The "Jungle Vaccine" Herpes Cure
What is Kambo?
Kambo is a venom from the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog, and has been used for many generations in the Amazon to treat all manners of health complaints in people of all ages (yes, even children!). It is known as the “Jungle Vaccine” since it can be used not only to treat, but also prevent, even more serious infectious diseases like malaria; we have a longer list of the health problems that Kambo has been known to treat in this article.How Kambo Works to Treat and Prevent Herpes Infection
The peptide group known as Dermaseptin has been studied as an effective treatment for both HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections, including in cases of acyclovir-resistant viral strains. Kambo contains may different peptides, all of which can be medicinal and beneficial to the body, but research has found that this particular peptide may be especially valuable when it comes to the treatment of herpes infections. Dermaseptin has been found to be effective in eradicating viral particles before they invade healthy host cells; thus, this peptide won’t kill the herpes virus once it has taken up residence in a cell. This means that consistent, regular use of Dermaseptin (and/or Kambo) is essential in order to effectively combat a herpes infection using this medicine.Even in cases where Kambo doesn’t entirely eradicate the herpes virus from the body, regular, consistent use of this medicine may be able to prevent outbreaks by inhibiting viral replication and spreading. This action may not only reduce outbreaks entirely, but when outbreaks do occur, they may present with fewer symptoms and have a shorter duration than before.
Other people speculate that an important way in which Kambo works to prevent outbreaks and (gradually) cure herpes infection is by releasing emotional and energetic blocks in the mind and body. Stress and emotional problems are a common cause of herpes outbreaks, and can also lower immunity and the body’s ability to heal itself. Indeed, the release of stress and emotional tension can not only improve one’s physical ability to heal, but it can also clear the mind to enable creative thinking and open-mindedness, both important things to cultivate when it comes to working to cure a so-called “incurable” health problem.
Finally, the generally detoxifying action of Kambo is also extremely important in terms of treating herpes infection. The herpes virus is known for its ability to “hide” in the body, and then later come out of hibernation in response to toxins, emotional triggers, or other (often unclear) factors. Kambo can help flush out toxins (and sometimes the virus itself) from these obscure corners of the body, thus making it possible for other medicines to act more powerfully and effectively to kill the herpes viruses and generally heal the body.
Dermaseptin’s action against free viral particles also makes it a good choice for preventing infection with herpes. If you know you’ve been exposed to herpes recently, doing a round of Kambo shortly afterwards may help prevent the infection from actually taking up residence in your body. In fact, research has shown that Dermaseptin specifically works to target the herpes virus before viral absorption into host cells, or as the host cells are absorbing the virus (not after viral absorption). This makes Dermaseptin (and Kambo) an ideal choice for early prevention of any herpes infection, including not only HSV-1 and HSV-2, but also chickenpox and other herpesviruses. For people with an existing herpes infection, this only means that consistency of use is key when it comes to using Kambo as a herpes treatment, since Kambo therefore would act to inhibit viral spread.
Dermaseptin is a powerful antiviral peptide, and may also work to treat other viral infections like:
- HIV-1 - As a treatment for HIV-1, dermaseptin has been found to inhibit HIV attachment to endometrial cells in vitro. It also inhibits dendritic cell uptake and later viral transmission to T-cells.
- Rabies virus - Dermaseptin has recently been found to work against rabies in mice.
- HPV / Human papillomavirus
- Viral hepatitis
- COVID-19 - We discuss Kambo as a treatment and preventative medicine for COVID-19 in this article.
Dermaseptin is also an antifungal and antiparasitic, and has shown activity against the following fungal and parasitic infections:
- Candida albicans
- Aspergillus fumigatus
- Malaria / Plasmodium spp. - As a malaria treatment, Dermaseptin has been found to be able to target and kill the malaria parasite even after it has entered a host cell, without causing damage or disruption to the host cell in the process.
- Schistosomiasis / Schistosoma mansoni
- Trypanosomiasis / Trypanosoma cruzi
- Leishmaniasis / Leishmania amazonensis
Dermaseptin has also been studied as an anticancer agent, and has activity against some forms of cancer, including:
- Pancreatic cancer
- Prostatic adenocarcinomas
- Breast cancer
- Non-small cell lung carcinoma
- Glioblastoma
This article discusses the broad medicinal actions of Kambo in more depth.
