Can an acidic body environment cure cancer?
Low pH Therapy, like Systemic Cancer Multistep Therapy (sCMT), is designed to lower the patient’s cellular pH levels rather than raise them (as you might do with the baking soda protocol, molecular hydrogen / Kangen therapy, or cesium therapy. With sCMT, you temporarily create a more acidic environment in the body, rather than an alkaline one. This acidic milieu is inhospitable to cancer development just as high pH therapy creates an inhospitable environment for cancer on the opposite side of the spectrum. Systemic Cancer Multistep Therapy involves the injection of glucose over the course of 30 hours in order to lower blood pH levels, followed by hyperthermia / heat treatments to increase the patient’s body temperature. The combined effects of lowering pH to make the patient’s body more acidic while applying high heat can kill cancer cells naturally. While Low pH therapy can be a highly effective, and safe, cancer treatment, it should only be administered by experienced, knowledgeable medical practitioners since it is more risky and complex than the high pH therapies. At the time of this writing, this treatment modality is available at the von Ardenne Institut in Germany.
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Detailed Information
The principles that underlie low pH therapy are ultimately the same ones that underlie high pH therapy which may seem counter-intuitive unless the reader understands that both therapies aim to create sub-optimal conditions for cancer cells to survive by using their rogue metabolic functions and their naturally acidic pH. See the information that we provide on pH therapies as well as the information on Cesium Therapy for more information about pH and the four steps involved in the development of cancer. Also see information about Hyperthermia for more information about how high temperatures can be used to kill cancer cells under the right conditions.Note that high pH therapy can be administered at home while low pH therapy is more risky and therefore must be administered in a treatment facility. Also note that baking soda therapy is a high pH treatment that many patients use successfully to treat terminal cancer at home naturally. Click here to learn about the how Keith Brewer used cesium as a medicine with a high cancer treatment success rate and how and why it works.
Low pH Therapy, or Systemic Cancer Multistep Therapy, was based on the Warburg Effect, but was originally developed as a therapeutic treatment by Manfred von Ardenne. In sCMT therapy, glucose is injected into the blood over the course of about 30 hours, which causes the pH of cancer cells to drop to around 5.5. The pH of the cancer cells drops because cancer cells greedily consume glucose. After the glucose is consumed and fermented by the cancer cells to produce energy, this then causes the interior of the cell to become more acidic. The patient then sits in an area heated to ~40 degrees Celsius/104 degrees Fahrenheit. The number of hours that a patient spends in the hot environment depends on their age. The patient is allowed to breathe cool air while their body is heated. This treatment kills the now-fragile low-pH cancer cells while stabilizing and detoxifying normal, healthy cells at the same time.
Diathermy (the production of heat using high-frequency electrical currents) is sometimes also used locally to further cause the temperature of tumors to rise to 106 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Diathermy allows only a localized area of the body in and around the tumor to be heated to 106 degrees. The high temperature combined with an acidic environment inside the cell shortens the life of a cancer cell.

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Otto Warburg, a Nobel laureate, discovered that cancer cells have a “deranged” metabolism. Instead of producing energy through oxidative phosphorylation, cancer cells create energy through glycolysis. In other words, instead of transporting oxygen into the cell to create energy like healthy cells, cancer cells ferment glucose to create energy. This rogue metabolism, known as the Warburg Effect, is well-known among oncologists and cancer researchers, but only a few scientists are willing to ascribe to the Warburg Effect as a causal agent in the development of cancer. Rather, scientists choose to ascribe to the notion that cancer happens when the body and the tissues that surround cancer cells lack sufficient oxygen. It’s a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg. Does a lack of oxygen cause cells to become cancerous? Or do cancerous cells have low oxygen levels naturally? Unfortunately, the majority of doctors and scientists in conventional medicine refuse to consider the possibility that the cancer cell is low on oxygen because its metabolism has changed. Instead, they believe that the metabolism changed because the patient’s body was low on oxygen.Most importantly though, it’s important for patients to understand that what the majority of doctors and scientists ascribe to in regard to cancer treatment has nothing to do with science and everything to do with politics and economics. Low pH therapy cannot be patented because glucose and heat are both naturally occurring phenomena. The pharmaceutical industries can’t make a big profit from these things because they’re available to everyone. As such, it’s more profitable in the United States for cancer patients to NOT believe that treatment options such as low pH therapy could work to cure cancer. It’s essential that patients continue to believe that chemo, radiation, and surgery are their only “hope” in terms of a cancer cure. If patients were to begin en masse to believe in low pH therapy (or any other alternative cancer cure), the pharmaceutical companies and the Cancer Industry would be utterly destroyed.

