The Gallbladder and Beyond: A Curious Organ at the Core of Digestive Health - The Alive-N-Healthy Digestive Health Series, Volume 1, e-Book
Product information
"The Gallbladder and Beyond: A Curious Organ at the Core of Digestive Health" is the first volume in the Alive-N-Healthy Digestive Health Series. This book focuses on the management, treatment and prevention of gallbladder disease using natural remedies including herbs, CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) / MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution), orthomolecular medicine, gallbladder cleanses, and more. We also discuss the intimate connection between the gallbladder and hormones, including the gallbladder's role in thyroid and reproductive health. "The Gallbladder and Beyond" covers treatments for gallstones, gallbladder cancer, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, and more, as well as relevant information for treating gallbladder problems at the root of other health complaints.
[Contains 1 downloadable PDF file]