What Trypsin / Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy for Herpes Infection Can Teach Us

Bovine or porcine trypsin is sold over-the-counter as a supplement and it can be found easily in most parts of the world. However, fish like cod or salmon that live in cold water have adapted to produce a type of trypsin that’s 3-12 times more powerful than bovine or porcine trypsin. Atlantic cod or salmon trypsin is the type of trypsin that can be used to cure herpes. This is also the type of trypsin that would be most effective against respiratory infections.
Click here to read more about the use of trypsin for chronic lung disease.
In Russia, studies have shown that the pancreas plays an important role in herpes infection though the herpes virus has primarily been shown to colonize the sacral spinal ganglia. Cytomegalovirus is a herpes virus that can disrupt the pancreas in a particular way to cause diabetes, for example (we’ll discuss how this happens in greater detail below). These studies into pancreatic enzymes for herpes and the pancreas and herpes connection have not been widely disseminated in the U.S. through the media. As a result, most people with herpes are completely unaware of these studies into the pancreatic enzymes like trypsin for herpes infection. Nonetheless, studies have shown that trypsin, a pancreatic enzyme, can prevent herpes outbreaks and also prevent postherpetic neuralgia naturally.

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Herpes, the Pancreas, the Liver, and the Gallbladder
Studies have shown that acute herpes simplex virus infection can cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), the gallbladder (cholestatic syndrome) and liver (hepatitis). The liver and the pancreas as well as the gallbladder are connected directly to each other by the common bile duct (in 90% of individuals - in some people, the common bile duct is routed in alternative ways). Infection with HSV can cause the head of the pancreas to become inflamed which, in turn, causes the intrapancreatic part of the common bile duct to become compressed. Compression then causes a backflow of bile and activated pancreatic enzymes into the pancreas.The pancreas produces both pancreatic enzymes that are released into the common bile duct for deposit into the small intestine. The enzyme digest food down to nutrient components that can be absorbed by the small intestine. But the pancreas also produces insulin. Unlike the pancreatic enzymes that are released into the ductwork that also connects the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine, insulin-producing cells known as “beta cells” release insulin directly into the bloodstream. Insulin then works like a gatekeeper that opens cellular membranes to admit the nutrients that were digested and processed by the pancreatic enzymes in the small intestine.
Patients who have inflammation of the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas may feel full after eating or they may wish to avoid food altogether. They may develop diabetes. They may lose weight or gain weight inexplicably. Inflammation of these organs can cause general malaise as well as lung disease or inflammatory bowel disorders among other things.
Those with pancreatic inflammation may have lab reports that show serum amylase or lipase elevation that could be as much as 3 times above the normal limit. Serological evidence of HSV may also exist, but it should be noted that we have had health coaching clients who have sought out lab results from more than one lab with very different results from each lab. Thus, although lab results can sometimes be elucidating, they can also be muddling if a lab is not putting out truthful results. During her first pregnancy, Lydian, for example, had a false positive result for hepatitis B even though she was vaccinated against hepatitis B when she was an infant. A second lab result from a different lab produced the expected negative result for hepatitis B, but before she received this second result, she had a high level of anxiety about the possibility that she had hepatitis B and what this might mean for her pregnancy. We even knew that our clients often had false-positive results, and exaggerated levels of different factors below or above their actual level. Lab results can create a lot of needless anxiety. They can be helpful, but should not be used in isolation to make a diagnosis.
In the scientific literature, only about 10% of the cases of acute pancreatitis are caused by infectious pathogens, but scientists who acknowledge this “minor” role of infection in causing pancreatic inflammation also acknowledge that inflammation of the gallbladder, gallstones, and liver injury or inflammation can also contribute significantly to pancreatic inflammation. Alcoholism, for example, can cause cirrhosis of the liver, a type of liver injury that can lead to liver inflammation, but a number of experts on alcoholism itself have noted a compelling connection between insulin resistance and alcoholism. Essentially, we have a chicken-or-the-egg problem wherein Consensus Science and popular media proclaim that alcoholism is a “disease of a person’s willpower” versus the less popular, yet scientifically validated perspective that alcoholism occurs when a person’s cells becomes insulin resistant, often as a result of trauma exposure. When trauma causes human cells to go into a state of dormancy, this is called the Cell Danger Response (according to Dr. Robert Naviaux), but it can also be viewed physiologically as the Play Dead or “Freeze” Response by the second branch of the parasympathetic nervous system (according to Dr. Stephen Porges). The parasympathetic nervous system is one of 3 to 4 branches (depending on which system of medicine you’re considering) of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system and all of its branches (which include 2 parasympathetic branches and 2 sympathetic branches) are important when we talk about herpes because herpes viruses love to live in the sacral ganglia, which are tiny “bunches” of nerve fibers that feed the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. We’ll discuss this in greater detail below.
But wait…what does alcoholism have to do with herpes? Let’s go back and look more closely at herpes, insulin resistance, and trauma again…
The organs that sit right beneath the rib cage are special for a lot of reasons. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas (as well as the stomach and the spleen) are storage vessels and processing stations for specific emotions. The liver deals with anger, the gallbladder with curiosity, and the pancreas, with issues around trust and safety. Indeed, trauma is said to occur when a person’s sense of safety or “completion” is threatened in the world. The pancreas, in fact, produces not only enzymes to digest food (which are released into the common bile duct), but also insulin (which is released into the blood supply) to ensure that the nutrients derived from food (not just glucose, but also fatty acids, and amino acids from proteins) can be absorbed by cells. As such, the pancreas is the organ that allows us to “digest and absorb” what serves us.
A person who has suffered a big emotional trauma or perhaps a number of little traumas that have never been digested and integrated, may suffer from trauma overload that eventually causes the pancreas to physically become inflamed. Emotions like anger, sadness, and fear can cause the body to naturally tighten and stiffen. Internally, sphincters and ducts in the liver, gallbladder or pancreas may spasm and tighten, causing a congestion of bile and bile stones. Biliary dyskinesia is an example in conventional medicine of this tightening and spasming that’s out-of-sync with the rest of the digestive system’s needs. While conventional medicine sees biliary dyskinesia as a purely physical problem, in TCM, biliary dyskinesia is viewed as the body’s natural response to emotional stressors. Externally, after all, we can observe our bodies stiffening and spasming in response to something that scares us or that makes us feel sad or very angry. Why would our internal organs not have the same kind of spasm-response, particularly to unconscious material that our conscious minds are not willing or able to process?
Modern science, with research into autism and ASD, has also begun recognizing physical trauma to include toxins such as heavy metals or organophosphates or bromide-containing insecticides. Autism research, for example, has shown that mercury exposure changes the chemical configuration of melanin in the skin. Melanin acts like a very strong, armor-like solar panel that can repel negative forms of radiation while picking up and using positive forms of radiation and energy. Toxins like mercury can hijack the normal functioning of melanin, this substance that was naturally designed to protect us from traumatizing energies and radiation, to make it hard for people with mercury exposure to have a normal sensory experience with their environment and with other people. Indeed, exposure to pathogens like the herpes virus can also literally “traumatize human cells” to cause them to go into a state of dormancy (the Cell Danger Response). When this happens, the person may feel overly tired, achey, and brain foggy. Many people who have contracted herpes are traumatized not only physically and physiologically by the virus, but also by the stigma of having a sexually transmitted disease. Emotional trauma can also cause cells to fall dormant in an effort to help the organism as a whole to survive something that seems overwhelming. The pain caused by herpes outbreaks is not just at the cellular level, but also physical, and emotional. In order to overcome a herpes infection, it’s important to address emotional trauma, digest it and then integrate / absorb it.
