Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) Liquid Extract from Hawaii Pharm

Product information


Clove is a popular spice that we often encounter in pumpkin pies, fall-spiced foods, and certain Asian cuisines. But it's also an extremely important healing remedy that can work to treat a wide variety of health problems, including (but not limited to): This is a liquid extract, not an essential oil. It should be used according to the instructions on the bottle. Clove may be taken safely over the long term. Due to its positive effects on the respiratory system, it may be a helpful addition to an anti COVID-19 protocol. Clove as a flavoring or spice is considered safe during pregnancy, though research is limited into its use as a medicinal during pregnancy (the authors would tend to believe that it is safe, but caution should be used and readers should always speak with a doctor before starting any herbal protocol during pregnancy). This clove tincture can be used safely for women who are lactating, however.


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