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The Fast Food Addiction Treatment Protocol

Posted By Lydian Shipp | Oct 31, 2024


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How to Cure Fast Food Addiction

When I was a kid, fast food addiction didn’t exist or at least, the idea of it didn’t exist. By the time I was a teenager, fast food addiction had become a problem though there still wasn’t a term for it. It was not acknowledged as a type of addiction. But today, things have changed. Fast food addiction is ubiquitous or at least it is extremely common, especially in the United States and in other developed countries where fast food is cheaper and more accessible than real, healthy food. 

Most of the people who eat fast food do not acknowledge that they have an addiction. Eating fast food is socially acceptable thus, fast food addiction is also socially acceptable. As an addiction, fast food addiction is similar to alcohol addiction. Drinking alcohol and eating fast food are both socially acceptable behaviors. But while alcohol addiction is easy for family members to identify and acknowledge, eating fast food and fast food addiction is often a whole family affair. Entire families are addicted to fast food and the result is that the family has many physical and emotional health issues. But unlike alcohol addiction, if one member of a family wants to stop fast food addiction, the family is disrupted. Often, the person who wishes to stop the addiction is exiled from certain family events, at least at first, which makes fast food addiction and food addiction in general unique among addictions. 

While most families feel very relieved and happy when an alcoholic member stops drinking, families sometimes do the opposite and reject members who stop eating fast food (because the entire family is addicted to fast food).

So fast food addiction has a social component that requires finesse and consideration.

The Great Escape from Fast Food Hell: How to Stop Fast Food Addiction and Get Healthy - BUY HERE!

The Cure for Fast Food Addiction

If you’re looking for a fast food addiction cure, be aware that it will involve a series of steps and not just one treatment. That being said though, if you work with the steps that we outline in this series of discussions in the order in which we present them, it will be much easier to break a fast food addiction. If you try to do the protocol that we present here half-way, you’ll likely get half of the results which means that you won’t experience the shift that you want. 

But let’s be realistic. Fast food addiction is different because it involves food and eating, an activity that you can’t really avoid doing. You can’t just commit to avoid fast food or areas where fast food is served if you live in North America, Australia, parts of Asia or Europe. It can be difficult to identify healthy food in the developed world. A lot of marketing dollars go into convincing the public that unhealthy foods aren’t really that unhealthy. Humans respond to this marketing like animals – as though they were in the jungle looking at something like a giant butterfly that appears to be two eyes when its wings are spread, or a stick insect that looks like a stick. Humans are not born to be naturally savvy enough to be able to see past manipulative marketing tactics. If food manufacturers create a marketing campaign designed to hijack the senses in a way that makes you believe you’re eating something healthy that is decidedly unhealthy, it will be hard to see past the camouflage without learning something new. As in the wild, our bodies can’t see everything. We can’t always see past camouflage, especially if we’re focused on solving other problems at the same time. So we’ll provide guidance regarding truly healthy foods and diet to break a fast food addiction in this discussion.

There are five different protocols that we recommend that you follow to overcome fast food addiction naturally. The first protocol involves nutrition and nutrient supplements. You can begin to take nutritional supplements even before you officially stop eating fast food permanently. An intensive nutrient supplementation protocol is something that you can do without disrupting any social situations that take place around food. Though there is a cost involved with nutritional supplementation, the savings in terms of healthcare costs makes it well worth it. Essentially, as a general rule the more you spend on nutrient supplements and diet, the lower your healthcare costs will be. Because healthcare is astronomical in the United States, it’s unlikely that you’d spend more on food than you would on healthcare even if you bought the highest quality healthiest foods available.  Nutritional supplementations will help reduce your body’s sense of desperation – your cellular desperation –  regarding nutritional deficiencies that exist if you have a fast food addiction. Click here to learn more about nutritional supplements for fast food addiction.

The second protocol that we recommend working with is a detoxification protocol. This protocol involves things like colon hydrotherapy, the Hulda Clark gallbladder cleanse, and enemas to reduce your toxic load quickly. Most people are familiar with the idea of “withdrawals and detox” as two enemies to overcoming an addiction, but if you work with detoxification strategies to detox more rapidly and more efficiently, you can get through “detox” without suffering. Click here to learn more about the fast food detoxification protocol.

The third protocol has to do with herbs and medicines that can help you get through the fast food addiction withdrawal process. There are several herbs that can work miracles in terms of fast food addiction withdrawals, but they’re fairly well covered up by Big Food and Big Pharma. Fast food, after all, is hugely profitable for both Big Food and Big Pharma. Big food makes a massive profit directly from fast food sales, but Big Pharma cashes in when people get sick as a result of fast food addiction. So the herbs and medicines that we discuss in the protocol involving herbal remedies for fast food addiction work very well for that purpose even though few people know about them. Click here to read more about the herbal remedy for fast food addiction protocol.

Finally, we also provide a diet to overcome fast food addiction. This diet was designed not only to reduce withdrawals and detox, but it was also designed to be simple, affordable, and easy to follow. People who are addicted to fast food are often addicted to convenience and low cost as well as the food itself. These aspects of convenience and low cost of fast food are often used to justify fast food addiction and perpetuate it. Click here to learn more about the diet for fast food addiction.

When you first begin working to get rid of a fast food addiction, you need to work with the protocols that are manageable for you. If you can manage to get nutrient supplements and take them 4 times per day, begin with this protocol. Later, if you can manage to do one or more of the detoxification strategies that we talk about, great! Perhaps you’ll choose to work with herbs first, but just be aware that nutritional deficiencies can hijack your progress, cause relapse, and also cause disease or mental health issues if you’re trying to overcome a fast food addiction. There are reasons why we’ve included all of these protocols in this fast food addiction cure discussion. 

There is a financial investment involved in taking nutritional supplements and herbs and doing detoxification efforts. But, if you have a major health issue, mental health problems, lack of energy, inability to sleep, weight gain, relationship issues, or any of the other problems that are caused by fast food addiction, be aware that taking nutritional supplements will help your body return to a more normal state of health. Nutritional supplements will prime your body and your mind for a moment when you’ll feel like you can stop eating fast food permanently. This investment may save your life if you’ve been a fast food addict for longer than a year. Many people simply don’t realize how many of their major health issues and mental health issues result from severe nutrient deficiencies caused by fast food addiction.

Many of the nutrients, herbs, and detoxification strategies will surprise you in terms of how they change your energy level, improve your mood and your mental outlook, and also heal disease. But if you don’t take the first step toward health, fast food addiction will rule your world. On the other hand, the medicinal agents that we discuss here will be useful to you in a variety of contexts after you’ve managed to cure fast food addiction and regain your gut health.

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