Click here to read more about Ayahuasca how this herbal medicine works to cure cancer, diabetes, and yes, also herpes.
Ayahuasca as an Herbal Remedy for Trauma and Pancreatic Illness
Ayahuasca is an herbal medicine composed of at least two plants, but sometimes a number of plants. When people consume it, it produces visions or emotional experiences as it works to purge the liver and the gallbladder, and heal the beta cells in the pancreas. Ayahuasca is one of the most important and most powerful of the sacred indigenous medicines that can be used to find answers to seemingly unsolvable questions. You can set an intention and work with Ayahuasca to find a cure for a disease or to find a way out of a deep dark forest.
Ayahuasca is the most powerful medicine currently known in scientific research as a medicine that can regrow beta cells to cure diabetes. This medicine specifically works to target the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder to heal this area of the body as well as to release emotional trauma.
So we’ve talked about a few different dis-ease states now, including alcoholism, ASD / autism, diabetes, and cancer. We’ve implicated different types of herpes viruses as causative agents in pancreatic inflammation, liver inflammation, and gallbladder inflammation. Trauma is a central feature…a force that might be physical or biological, emotional, social, or even, presumably, spiritual. Trauma might be exposure to toxins or pathogens that overwhelm the cells of the body, causing them to go into a state of dormancy in an effort to survive the onslaught. Trauma though, might also be emotional, social, or spiritual. In herpes infection, trauma might be physical / biological, emotional, social, sexual and intimate, and indeed, also spiritual depending on how the patient processes the experience of having this type of infection. Ayahuasca is a “ordeal medicine” that people often take more than once (often multiple times) to address issues like herpes and find the cure.
We talk below about other herbs that have a much milder effect on the regrowth of beta cells, but that can be used by patients who can’t gain access to Ayahuasca.
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Herpes and Neural Therapy: The Autonomic Nervous System and Herpes
We’ve now discussed the pancreas as the organ of trust / distrust and how this organ is directly connected by the common bile duct to the liver (which deals with anger) and the gallbladder (which processes curiosity or a lack of interest / apathy / depression. The herpes virus is known to colonize the sacral nerve ganglia that are essential in the proper functioning of the sympathetic nervous system. Let’s elaborate on this location in the body now to better understand how the sympathetic nervous system is directly connected to these ideas about cellular and physiological dormancy as a result of trauma.
Above, we introduced the idea of the Cell Danger Response as a type of cellular dormancy that happens when the body is exposed to a trauma. It doesn’t matter whether that trauma is physical (like a pathogen or a toxin), or emotional (such as war, or a devastating diagnosis by a doctor), or spiritual (such as an existential crisis). If the trauma is strong enough, your human cells may “play dead”. This “play dead” response is something that all mammals do, by the way. When faced with a predator that’s fast or strong or overwhelming in some way, a mammal will “play dead” in the hopes that the predator will pass or release them from its grip. When a lion catches a gazelle, for example, the gazelle may reflexively “play dead”--- where the whole body freezes and goes limp – in a last ditch effort to survive. Cells do this same behavior. They go dormant in an effort to seem “dead”. A pathogen that might otherwise infect the cell might go on to the next cell instead. So while this “play dead” state, which is experienced at the level of the nervous system when the parasympathetic “freeze” response (when enough human cells go into a dormant state) makes a person feel tired, lethargic, mentally foggy, and just plain weak, it is actually adaptive as long as you can get your body to snap out of it.
A “ganglion” or “ganglia” is basically a swelling or “bunching up” of nerve fibers. The spinal ganglia are placed along the vertebrae that make up the human spinal cord. They sit about 1 inch away from the vertebrae on either side of the spinal cord and in the system of medicine known as Neural Therapy, a branch of conventional medicine that is practically unknown by even most medical doctors, the spinal ganglia work like a “switchboard” that can be manipulated using procaine injections to dilate arteries that feed the organs. Procaine injections cause the spinal ganglia to direct blood vessels and microcirculation to “open” or dilate so that blood flow can be restored to organs and tissues that have gone into a “play dead” state.
In Neural Therapy, proper or enhanced blood flow and microcirculation is regarded as “healing” in that oxygen becomes accessible and waste products are quickly whisked away so that our cells can heal themselves. Poor blood supply happens when an area of the body is assaulted by a wound or an infection. The body naturally reduces the blood supply to areas of the body that have been afflicted with some problem (for example: groupings of cells that are in a dormant “play dead” state) so as to reduce the spread of the problem to other areas of the body. So poor circulation is an attempt to adapt, but it can turn into a maladaptive thing that makes tissues and cells vulnerable to dormancy, weakness, cancer, or death. The “play dead” state is extremely distressing to patients who can’t easily snap out of it. Adaptive or not, the feeling of being paralyzed or frozen is experienced by many people as severe depression or severe physical illness. Doctors can’t treat it because this problem is not recognized in modern medicine. Psychologists can’t treat it because the problem is only accepted by trauma-informed therapists who work directly with the body as the mind and the mind as the body. Culturally, most people in the world have been taught that an illness that originates from a mental construct or belief is “not real”. In reality though, all illnesses are both mind and body.
Herpes viruses are particularly fond of colonizing the sacral ganglia located at the base of the spine. The second through the fifth sacral ganglion are the switchboard for nerves that run parallel to every artery that feeds the ovary and adnexa (in women), the testicles (in men), the bladder, and the descending colon, and rectum. This means that the herpes virus takes up residence in the ganglia that decide how poor or how well the blood supply is to the ovaries and fallopian tubes (the uterine blood supply is dealt with by the lumbar ganglia), the testicles, as well as the bladder, the final segment of the colon, and the rectum. Poor blood supply to these cells can lead to poor digestive system function or any number of issues related to these various organs. Of course, poor blood supply to the ovaries and the testicles can lead to reproductive hormone imbalances which impact the body holistically. And issues with the descending colon and rectum could lead to issues related to proper detoxification.
We might also look at poor blood supply as an energetic manifestation of poor sacral chakra function. Chakras exist more in the spiritual-energy forum of discussion, but there’s a language around chakras that can help us define limits around certain spiritual-emotional experiences that are common for humans. The sacral chakra deals with movement, flow states, and pleasure. Sacral chakra imbalance thus, would involve restriction, a lack of flow states, and an inability to tap into pleasurable experiences. It also relates to one’s ability to give and receive love. A person with herpes will need to pay special attention to the basic human needs pertaining to giving and receiving love as a part of their healing process.
We’ve now addressed several different layers or perspectives regarding herpes infection with the aim to establish a better sense of how the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are affected by a colonization of herpes viruses that take up residence in the sacral chakra. Let’s go one step further. In the chakra system, the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas sit at the level of the solar plexus chakra. This is the chakra that deals with self-confidence and a person’s ability to “speak their truth”.
Herpes, Shame, and Self-Confidence
Gallbladder removal surgery (cholecystectomy) is one of the most common surgeries performed in the developed world today. About 900,000 cholecystectomies are performed every year in the United States. One of the most common reasons for gallbladder surgery is gallstones. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that they can easily get rid of gallstones using powerful alternative remedies like the Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanse (for immediate relief) or slower acting treatments like malic acid (usually administered as apple cider vinegar or magnesium malate taken daily over the course of several months to a year).
