IV Treatment for Cancer: Introduction

These treatments are not at-home treatments for the average cancer patient. They must be administered in a clinic or hospital and for patients who are seeking out alternative treatments such as Laetrile, although it is possible today to seek out IV therapies through boutique IV clinics. Some of these boutique IV services even travel to patient's homes. However, if you are looking for any of the most powerful cancer cures that are administered intravenously or via a "push" injection it will be necessary for you to seek out specific alternative cancer treatment hospitals and clinics where the substance in question can be legally administered.
Click here to learn about holistic cancer hospitals where the most powerful cures for cancer are being administered.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Intravenous therapies allow doctors and clinicians to administer large quantities of natural anticancer medications quickly and at a high dose. For example, a lot of research supports the idea that a deficiency of vitamin B17 / amygdalin is one of the main causes of cancer and that by administering large doses of amygdalin can cure cancer by removing the deficiency. My experience working with cancer in my own family members and as a cancer health coach has demonstrated that, in fact, amygdalin is one of the most important cures for cancer, though I usually recommend the Lugol's iodine protocol along with the baking soda protocol as the most important at home treatments for stage 4 cancer patients who are terminal. High dose vitamin C IV therapy along with the baking soda protocol, vitamin B17 and the Lugol's iodine protocol can produce a fairly rapid terminal cancer remission in patients who are emotionally willing and able to stick to the treatment, but there are some other important IV treatments that can be administered by people in an at-home setting to overcome stage 4 cancer (as well as stages 1-3 and cancer prevention as well).

Below are some of the most important IV therapies for cancer:- Salinomycin
- Vitamin B17 / Amygdalin / Laetrile
- Vitamin C
- Phosphatidyl Choline
- Curcumin
- Myer's Cocktail
Other intravenous cancer treatments act in various ways that are similar or, in some cases, very different from amygdalin / vitamin B17 in their mode of action. For example, Salinomycin is a pharmaceutical that is related to the other “-mycins” such as zithromycin and erythromycin. Known as the macrolides, these drugs treat things like respiratory infections caused by gram-positive bacteria. But salinomycin is different. It can be used to treat cancer as well as malaria. Sigma-Aldrich owns the patent to salinomycin and recommends that no one receive this miraculous cancer treatment unless they’ve received every other available conventional cancer treatment known to man (including the most toxic forms of radiation and chemotherapy). So, as a result, very few people are aware that salinomycin exists or that it can be used to treat, let alone cure cancer. It’s mechanism of action isn’t well-understood. What is known is that it works to cure both malaria and cancer. Based on the research, it works in a manner similar to how the baking soda protocol works to cure cancer. It increases the pH of cancer cells which causes them to either die, or revert back into normal, healthy human cells.

Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
Many facilities that offer integrative cancer treatments include intravenous therapies as part of their protocol for the treatment of cancer. In some facilities, like American Holistic Care in Tijuana, Mexico, patients receiving holistic therapies such as vitamin C side by side with patients receiving chemo. IV therapies for cancer can be used to prevent cancer naturally, but they are also among a powerful arsenal of medicines being used by doctors who cure cancer using natural treatments. If you are looking for a cure for terminal cancer or a way to naturally prevent cancer metastasis, the intravenous therapies can function as a bridge between conventional medicine and alternative medicine treatments for cancer.
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As a cancer health coach, people often contact me about how to put stage 4 cancer into remission after receiving a terminal diagnosis and little hope for survival from their oncologist. The fact is, many patients who are sent home by their doctors to die actually survive their cancer and recover fully once they begin nourishing their bodies and one they stop receiving toxic chemo and radiation treatments. It takes a lot of effort to overcome stage 4 cancer, but it's not only possible to do it, most patients actually experience their greatest successes in terms of healing once they give up on the conventional medicine treatments that have been making them sicker.