Click here to read about Kambo as a cure for Lyme disease and other bacterial infections.

Anecdotal Reports of Kambo as a Cure for Herpes
Kambo is a sacred indigenous medicine, and as such, scientific research into its efficacy as a herpes treatment (and as a treatment for other health conditions, for that matter) is lacking. However, there are anecdotal reports of Kambo as an effective herpes treatment. For example, one person reported that they did a 3-day Kambo treatment protocol after a period of frequent HSV-1 herpes labialis outbreaks. In the 9 month period after the Kambo protocol, this person only experienced 2 herpes outbreaks, both of which occurred during times of high stress, after sun exposure, or after inadequate sleep.Other people report a similar period of time in the months following Kambo treatment where the frequency of outbreaks lessens (or even entirely disappears). Some people do have a recurrence of symptoms a while after taking Kambo, but subsequent doses often stave off the herpes outbreaks again. In some cases, an outbreak will occur immediately after Kambo therapy, but then the person will enter into a long period of remission from herpes outbreaks.
One Kambo practitioner also reported that she had 2 clients who, after receiving a few rounds of Kambo, no longer tested positive for the herpes virus on blood tests (which they had been getting routinely).
At a clinic in the Czech republic, one review from a person who received the Kambo medicine with them reported that after 3 Kambo ceremonies, their bioresonance tests came back negative for herpes after previously testing positive. This person also reported that Kambo not only eliminated herpes and a long list of other pathogens, but that it also helped relieve their depression and restore their “joy for life”.
Indeed, Kambo can work powerfully to restore emotional and mental balance. This medicine is known not only for its physical healing capabilities, but also for its emotional/mental/spiritual healing abilities, which include the ability to treat depression/anxiety, PTSD, addiction, brain fog, “bad luck”, psychic overwhelm, emotional/mental fatigue, ancestral blocks, high stress levels, and much, much more.
Click here to learn about how Kambo can cure addiction and alcoholism.
This article talks about Kambo (and other sacred indigenous medicine) for postpartum depression/anxiety.
How to Use Kambo as a Herpes Treatment
Generally speaking, Kambo should only be administered by someone who’s trained to administer the medicine. Unless you’ve been trained by someone experienced on how to administer Kambo to yourself or a loved one, empowered in regard to safety protocols, and have already done a few rounds of Kambo so you’re familiar with the experience, you should not endeavor to administer this medicine by yourself.Kambo is administered as a tiny globule of venom applied to an area of the skin where the very top layer of skin has been burned off (this allows the venom to enter directly into the bloodstream quickly). Depending on your individual case and the practitioner you work with, you may have only 1 spot of Kambo at first, or you may receive a few spots of the medicine. The entire treatment can last up to 1 hour, but the core part of the medicine experience usually lasts only about 20-30 minutes.
The effects of Kambo resemble anaphylactic shock, so practitioners should know how to manage these effects (note that although the effects of Kambo resemble anaphylaxis, true anaphylaxis doesn’t usually happen with this medicine). After putting the Kambo onto the burned areas of skin, the effects start within only a few minutes; many people report that they can feel the medicine “moving through the body”, starting in the head and face and moving down into the chest and lungs, and then going all the way down through the digestive system and even into the extremities in some cases. The medicine often causes vomiting and nausea, and occasionally diarrhea, as it moves through the digestive tract. Because of this, Kambo is what’s called an “ordeal medicine”, since it causes powerful detoxification and cleansing of the body.
After a Kambo session, some people may experience some further detoxification symptoms for a day or two, but many people report feeling significantly lighter both physically and emotionally almost immediately following Kambo. In the case that a person experiences some detox symptoms after the Kambo session, once these pass, these feelings of greater well-being generally begin.
High quality Kambo practitioners will not only know about how to manage the physical aspects of administering Kambo, but will also be aware and attuned to the emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of the medicine. Set and setting is extremely important with any sacred medicine, including with Kambo, so make sure to choose a practitioner who works with some kind of ceremony surrounding the administration of the Kambo medicine.
Jennifer and I studied under a curandera in Mexico and we have worked intensively with a number of sacred indigenous medicines, including Kambo. We offer sacred indigenous medicine retreats and private ceremonies to treat health problems of all kinds in Mexico. Contact us at [email protected] for more information or visit our other website, https://medicinassagradas.com/, for more details.