In TCM, the gallbladder is viewed as the organ that stores and processes curiosity or a lack thereof (apathy / depression), but it might also be viewed as a repository of “stones” and “fossils” – the ancestral trauma that we inherit from our families. The gallbladder, in the physiological sense, is an organ that stores bile for later release according to a rhythm that might be conceptualized as the drum beat of digestion. Without this drum beat to keep the rhythm of the digestive tract (with the small intestine playing bass and the large intestine playing guitar), issues can develop. Rhythm is everything in digestion. But the gallbladder may store more than just bile. It may also become a repository of toxins and pathogens that take up residence within a milieu of bile sludge or gallstones that represent some form of being “stuck”.
Lydian and I view gallstones in our clients as a sign of ancestral trauma, a type of stress that takes shape around cultural beliefs in the family that are oppressive rather than healing. Ancestral trauma acts itself out like a dance that’s “blown into” people who have trauma gumming up their spinal energies. If we view the spine like a woodwind instrument such as the clarinet and think about what might happen if that clarinet gets moldy on the inside – the sound quality would suffer and air might get trapped below a certain level in the instrument, causing the higher or lower notes to stop playing. But whether you buy into this view of the gallbladder as a sort of “archeological dig for ancestral bones” or not doesn’t matter. Readers can think about their own family culture in light of this information to decide for themselves whether it feels right to them or not.
In any case, dehydration is a problem that contributes to gallstones and gallbladder issues. Specifically, in order to release the bones of the past, it’s important to add trace minerals and electrolytes to the diet and to drinking water. If the idea of ancestral trauma resonates with you, consider the heat of the day in the desert or the jungle digging up bones and how, as an archeologist, you need high-electrolyte water (you’ll need to make your own water using healthy trace minerals – Gatorade and other electrolyte drinks contain bromide and other toxins that should be avoided). Trace minerals help the gallbladder function better to find the proper rhythm of bile release so as to keep the digestive system working properly.
In any case, gallstones are the most common cause of acute pancreatitis / pancreas inflammation (which can be life-threatening). Gallstones can leak into the common bile duct near the pancreas to obstruct the flow of pancreatic enzymes. This raises the pressure in the pancreatic duct, causing the bile acids and pancreatic enzymes to flow backward into the pancreas. Trypsinogen is activated inside the pancreas as a result, to cause tissue injury, including the destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells.
Insulin is a key hormone in the body that prevents cells from going into a state of dormancy. If you don’t produce enough insulin, tissues may start to die without treatment. Or if your cells reject the insulin and a lack of insulin sensitivity becomes a problem, the same issue can take shape. Most people with type 1, type 2, or the newly designated type 3 forms of diabetes actually exist along a spectrum that consists of both low insulin levels and poor cellular sensitivity to insulin. So while it may seem that there are two or three very distinct types of diabetes, this is not necessarily the case.
Scientists have noted that pancreas inflammation occurs after a stint of excess alcohol consumption, but as we noted above, alcoholism has been definitively linked to insulin resistance. In other words, people consume excess alcohol in an effort to self-medicate for low insulin levels. Alcohol in low doses, after all, acts like an insulin analogue. Click here to read about alcoholism and insulin resistance.
Alcohol in low doses helps cells “open up” to receive medicines as well as nutrients. This is one reason why alcohol is such an important substance in herbal extracts. Often, it works to open cells to the medicines found inside herbs. In high doses of alcohol though cells become overwhelmed and they close up and go dormant.
In any case, a sick gallbladder can lead to a sick pancreas. This is no surprise. In TCM, the organs are organized by whether they are solid or hollow with hollow organs working like the copper coil that spins around a magnet to produce electricity. Solid organs and hollow organs are paired up in TCM and they work together to produce electricity that the body needs and uses. A copper coil and a magnet, when properly oriented and moved around each other, can produce electricity and in the body, two organs work together to produce chi, the energy that keeps our bodies animated and alive. For more information about doctors who have exploited the natural electrical systems of the body to restore health, click here.
Few people realize that the gallbladder and the liver process and balance reproductive hormones. Bile is made of cholesterol, a precursor substance in the body for the production of the various reproductive hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Cholesterol is mostly known in the media as an evil substance that causes heart attacks, but in fact, cholesterol is essential for holistic health. Not only does it manage reproductive hormone levels by acting as a precursor in their production, it also acts as an essential ingredient in bile. The fattiness of cholesterol makes it the perfect main ingredient for bile because bile is the detergent of our digestive system. It’s soapy and it has a soapy action in the intestines that keeps fats and oils from building up to create the perfect environment where bacteria, parasites, and viruses can hide from the immune system. Without bile, it’s impossible for the body to digest fats and gain access to the fat-soluble vitamins. Without cholesterol in the proper quantities, it’s not possible for the body to produce the bile that breaks down fats into their nutrient parts.
Gallstones are a sign that something is imbalanced in regard to reproductive hormone levels, but if you have herpes they are also a sign that your pancreas may be struggling. And if your pancreas is struggling to produce or release enzymes like trypsin, then you may be at risk for more outbreaks or more severe symptoms of herpes as well as certain respiratory illnesses like influenza. You might also feel lethargic, weak, or brain foggy if your pancreatic duct gets clogged because your cells won’t receive proper nutrition and they’ll go into a sleepy dormant state. You may be experiencing a combination of poor digestion and poor nutrient absorption as well as poor insulin sensitivity leading to an inability for your cells to absorb and use nutrients that do make it into the blood supply.
If the gallbladder is storing a large number of gallstones and bile sludge, you may feel generally sick often. Gallstones and sludge can create the perfect environment for pathogens that can hide out in the common bile duct.
Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas Basics: Heal from Herpes
Let’s talk about how to support the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas as part of a protocol to heal from herpes infection. Many people focus on the genitals when they treat herpes, but to really overcome this disease, you need to detoxify the body and also make the immune system stronger. You need to address negative emotional states because they directly impact your immune system function.Trypsin for Herpes: Why Trypsin is Important
Trypsin is one of several pancreatic enzymes. It is particularly linked with lung and respiratory health as trypsin and chymotrypsin can be used to heal from lung diseases involving fibrosis. Pancreatic enzymes, after all, prevent fibrotic tissues from growing in the lungs and in other areas of the body as well. Trypsin is the main pancreatic enzyme that has been studied in regard to herpes and the results of these studies are worth considering. Now that we’ve discussed how closely related the pancreas is to the liver and the gallbladder, those with herpes should consider a total detoxification and healing program to address issues related to all three of these organs. Indeed, some systems of medicine regard the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas as one single unit because they’re connected via the common bile duct and when one of these organs is afflicted, all tend to become sick.One Russian study demonstrated that trypsin, a pancreatic enzyme, was highly effective at treating the signs and symptoms of a herpes infection. In the study, trypsin was used to control signs and symptoms during the acute period of infection as well as to prevent recurrences of herpes symptoms. The study examined the use of trypsin to prevent herpes outbreaks naturally for 3 years.
Scientists also noted that administration of trypsin supplements was able to prevent postherpetic neuralgia.
These are significant results. Treatment with trypsin can add weight to any protocol to overcome herpes infection.

Click here to buy a Trypsin and Chymotrypsin supplement.
How Trypsin Works as a Natural Cure for Herpes
Herpes virus capsids (the outer protein coat that protects certain viruses) that have been treated with trypsin bind to human cellular nuclei 85% less frequently than the herpes capsids that have not been treated. This effect makes it harder for HSV capsids to bind to human cells so as to infect them.Further, many viral infections include a bacterial co-infection with a co-infecting bacteria that forms biofilm. Trypsin treatment can sometimes prevent bacterial co-infection and the formation of biofilm, which hides pathogenic viruses from the immune system. HSV is a virus that colonizes the body to establish latency in the ganglia. Treatment with trypsin, especially Atlantic cod trypsin or salmon trypsin may reduce the viral load by preventing the formation of biofilm to hide HSV from the immune system.
