Monolaurin Supplement - Lauricidin

Product information


Monolaurin is a naturally occurring chemical found in coconut oil that is ultimately made through the combination of glycerin and lauric acid. It can be used to treat hyperemesis gravidarum (severe morning sickness) in pregnant women, particularly when the morning sickness is caused by the presence of H. pylori in the digestive tract. It may also be used to treat systemic Candida infections and vaginal yeast infections. In the treatment of H. pylori during pregnancy, start by taking 750mg of monolaurin twice daily. Work up gradually to a dosage of 3000mg twice daily. To treat systemic or vaginal Candida infections, take this monolaurin supplement according the instructions on the container. Monolaurin may also work to treat infections of Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Mycobacterium terrae, and Klebsialla pneumoniae (the bacteria responsible for pneumonia).


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