What is a cancer protocol?
NOTE: If you're looking for a natural cure for cancer during pregnancy, start by learning more about Trifolium pratense, a pregnancy-friendly herb that cures cancer. A cancer protocol is a set of treatments that take aim at cancer from different directions all at the same time. It’s always best for patients to approach the treatment of cancer using a protocol rather than just a stand-alone treatment. The reason why is because cancer is a serious disease that often results when the body’s systems are failing on multiple levels. It requires a holistic approach. The cure for cancer seldom involves just one treatment. The cancer treatment Entelev (also known as Protocel and by other names) is unusual in that it is meant to be used totally by itself. But most of the other treatments in this book are meant to be used in tandem with other treatments as part of a cancer protocol. The cancer protocol that most patients are familiar with is the one that conventional medicine and large corporations/powerful entities designed to make money from this medical model. It includes three elements: surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Sometimes patients get only one of the treatments offered in this protocol, but often, patients receive all three. Most patients approach this protocol with extreme dread because the side effects caused by this protocol are worse than the disease itself. But there are other cancer protocols out there. These cancer protocols have been designed by doctors as well as scientists in other fields who work with other models of medicine that differ in one or more ways from the model of conventional medicine. These alternative cancer treatment models are based on evidence-based medicine as opposed to consensus-based medicine. The conventional medical model uses consensus-based medicine, which basically means that a group of people (usually people with a financial interest in the outcomes) got together and decided a particular treatment was best for everyone (regardless of the side effects, death rate, and quality of life issues caused by the “medication”). Consensus-based medicine is a lot like the junior high dynamics/politics you might see among early teens in that the treatments that become the most popular aren’t usually the nicest, smartest, or the strongest. Rather, they’re the most profitable. How these treatments work, whether they work, what kinds of side effects, and adverse effects they cause, and their actual utility in treating cancer is hard to verify through personal experience. Most people feel when they look at the statistical data regarding cancer and conventional medical treatments that the statistics don’t match their personal experience in the real world. While the American Cancer Society claims that 63-70% of people with cancer who are treated with chemo, radiation, and surgery survive for at least 5 years, what they don’t tell you is that many of these people who survive are barely clinging to life. And after 5 years, with no other interventions besides chemo, radiation, and surgery, most patients develop a more aggressive form of cancer. Personal experience teaches us that patients who develop cancer and who follow the conventional medicine model have a hard time reclaiming their health. Indeed, conventional medicine patients are in debt up to their eyeballs following “treatment”. We can all attest to the budgetary horrors of conventional treatment through personal experience as well. But most importantly, we all fear cancer because we know it as a death sentence. Taking the conventional medicine route is like torture for most patient and we fear that it will also lead to death or pain usually as a result of side effects from the treatment. Most of us look around at the people we know who either have died or are still alive following cancer treatment with conventional medicine and our personal experiences tell us that the American Cancer Society’s statistics are incredibly 2-dimensional if not entirely false.Click here to schedule a health coaching call with us.
That being said, it’s important to note here that if you’ve had chemo, radiation, or surgery for cancer, you can heal your body and get different results than what you’ve seen from others you know who have had cancer. If you haven’t had chemo, radiation, or surgery yet, think carefully about the pros and cons and consider contacting a doctor at a no-chemo, no radiation cancer treatment facility to discuss your options. Low-chemo options exist that are far less toxic than the usual dosage regimen and Lugol’s iodine is a nutrient that can provide protection from radiation therapy to prevent radiation burns and other negative effects from this conventional treatment. There are many ways to approach the problem of cancer and experience positive results. Once you’re armed with more information about the other cancer protocols that exist, you can begin to make informed decisions about how you want to treat this disease.Click here to buy Lugol's iodine.
Conventional medicine is consensus-based, politically-based, and most importantly economically-based. Conventional medicine does not consider all of the research and science currently available on the topic of cancer cures. It doesn’t have to. The people who decide which treatments are best do so on the basis of profits and political popularity. For this reason, as a patient, it’s important that you know that your doctor works for you. Your doctor is supposed to be working for you, the patient, not for the hospital and not for any other “higher” or more important cause. What cause is more important than the patient’s final outcome? If you feel scared to tell your doctor what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling for fear that your doctor will think less of you or even get angry with you, find a different doctor.