It’s important to point out the fact that herpes viruses rely on bacteria to produce biofilm that can make the infection worse. It’s common for bacteria and viruses to support each other in a variety of ways. If you want to cure herpes, you need to optimize your general health.
Atlantic Cod Trypsin for Herpes
The surface proteins that are used by pathogenic bacteria and viruses to attach to human cells in order to invade and then multiply can be degraded by special proteins to reduce infectivity. Scientists have specifically worked with Atlantic Cod / Gadus morhua to prevent influenza, rhinoviruses, Respiratory Syncytial Virus / RSV, and also herpes viruses from becoming infective.Scientists have shown that cod trypsin is 3-12 times more effective than bovine trypsin at degrading the proteins that make it possible for viruses and bacteria to infect human cells. Indeed, studies have shown that cod trypsin is the most active of 12 different protein-degrading substances in cleaving cytokines and proteins that promote viral or bacteria infectivity.
Trypsin is a fairly well-known natural cure for chronic lung disease, so it’s no surprise that trypsin would be useful in treating respiratory viruses like influenza, rhinoviruses, and RSV. It is, however, thought-provoking to consider trypsin’s role as a natural treatment for HSV. Scientists have shown, however, that cod trypsin is especially powerful as a cure for HSV. Unfortunately, Atlantic cod trypsin is more sensitive to being deactivated by heat or acidic pH than bovine trypsin. As such, it might be useful for patients to work with Wim Hof cold therapy and the baking soda protocol (to increase pH) along with Atlantic cod trypsin for best results. Wim Hof cold therapy also tricks the body into reviving itself from the Cell Danger Response and cellular dormancy. Baking soda therapy is also one of the most reliable treatments for Candida infection which is often also a problem for those with herpes.
Studies have shown that cold-water fish produce enzymes such as trypsin that is adapted to cold through high molecular flexibility in comparison with trypsin in mammals. This high molecular flexibility combined with high catalytic activity explains to some extent why Atlantic cod trypsin is so effective against HSV and other viruses.
Detoxify the Liver, Colon, and Gallbladder to Heal the Pancreas
Coffee Enemas - Coffee enemas cleanse the liver. Do coffee enemas 1 to 3 times per day for several months to remove toxins, bile stones, and bile sludge from the liver. Coffee enemas relieve brain fog, reduce headaches, reduce pain throughout the body, and they are a natural way to relieve depression.
Colon Hydrotherapy / Colonic - Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the intestines to make it easier for these tissues to absorb nutrients from food.
Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanse - The Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanse removes gallstones from the gallbladder. Most patients with herpes could benefit from doing one cleanse monthly for 3 to 6 months.
Supplements to Heal the Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas
Trace Mineral Supplementation - Trace minerals / electrolytes help to electrify cells naturally. They also help restore normal bile constituency and function. Don’t buy electrolyte drinks. These contain toxins and should generally be avoided. Rather, administer shilajit or sea water supplement daily. Switch to Himalayan sea salt rather than table salt to get electrifying trace minerals into your diet.
Magnesium malate supplementation - Magnesium malate at 1000 mg per day will dissolve gallstones naturally over the course of several months. It can be taken in addition to doing Hulda Clark Gallbladder cleanses. Removing gallstones and bile sludge from the gallbladder will make your gallbladder less habitable for toxins and pathogens that might be supporting the presence of herpes viruses in your body.
Ox Bile or Bile Salts Supplementation - Ox bile or bile salts support digestion if your liver and gallbladder are congested and not properly releasing natural human bile during digestion. Taking ox bile at a dose of 125 mg up to 500 mg (start with the low dose first) per meal helps to rebalance the cholesterol levels in the liver and gallbladder to get rid of gallstones naturally and restore normal function to the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
Pancreatic Enzymes - Take pancreatic enzymes at every meal to ensure that your food is broken down to nutrients that can be absorbed and used by the body to strengthen and heal it. Trypsin, of course, is of special importance. Take bovine or porcine trypsin or purchase atlantic cod or salmon and remove the pancreas for dessication in a food dehydrator or oven. Administer the desiccated pancreas by putting the dried pancreatic tissues in vegetable glycerin capsules. Atlantic cod trypsin has a much more powerful effect against the herpes virus, so it might be valuable to go through the extra effort to obtain the pancreatic tissues and take them three times daily between meals.
Pancreatic enzyme therapy supports with supplemental pancreatic enzymes supports digestion when natural pancreatic enzymes are getting backed up into the pancreas. Nutrients help the body heal and rebuild so that natural pancreatic enzymes can begin to flow normally over time.
Pancreas-Supporting Herbs
Take herbs to regrow beta cells naturally and to also help cells absorb nutrients when insulin levels are low.Melissa officinalis / Lemon Balm - This is an herb that contains harmine, a substance that can regrow beta cells naturally. Passiflora incarnata / Passionflower - Passionflower also contains the substance harmine to naturally regrow beta cells. Ayahuasca - Ayahuasca is an herbal remedy that contains the highest level of harmine to regrow beta cells. Momordica charantia / Bitter Melon - This herb acts as a substitute for natural insulin when insulin levels or insensitivity is an issue. Adansonia digitata / Baobab - Baobab supplies a range of nutrients to hyper-nourish the body and it can lower blood sugar naturally.
Gallbladder-Supporting Plants
The malic acid found in apple cider or apple cider vinegar as well as in apples and grapes can help the gallbladder dissolve gallstones naturally. If you are taking magnesium malate daily, you may not need to also work with the gallbladder-supporting foods listed below. Apple Cider (sugar-free, sugar-substitute free, and with The Mother fermentation present in the bottle) Apple Cider Vinegar Apples GrapesLiver-Supporting Herbs
The liver-supporting herbs help reduce congestion and inflammation in the liver to make the body less achy and to reduce feelings of anger and frustration.Arctium lappa / Burdock Root - This herb reduces congestion in the liver to relieve liver inflammation. Taraxacum officinale / Dandelion Root - Dandelion root has powerful liver-supporting and liver-protecting benefits. Silybum marianum / Milk Thistle - Milk Thistle also reduces liver congestion and generally support natural liver function.
Address Trauma to Cure Herpes
If you have underlying trauma, address it using trauma-informed therapies such as the sacred medicines (this includes Ayahuasca and others as well) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR. EMDR is a simple and elegant form of treatment that helps the body process trauma by moving traumatic feelings or memories back and forth from the right brain to the left brain so that they can be properly processed. This treatment mimics Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep during which time, insulin sensitivity is HALTED so that the body can go into a dream-state that is recuperative. Below is a link to an online EMDR program with a free trial:
Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
Another option is to work with the DreamLight.app to do guided meditations or brain entrainment work that will help your brain go into alpha and theta brainwave states that are healing and that allow the brain and body to release trauma. Many people work with both the DreamLight.app as well as EMDR to release trauma before they become ready to work with the sacred medicines.

Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Finally, if you live in a country where psilocybin mushrooms are legal, consider beginning your trauma release efforts by working with psilocybin. Psilocybin can be microdosed and psilocybin trips are shorter and less intense than Ayahuasca trips. Many people begin their trauma-release journey by working with psilocybin first. Note again, however, that Ayahuasca is an herb that can regrow beta cells and heal the pancreas. Click here to read more about facility in Mexico where we offer Ayahuasca for herpes treatment.

Click here to buy psilocybin online.
