Chaga: An Herbal ROS Medicine for Cancer
Chaga mushrooms are a fungal mycelium that live on birch trees. They have been used to treat a number of diseases including gastrointestinal disorders and cancer. The use of Chaga as a cancer treatment has been extensively studied in Russia, where it grows prolifically and has a long history of use in traditional medicine. This mushroom has historically been used in Russia, Korea, China, and the northern Native American cultures, where it has long been revered for its potent healing effects.The mushroom contains a variety of important nutrients including B vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, potassium, antioxidants, trace minerals like copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, and iron, enzymes, and more. It is typically made into a tea when it is used for therapeutic reasons, though it can also be administered as a tincture or in capsule-form [1].
Click here to read more about medicinal mushroom cures for viral infections like herpes.
Medicinal Uses of Chaga Mushroom
Chaga has been used to treat the following specific health problems and their symptoms:- Atherosclerosis
- Inflammation
- Atopic dermatitis
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Viral infections
- Herpesviruses
- Influenza-A
- COVID-19
- Thrombosis
- Septic shock
- Listeriosis
- Liver disease
- Cardiovascular disease
- Parasite infection (specifically helminthic infections)
- Tuberculosis
- Cancer [1].
The Chaga mushroom has the following medicinal effects on the body (if the health problem you’re struggling with isn’t on the list above, consider the effects below when deciding if chaga mushroom may be a good treatment option for you):
- Anti Inflammatory
- Antimicrobial
- Antioxidant
- Antifungal
- Antimutagenic
- Antibacterial
- Antiviral
- Antiproliferative
- Anti-fatigue
- Antiallergenic
- Antihyperglycemic (it relaxes the blood vessels to improve the flow of blood)
- Cardioprotective
- Hepatoprotective
- Renoprotective
- Immunomodulatory
- Anticancer [1]
Buy powdered Chaga mushroom extract here.
The Chaga Mushroom Cancer Cure
Chaga mushroom can be a valuable addition to any cancer cure protocol, but research has found that Chaga has anticancer activity specifically against prostate cancer, breast cancer, adenocarcinoma, colorectal cancer (and other gastrointestinal cancers), cervical cancer, uterine cancer, melanoma, liver cancer, osteosarcoma, and lung cancers (including non-small cell lung cancer).Though Chaga has antioxidant compounds, this mushroom may actually act against cancer cells through the release of an oxidant Reactive Oxygen Species, ergosterol peroxide. This ROS compound has primarily been studied in regard to Chaga’s medicinal effects against various colorectal cancer cell lines, but may be responsible for this mushroom's anticancer effects against other types of cancer as well.
Certain triterpenoids found in Chaga have also been found to be responsible for the mushroom’s anticancer effects, specifically in regard to their cytotoxicity, especially against lung cancer cells, and ability to block cancer cell invasion. The triterpenoids 3β-hydroxylanosta-8,24-dien-21-al, inodotiol, and lanosterol have anti-invasive activities; inotodiol can also induce cancer cell apoptosis/cell death.
The Chaga mushroom contains beta-D-glucans, which are a recommended part of the Bill Henderson Cancer Protocol. The beta-glucans help to regulate the immune system’s response. Many people throughout the world drink Chaga tea to ward off colds and flu [1][2].Chemotherapy Protective Actions
Chaga has been used not only to treat cancer naturally, but has also been used as a natural adjuvant treatment to help protect patients from the toxic effects of chemotherapy. Thus, no matter whether you’re determined to cure cancer naturally or prefer to still use some conventional medicines, Chaga mushroom can support cancer recovery.Tumor Suppression
Research has shown that extracts of chaga have suppressed the growth of tumors by 60%. As such, it is a recommended treatment for patients who wish to prevent cancer [1]. Chaga shouldn’t be administered by itself, though; it should be combined with other suitable cancer cures to create a comprehensive treatment protocol.Support our outside vendors - Buy Hawaii Pharm's Chaga tincture here
How to Administer Chaga Mushroom for Cancer
Chaga mushroom is available in most places either in capsule form, powder form, or as a tincture or extract. Some people may also have access to “chunks”, or dried/fresh pieces of whole Chaga mushroom. All of these are viable ways of taking Chaga. Follow the dosing guidelines below to incorporate Chaga into your cancer treatment protocol:- Chaga Tea - Using the Chaga “chunks”, put 15-20 grams in a crockpot or a regular stovetop pot with a tight fitting lid, and add a liter of water. Steep on low heat for 4-6 hours, or overnight. Strain the tea and then reuse the “chunks” for a second or third batch of tea (sometimes you can get two or three dark, quality brews out of the same few pieces of Chaga!).
- Chaga Capsules - Choose Chaga capsules that contain extracts with a standardized amount of 20% beta-glucans. When taking Chaga capsules, some sources recommend starting with a lower dose and working up to a maximum therapeutic dose of 2g (2000mg) per day of capsulized extract powder for the treatment of diseases like cancer, taken in 2 divided doses. Start with a dose of 500mg taken once daily, then increase to a daily dose of 1000mg (taken in 2 divided doses), and when you’re ready, increase to 1500mg per day, taken in divided doses.
- Chaga Powder - Follow the same instructions as above for making Chaga tea, but instead use powder. You will need to measure out 15-20 grams of powder for your tea (1 teaspoon has approximately 15g, so this is an acceptable way to measure the Chaga powder if you don’t have a small scale for measuring). Ideally, you should brew Chaga powder into a tea in order to obtain the maximum health benefits.
- Chaga Tincture/Extract - Take a few drops of Chaga tincture or extract daily under the tongue or add them to water to make the medicine more palatable. Alternatively, follow the dosing guidelines on the tincture/extract product that you choose. Make your own Chaga tincture by putting some Chaga chunks or powder into a glass jar, and then pour 40-60% alcohol over this. Put the lid on tight and let the jar sit for 4-8 weeks to allow the medicine to infuse into the alcohol.
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[1] Bollinger, T. (2018). Chaga Mushroom: This Unusual Tree Fungus is a Medicinal Powerhouse. Retrieved June 5, 2018 from https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/chaga-mushroom/
[2] Curran, K. (n.d.). Chaga Mushroom and Cancer: What Does the Science Say? Retrieved June 5, 2018 from https://chagahq.com/chaga-mushroom-cancer/
Tee Yon Ern, Phoebe, et. al. (2023). Therapeutic properties of Inonotus obliquus (Chaga mushroom): A review. Retrieved November 27, 2024 from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/21501203.2023.2260408#d1e2930
Peng, Han, et. al. (2020). Bioactive compounds and bioactive properties of chaga (Inonotus obliquus) mushroom: a review. Retrieved November 27, 2024 from: http://www.isnff-jfb.com/index.php/JFB/article/view/191/327
N.A. (n.d). Chaga Mushrooms: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Chaga. Retrieved November 27, 2024 from: https://www.untamedfeast.com/pages/chaga-mushrooms
N.A. (n.d). Chaga Mushroom Dosage Chart for Optimal Benefits. Retrieved November 27, 2024 from: https://becomelucid.com/blogs/news/chaga-dosage#:~:text=Key%20Takeaways,a%20healthcare%20professional%20if%20needed.