How to Use Vitamin A as a Nutrient Cure for Cancer
Vitamin A is an important substance that helps the body properly rebuild tissues and fight infection. So it makes sense that vitamin A would play an important role in fighting cancer. Vitamin A is typically used as a helper-therapy in a variety of cancer diets although some research has shown that certain types of cancer such as Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia goes into remission in response to vitamin A therapy as a stand-alone treatment 80% of the time. That being said, vitamin A can assist as a cure for many forms of cancer, not just leukemia. On the other hand, though lung cancer patients who actively still smoke are advised against taking vitamin A supplements as vitamin A can sometimes make lung cancer worse. Lung cancer patients who are no longer smoking may, however, benefit from taking vitamin A supplementation.
Though the fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A are all essential in order to overcome cancer naturally, there are some important caveats. One important thing to note is that vitamin D in supplement form (as opposed to vitamin D that’s produced naturally in the skin) can actually inhibit a person’s ability to cure cancer naturally. Click here to read more about how vitamin D supplements can inhibit the absorption of iodine, one of the most important cures for cancer that relies on the fat-soluble nutrient, vitamin K2 / MK-7 to make the body amenable to iodine absorption. Read more about iodine as a cure for cancer here. And even if you have a different form of cancer other than leukemia or ovarian cancer or prostate cancer, be sure to click here to read about vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a leukemia cure that, like vitamin A, has an 80% cure rate.
Both vitamin A and vitamin K2 / MK-7 have an 80% cure rate against leukemia, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer according to scientific studies. Both vitamin A and vitamin K2 are fat-soluble vitamins, which is thought-provoking to say the least. The fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the fat cells of the body. They include vitamin A, D, E, and K1 and K2, but vitamin D technically does not qualify to be a vitamin because it is produced naturally in the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Taking vitamin D supplements is usually a bad idea except in people who live in very high latitudes with very little sunlight for certain times of the year because vitamin D supplementation can imbalance other vitamin and mineral absorption patterns. In other words, if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, especially bone or blood cancers like leukemia, but also reproductive organ cancers and thyroid cancer, the fat soluble vitamins are a focal point for you. Consider drinking several daily doses of the Budwig Smoothie daily while following a whole-food anticancer diet that excludes sugar and that incorporates less than 5% animal products (see The China Study Diet).

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Detailed Introduction
Vitamin A is actually a group of related substances that are collectively known as “retinoids”. A deficiency of this vitamin can cause eye problems such as night-blindness, xerophthalmia, and a decreased resistance to infection. Epidemiological studies have shown that the risk of certain types of cancer is higher among people with a low dietary intake of vitamin A and the retinoids [5].
Vitamin A and retinol influence normal growth, vision, reproduction, skin and mucous membrane health, cellular differentiation, cellular proliferation, and normal cell death (apoptosis), which is one of the reasons why this vitamin is so important in the treatment of most forms of cancer. Vitamin A and the retinoids play an essential biological role in a variety of physiological processes. Researchers in diverse disciplines such as dermatology, embryology, and cancer have developed interest in the value of vitamin A and the retinoids in promoting the proliferation of healthy cells and tissues [1][2][3][5].
Studies have shown that all-trans retinoic acids (which are vitamin A-related compounds) are able to differentiate between malignant cancer cells to cure Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia and induce remission of the disease. Research has shown an 80% remission rate from Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia using all-trans retinoic acids as a stand-alone treatment [3][4].
Scientists have shown that the retinoids could be used therapeutically to prevent and play a role in treating cancer. Animal studies have shown that vitamin A and beta-carotene supplementation can boost cancer patients’ immune response, slow tumor growth, and decrease the size of established tumors [4][5].

