregnant women after the first trimester. For example, Trifolium pratense is an excellent choice as a cure for pregnancy cancer like gestational trophoblastic disease. Click here to read more about other diseases and disorders that can be treated using red clover.
Most herbalists regard this plant as safe during pregnancy because of its historic inclusion in miscarriage prevention teas. Red clover doesn’t contain alkaloids or any known toxins and in fact, it is highly nutritional during pregnancy. Thus, despite the lack of funding for scientific studies into this herb that can gently decongest the gallbladder and help get rid of gallstones during pregnancy, anecdotally, this plant offers some important medicinal benefits. It should not be used during the first trimester, but after your 13th week of gestation, red clover can be used by itself or with licorice root as an herbal cure for headaches during pregnancy.
Note that this herbal tea works extremely well with the Hulda Clark Gallbladder and Liver Cleanse during pregnancy. If you have gallstones or high stress or emotional issues surrounding the birth and gestation of your baby, your headaches might actually be caused by a lack of proper cadence and rhythm in the secretion of bile into the digestive tract. If you are having a lot of digestive upsets like nausea and vomiting, your gallbladder is likely involved in the problem. Removing gallstones (without surgery) can get rid of back pain, restore your digestive function, and help you eat a better diet during pregnancy. Also consider doing coffee enemas during pregnancy to clean out the bile ducts in the liver to restore proper bile flow. Without proper bile flow, your body may have trouble digesting fat soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E, K1, and K2) which can lead to serious issues for both mother and baby. Along this same vein, Enzyme Therapy can do wonders for a digestive system that’s overburdened by pregnancy. If you have had a gallbladder attack during pregnancy with severe headaches, it’s likely that these two painful conditions are directly related and can be treated using red clover and licorice root tea with Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanses, Coffee Enemas, and Enzyme Therapy.
Note that the licorice root significantly enhances the effects of the Trifolium pratense as a medicinal agent that can open the gallbladder and liver ducts to get rid of obstructions. While red clover is a “deobstruent herb”, licorice root has antiviral and antibacterial activity and it tends to meld with other herbs to make them stronger and more effective even at low doses. Also note that though licorice root depletes potassium levels, red clover, as a legume that is high in potassium restores them.
How to Make Licorice Root and Red Clover Tea: Herbal Remedy for Headaches During Pregnancy
On many licorice root powder products, the dose is between 500-1000 mg per day, but during pregnancy, you should start with a dose that is as low as possible to naturally treat severe headaches. If you’re using a root bark powder, ¼ teaspoon equals 1000 mg. The maximum amount of licorice root that you should take per dose is 500 mg. Start with just a sprinkling of licorice root (about 100 mg if you have a scale) and increase the dose by 100 mg every 15 minutes if your headache doesn’t go away. Don’t take more than 500 mg though if you can avoid it.If the licorice root and red clover tea is going to work to get rid of a pregnancy headache, it will work quickly, within minutes usually. That’s why you’ll increase the dose slowly over the course of an hour or so, up to 500 mg, if needed, to treat a pregnancy migraine.
Try to avoid taking more than 1000 mg per day of licorice root / Glycyrrhiza glabra during pregnancy. Avoid taking more than 500 mg of licorice root in one dose.
Administer the red clover / Trifolium pratense blossoms at a dose of 250-500 mg and up to 1000 mg per day.
How to Prepare Licorice Root and Red Clover Tea
Put ¼ of a teaspoon of licorice root bark in a shot glass or a small cup so that you know how much of it you’ve administered during one dosing. This is 500 mg of licorice root which should be your limit for a given dose.Boil 8 ounces of water. Put your licorice root dose (a sprinkling at first) directly into a mug. Put 1 teaspoon of red clover into a tea strainer inside the same mug. As soon as the water stops boiling, pour it into the mug. Let these herbs steep together for 10-15 minutes.
Sip the tea. Wait for 15 minutes. If your pregnancy headache persists, add another sprinkling of the licorice root to the tea.
Sip the tea again. Wait for 15 minutes. If the migraine headache continues, add yet more of the licorice root.
Do this until you’ve used up all of the licorice root bark dose.
Drink only as much tea as you need to get your headache to go away. Let the rest of the tea sit in the refrigerator until you need more if your headache returns (up to 3 days).
You can take 2-4 teaspoons of red clover in a tea by itself or with licorice root daily as an herbal remedy for pregnancy migraines.
Alpha Lipoic Acid: A Safe Treatment for Headaches During Pregnancy
Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA), also known as thioctic acid is a derivative of caprylic acid, a substance that is normally manufactured naturally by animals as an essential component in aerobic metabolism. It plays a role as a cofactor in a number of enzyme complexes. Alpha Lipoic Acid is safe for use during pregnancy and it can even be administered at high doses.
Alpha Lipoic Acid, is a dietary supplement that has the following medicinal effects on the body that can be used as as a natural treatment for headaches during pregnancy:
- Antioxidant
- Anti-inflammatory Agent
- Immunomodulatory Agent
- Natural Pain Killer
- Natural Treatment for Insulin Resistance
- Natural Treatment to Stop Miscarriage
- Natural Treatment for Chronic Pain
- Natural Weight Loss Treatment
- Anti-Aging Effects
One study that analyzed the effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid as a natural treatment for headaches during pregnancy, observed 610 expectant mothers. In the study, the pregnant women were given 600 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid for 7 weeks during their gestational period. The Alpha Lipoic Acid had no adverse effects on the pregnant women or their infants. Studies have observed that ALA can be used prior to or during pregnancy to treat the following health issues:
- Threatened miscarriage
- Resorption of Subchorionic Hematoma
- Headaches During Pregnancy
- Neuropathic pain
- Chronic Pain of Unknown Origin / Chronic Idiopathic Pain
- Endometriosis - ALA is used in combination with N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) and Bromelain (an enzyme found in pineapples) to treat endometriosis naturally.
- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
- Vestibulodynia / Painful Bladder Syndrome - ALA is combined with Lugol’s iodineomega-3 fatty acids to treat vestibulogynia naturally. Vestibulogynia is pain at the entrance to the vagina.
- Diabetic Embryopathy
- Premature Rupture of Fetal Membranes
Alpha Lipoic Acid Dose During Pregnancy:
Studies involving the natural treatment of headaches for pregnant women typically use 600 mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid per day. But higher doses up to 1200 mg per day may be recommended for women with severe headaches during pregnancy.N-Acetyl-Cysteine, Vitamin E, and Vitamin C: Natural Headache Treatment During Pregnancy
NAC During Pregnancy: Health Benefits
N-Acetyl-Cysteine, also known as NAC, is one of the safe headaches treatments during pregnancy that’s often used with vitamin E, and vitamin C in a combination protocol to reduce brain inflammation. NAC, vitamin E, and vitamin C must be administered daily to reduce the frequency of migraine headaches in pregnant women while also reducing the strength and duration of the headaches. Women who were experiencing 2 to 8 migraines each month are often able to reduce the number of headaches by 3 on average using this treatment protocol.
NAC works by increasing the levels of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is the body’s strongest and most important detoxifying substance and it’s particularly important during pregnancy. Toxins, after all, can cause brain inflammation that brings on strong, persistent headaches during pregnancy. Vitamin E and vitamin C support liver health to further promote detoxification and reduce neuroinflammation naturally during pregnancy.
NAC also reduces inflammation in the sinuses. Sinus inflammation can also occur as a result of digestive inflammation or liver / gallbladder congestion that occurs during pregnancy. NAC can be used to naturally reduce sinus congestion during pregnancy, which in turn, can help women get rid of headaches during pregnancy as well.
Take up to 600 mg of NAC every 4-6 hours for a total daily dose of 2400 mg.
Take 3000-6000 mg of vitamin C daily to prevent headaches as well as postpartum hemorrhage.
Take 500 mg vitamin E in the form of D-alpha-tocopherol daily for maximum absorption.
Vitamin E During Pregnancy: Health Benefits
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient that should be taken in the form of D-alpha-tocopherol or mixed tocopherols. The L-tocopherol form of vitamin E is synthetic and it does not produce the same beneficial health effects as natural D-alpha-tocopherol forms of vitamin E. As a supplement that can prevent headaches during pregnancy, vitamin E works through the following mechanisms of action:- Modulates the immune system.
- Protects the body against free radicals.
- Reduces fatigue and helps pregnant women recover after activity.
- Has mildly anticoagulant effects to improve the circulation of blood to the brain and the rest of the body as well.
Vitamin C During Pregnancy: Health Benefits
There is currently a myth out there online about taking vitamin C during pregnancy. Though vitamin C is affordable and easy to get, women are told that they only need 75 to 85 mg of vitamin C per day during pregnancy. That’s crazy! Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients that the body needs in order to build new tissues. For example, a person who undergoes surgery or who is severely wounded, would benefit from high doses of vitamin C to help the body regrow tissues. Pregnant women need vitamin C so that the growing fetus can grow new tissues too. And they need vitamin C in order to absorb iron. Everyone knows that iron is really important during pregnancy, but without vitamin C, the body struggles to absorb iron. So it makes sense that pregnant women need vitamin C for proper fetal and placental development. What doesn’t make sense is the media campaign saying that pregnant women don’t need more than 80 mg of vitamin C each day. How could any scientist come to that conclusion? Vitamin C and its utility in human health isn’t exactly a new discovery, after all.In reality, women who take 3000 mg of vitamin C or more (up to 6000 mg per day) are less likely to experience hemorrhage and other serious issues like pre-eclampsia, placenta abruption and hemorrhage, intrauterine growth restriction, and maternal anemia. Women who supplement with vitamin C during pregnancy have babies with a higher gestational age at birth and they have a reduced risk of preterm birth. Vitamin C can also be used to prevent and treat premature rupture of amniotic membranes.