Be sure to take a look at a few of our e-Books titles below that might pertain to your health search:
What Trypsin / Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy for Herpes Infection Can Teach Us

Bovine or porcine trypsin is sold over-the-counter as a supplement and it can be found easily in most parts of the world. However, fish like cod or salmon that live in cold water have adapted to produce a type of trypsin that’s 3-12 times more powerful than bovine or porcine trypsin. Atlantic cod or salmon trypsin is the type of trypsin that can be used to cure herpes. This is also the type of trypsin that would be most effective against respiratory infections.
Click here to read more about the use of trypsin for chronic lung disease.
In Russia, studies have shown that the pancreas plays an important role in herpes infection though the herpes virus has primarily been shown to colonize the sacral spinal ganglia. Cytomegalovirus is a herpes virus that can disrupt the pancreas in a particular way to cause diabetes, for example (we’ll discuss how this happens in greater detail below). These studies into pancreatic enzymes for herpes and the pancreas and herpes connection have not been widely disseminated in the U.S. through the media. As a result, most people with herpes are completely unaware of these studies into the pancreatic enzymes like trypsin for herpes infection. Nonetheless, studies have shown that trypsin, a pancreatic enzyme, can prevent herpes outbreaks and also prevent postherpetic neuralgia naturally.

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Herpes, the Pancreas, the Liver, and the Gallbladder
Studies have shown that acute herpes simplex virus infection can cause inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), the gallbladder (cholestatic syndrome) and liver (hepatitis). The liver and the pancreas as well as the gallbladder are connected directly to each other by the common bile duct (in 90% of individuals - in some people, the common bile duct is routed in alternative ways). Infection with HSV can cause the head of the pancreas to become inflamed which, in turn, causes the intrapancreatic part of the common bile duct to become compressed. Compression then causes a backflow of bile and activated pancreatic enzymes into the pancreas.The pancreas produces both pancreatic enzymes that are released into the common bile duct for deposit into the small intestine. The enzyme digest food down to nutrient components that can be absorbed by the small intestine. But the pancreas also produces insulin. Unlike the pancreatic enzymes that are released into the ductwork that also connects the liver and gallbladder to the small intestine, insulin-producing cells known as “beta cells” release insulin directly into the bloodstream. Insulin then works like a gatekeeper that opens cellular membranes to admit the nutrients that were digested and processed by the pancreatic enzymes in the small intestine.
Patients who have inflammation of the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas may feel full after eating or they may wish to avoid food altogether. They may develop diabetes. They may lose weight or gain weight inexplicably. Inflammation of these organs can cause general malaise as well as lung disease or inflammatory bowel disorders among other things.
Those with pancreatic inflammation may have lab reports that show serum amylase or lipase elevation that could be as much as 3 times above the normal limit. Serological evidence of HSV may also exist, but it should be noted that we have had health coaching clients who have sought out lab results from more than one lab with very different results from each lab. Thus, although lab results can sometimes be elucidating, they can also be muddling if a lab is not putting out truthful results. During her first pregnancy, Lydian, for example, had a false positive result for hepatitis B even though she was vaccinated against hepatitis B when she was an infant. A second lab result from a different lab produced the expected negative result for hepatitis B, but before she received this second result, she had a high level of anxiety about the possibility that she had hepatitis B and what this might mean for her pregnancy. We even knew that our clients often had false-positive results, and exaggerated levels of different factors below or above their actual level. Lab results can create a lot of needless anxiety. They can be helpful, but should not be used in isolation to make a diagnosis.
In the scientific literature, only about 10% of the cases of acute pancreatitis are caused by infectious pathogens, but scientists who acknowledge this “minor” role of infection in causing pancreatic inflammation also acknowledge that inflammation of the gallbladder, gallstones, and liver injury or inflammation can also contribute significantly to pancreatic inflammation. Alcoholism, for example, can cause cirrhosis of the liver, a type of liver injury that can lead to liver inflammation, but a number of experts on alcoholism itself have noted a compelling connection between insulin resistance and alcoholism. Essentially, we have a chicken-or-the-egg problem wherein Consensus Science and popular media proclaim that alcoholism is a “disease of a person’s willpower” versus the less popular, yet scientifically validated perspective that alcoholism occurs when a person’s cells becomes insulin resistant, often as a result of trauma exposure. When trauma causes human cells to go into a state of dormancy, this is called the Cell Danger Response (according to Dr. Robert Naviaux), but it can also be viewed physiologically as the Play Dead or “Freeze” Response by the second branch of the parasympathetic nervous system (according to Dr. Stephen Porges). The parasympathetic nervous system is one of 3 to 4 branches (depending on which system of medicine you’re considering) of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system and all of its branches (which include 2 parasympathetic branches and 2 sympathetic branches) are important when we talk about herpes because herpes viruses love to live in the sacral ganglia, which are tiny “bunches” of nerve fibers that feed the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. We’ll discuss this in greater detail below.
But wait…what does alcoholism have to do with herpes? Let’s go back and look more closely at herpes, insulin resistance, and trauma again…
The organs that sit right beneath the rib cage are special for a lot of reasons. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas (as well as the stomach and the spleen) are storage vessels and processing stations for specific emotions. The liver deals with anger, the gallbladder with curiosity, and the pancreas, with issues around trust and safety. Indeed, trauma is said to occur when a person’s sense of safety or “completion” is threatened in the world. The pancreas, in fact, produces not only enzymes to digest food (which are released into the common bile duct), but also insulin (which is released into the blood supply) to ensure that the nutrients derived from food (not just glucose, but also fatty acids, and amino acids from proteins) can be absorbed by cells. As such, the pancreas is the organ that allows us to “digest and absorb” what serves us.
A person who has suffered a big emotional trauma or perhaps a number of little traumas that have never been digested and integrated, may suffer from trauma overload that eventually causes the pancreas to physically become inflamed. Emotions like anger, sadness, and fear can cause the body to naturally tighten and stiffen. Internally, sphincters and ducts in the liver, gallbladder or pancreas may spasm and tighten, causing a congestion of bile and bile stones. Biliary dyskinesia is an example in conventional medicine of this tightening and spasming that’s out-of-sync with the rest of the digestive system’s needs. While conventional medicine sees biliary dyskinesia as a purely physical problem, in TCM, biliary dyskinesia is viewed as the body’s natural response to emotional stressors. Externally, after all, we can observe our bodies stiffening and spasming in response to something that scares us or that makes us feel sad or very angry. Why would our internal organs not have the same kind of spasm-response, particularly to unconscious material that our conscious minds are not willing or able to process?
Modern science, with research into autism and ASD, has also begun recognizing physical trauma to include toxins such as heavy metals or organophosphates or bromide-containing insecticides. Autism research, for example, has shown that mercury exposure changes the chemical configuration of melanin in the skin. Melanin acts like a very strong, armor-like solar panel that can repel negative forms of radiation while picking up and using positive forms of radiation and energy. Toxins like mercury can hijack the normal functioning of melanin, this substance that was naturally designed to protect us from traumatizing energies and radiation, to make it hard for people with mercury exposure to have a normal sensory experience with their environment and with other people. Indeed, exposure to pathogens like the herpes virus can also literally “traumatize human cells” to cause them to go into a state of dormancy (the Cell Danger Response). When this happens, the person may feel overly tired, achey, and brain foggy. Many people who have contracted herpes are traumatized not only physically and physiologically by the virus, but also by the stigma of having a sexually transmitted disease. Emotional trauma can also cause cells to fall dormant in an effort to help the organism as a whole to survive something that seems overwhelming. The pain caused by herpes outbreaks is not just at the cellular level, but also physical, and emotional. In order to overcome a herpes infection, it’s important to address emotional trauma, digest it and then integrate / absorb it.
