- Amino acids
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Trauma Therapies ----->Sacred Indigenous Medicines
If you’re struggling with addiction, we know that you need to get started right away taking the supplements listed below to be able to make the most out of the information presented on this website! So, below, we’ve provided a list of everything you need to get started right away with this anti-addiction protocol.

Click here to buy the Anti-Addiction Encyclopedia.
Plan to take the supplements we discuss below at the recommended doses, 3 to 4 times per day (to provide a steady supply of nutrients to your brain) for 5-6 months. Five to six months is how long it will take to upregulate your dopamine receptors and to heal the brain completely. You’ll have to take a lot of pills at first! Many of the nutritional supplements and plant medicines listed below must be taken at high doses to have therapeutic benefits relevant for treating addiction.
What is a Neurotransmitter?

Neurotransmitter Precursors: Basics
- The supplements below provide neurotransmitter precursors that your body would otherwise have to get exclusively from your diet during the withdrawal process.
- Neurotransmitter-precursors are substances that must be present in order for the brain to make a given neurotransmitter (examples of neurotransmitters include: dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, glutamate, and GABA).
- Neurotransmitter precursors make it easy for your body to make the neurotransmitters you need to feel okay with the world as you work to overcome an addiction.
- By taking the proper doses of neurotransmitter precursors (which are typically amino acids or natural amino acid derivatives), you can reduce withdrawal symptoms during the early stages of quitting an addiction which will significantly increase your odds of success.

Click here to buy psilocybin online.
- As your dopamine levels stabilize and as dopamine receptors heal, be aware that any trauma that you’ve experienced that has been stored in your body for release will begin to come into conscious awareness. This may look like panic attacks, psychosis, neurosis, depression, bipolar disorder, or any number of other so-called “mental illnesses”. At this point, you may wish to seek out treatment with psilocybin, Ayahuasca, peyote, or other sacred indigenous medicines. Please note that Lydian and I offer health coaching for addictions and we also provide on-site, one-on-one treatment for addictions in Mexico using various sacred indigenous medicines. Treatment may include psilocybin microdosing or full doses of sacred indigenous medicines along with breathwork, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing / EMDR, DreamLight.app, and more. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Click here to do a free trial of EMDR online.
The supplements that you’ll find most helpful in overcoming any addiction are:
- Mucuna pruriens - (6000 mg per day taken every 4 hours in divided doses)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Mucuna works like a mild contraceptive for women who take it. For men, it enhances fertility. If you decide you want to conceive while taking Mucuna, you will need to stop taking it 1 month before you wish to try to conceive. Click here to learn more about Mucuna as a fertility herb.
Also note that L-Tyrosine is an amino acid alternative treatment for addiction that you can use if you can’t obtain Mucuna pruriens. Click here to learn more about L-Tyrosine for addiction.
- Kudzu - (2400 mg administered every 2.5 hours, 3 to 4 times per day)
Kudzu and Mucuna are plants from the same family and as such they have similar effects on the body. Kudzu, however, has been studied extensively in terms of its ability to help alcoholics quit drinking. Even alcoholics who don’t intend to stop drinking tend to drink about 20% less when they’re “primed” with Kudzu before going to the bar. It seems that this herb somehow positively affects the way the body metabolizes alcohol and sugars, but it also helps reduce detox symptoms and withdrawals. If you’re struggling with alcohol addiction, Kudzu should definitely be incorporated into your initial treatment protocol. Also note that Kudzu is an herb to release trauma too. As a powerful anti-diabetic herb, Kudzu works, at least in part, to release trauma by keeping blood sugar levels balanced. Click here to read more about Kudzu as an herb for diabetes.