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Vitamin A is found in orange fruits and vegetables such as the following:- Carrots
- Pumpkins
- Butternut squash
- Cantaloupes
- Mangos
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Apricots [5]
Rather than promoting the value of naturally-occurring vitamin A and retinoids in foods, pharmaceutical companies developed a synthetic version of vitamin A known as Fenretinide (N-4-hydroxyphenyl-retinamide or 4-HPR) that doctors prescribe to their patients, including those who have been diagnosed with cancer. This is a massive tragedy. Fenretinide was developed as a low-dose chemo-preventive agent for breast cancer, prostate cancer, and bladder cancer, but it does not and will NOT cure cancer because it is not natural. This drug can, in fact, cause vitamin A deficiency by competing with natural sources of vitamin A in the body [9]. In other words, it can actually kill patients who might have otherwise survived cancer. It causes cancer to worsen by exacerbating vitamin A deficiency.Note, however, that if the patient takes a natural form of vitamin A (such as cod liver oil supplements or desiccated liver supplements), the body will generally prefer the natural vitamin A and it will attempt to remove the Fenretinide from the body. However, if you have cancer (or any other disease), you don’t want to be taking Fenretinide because this drug can make the disease worse. Also, why would anyone want to spend money on a drug that competes with the body’s natural sources of vitamin A? The Fenretinide safety profile like many synthetic drugs, is based on carefully timed scientific studies that don’t show how patients respond to the drug after the initial honeymoon period before the body notices that it is not a natural form of vitamin A.
Safety and Effectiveness
Studies have shown that beta-carotene can increase the production of human immunity factors such as monocytes, lymphocytes, and macrophages which enhances the immune system’s cancer-fighting abilities [5][7][8]. Beta-carotene is a bioavailable form of vitamin A that is safe and effective.Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Studies Demonstrating the Value of Natural Vitamin A for Cancer
A variety of studies have demonstrated that natural vitamin A can be therapeutically valuable for different types of cancer. One study included 65 randomly assigned bladder cancer patients who received the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin A or a multivitamin at the RDA in addition to other high-dose vitamins including:- Vitamin A (40,000 IU)
- Vitamin B6 (100 mg)
- Vitamin C (2000 mg)
- Vitamin E (400 IU)
- Zinc (90 mg).
- Vitamin A (2 mg)
- Vitamin C (180 mg)
- Vitamin E (30 mg)
- Selenium (200 mcg)
- Zinc (30 mg)
It’s important to note that these studies show that supplementation with nutrients like vitamin, vitamin E, and vitamin C along with vitamin B6, selenium and zinc can make a big difference in the trajectory of a patient’s outcomes, however these nutrients are not a cure for cancer in the same way that vitamin B17, Lugol’s iodine, or vitamin K2 / MK-7 are cures for cancer (these three nutrients all have a cure rate between 70-90% which is generally regarded as a “cure”). However, the results from these studies do show that something is definitely happening in regard to cancer survival even when patients take vitamin A, E, and C plus the B vitamins and minerals like zinc and selenium. Note especially that zinc, selenium, and the B vitamins play a role in the body’s ability to absorb and use iodine. And the fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, E, and K1 and K2) have been used by experts like Dr. Johanna Budwig to cure cancer via her smoothie which strategically contains these nutrients in high quantities. She believed strongly that the consumption of degraded fats and oils is a major cause of disease because these poor-quality fats and oils don’t contain the nutrients our bodies need to build healthy cellular membranes. The cellular membrane is the electrical part of the cell that makes it possible for the cell to communicate with other cells in the body. In other words, your body needs specific nutrients like vitamin B17, Lugol’s iodine, and vitamin K2 / MK-7 to cure cancer, but the body also needs supportive nutrients like vitamin A, E, and C (among others to get best results and to significantly lower the risk of cancer recurrence). This is the logic behind working with a comprehensive supplementation protocol to address the most common nutrient deficiencies using the Lugol’s Iodine protocol for cancer.
How Vitamin A Is Administered
Both vitamin A and beta-carotene (a vitamin A precursor) are fat soluble so patients should take vitamin A supplements with foods that contain fat [5].Patients may wish to incorporate 2 teaspoons daily of cod liver oil THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN ADDED VITAMIN D or 1 full dose of organic, grass-fed dessicated liver to the diet daily to get all of the necessary fat-soluble vitamins into the diet for cancer treatment.
