Melatonin Supplement

Product information


Melatonin is a neurotransmitter that is produced by the brain when it's time for sleep. This supplement will not only help you sleep if you have insomnia, but it will also help you feel more wakeful during the day. Supplementing with melatonin is important especially for people who have experienced regular sleep disruptions, such as drug addicts or insomniacs (or people who are traveling across multiple timezones). While the body does naturally produce melatonin on its own, sometimes it needs an extra boost to get balanced again. Without sufficient melatonin in the body at night to produce sleep, breaking an addiction or recovering from jet lag can be much more difficult. This melatonin supplement contains 10mg of melatonin. It should be taken immediately before sleeping, and after taking you should turn off the lights and avoid smartphones and other devices with artificial light (melatonin can disappear in the body if exposed to light). Take 1 a night until you are sleeping normally. For individuals who are recovering from a drug addiction, continue taking the melatonin on a nightly basis until you feel that you have made a complete recovery (but always keep some available, since you may still need melatonin from time to time in the future). Melatonin can also be a valuable treatment for people with depression, dementia, mood disorders, general fatigue and disease.


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