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The COVID-19 Diet: Chicken Soup and the Budwig Quark Recipe for Long-Haul COVID Treatment

Posted By Lydian Shipp | Oct 03, 2021


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Recipes to Support Recovery from COVID-19 and Long-Haul COVID

Chicken soup and the Budwig Quark smoothie are two of the best and most healing recipes to eat regularly on the COVID-19 diet. These recipes will help your body recover and will help you regain strength during long-haul COVID treatment.

Chicken Soup

Chicken soup is a good source of vitamin B12 and all of the essential amino acids, and when made with the proper mix of other vegetables and spices, can be a highly nutritious meal. For people recovering from COVID, chicken soup is one of the best ways to prepare chicken as a part of a healing diet. 

When made into a soup, the essential amino acid cysteine is released from the chicken. This amino acid is responsible for thinning the mucus in the lungs. Additionally, the protein and amino acid content of chicken soup helps to increase a sick person’s strength and stamina. The presentation of these ingredients as a soup also helps with hydration and makes the food easier to digest. Common vegetables in the soup, including carrots, onions, and celery, also increase the nutritional content of the soup. The vitamin A in carrots supports white blood cell production, which in turn improves the body’s immunity and ability to fight infection, while the sulfur content of the onions reduces swelling and nasal congestion. Celery contains high levels of luteolin and is an alkalizing food. 

Include spices such as black pepper, fresh chili pepper, parsley, thyme, and sage to increase the healing properties of this soup. Small chunks of potato or finely sliced bell pepper also go well in a chicken soup, and both are high in vitamin C and recommended as part of an anti-COVID diet. 

Chicken soup is a highly nutritious meal that is also light and relatively easy to digest, especially if the COVID patient takes a pancreatic enzyme supplement with the soup to aid in the digestion of the chicken.

Budwig’s Quark Smoothie

The Quark recipe was developed by Dr. Johanna Budwig, one of the world’s leading experts on fats and oils and their behavior in the body. She found that unrefined, cold-pressed oils offered cells the greatest benefit because the body was able to use these oils to take care of the lipid coating around cells. Consuming heated, refined oils caused the cells to become de-energized, and could even lead to cell death, cancer, or autoimmune disease. 

Dr. Budwig’s Quark smoothie is calibrated to be the perfect combination of “live” fats and oils. The recipe below can heal the body by reenergizing the cells. Preferably, the Quark smoothie should be eaten while sitting in the sun (expose as much of your skin to the sun as you can) because the sunshine activates the mixture in the body.

The Quark recipe is as follows (The ingredients below are always combined in a 2:1 ratio of cottage cheese to flaxseed oil; you may increase the amount of smoothie you make according to that ratio. The recipe below is one serving): 

  • 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (you may substitute goat’s milk kefir, full fat coconut milk/coconut yogurt, or soy milk)
  • 1 tablespoon cold-pressed flaxseed oil
Pour the above ingredients into a blender. Blend until light and fluffy. There should be not separation of the ingredients. At this point, pour the mix into a bowl or glass and take it outside to eat. You may add fresh fruit or a sweetener like monk fruit or stevia only AFTER the mix has thoroughly incorporated. 

Related Posts:

Duke University Student Affairs (2013). The Healing Powers of Chicken Soup. Retrieved September 30, 2021 from:

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