The Budwig Smoothie contains healthy fats and oils that contain fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A. It should be consumed while sitting in the sunlight, if possible (without sunscreen) to encourage the body to produce natural vitamin D and other sunlight-derived nutrients like fumaric acid that help the body produce energy. Click here to read more about The Budwig protocol for cancer.
The Binzel Diet, another excellent anticancer diet, recommends that patients take 125,000 I.U of vitamin A per day [6].

Possible Negative Effects
Serious side effects from taking vitamin A are rare. The following are some of the less serious side effects patients may experience when taking very high doses of vitamin A (over 125,000 I.U. daily):- Headache
- Irritability
- Itchiness
- Dizziness
- Desquamation
- Perioral dermatitis [5].
Extremely high doses of vitamin A could cause liver damage [5]. Dr. Philip
Patients with kidney disorders as well as pregnant women should talk to their doctor before taking high dose vitamin A supplements [5]. If you are looking for a cure for cancer during pregnancy, consider doing the baking soda protocol with chlorine dioxide solution / CDS (also known as miracle mineral supplement / MMS). Contact us here to schedule health coaching for cancer during pregnancy.
Is Fenretinide Safe? What You Need to Know
While side effects from natural vitamin A supplementation are rare, the side effects caused by Fenretinide are not so rare. They include the following:- Night-blindness
- Inability to see in dim light
- Dry skin
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping
- Hepatic dysfunction [9]
Because Fenretinide is a synthetic version of vitamin A, it competes with naturally-occurring vitamin A in the body to cause a vitamin A deficiency in patients who use this drug [9].

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Other Important Information
Beta-carotene is a less-toxic form of vitamin A that patients can take to avoid side effects of taking high doses of vitamin A [5].Some research has shown that there is an increased risk of lung cancer and lung cancer recurrence among patients who smoke and take high doses of vitamin A[5].
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How to Use Vitamin A as a Nutrient Cure for Cancer
Vitamin A is an important substance that helps the body properly rebuild tissues and fight infection. So it makes sense that vitamin A would play an important role in fighting cancer. Vitamin A is typically used as a helper-therapy in a variety of cancer diets although some research has shown that certain types of cancer such as Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia goes into remission in response to vitamin A therapy as a stand-alone treatment 80% of the time. That being said, vitamin A can assist as a cure for many forms of cancer, not just leukemia. On the other hand, though lung cancer patients who actively still smoke are advised against taking vitamin A supplements as vitamin A can sometimes make lung cancer worse. Lung cancer patients who are no longer smoking may, however, benefit from taking vitamin A supplementation.
Though the fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A are all essential in order to overcome cancer naturally, there are some important caveats. One important thing to note is that vitamin D in supplement form (as opposed to vitamin D that’s produced naturally in the skin) can actually inhibit a person’s ability to cure cancer naturally. Click here to read more about how vitamin D supplements can inhibit the absorption of iodine, one of the most important cures for cancer that relies on the fat-soluble nutrient, vitamin K2 / MK-7 to make the body amenable to iodine absorption. Read more about iodine as a cure for cancer here. And even if you have a different form of cancer other than leukemia or ovarian cancer or prostate cancer, be sure to click here to read about vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a leukemia cure that, like vitamin A, has an 80% cure rate.
Both vitamin A and vitamin K2 / MK-7 have an 80% cure rate against leukemia, ovarian cancer, and prostate cancer according to scientific studies. Both vitamin A and vitamin K2 are fat-soluble vitamins, which is thought-provoking to say the least. The fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the fat cells of the body. They include vitamin A, D, E, and K1 and K2, but vitamin D technically does not qualify to be a vitamin because it is produced naturally in the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Taking vitamin D supplements is usually a bad idea except in people who live in very high latitudes with very little sunlight for certain times of the year because vitamin D supplementation can imbalance other vitamin and mineral absorption patterns. In other words, if you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, especially bone or blood cancers like leukemia, but also reproductive organ cancers and thyroid cancer, the fat soluble vitamins are a focal point for you. Consider drinking several daily doses of the Budwig Smoothie daily while following a whole-food anticancer diet that excludes sugar and that incorporates less than 5% animal products (see The China Study Diet).