Click here to read more about Ayahuasca how this herbal medicine works to cure cancer, diabetes, and yes, also herpes.
Ayahuasca as an Herbal Remedy for Trauma and Pancreatic Illness
Ayahuasca is an herbal medicine composed of at least two plants, but sometimes a number of plants. When people consume it, it produces visions or emotional experiences as it works to purge the liver and the gallbladder, and heal the beta cells in the pancreas. Ayahuasca is one of the most important and most powerful of the sacred indigenous medicines that can be used to find answers to seemingly unsolvable questions. You can set an intention and work with Ayahuasca to find a cure for a disease or to find a way out of a deep dark forest.
Ayahuasca is the most powerful medicine currently known in scientific research as a medicine that can regrow beta cells to cure diabetes. This medicine specifically works to target the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder to heal this area of the body as well as to release emotional trauma.
So we’ve talked about a few different dis-ease states now, including alcoholism, ASD / autism, diabetes, and cancer. We’ve implicated different types of herpes viruses as causative agents in pancreatic inflammation, liver inflammation, and gallbladder inflammation. Trauma is a central feature…a force that might be physical or biological, emotional, social, or even, presumably, spiritual. Trauma might be exposure to toxins or pathogens that overwhelm the cells of the body, causing them to go into a state of dormancy in an effort to survive the onslaught. Trauma though, might also be emotional, social, or spiritual. In herpes infection, trauma might be physical / biological, emotional, social, sexual and intimate, and indeed, also spiritual depending on how the patient processes the experience of having this type of infection. Ayahuasca is a “ordeal medicine” that people often take more than once (often multiple times) to address issues like herpes and find the cure.
We talk below about other herbs that have a much milder effect on the regrowth of beta cells, but that can be used by patients who can’t gain access to Ayahuasca.
Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Herpes and Neural Therapy: The Autonomic Nervous System and Herpes
We’ve now discussed the pancreas as the organ of trust / distrust and how this organ is directly connected by the common bile duct to the liver (which deals with anger) and the gallbladder (which processes curiosity or a lack of interest / apathy / depression. The herpes virus is known to colonize the sacral nerve ganglia that are essential in the proper functioning of the sympathetic nervous system. Let’s elaborate on this location in the body now to better understand how the sympathetic nervous system is directly connected to these ideas about cellular and physiological dormancy as a result of trauma.
Above, we introduced the idea of the Cell Danger Response as a type of cellular dormancy that happens when the body is exposed to a trauma. It doesn’t matter whether that trauma is physical (like a pathogen or a toxin), or emotional (such as war, or a devastating diagnosis by a doctor), or spiritual (such as an existential crisis). If the trauma is strong enough, your human cells may “play dead”. This “play dead” response is something that all mammals do, by the way. When faced with a predator that’s fast or strong or overwhelming in some way, a mammal will “play dead” in the hopes that the predator will pass or release them from its grip. When a lion catches a gazelle, for example, the gazelle may reflexively “play dead”--- where the whole body freezes and goes limp – in a last ditch effort to survive. Cells do this same behavior. They go dormant in an effort to seem “dead”. A pathogen that might otherwise infect the cell might go on to the next cell instead. So while this “play dead” state, which is experienced at the level of the nervous system when the parasympathetic “freeze” response (when enough human cells go into a dormant state) makes a person feel tired, lethargic, mentally foggy, and just plain weak, it is actually adaptive as long as you can get your body to snap out of it.
A “ganglion” or “ganglia” is basically a swelling or “bunching up” of nerve fibers. The spinal ganglia are placed along the vertebrae that make up the human spinal cord. They sit about 1 inch away from the vertebrae on either side of the spinal cord and in the system of medicine known as Neural Therapy, a branch of conventional medicine that is practically unknown by even most medical doctors, the spinal ganglia work like a “switchboard” that can be manipulated using procaine injections to dilate arteries that feed the organs. Procaine injections cause the spinal ganglia to direct blood vessels and microcirculation to “open” or dilate so that blood flow can be restored to organs and tissues that have gone into a “play dead” state.
In Neural Therapy, proper or enhanced blood flow and microcirculation is regarded as “healing” in that oxygen becomes accessible and waste products are quickly whisked away so that our cells can heal themselves. Poor blood supply happens when an area of the body is assaulted by a wound or an infection. The body naturally reduces the blood supply to areas of the body that have been afflicted with some problem (for example: groupings of cells that are in a dormant “play dead” state) so as to reduce the spread of the problem to other areas of the body. So poor circulation is an attempt to adapt, but it can turn into a maladaptive thing that makes tissues and cells vulnerable to dormancy, weakness, cancer, or death. The “play dead” state is extremely distressing to patients who can’t easily snap out of it. Adaptive or not, the feeling of being paralyzed or frozen is experienced by many people as severe depression or severe physical illness. Doctors can’t treat it because this problem is not recognized in modern medicine. Psychologists can’t treat it because the problem is only accepted by trauma-informed therapists who work directly with the body as the mind and the mind as the body. Culturally, most people in the world have been taught that an illness that originates from a mental construct or belief is “not real”. In reality though, all illnesses are both mind and body.
Herpes viruses are particularly fond of colonizing the sacral ganglia located at the base of the spine. The second through the fifth sacral ganglion are the switchboard for nerves that run parallel to every artery that feeds the ovary and adnexa (in women), the testicles (in men), the bladder, and the descending colon, and rectum. This means that the herpes virus takes up residence in the ganglia that decide how poor or how well the blood supply is to the ovaries and fallopian tubes (the uterine blood supply is dealt with by the lumbar ganglia), the testicles, as well as the bladder, the final segment of the colon, and the rectum. Poor blood supply to these cells can lead to poor digestive system function or any number of issues related to these various organs. Of course, poor blood supply to the ovaries and the testicles can lead to reproductive hormone imbalances which impact the body holistically. And issues with the descending colon and rectum could lead to issues related to proper detoxification.
We might also look at poor blood supply as an energetic manifestation of poor sacral chakra function. Chakras exist more in the spiritual-energy forum of discussion, but there’s a language around chakras that can help us define limits around certain spiritual-emotional experiences that are common for humans. The sacral chakra deals with movement, flow states, and pleasure. Sacral chakra imbalance thus, would involve restriction, a lack of flow states, and an inability to tap into pleasurable experiences. It also relates to one’s ability to give and receive love. A person with herpes will need to pay special attention to the basic human needs pertaining to giving and receiving love as a part of their healing process.
We’ve now addressed several different layers or perspectives regarding herpes infection with the aim to establish a better sense of how the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are affected by a colonization of herpes viruses that take up residence in the sacral chakra. Let’s go one step further. In the chakra system, the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas sit at the level of the solar plexus chakra. This is the chakra that deals with self-confidence and a person’s ability to “speak their truth”.
Herpes, Shame, and Self-Confidence
Gallbladder removal surgery (cholecystectomy) is one of the most common surgeries performed in the developed world today. About 900,000 cholecystectomies are performed every year in the United States. One of the most common reasons for gallbladder surgery is gallstones. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize that they can easily get rid of gallstones using powerful alternative remedies like the Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanse (for immediate relief) or slower acting treatments like malic acid (usually administered as apple cider vinegar or magnesium malate taken daily over the course of several months to a year).
In TCM, the gallbladder is viewed as the organ that stores and processes curiosity or a lack thereof (apathy / depression), but it might also be viewed as a repository of “stones” and “fossils” – the ancestral trauma that we inherit from our families. The gallbladder, in the physiological sense, is an organ that stores bile for later release according to a rhythm that might be conceptualized as the drum beat of digestion. Without this drum beat to keep the rhythm of the digestive tract (with the small intestine playing bass and the large intestine playing guitar), issues can develop. Rhythm is everything in digestion. But the gallbladder may store more than just bile. It may also become a repository of toxins and pathogens that take up residence within a milieu of bile sludge or gallstones that represent some form of being “stuck”.
Lydian and I view gallstones in our clients as a sign of ancestral trauma, a type of stress that takes shape around cultural beliefs in the family that are oppressive rather than healing. Ancestral trauma acts itself out like a dance that’s “blown into” people who have trauma gumming up their spinal energies. If we view the spine like a woodwind instrument such as the clarinet and think about what might happen if that clarinet gets moldy on the inside – the sound quality would suffer and air might get trapped below a certain level in the instrument, causing the higher or lower notes to stop playing. But whether you buy into this view of the gallbladder as a sort of “archeological dig for ancestral bones” or not doesn’t matter. Readers can think about their own family culture in light of this information to decide for themselves whether it feels right to them or not.
In any case, dehydration is a problem that contributes to gallstones and gallbladder issues. Specifically, in order to release the bones of the past, it’s important to add trace minerals and electrolytes to the diet and to drinking water. If the idea of ancestral trauma resonates with you, consider the heat of the day in the desert or the jungle digging up bones and how, as an archeologist, you need high-electrolyte water (you’ll need to make your own water using healthy trace minerals – Gatorade and other electrolyte drinks contain bromide and other toxins that should be avoided). Trace minerals help the gallbladder function better to find the proper rhythm of bile release so as to keep the digestive system working properly.
In any case, gallstones are the most common cause of acute pancreatitis / pancreas inflammation (which can be life-threatening). Gallstones can leak into the common bile duct near the pancreas to obstruct the flow of pancreatic enzymes. This raises the pressure in the pancreatic duct, causing the bile acids and pancreatic enzymes to flow backward into the pancreas. Trypsinogen is activated inside the pancreas as a result, to cause tissue injury, including the destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells.
Insulin is a key hormone in the body that prevents cells from going into a state of dormancy. If you don’t produce enough insulin, tissues may start to die without treatment. Or if your cells reject the insulin and a lack of insulin sensitivity becomes a problem, the same issue can take shape. Most people with type 1, type 2, or the newly designated type 3 forms of diabetes actually exist along a spectrum that consists of both low insulin levels and poor cellular sensitivity to insulin. So while it may seem that there are two or three very distinct types of diabetes, this is not necessarily the case.
Scientists have noted that pancreas inflammation occurs after a stint of excess alcohol consumption, but as we noted above, alcoholism has been definitively linked to insulin resistance. In other words, people consume excess alcohol in an effort to self-medicate for low insulin levels. Alcohol in low doses, after all, acts like an insulin analogue. Click here to read about alcoholism and insulin resistance.
Alcohol in low doses helps cells “open up” to receive medicines as well as nutrients. This is one reason why alcohol is such an important substance in herbal extracts. Often, it works to open cells to the medicines found inside herbs. In high doses of alcohol though cells become overwhelmed and they close up and go dormant.
In any case, a sick gallbladder can lead to a sick pancreas. This is no surprise. In TCM, the organs are organized by whether they are solid or hollow with hollow organs working like the copper coil that spins around a magnet to produce electricity. Solid organs and hollow organs are paired up in TCM and they work together to produce electricity that the body needs and uses. A copper coil and a magnet, when properly oriented and moved around each other, can produce electricity and in the body, two organs work together to produce chi, the energy that keeps our bodies animated and alive. For more information about doctors who have exploited the natural electrical systems of the body to restore health, click here.
Few people realize that the gallbladder and the liver process and balance reproductive hormones. Bile is made of cholesterol, a precursor substance in the body for the production of the various reproductive hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Cholesterol is mostly known in the media as an evil substance that causes heart attacks, but in fact, cholesterol is essential for holistic health. Not only does it manage reproductive hormone levels by acting as a precursor in their production, it also acts as an essential ingredient in bile. The fattiness of cholesterol makes it the perfect main ingredient for bile because bile is the detergent of our digestive system. It’s soapy and it has a soapy action in the intestines that keeps fats and oils from building up to create the perfect environment where bacteria, parasites, and viruses can hide from the immune system. Without bile, it’s impossible for the body to digest fats and gain access to the fat-soluble vitamins. Without cholesterol in the proper quantities, it’s not possible for the body to produce the bile that breaks down fats into their nutrient parts.
Gallstones are a sign that something is imbalanced in regard to reproductive hormone levels, but if you have herpes they are also a sign that your pancreas may be struggling. And if your pancreas is struggling to produce or release enzymes like trypsin, then you may be at risk for more outbreaks or more severe symptoms of herpes as well as certain respiratory illnesses like influenza. You might also feel lethargic, weak, or brain foggy if your pancreatic duct gets clogged because your cells won’t receive proper nutrition and they’ll go into a sleepy dormant state. You may be experiencing a combination of poor digestion and poor nutrient absorption as well as poor insulin sensitivity leading to an inability for your cells to absorb and use nutrients that do make it into the blood supply.
If the gallbladder is storing a large number of gallstones and bile sludge, you may feel generally sick often. Gallstones and sludge can create the perfect environment for pathogens that can hide out in the common bile duct.
Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas Basics: Heal from Herpes
Let’s talk about how to support the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas as part of a protocol to heal from herpes infection. Many people focus on the genitals when they treat herpes, but to really overcome this disease, you need to detoxify the body and also make the immune system stronger. You need to address negative emotional states because they directly impact your immune system function.Trypsin for Herpes: Why Trypsin is Important
Trypsin is one of several pancreatic enzymes. It is particularly linked with lung and respiratory health as trypsin and chymotrypsin can be used to heal from lung diseases involving fibrosis. Pancreatic enzymes, after all, prevent fibrotic tissues from growing in the lungs and in other areas of the body as well. Trypsin is the main pancreatic enzyme that has been studied in regard to herpes and the results of these studies are worth considering. Now that we’ve discussed how closely related the pancreas is to the liver and the gallbladder, those with herpes should consider a total detoxification and healing program to address issues related to all three of these organs. Indeed, some systems of medicine regard the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas as one single unit because they’re connected via the common bile duct and when one of these organs is afflicted, all tend to become sick.One Russian study demonstrated that trypsin, a pancreatic enzyme, was highly effective at treating the signs and symptoms of a herpes infection. In the study, trypsin was used to control signs and symptoms during the acute period of infection as well as to prevent recurrences of herpes symptoms. The study examined the use of trypsin to prevent herpes outbreaks naturally for 3 years.
Scientists also noted that administration of trypsin supplements was able to prevent postherpetic neuralgia.
These are significant results. Treatment with trypsin can add weight to any protocol to overcome herpes infection.

Click here to buy a Trypsin and Chymotrypsin supplement.
How Trypsin Works as a Natural Cure for Herpes
Herpes virus capsids (the outer protein coat that protects certain viruses) that have been treated with trypsin bind to human cellular nuclei 85% less frequently than the herpes capsids that have not been treated. This effect makes it harder for HSV capsids to bind to human cells so as to infect them.Further, many viral infections include a bacterial co-infection with a co-infecting bacteria that forms biofilm. Trypsin treatment can sometimes prevent bacterial co-infection and the formation of biofilm, which hides pathogenic viruses from the immune system. HSV is a virus that colonizes the body to establish latency in the ganglia. Treatment with trypsin, especially Atlantic cod trypsin or salmon trypsin may reduce the viral load by preventing the formation of biofilm to hide HSV from the immune system.
