Vitamin K2 with Vitamin D: Two Vitamins That Work Together
Most people don’t realize it, but when taken by itself, vitamin D (which includes vitamin D3 or vitamin D2) can cause calcification of soft tissues throughout the body (such as calcium buildup in the arteries or calcium deposits in the kidneys or bladder, pancreas, liver, breasts (as breast calcifications), and more). Vitamin D causes calcium to be absorbed into the bloodstream but then, rather than depositing it in either the bones and teeth, vitamin D by itself puts calcium into the soft tissues. Without vitamin K2 / Menaquinone-7 / MK-77, vitamin D will direct the calcium into any number of soft tissues where it decidedly does not belong. The vitamin K2 is necessary to ensure that calcium in the diet (or in supplements though generally people should NOT take calcium supplements because calcium is in almost every food we eat) end up in the bones and teeth, and NOT in the soft tissues of the body. Magnesium is also important for these nutrients to all be able to work together and do their jobs correctly.

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Vitamin K2 / MK-7 is essential for the absorption of iodine (specifically Lugol's iodine in supplement form) to be able to be absorbed and used by the body. Without proper levels of vitamin K2 to move calcium out of the blood, calcium inhibits the absorption of iodine (as well as iron). This can lead to any number of disease states. Iodine, in particular, is often deficient in most people today, but iron deficiency can also lead to serious health issues. Taking too much vitamin D or too little vitamin K2 can lead to health problems via the effects of having too much calcium in the blood supply. If you're not sure how much vitamin K2 or how much vitamin D you need, err on the side of caution and take a moderate amount of vitamin K2 / MK-7 (for an adult) at about 600-1200 mcg per day and skip the vitamin D altogether. Vitamin D3 / D2 is a fat-soluble vitamin so it's stored in fat tissues and released for use from the fat cells as the body needs more of it.Soft tissue calcification can lead to a wide variety of different health problems ranging from diabetes (which can be caused by pancreatic calcification) to atherosclerosis. Theoretically, just about any organ in the body can become partially or totally “calcified” as a result of supplementing with vitamin D without a balance of vitamin K2 administered in the proper proportion. Again, don't take vitamin D unless you live in a very northern, dark place and then, you only need to supplement with vitamin D after a month or two of the darkness when your fat stores might be running low on the vitamin D.
Be sure to check your multivitamin to see if it contains vitamin D. Don't take it if it contains vitamin D. Note whether your multivitamin also contains vitamin K2 / MK-7 or not. If it doesn't your multivitamin manufacturer isn't very up-to-date on the research regarding vitamins. That's an argument for taking
Click here to buy vitamin K2 / MK-7.
To avoid the problem of calcification, you should be taking at least 400 mcg of vitamin K2 / MK-7 daily, but you might wish to take up to 1200 mcg or more daily if you've had soft tissue calcification or any indication of poor bone or blood health. Skip the vitamin D if you have any indication of soft tissue calcification or if you have dental problems or bone fractures / osteoporosis. Leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, or any of the blood or bone cancers are also a good argument for taking vitamin K2 in higher doses of up to 2000 mcg per day WITHOUT taking vitamin D. Be sure to look at your multivitamin and avoid products that add vitamin D. Most people don't need it and if you don't need this nutrient, it has the potential to cause a lot of harm.
Also, be sure to avoid omega-3 fish oil supplements that add vitamin D. Fish oil naturally contains vitamin D, but you don't need MORE than the natural amount of this nutrient.
Choose a supplement that contains the MK-7 type of vitamin K2 (this is the most bioavailable kind), and whenever possible, eat grass-fed meats and other animal products since these contain vitamin K2 as well (non-grass-fed meats do NOT contain it). Nattokinase is a supplement that's high in vitamin K2 / MK-7 and that doesn't contain the Menaquinone-4 / MK-4 form or other toxic ingredients. Vitamin D supplementation when it isn't really truly needed can cause serious health issues that drive some of the biggest healthcare industries like cancer (through breast cancer calcifications and false positives on mammograms), diabetes, autism / ASD, and heart disease.

Click here to buy Nattokinase.
Click here to read more about what causes breast calcifications and how to get rid of breast calcifications using vitamin K2 / MK-7.Click here to read more about how to get rid of pineal gland calcification to treat autism at home.
Click here to read more about how to get rid of atherosclerosis and treat osteoporosis naturally at the same time.
Examples of organs that can become calcified and the diseases/symptoms that might result include the following (this is NOT an exhaustive list):
- Bladder calcification
- Cystitis
- Painful urination
- Kidney calcification
- Kidney disease
- Kidney stones
- Liver calcification
- Autoimmune hepatitis
- Other autoimmune diseases
- Gallbladder calcification / porcelain gallbladder
- Digestive issues
- Pancreatic calcification
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Persistent infection
Vitamin D Toxicity: When is it too much?
The main symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are:- Calcium buildup in the blood vessels (hypercalcemia)
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Weakness
- Frequent urination
- Bone pain
- Kidney problems
- Kidney stones
- Calcium stone formation
- Breast calcification
- Gallstones or liver stones
- Autism / ASD
- Diabetes (either type 1 or type 2)
- Digestive issues (which can be caused by "exocrine pancreatic insufficiency" due to calcification of the pancreas)