Click here to schedule a health coaching call with us.
Detailed Introduction
Vitamin A is actually a group of related substances that are collectively known as “retinoids”. A deficiency of this vitamin can cause eye problems such as night-blindness, xerophthalmia, and a decreased resistance to infection. Epidemiological studies have shown that the risk of certain types of cancer is higher among people with a low dietary intake of vitamin A and the retinoids [5].
Vitamin A and retinol influence normal growth, vision, reproduction, skin and mucous membrane health, cellular differentiation, cellular proliferation, and normal cell death (apoptosis), which is one of the reasons why this vitamin is so important in the treatment of most forms of cancer. Vitamin A and the retinoids play an essential biological role in a variety of physiological processes. Researchers in diverse disciplines such as dermatology, embryology, and cancer have developed interest in the value of vitamin A and the retinoids in promoting the proliferation of healthy cells and tissues [1][2][3][5].
Studies have shown that all-trans retinoic acids (which are vitamin A-related compounds) are able to differentiate between malignant cancer cells to cure Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia and induce remission of the disease. Research has shown an 80% remission rate from Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia using all-trans retinoic acids as a stand-alone treatment [3][4].
Scientists have shown that the retinoids could be used therapeutically to prevent and play a role in treating cancer. Animal studies have shown that vitamin A and beta-carotene supplementation can boost cancer patients’ immune response, slow tumor growth, and decrease the size of established tumors [4][5].

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.
Vitamin A is found in orange fruits and vegetables such as the following:- Carrots
- Pumpkins
- Butternut squash
- Cantaloupes
- Mangos
- Spinach
- Broccoli
- Apricots [5]
Rather than promoting the value of naturally-occurring vitamin A and retinoids in foods, pharmaceutical companies developed a synthetic version of vitamin A known as Fenretinide (N-4-hydroxyphenyl-retinamide or 4-HPR) that doctors prescribe to their patients, including those who have been diagnosed with cancer. This is a massive tragedy. Fenretinide was developed as a low-dose chemo-preventive agent for breast cancer, prostate cancer, and bladder cancer, but it does not and will NOT cure cancer because it is not natural. This drug can, in fact, cause vitamin A deficiency by competing with natural sources of vitamin A in the body [9]. In other words, it can actually kill patients who might have otherwise survived cancer. It causes cancer to worsen by exacerbating vitamin A deficiency.Note, however, that if the patient takes a natural form of vitamin A (such as cod liver oil supplements or desiccated liver supplements), the body will generally prefer the natural vitamin A and it will attempt to remove the Fenretinide from the body. However, if you have cancer (or any other disease), you don’t want to be taking Fenretinide because this drug can make the disease worse. Also, why would anyone want to spend money on a drug that competes with the body’s natural sources of vitamin A? The Fenretinide safety profile like many synthetic drugs, is based on carefully timed scientific studies that don’t show how patients respond to the drug after the initial honeymoon period before the body notices that it is not a natural form of vitamin A.
Safety and Effectiveness
Studies have shown that beta-carotene can increase the production of human immunity factors such as monocytes, lymphocytes, and macrophages which enhances the immune system’s cancer-fighting abilities [5][7][8]. Beta-carotene is a bioavailable form of vitamin A that is safe and effective.Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Studies Demonstrating the Value of Natural Vitamin A for Cancer
A variety of studies have demonstrated that natural vitamin A can be therapeutically valuable for different types of cancer. One study included 65 randomly assigned bladder cancer patients who received the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin A or a multivitamin at the RDA in addition to other high-dose vitamins including:- Vitamin A (40,000 IU)
- Vitamin B6 (100 mg)
- Vitamin C (2000 mg)
- Vitamin E (400 IU)
- Zinc (90 mg).