It’s important to point out the fact that herpes viruses rely on bacteria to produce biofilm that can make the infection worse. It’s common for bacteria and viruses to support each other in a variety of ways. If you want to cure herpes, you need to optimize your general health.
Atlantic Cod Trypsin for Herpes
The surface proteins that are used by pathogenic bacteria and viruses to attach to human cells in order to invade and then multiply can be degraded by special proteins to reduce infectivity. Scientists have specifically worked with Atlantic Cod / Gadus morhua to prevent influenza, rhinoviruses, Respiratory Syncytial Virus / RSV, and also herpes viruses from becoming infective.Scientists have shown that cod trypsin is 3-12 times more effective than bovine trypsin at degrading the proteins that make it possible for viruses and bacteria to infect human cells. Indeed, studies have shown that cod trypsin is the most active of 12 different protein-degrading substances in cleaving cytokines and proteins that promote viral or bacteria infectivity.
Trypsin is a fairly well-known natural cure for chronic lung disease, so it’s no surprise that trypsin would be useful in treating respiratory viruses like influenza, rhinoviruses, and RSV. It is, however, thought-provoking to consider trypsin’s role as a natural treatment for HSV. Scientists have shown, however, that cod trypsin is especially powerful as a cure for HSV. Unfortunately, Atlantic cod trypsin is more sensitive to being deactivated by heat or acidic pH than bovine trypsin. As such, it might be useful for patients to work with Wim Hof cold therapy and the baking soda protocol (to increase pH) along with Atlantic cod trypsin for best results. Wim Hof cold therapy also tricks the body into reviving itself from the Cell Danger Response and cellular dormancy. Baking soda therapy is also one of the most reliable treatments for Candida infection which is often also a problem for those with herpes.
Studies have shown that cold-water fish produce enzymes such as trypsin that is adapted to cold through high molecular flexibility in comparison with trypsin in mammals. This high molecular flexibility combined with high catalytic activity explains to some extent why Atlantic cod trypsin is so effective against HSV and other viruses.
Detoxify the Liver, Colon, and Gallbladder to Heal the Pancreas
Coffee Enemas - Coffee enemas cleanse the liver. Do coffee enemas 1 to 3 times per day for several months to remove toxins, bile stones, and bile sludge from the liver. Coffee enemas relieve brain fog, reduce headaches, reduce pain throughout the body, and they are a natural way to relieve depression.
Colon Hydrotherapy / Colonic - Colon hydrotherapy cleanses the intestines to make it easier for these tissues to absorb nutrients from food.
Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanse - The Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanse removes gallstones from the gallbladder. Most patients with herpes could benefit from doing one cleanse monthly for 3 to 6 months.
Supplements to Heal the Liver, Gallbladder, and Pancreas
Trace Mineral Supplementation - Trace minerals / electrolytes help to electrify cells naturally. They also help restore normal bile constituency and function. Don’t buy electrolyte drinks. These contain toxins and should generally be avoided. Rather, administer shilajit or sea water supplement daily. Switch to Himalayan sea salt rather than table salt to get electrifying trace minerals into your diet.
Magnesium malate supplementation - Magnesium malate at 1000 mg per day will dissolve gallstones naturally over the course of several months. It can be taken in addition to doing Hulda Clark Gallbladder cleanses. Removing gallstones and bile sludge from the gallbladder will make your gallbladder less habitable for toxins and pathogens that might be supporting the presence of herpes viruses in your body.
Ox Bile or Bile Salts Supplementation - Ox bile or bile salts support digestion if your liver and gallbladder are congested and not properly releasing natural human bile during digestion. Taking ox bile at a dose of 125 mg up to 500 mg (start with the low dose first) per meal helps to rebalance the cholesterol levels in the liver and gallbladder to get rid of gallstones naturally and restore normal function to the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
Pancreatic Enzymes - Take pancreatic enzymes at every meal to ensure that your food is broken down to nutrients that can be absorbed and used by the body to strengthen and heal it. Trypsin, of course, is of special importance. Take bovine or porcine trypsin or purchase atlantic cod or salmon and remove the pancreas for dessication in a food dehydrator or oven. Administer the desiccated pancreas by putting the dried pancreatic tissues in vegetable glycerin capsules. Atlantic cod trypsin has a much more powerful effect against the herpes virus, so it might be valuable to go through the extra effort to obtain the pancreatic tissues and take them three times daily between meals.
Pancreatic enzyme therapy supports with supplemental pancreatic enzymes supports digestion when natural pancreatic enzymes are getting backed up into the pancreas. Nutrients help the body heal and rebuild so that natural pancreatic enzymes can begin to flow normally over time.
Pancreas-Supporting Herbs
Take herbs to regrow beta cells naturally and to also help cells absorb nutrients when insulin levels are low.Melissa officinalis / Lemon Balm - This is an herb that contains harmine, a substance that can regrow beta cells naturally. Passiflora incarnata / Passionflower - Passionflower also contains the substance harmine to naturally regrow beta cells. Ayahuasca - Ayahuasca is an herbal remedy that contains the highest level of harmine to regrow beta cells. Momordica charantia / Bitter Melon - This herb acts as a substitute for natural insulin when insulin levels or insensitivity is an issue. Adansonia digitata / Baobab - Baobab supplies a range of nutrients to hyper-nourish the body and it can lower blood sugar naturally.
Gallbladder-Supporting Plants
The malic acid found in apple cider or apple cider vinegar as well as in apples and grapes can help the gallbladder dissolve gallstones naturally. If you are taking magnesium malate daily, you may not need to also work with the gallbladder-supporting foods listed below. Apple Cider (sugar-free, sugar-substitute free, and with The Mother fermentation present in the bottle) Apple Cider Vinegar Apples GrapesLiver-Supporting Herbs
The liver-supporting herbs help reduce congestion and inflammation in the liver to make the body less achy and to reduce feelings of anger and frustration.Arctium lappa / Burdock Root - This herb reduces congestion in the liver to relieve liver inflammation. Taraxacum officinale / Dandelion Root - Dandelion root has powerful liver-supporting and liver-protecting benefits. Silybum marianum / Milk Thistle - Milk Thistle also reduces liver congestion and generally support natural liver function.
Address Trauma to Cure Herpes
If you have underlying trauma, address it using trauma-informed therapies such as the sacred medicines (this includes Ayahuasca and others as well) or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR. EMDR is a simple and elegant form of treatment that helps the body process trauma by moving traumatic feelings or memories back and forth from the right brain to the left brain so that they can be properly processed. This treatment mimics Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep during which time, insulin sensitivity is HALTED so that the body can go into a dream-state that is recuperative. Below is a link to an online EMDR program with a free trial:
Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
Another option is to work with the DreamLight.app to do guided meditations or brain entrainment work that will help your brain go into alpha and theta brainwave states that are healing and that allow the brain and body to release trauma. Many people work with both the DreamLight.app as well as EMDR to release trauma before they become ready to work with the sacred medicines.

Click here to learn more about the DreamLight.app, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.
Finally, if you live in a country where psilocybin mushrooms are legal, consider beginning your trauma release efforts by working with psilocybin. Psilocybin can be microdosed and psilocybin trips are shorter and less intense than Ayahuasca trips. Many people begin their trauma-release journey by working with psilocybin first. Note again, however, that Ayahuasca is an herb that can regrow beta cells and heal the pancreas. Click here to read more about facility in Mexico where we offer Ayahuasca for herpes treatment.

Click here to buy psilocybin online.
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