It is possible to combine NAC, vitamin E, and vitamin C with daily doses of Alpha Lipoic Acid to create a natural protocol of treatments to get rid of headaches during pregnancy. Follow the dosing instructions below to combine NAC, vitamin E, vitamin C, and Alpha Lipoic Acid.
NAC, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, and Alpha Lipoic Acid Dosing During Pregnancy:
NAC is safe for use during pregnancy. Administer 600 mg up to 4 times daily for headaches.
Take Vitamin E as either D-alpha-tocopherols or mixed tocopherols. Do not take DL-tocopherols or L-tocopherols during pregnancy (read ingredient labels to find a high quality vitamin E product). Take 20-30 IU up to 400 IU of the D-alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E daily with 3000-6000 mg of vitamin C daily.
NOW Supplements, NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) 600 mg with Selenium & Molybdenum, 250 Veg Capsules
Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Methylfolate / Vitamin B9 Supplementation as a Natural Treatment for Headaches During Pregnancy
Migraines and severe headaches during pregnancy can be caused by vitamin deficiencies. Pregnant women need higher levels of vitamin B12 and methylfolate and studies have shown that the administration of vitamin B12 and methylfolate / vitamin B9 with vitamin B6 can decrease homocysteine levels in the body, which in turn, reduces the severity of migraines with aura. During pregnancy, these three vitamins can be taken in higher doses to prevent migraines by keeping homocysteine levels low. Meanwhile, you can also take vitamin E and vitamin C, as noted above along with NAC and Alpha Lipoic Acid.Methylfolate is one of the most important nutrient supplements during pregnancy. This nutrient used to be found abundantly in staple food products, but today, in the western world, it has been effectively removed by the widespread cultivation of GMOs like corn, soy, and wheat that do not go through the methylfolate-producing Shikimate Pathway. Read more here about the nutrients that genetically modified foods are lacking today.
Vitamin B12 / Methylcobalamin is a nutrient that’s required for the proper production of red blood cells. A pregnant woman with low vitamin B12 levels may experience severe headaches as a result of anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Note that a vitamin B9 / methylfolate deficiency can cause a vitamin B12 deficiency because these two nutrients support each other in the body.
If you are or have ever been vegan, you may be experiencing headaches because you have a vitamin B12 deficiency. Your doctor may not be able to identify this problem. Some women with poor digestion may develop a vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy even if they are taking a vitamin B12 supplement because this nutrient is sometimes poorly absorbed. Under our dosing information below, we discuss how to administer vitamin B12 topically at home to bypass the digestive system in pregnant women who believe they might have pernicious anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency.
Note that vitamin B12 deficiency can cause miscarriage as well as fertility issues.
Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B9 / Methylfolate Dosage During Pregnancy:
Vitamin B6 Dosage During Pregnancy:
Take between 25 and 100 mg of vitamin B6 during pregnancy.
Nutricost Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCl) 100mg, 240 Capsules
Vitamin B9 Dosage During Pregnancy:
Vitamin B9 / Methylfolate should be taken at 15 mg per day. Though it used to be possible to take a lower dosage of methylfolate, today, women need the full 15 mg due to a lack of methylfolate in the food supply. Also note that folic acid is a synthetic form of methylfolate and the “methyl-” part of this nutrient helps to activate vitamin B12.Vitamin B12 Dosage During Pregnancy:
Take up to 100 mcg of vitamin B12 daily. If you believe that you are vitamin B12 deficient and your doctor refuses to give you a vitamin B12 injection, you can administer vitamin B12 topically through the skin using dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) as long as you are not taking prescription medications. Read more about how to use DMSO with vitamin B12 here.Herbal Remedies for Headache During Pregnancy
Headaches during pregnancy might be caused by any number of things from blocked sinuses to neuroinflammation. Below is a list of herbal remedies for headaches during pregnancy with dose and herbal combination recommendations based on suspected cause of the headache:- Chamomile / Chamomilla recutita
- Lavender / Lavandula officinalis
- Lemon Balm / Melissa officinalis
- Meadowsweet / Filipendula ulmaria
- Passionflower / Passiflora incarnata
- Skullcap / Scutellaria lateriflora
- Valerian / Valeriana officinalis
- Wood Betony / Stachys betonica
- Nopal (for constipation-related headaches)
Combine any of the above herbal remedies for pregnancy headaches in combinations of two or more. These herbs can be taken as teas or tinctures. All are safe herbal remedies for pregnancy headaches.
Skullcap and Wood Betony are excellent treatments for tension headaches.

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