- Vitamin A (2 mg)
- Vitamin C (180 mg)
- Vitamin E (30 mg)
- Selenium (200 mcg)
- Zinc (30 mg)
It’s important to note that these studies show that supplementation with nutrients like vitamin, vitamin E, and vitamin C along with vitamin B6, selenium and zinc can make a big difference in the trajectory of a patient’s outcomes, however these nutrients are not a cure for cancer in the same way that vitamin B17, Lugol’s iodine, or vitamin K2 / MK-7 are cures for cancer (these three nutrients all have a cure rate between 70-90% which is generally regarded as a “cure”). However, the results from these studies do show that something is definitely happening in regard to cancer survival even when patients take vitamin A, E, and C plus the B vitamins and minerals like zinc and selenium. Note especially that zinc, selenium, and the B vitamins play a role in the body’s ability to absorb and use iodine. And the fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A, E, and K1 and K2) have been used by experts like Dr. Johanna Budwig to cure cancer via her smoothie which strategically contains these nutrients in high quantities. She believed strongly that the consumption of degraded fats and oils is a major cause of disease because these poor-quality fats and oils don’t contain the nutrients our bodies need to build healthy cellular membranes. The cellular membrane is the electrical part of the cell that makes it possible for the cell to communicate with other cells in the body. In other words, your body needs specific nutrients like vitamin B17, Lugol’s iodine, and vitamin K2 / MK-7 to cure cancer, but the body also needs supportive nutrients like vitamin A, E, and C (among others to get best results and to significantly lower the risk of cancer recurrence). This is the logic behind working with a comprehensive supplementation protocol to address the most common nutrient deficiencies using the Lugol’s Iodine protocol for cancer.
How Vitamin A Is Administered
Both vitamin A and beta-carotene (a vitamin A precursor) are fat soluble so patients should take vitamin A supplements with foods that contain fat [5].Patients may wish to incorporate 2 teaspoons daily of cod liver oil THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN ADDED VITAMIN D or 1 full dose of organic, grass-fed dessicated liver to the diet daily to get all of the necessary fat-soluble vitamins into the diet for cancer treatment.
The Budwig Smoothie contains healthy fats and oils that contain fat-soluble vitamins like vitamin A. It should be consumed while sitting in the sunlight, if possible (without sunscreen) to encourage the body to produce natural vitamin D and other sunlight-derived nutrients like fumaric acid that help the body produce energy. Click here to read more about The Budwig protocol for cancer.
The Binzel Diet, another excellent anticancer diet, recommends that patients take 125,000 I.U of vitamin A per day [6].

Possible Negative Effects
Serious side effects from taking vitamin A are rare. The following are some of the less serious side effects patients may experience when taking very high doses of vitamin A (over 125,000 I.U. daily):- Headache
- Irritability
- Itchiness
- Dizziness
- Desquamation
- Perioral dermatitis [5].
Extremely high doses of vitamin A could cause liver damage [5]. Dr. Philip
Patients with kidney disorders as well as pregnant women should talk to their doctor before taking high dose vitamin A supplements [5]. If you are looking for a cure for cancer during pregnancy, consider doing the baking soda protocol with chlorine dioxide solution / CDS (also known as miracle mineral supplement / MMS). Contact us here to schedule health coaching for cancer during pregnancy.
Is Fenretinide Safe? What You Need to Know
While side effects from natural vitamin A supplementation are rare, the side effects caused by Fenretinide are not so rare. They include the following:- Night-blindness
- Inability to see in dim light
- Dry skin
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping
- Hepatic dysfunction [9]
Because Fenretinide is a synthetic version of vitamin A, it competes with naturally-occurring vitamin A in the body to cause a vitamin A deficiency in patients who use this drug [9].

Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Other Important Information
Beta-carotene is a less-toxic form of vitamin A that patients can take to avoid side effects of taking high doses of vitamin A [5].Some research has shown that there is an increased risk of lung cancer and lung cancer recurrence among patients who smoke and take high doses of vitamin A[5].
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