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Introduction to Cures for Cancer

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Dec 30, 2024


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Is there a cure for cancer?

Our bodies were designed to fact, for many people, the effort to heal SOMETHING in their lives, be it disease, familial issues, emotional problems, or even financial challenges, is what gives life meaning.
As an English-speaking cancer patient, your greatest chance of salvation is in books. There is a great deal of information online that can help you, but teasing apart fact from fiction is getting harder and harder. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made content development easier and more affordable for corporations which means that you now have to wade through Big Pharma-funded cookie-cutter content on page after page of search engine results before having any hope of finding actual cures for cancer. For the layperson who has never studied medicine and who has no knowledge of technology and practices like Search Engine Optimization (SEO) or psycho-linguistic, emotional manipulation tactics like Neuro-Linguistic Programming that can be used to hijack the truth, patients are at a significant disadvantage when trying to do honest-to-goodness research about a disease like cancer.  In spring of 2019 Google and Facebook both started censoring all alternative cancer cure information so that the majority of American citizens would only be able to find information about chemotherapy and radiation therapies for cancer. That was about 5 years ago and since that time a lot has happened in politics and technology. At this current moment, as I edit this bookjust 1.5 days before the November elections of 2024, Facebook is one of the main methods that I can use to propagate information about cancer cures. But tech is a constantly shifting landscape and I know how quickly the algorithms, communication opportunities, and data access can change. Average citizens aren’t privy to the “shifts” when they occur, but if you’re reading this book, you have an opportunity to become aware. Conventional medicine in today’s world is under the dominion of technology. If you want to take back your own health and reclaim control over your body and your mind after a diagnosis of cancer, you have to be aware of the fact that very simple changes in a piece of code behind the scenes at Google or Facebook or any search engine or social media platform can change what content you can see and access. Propaganda is easy to produce using AI and it’s easy to propagate via the Internet. Major changes to what the average citizen of the world can see or access can happen overnight (or even more quickly than that), but cures for cancer will never go away. They exist and most of them are derived from the natural world. 

Over the past 5 years, one of the most important shifts in my own experience of technology and cures for cancer in particular happened as a result of intensive study into the sacred medicines like Ayahuasca and psilocybin. Ayahuasca is one of the most important cures for cancer, but this plant medicine is so much more. Ayahuasca is a plant medicine that knows about The Universe of medicine (and life, for that matter) and, if you can to drink Ayahuasca and ask the plant directly, it can tell you, in your own human language (whichever language you speak) about which medicine you need to heal from cancer. Not only does Ayahuasca deal directly with the pancreas, the organ that is at the root of cancer as a disease, but through its work on the pancreas, it has the ability to release trauma and also the emotional-spiritual need for cancer, so to speak. Click here to read more about Ayahuasca for cancer and how it also works to release trauma and also cure diabetes and insulin resistance at the same time. Ayahuasca is one of a number of sacred indigenous medicines that give people the ability to find cures for cancer without the Internet and even without any real knowledge of medicine.


Books. Reading. Learning. These are the things through which you can use to learn what you need to know to cure cancer, if you can find the right books that won’t make you feel afraid or hopeless. Doctors today are educated about surgeries, technologies, and chemotherapies. They’ve read a lot of books and they’ve spent a lot of time in classes. But the cure for cancer has been discovered one hundred times over. There are many ways to cure cancer and the vast majority of them involve naturally-occurring substances from herbs and superfoods to molecules, pH, and vibrational therapies. The cures for cancer have already been found in nature. They’re available to all of us at an affordable price. Anyone can afford to cure cancer. Take urine fasting, for example, as a cancer cure that’s free to all. But doctors don’t sell and distribute natural substances. Doctors are educated by Big Pharma to sell and distribute drugs, surgeries, medical devices, and other treatments that will result in big profits for the industry. The biggest, wealthiest people and corporations in the United States and the world have made their wealth off of sickness and the promotion of synthetic chemicals, the removal of flesh and organs, and technological sophistication that wows patients, luring them away from simple cures that may grow alongside the road or in the backyard. 

Don’t be angry with your doctor about this. Most doctors studied medicine because they sincerely wanted to help people get healthy again. Just like the vast majority of the population of the world, they believed that conventional medicine was the way to do that. Doctors invest a huge amount of time and energy into learning their trade and all but a few of them live in fear of diseases like cancer just like everyone else. Until a person reaches a point with conventional medicine and conventional treatments where they simply can’t buy into it anymore emotionally, physically, financially, and spiritually, The System has control. If you’ve reached a point where you’re open to new ideas in terms of how to cure cancer, then you’re in good company. There are actually quite a lot of experts (including well-respected scientists, doctors, and innovators) who have been working on this problem for more than a century with excellent results that will “wow” you. Once you understand what cancer is and how and why the cures for cancer work, you will know an entirely new and very powerful model of medicine that works to cure other serious diseases too. The ability to cure cancer is and always has been about basic concepts like alkalizing the body, eating an anti-cancer diet that follows certain basic principles, and using specific nutrient supplements to hyper-nourish the tissues that have been weakened by poor diet, stress, and toxins.