- 5-HTP - (100 mg up to 4 times per day, as needed (taken every 4 hours))
Serotonin disruption can be challenging to overcome but 5-HTP can help. One of the early withdrawal symptoms in addiction is “sober sadness”, but this can be alleviated in many cases through the combined use of 5-HTP and St. John’s Wort (but, NEVER use these substances with antidepressants, other prescription meds, methamphetamines, or other uppers---wait 2 weeks before beginning to use 5-HTP if you’ve recently used any of these other substances). 5-HTP can be extremely helpful during the withdrawal process, but some people don’t need this amino acid. Try it at a low dose at first (100 mg once per day) and note whether you feel better or worse in terms of mood, ability to sleep, irritability levels, etc. This supplement gives your body the necessary materials to manufacture serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in depression.
- St. John’s Wort - (300 -1500 mg taken in divided doses every 4 hours)
If 5-HTP benefits you during the withdrawal process from addiction, St. John’s Wort may add another layer of support to your protocol. This plant medicine will help your brain make more efficient use of 5-HTP. But you may or may not need St. John’s Wort depending on the biochemical reasons underlying your addiction. Take a low dose of St. John’s Wort with 5-HTP to see how it affects you. It may take up to 4 weeks for it to reach its full effect. You may or may not need it to overcome a behavioral addiction like gambling, video gaming, or social media addiction.
- N-Acetyl-Cysteine / NAC - (600-1000 mg about every 4 hours - a total of up to 3000 mg per day)
NAC is an over-the-counter antioxidant that helps the body regulate glutamate and GABA levels in the brain. These two neurotransmitters balance neural excitement with neural relaxation. Taking this supplement at 100 to 600 mg several times throughout the day will help control obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. Note that NAC is an addiction treatment that’s safe during pregnancy and indeed, this supplement has a broad range of medicinal action via its ability to detoxify the body. Click here to read more about how NAC can be used medicinally during pregnancy or in non-pregnant individuals.
- L-Theanine - (take on an as-needed basis)
L-Theanine has a calming effect on the body. It can influence the production of serotonin and dopamine and can help you enhance your mood, reduce cortisol levels and stress levels (as a result), making it easier to rest and relax.
- Multi-vitamin (follow the dosing instructions on the bottle per day in the morning)
Take a multivitamin that contains magnesium, zinc, B complex vitamins, especially high-dose vitamin B6 (50-100 mg per day), and vitamin C.
- Vitamin B Complex (take 1 dose per day in the morning)
If your multivitamin doesn’t contain high dose vitamin B6, choose a vitamin B complex product that contains at least 25 mg of vitamin B6 per dose. Without the proper amount of B vitamins, your body won’t be able to make use of any of the other supplements you’re taking for withdrawals, so B vitamins are a vital part of successfully overcoming any addiction! Ideally, you should be taking 100 mg of vitamin B6 per day if you are trying to get rid of withdrawal symptoms.
- Magnesium (Take 400 mg in the morning and 400 mg right before bed)
Magnesium will relax your muscles and facilitate all the chemical reactions that are necessary for you to overcome addiction.
- L-Tyrosine - (Take 6000-10,000 mg in divided doses of 1000 to 2000 mg throughout the day.)
As we mention above, L-Tyrosine ultimately works similarly to Mucuna pruriens. As such, it is technically optional in this at-home addiction treatment protocol, however, L-tyrosine and Lugol’s iodine provide the two essential ingredients in the production of thyroid hormones and since many people today have either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, we include this amino acid here. Having hypothyroidism and addiction or hyperthyroidism and addiction can make it hard to feel awake and alive, but Lugol’s iodine and L-Tyrosine can often get people off their thyroid meds. If you opt to use L-Tyrosine instead of working with Mucuna pruriens as an herbal addiction cure, be sure to take the L-Tyrosine every 2 hours or so and note that it takes up to 24 hours to feel the effects of the L-Tyrosine (as compared to 4 hours with Mucuna pruriens). If you decide to take both L-Tyrosine and Mucuna pruriens, take a lower dose of the L-Tyrosine (3000-6000 mg per day) and take the high dose of Mucuna pruriens for at least 5 months.
