Cancer Cure Basics
Cancer patients who are eager to get started on the road back to health can begin with a cancer diet. There are a number of cancer diets to choose from in the chapter on nutritional therapies. These diets vary considerably in terms of the foods they include and the mechanisms by which they work to kill cancer. Get started on a cancer diet right away. This will help you begin to rebuild your immune system and it will make your body less friendly to the cancer cells. Next, you’ll need to consider what types of treatments appeal to you. You’ll also need to consider the prescription drugs you’re currently taking and the health issues you’re already battling and how these might interfere with, cancel out, or cause bad reactions if used with the treatments in this book. The authors of this book assumed that many of our readers have other health issues besides cancer. Since many of the treatments contained in this book target not just cancer, but also other chronic degenerative or infectious diseases, we’ve included a list of other diseases that can be treated in addition to cancer. As a result, a patient can design a treatment plan for themselves that can help them battle not just cancer, but diabetes, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, ADHD, or cardiovascular disease among others.
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There are a number of alternative and integrative cancer treatment facilities available throughout the world that offer treatment protocols other than the conventional radiation, chemo, and surgery. Some of these facilities are located in the United States, but many of them are abroad in other countries throughout the world. Treatment from these facilities ranges from $300 to $80,000. Many of them have a remarkably high cure rate, particularly for cancer patients who have not been exposed to the toxicities and trauma of surgery, chemo, or radiation. For patients who have been exposed to conventional medicine, the cure rate is still very hopeful in comparison with conventional treatments. Treatment facilities that advertise the various treatment modalities are listed whenever possible. Getting support at a treatment facility can help patients feel more confident about their treatment strategy which can be important, though facility-based treatment isn’t always necessary in order for patients to survive and thrive after a diagnosis of cancer.
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Many patients don’t have the funds to travel for treatment at a facility. For these patients, there are a number of at-home treatment options. Supplies for these protocols can be purchased online or at the health food store in some cases. Don’t let their simplicity or affordability lessen your belief in their ability to cure cancer. One of the first cancer cures this author learned about is a weed (red clover) that grows in the author’s backyard. This herbal cancer treatment is powerful and effective and free to a large population of people in North America who don’t spray their lawns for weeds. Once you’ve decided on a cancer diet, decide on a healing strategy that resonates with you and choose treatments that won’t conflict with each other. Ideally, in fact, choose treatments that will complement and enhance each other. Read the research for each treatment you plan to use so that you can visualize how it’s working on your body to spur healing. It doesn’t matter whether you understand all the details at first, but by arming yourself with information from a variety of authors beyond just the information in this book, you’ll feel more confident about your choices. Confidence, in turn, along with a little bit of faith and intuition will help you weather some of the challenges you’ll certainly face in your healing process. For the people who heal from this disease, their healing journey rarely proceeds along a straight upward course. Often, there are setbacks and moments of doubt. Stories of healing from cancer tend to highlight the surprising moments of hope-and-progress-against-all-odds. These stories focus on the doctor-antagonist who doubts the patient at every turn followed by incredible test results proving hope in a simple cure. But in between the excellent test results that prove the doctors wrong, each patient has days when he/she feels terrible and doubts the value of the treatment protocol they’ve committed to. It’s normal to have doubts, but having more information can put nagging questions and concerns to rest and also provide a strong psychological foundation for those treatments that are spurned by the doctor.