Complementary Therapies That Can Be Used With Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) - Volume 1 (e-book)
Product information
This first volume of "Complementary Therapies..." goes over the basics of using DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) with CDS / MMS, as well as techniques and guidelines for following a healthy, balanced diet while taking CDS / MMS. Volume 1 also discusses specific supplements that can be used successfully to support a CDS / MMS protocol and details the importance of detoxification along with specific methods for detoxifying comfortably and encouraging a complete recovery. Also check out our other 2 volumes in the CDS/MMS series, "The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution" and "Meals Into Medicine Recipe eBook: The Chlorine Dioxide / Miracle Mineral Supplement Diet Plan", or get all 3 volumes at a DISCOUNTED rate in the Complete CDS/MMS eBook Bundle.
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