- Amygdalin (Take 500 mg of this supplement at night, right before bed).
Amygdalin will help your body and brain rebuild neurological structures that may have been depleted as a result of addictive behaviors. If you can’t find Amygdalin in pill form, purchase some raw, bitter, organic apricot kernels and eat 4 to 5 of them daily. Take them separately from all other supplements (either right away when you arise or right before you go to bed).
- Lugol’s Iodine (Purchase a 2% solution and start with 1 drop on the wrist in the morning every day adding 1 daily drop every 7 days until you get to 20 drops total per day.)
Lugol’s iodine contains the nutrients your body needs to be able to produce thyroid hormones and reproductive hormones in appropriate quantities. It helps to increase your norepinephrine levels (a neurotransmitter that plays a strong role in preventing relapse). If you consume bromide / bromine-containing items like breads or soft-drinks (check the ingredients on your bread and soft drink products for BVO’s - brominated vegetable oils), if you have ever taken pharmaceuticals that contain bromide / bromine, if you live near agricultural areas where bromide-containing insecticides or organophosphates are being use, or if you swim regularly in a pool that’s sanitized using bromine, your iodine levels are probably dangerously low and you may break out in a rash when you first use this supplement. This is a normal reaction to have as the bromine is leaving the body during the initial stages of supplementation. Note that organophosphate exposure and bromide-containing insecticide exposure often looks very similar. Click here to learn more about bromide and organophosphate exposure and how iodine can protect you from these nerve agents. Click here to read more about the Lugol’s iodine protocol.
- Honokiol/Magnolia Bark - (take 400 mg 1 hour before bed)
Magnolia Bark is a plant medicine that will help you sleep. It has the ability to change its shape in the brain to provide your brain with whatever it needs to rest. Honokiol impacts the opiate receptors which makes it vitally important for people who are trying to kick an addiction to heroin, morphine, or any other opiate.
- L-Tryptophan - (take 1500 mg 1 hour before bed)
This is the amino acid in turkey that makes people feel sleepy after a big Thanksgiving dinner. L-Tryptophan is another serotonin precursor, similar to 5-HTP. You can take up to 15 grams of L-Tryptophan to relieve insomnia, but most people take between 1000 and 5000 mg before bed to help them sleep.
- Melatonin - (take 3 mg 1 hour before bed)
Melatonin will help you sleep and it will also help you maintain adequate serotonin levels in the brain during the withdrawal and detoxification process.
- Rhodiola rosea- (Take 1000 mg 3 times per day for 1 month, then drop back to 500 mg once per day for 1 year)
You won’t notice Rhodiola doing much until after you get through the release of any trauma that your body might be holding onto either prior to becoming addicted to something or trauma that came to you as a result of your addiction. As you release trauma, you might become “triggery” (to pull from the idea of “triggers” in PTSD), but as you release more and more of the trauma, these triggers start to be much easier to control if you’re taking Rhodiola. The Rhodiola smooths out the experience of a trigger to make people less fight-or-flight-y and more able to simply breathe through the trigger.
There are a number of sacred indigenous medicines that can be indispensable as part of a protocol to overcome addiction naturally. While some sacred medicines like Ayahuasca or Iboga can be useful in to permanently stop an addiction itself, a number of other sacred medicines (such as psilocybin, Kambo, and certain dream roots) are extremely useful in overcoming trauma that often predates the addiction as a root cause of the addictive behavior. Contact us at [email protected] for health coaching to overcome addiction at home or to learn more about sacred indigenous medicines that can be administered for different addictions and different phases of the addiction recovery process.
EMDR is one of the most gentle and yet effective treatments for trauma. Though EMDR therapy is much slower than therapy with sacred medicines, it is easy to work with it at home to address trauma that comes up during the first 5 months of drug addiction (or behavioral addiction) recovery. Click here to read more about EMDR and other trauma treatments that are fairly easy to access as you recover from addiction naturally.