Patients who find this hard to believe can read more and decide for themselves. Has cancer already been “cured”? Is it true that doctors were closer to curing cancer back in the early 1900’s than they are today? Nearly every cure in this book has a political history that patients need to read and consider in order to decide for themselves whether or not they believe that a multitude of cures have already been found for cancer. The politics of cancer cures and the stories about of how cancer cures are covered up are important because knowing the story of a cancer cure, it’s discovery, it’s use, and then how the person or people who discovered it were exiled or “burnt at the stake politically” can make it easier to believe in the medicines that you choose to work with to cure cancer. Belief affects biology, so we need the stories about each of these cures to understand why you never knew about them before   No one can deny that reality is layered. That when you look at a chair, for example, that what you see depends on what you know about chairs, your experience with chairs, and the technology at your disposal with which to view the chair and its component materials and parts. It also depends on how close you are to the chair. If you use a microscope to zoom in on the chair, the chair itself disappears completely and your awareness of its atoms and molecules become the realityOn the other hand, if you were to ride in a hot air-balloon up to 300 or 500 feet, the chair would disappear and blend into its surroundings as a tiny pixel of color and nothing more.

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Most people accept the idea of atoms and molecules with all their spinning, ethereal whimsy and most people also accept the idea that energy and matter are really the same thing (E=mc²), but rarely do we really apply the idea of energy and matter, electrons and molecules to our daily lives. Similarly, we rarely have the time to really contemplate the details of the landscape of our lives to notice each tree or each flower that’s nearby. Most of us live our lives from a distance, as though we were looking down at things from a hot air balloon (or sometimes even from outer space). Trauma and traumatic experiences as well as even chronic stress causes people to dissociate psychologically in order to survive.    A diagnosis of cancer, in fact, is powerfully correlated with unresolved trauma or some form of long-term, high-level, chronic stress. Conventional medicine does not acknowledge or even appear to know about this relationship between trauma and cancer. A system called German New Medicine developed this theory into a way to treat cancer using the mind and emotional healing as a core feature. But the oldest system of medicine on earth, shamanism, also uses emotional and spiritual healing as a central aspect as well. Shamanism, as a general rule, is based on altered states of consciousness and the power of the mind to heal the body. The use of sacred medicines, drumming, and other methods to open the mind and the heart to improbable (but not impossible) results has been necessary and essential in the survival of the human race for far longer than the corporate healthcare system. And since that is a fact, we should all be compelled to consider the role of the mind and emotions, especially trauma, as a major player in the development of cancer. Most people don’t realize that trauma can be released permanently using trauma-informed therapies like craniosacral therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR, psilocybin therapy, or the use of Ayahuasca. One way to view this problem is to say that trauma lives in the body, but it might be more true to say that the body IS the mind

Click here to learn more about trauma-informed therapies to release trauma permanently.

Over the past decade of working with health coaching clients, Lydian and I have learned that cancer is never just a physical issue. There is always a trauma-component that, if left unresolved, will leave patients in a state of dis-ease (and un-ease) even after a tumor disappears. Trauma can take many forms and no one is immune to it. Trauma builds up over time like stones that we carry in a bag on our backs if we don’t make an effort to release the trauma on a regular basis. Trauma release is usually fairly simple, if not elegantly simple, and quick, but it isn’t necessarily intuitive, so there’s almost always learning involved for average people, especially for average people who are ill. Releasing trauma brings us back from the far-away-places of psychological dissociation that we seek out in order to survive our lives. But we need our energies to be inside our bodies when we’re trying to heal from a serious disease. So trauma-informed therapies are always on the menu for anyone who wishes to overcome cancer permanently. 

If you’re new to the idea of trauma, be aware that trauma can involve something as mundane as a painful dental appointment. Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is almost always traumatic for patients. Cancer treatments like radiation and chemo are also traumatic. But any action that we take in life that is meaningful to us and that interrupts a planned sequence can be experienced as traumatic. Click here to read more about what trauma is and how it feels

This encyclopedia of cancer cures is a down-to-earth guide to the treatments that people have used to cure cancer over the past 100 years or more. It was not written by doctors. It was written by normal laypeople. But the information contained in this book will provide you with research that has been conducted by hundreds of doctors and researchers over the course of more than a century. The views presented in this book vary depending on the layer of reality each particular theorist, doctor, or researcher took when looking at cancer. But the most amazing thing about what’s presented here is that despite the fact that these various scientists and doctors did not have the benefit of knowing about each other’s work (for political reasons – because their work was censored, hidden, or sent into exile), they came up with theories and treatments that complement each other and explain, down to the molecular and electrical basis of cancer, the mechanisms that lead to the disease, the mechanisms that can prevent it, and the mechanisms that can be used to treat it.   Again, the authors of this book are not doctors. We’re average people with degrees in various fields, none of them medicine. Patients who are interested in the cancer cures presented in this book will have to decide for themselves whether they want to follow their doctor’s advice or whether they want to follow another treatment path. But know that the FDA would frown on any patient who decides to use this book as a guide. The FDA would use the word “unsafe” to describe some of the treatments in this book. The American Cancer Society would say that all the treatments presented in this book are “unproven”. The Sloan-Kettering Memorial Cancer treatment center would say that these treatments don’t work and they know it because their own (rigged) research has proven it. It is only by understanding these organizations, their political make-up, and their financial motivations better that patients can make informed decisions about the cancer treatments recommended in this book. I recommend that patients read and acknowledge the FDA, the American Cancer Society, and the Sloan-Kettering Memorial recommendations, but not before reading World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin. Griffin’s book offers patients the tools they need to really understand the words used by these organizations to deter patients from this treatment or that treatment in order to make informed decisions about their own path toward healing from cancer.

