Flaxseed Oil for the Budwig Quark Recipe
Product information
This flaxseed oil is organic and cold-pressed. We recommend this oil because it's unrefined and therefore retains all of the most important nutrients needed for the Quark recipe.
Flaxseed oil is an essential ingredient of the Budwig Quark recipe. This recipe was developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, an expert on fats and oils, who discovered that the specific combination of fats and oils found in the Quark recipe had the power to reenergize and heal damaged cells. The Quark recipe is frequently used in combination with other healing diets and protocols to treat:
The Quark recipe is made using a 2:1 ratio of cottage cheese to flaxseed oil (the cottage cheese may be substituted for whole fat soy milk, coconut milk, or goat's milk). The two ingredients should be blended together until they have the consistency of whipped cream (light and fluffy). Add fresh fruit if desired or eat plain. Then, the mix should ideally be eaten while sitting in direct sunlight since this maximizes its potential for healing.
Learn more about Quark and flaxseed oil for healing at these links: