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The Molecular Hydrogen Cure for Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Forms of Dementia

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Apr 04, 2022


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Natural Remedy for Alzheimer's and Dementia

Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder for which conventional medicine offers no cure. Alzheimer’s disease resembles other types of dementia, but it is characterized by learning impairments, memory problems, a progressive decline in cognitive function, and emotional and social problems that develop over the course of time. In practice it is difficult for doctors to differentiate Alzheimer’s disease from other types of dementia, including dementia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Note that if your doctor won’t give an Alzheimer’s patient injections of vitaminn B12 to determine whether or not the patient has dementia symptoms due to vitamin B12 deficiency, you can administer vitamin B12 through the skin by combining vitamin B12 supplements with DMSO to find out for yourself. Time is of the essence if you or or a loved one has a vitamin B12 deficiency that is causing the dementia symptoms. 

But this article is about molecular hydrogen and how to use molecular hydrogen to prevent the progression of Alzheimer’s in patients who do not have dementia symptoms caused by a vitamin B12 deficiency. 

What is molecular hydrogen therapy?

In 2007, scientists officially discovered that molecular hydrogen has selective antioxidant properties. Though Bob Wright developed something called the Kangen Machine over two decades ago to produce high concentrations of molecular hydrogen in water, his invention and its medicinal benefits didn’t hit mainstream medicine until 2007. Molecular hydrogen has a low toxicity level and it’s hard to cause damage to patients using molecular hydrogen. So lately, scientists have been feverishly studying molecular hydrogen as a medicine that can be used to treat a number of human diseases.

Water that contains high levels of molecular hydrogen can be administered as drinking water or it can be administered as a breathing treatment (which is especially valuable for patients with lung diseases). 

How does molecular hydrogen slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease?

Molecular hydrogen gas works to slow progression of Alzheimer’s disease through the following mechanisms of action:

  • Reduces oxidative stress throughout the body, but especially in the brain
  • Reduces inflammation in the brain
  • Molecular hydrogen has the ability to penetrate neurons and go inside the cell to fix damage done at the level of DNA. 
  • Molecular hydrogen helps to maintain the number of neurons in the brain to stop Alzheimer’s from progressing.

Studies have shown that molecular hydrogen therapy can be used to treat any of the following diseases or disorders:

How to Use Molecular Hydrogen Therapy to Slow the Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease

Concentration levels of molecular hydrogen in water below 4% is extremely safe and also extremely effective as a treatment for a wide variety of health problems including Alzheimer’s disease. But even at higher concentrations, molecular hydrogen is very safe and non-toxic. It’s rare to find a medicine like this that has a low toxicity level, a broad spectrum of medicinal action, and the ability to powerfully affect the progression of a serious disease like Alzheimer’s. 

Alzheimer’s patients can be given hydrogen-rich water or they could do molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy using a molecular hydrogen generator at home. The molecular hydrogen goes into the blood where it has an anti-inflammatory effect throughout the body. It stimulates the production of energy in brain cells and reduces damage that’s being caused to neurons. Studies have shown that molecular hydrogen water improves cognition in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease.

Molecular hydrogen generating machines are widely available at affordable prices today making it easier for patients to access the healing benefits of this therapy. Patients with Alzheimer’s disease who also have  lung problems could benefit from inhaling molecular hydrogen for 45 minutes twice daily. For patients who wish to consume drinking water, the Bob Wright Protocol is the recommended path to follow. Bob Wright developed the Kangen machine and he worked with patients with different types of dementia including Alzheimer’s disease so his protocol has been tested in the real world on actual patients. 

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Tan, X., et al. (2018). The role of hydrogen in Alzheimer’s disease. Retrieved April 4, 2022 from

Ge, L. et al.  (2017). Molecular hydrogen: a preventive and therapeutic medical gas for various diseases. Retrieved April 4, 2017 from

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