Click here to buy the 4 volume Cancer Cure Catalog series.

Many, if not most people who are diagnosed with cancer recoil from the idea of surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy but few people are aware of other treatment options for cancer. This encyclopedia is not to be used for diagnosis or treatment, of course (although, if you need to diagnose cancer and you know that you are definitely not pregnant, you can use nothing but a pregnancy test to determine whether or not you have cancer cells growing in your body – see the Trophoblast Theory of Cancer for more information). This book is merely a tool that patients can use to be more creative on their cancer journey. Talk to your doctor about this book if you feel compelled to do so. Yes, go ahead. He or she will probably have strong feelings about the right-ness or wrong-ness of what we present here. Be sure to note the resources section at the end of each chapter. But also keep reading and researching. And use your intuition to make the final decision about how to heal your body. As you release more and more trauma, your intuition about medicine will get better and better.    Be warned that while the big organizations that promote chemo, radiation, and surgery will focus very intently on the size of your tumor, this book is about treating cancer holistically - in other words, we focus on cancer as a disease affecting and emanating from emotional and physiological imbalances in the body as a whole. A significant proportion of most tumors are made up of dead cells and/or benign cells so the size of a tumor only matters if the tumor is going to cause pressure on a vital organ (the brain, for example), or if it will impair the function of that organ (the stomach or intestines, for example). Further, among integrative practitioners of medicine, surgery isn’t usually advised because surgery can lower a patient’s immunity, cause the tumor to metastasize, or cause damage to important organs that will be needed for healing. Most surgeries involve the use of bromide-containing anesthetics rather than ketamine as a less-toxic option that is sometimes even emotionally beneficial for those who are dealing with trauma. If you’re not familiar with the toxic halides such as bromide and fluoride, or the use of Lugol’s iodine as one of the most important cures for cancer, click here. The Lugol’s iodine protocol is essential for anyone who decides to undergo surgery for cancer, but if surgery doesn’t feel right to you, it’s because cancer surgery usually isn’t warranted.    The physical make-up of the cancer cell and tumors is described and illustrated in this book by theories and research that’s looked closely at the anatomy of cancer. But there are many layers to the reality of cancer and thus many ways to describe cancer in terms of its physical presence. Some theorists and doctors aimed their research at molecules and even the electrical charge of the cancer cells. Still others have focused on the vibrational frequencies of cancer cells. Some scientists and doctors have discovered herbs that specifically target cancer cells. And others studied the important relationship between mycobacterium and  cancer. They viewed cancer as an infection and developed vaccines and other technologies to treat it or to prevent it altogether. But cancer can also be viewed as “soul loss” or the loss of vital energy as a result of trauma. Experts like Dr. Robert Naviaux have looked closely at serious mind-body health problems like “resignation syndrome” and autism as an issue that’s observable at the cellular level. While Dr. Naviaux has used Suramin to cure autism and bring back vital life force to heal his patients, Dr. Stephen Porges has focused his lens on the autonomic nervous system using Polyvagal Theory to describe the same phenomenon observed by Dr. Naviaux – the body’s natural ability to begin to shut down and go into a state of dormancy in response to extreme stress or trauma. One of the major shortcomings of conventional medicine is its unwillingness to consider the emotional component of disease as well as the emotional response to a given treatment. As a patient, if you feel unseen, unheard, demoralized, uncared for, terrorized, or any other powerful negative emotion in response to treatment, this warrants a closer look.

 Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool.

There are a number of low-chemo or no-chemo, no-radiation treatment facilities out there today. Patients who are considering these facilities can use this book to learn about the treatments that are being offered and make critical decisions about which ones to pursue. Cancer can be a very expensive disease to treat, but as we noted earlier, it can also be treated for free. This book can help you decide which treatments are worth their cost to you and which ones are not.   Some of these treatments will surprise you. Working backwards from the various treatments that have worked to cure cancer, it’s possible to see a pattern emerge; one that can lead patients to better health overall. Indeed, a number of the cancer cures listed in this encyclopedia are cures for other common diseases like arthritis, systemic Candida albicans, arteriosclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and even the common cold. The cancer cures are elegantly simple and when placed side-by-side, they hold promise to treat the most common and devastating diseases that afflict modern man.

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