“Scientists” with ulterior motives have increasingly been using “science” as a platform to advance their political views, and politics as a platform through which they can advance their version of “science”. Despite strong and consistent evidence that indicates that the cellular metabolism of cancer cells shifts to glycolysis independently of a shortage of oxygen in the body, most scientists are reluctant to believe it, either because this theory wouldn’t be able to financially support their lifestyle or for fear of being blacklisted by the FDA and other organizations.
A common technique used by the powerful pharmaceutical companies, large organizations worldwide, and the FDA to cover up the efficacy of cancer treatments such as low pH therapy is to combine these natural or integrative cancer treatments with chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery (which have a remarkably low cure rate by themselves, not to mention that they’re highly toxic to healthy cells). Research that combines natural treatments like Low pH Therapy with conventional medical treatments like chemo is sometimes done to confuse patients who then believe that their best course of action is to combine these natural treatments with chemo, radiation, and surgery. Doctors are also inclined to combine conventional treatments with natural therapies like hyperthermia because if they don’t follow the established protocol, they can be sued or lose their license to practice medicine.
Research has shown that chemo, radiation, and surgery contribute to the development of cancer, rather than curing it. Radiation is well-known for causing cancer, after all, and most patients are aware that chemotherapy is toxic not just to cancer cells, but also to healthy cells. Studies have shown that the “cure” rate for cancer in the United States and Australia for patients using chemotherapy is only 2.1 to 2.3%. By combining chemo and surgery treatments with low pH therapy or stand-alone hyperthermia treatments however, researchers are able to 1) compel patients to believe that the natural treatment will have the best results when combined with conventional treatments 2) statistically enhance the “cure rate” for chemotherapy and surgery and 3) give the false appearance of progress and creativity in the field of cancer research in conventional medicine.
So, unfortunately, current research trends on hyperthermia and low pH therapy for cancer treatment often involve the use of chemotherapy with hyperthermia or low pH as the adjunct therapy. Patients who would like to use this treatment method outside of conventional medicine may have to seek out a doctor who is willing to provide low pH yherapy as a stand-alone treatment.
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Safety and Effectiveness
Numerous studies have shown that elements of low-pH therapy, including hyperthermia and increased glucose levels, can repair cancer cell metabolism and kill cancer cells naturally. Killing tumor cells using heat is time and temperature dependent, but the research has shown that even small changes in temperature, particularly when glucose levels are increased, can naturally cause cancer cell death. Temperatures between 40 and 44 degrees Celsius can be difficult to maintain, but the use of hyperthermia alone has a tumor-killing response rate of 13% when used as a treatment modality by itself. In comparison with the cancer-killing response rate of chemotherapy the curative effects of hyperthermia alone are significant.Click here to learn more about how to use heat to kill cancer cells. Also note that the use of cold temperature exposure is valuable when working with the high pH therapies to produce an alkaline temperature in the body.
Research has shown that hyperthermia alone has a 13% response rate on the following cancer types, though other types of cancer may also respond to heat therapies:
- Tumors of the head and neck
- Breast cancer
- Brain cancer,
- Bladder cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Rectal cancer
- Lung cancer
- Colon cancer
- Esophageal cancer
- Vulvar cancer
- Vaginal cancer
- Melanoma [9][11]
Toxemia can occur in some patients using low-pH therapy because the cancer cells release toxins into the bloodstream when they die. Research has shown that toxicity from hyperthermia alone often can’t be avoided, but new technologies (such as drug targeting to tumors, bone marrow purging, and the role of hyperthermia and gene therapy) in the application of hyperthermia have helped reduce the effects of toxemia. Research has shown that increasing blood glucose concentrations carries little risk using this type of therapy.
Coffee enemas can be useful in preventing the buildup of toxins in the body but be aware that coffee enemas alkalize the body – they raise the pH rather than lowering it, so this type of therapy may be something that you do only once a week while receiving sCMT. Instead of using coffee enemas, plain water enemas can be used to keep the intestines clear of toxins as they’re being released from the body.
Hyperthermia can be combined with radiation with no increase in toxicity. Toxicity from chemotherapy can be enhanced by hyperthermia treatments, however, depending on which tissues are heated and whether the chemotherapy is applied before or after the hyperthermia treatments. In other words, if you’re receiving radiation treatments, hyperthermia can be valuable as an adjunct cancer therapy. On the other hand, hyperthermia treatments should be avoiding in people who are receiving chemotherapy at the same time.

How Low-pH Therapy Is Administered
Von Ardenne’s Low-pH Therapy involves six steps [4]:- The patient’s blood glucose levels are increased over time (approximately 30 hours) until a stationary concentration of glucose is achieved. The increase in glucose concentration levels will selectively increase tumor cell glycolysis and the hyper-acidic environment in tumor tissue.
- The patient’s temperature is increased temporarily to ~40 degrees Celsius/104 degrees Fahrenheit or up to 42.5 to 43 degrees Celsius.
- There is an increase in the concentration of certain intrinsic substances inside cancer cells.
- The cell’s own natural tendency to rupture and disintegrate is activated due to the high heat and highly acidic environment inside the cell.
- During steps 1, 2, and 3, cancer cells become unstable and a chain reaction leads to cancer cell damage.
- The patient’s immune system is stimulated and amplified to further damage and kill cancer cells naturally.
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Possible Negative Effects
Severe toxemia (blood poisoning by toxins released by pathogens -- toxin release – often occurs when pathogens die) can happen as a result of acid-toxins leaking out of cancer cells during treatment. The older a patient is, the shorter the duration of time that they can be exposed to heat. Patients are allowed to breathe cool air during the treatment however. Click here to learn more about how to manage detoxification reactions / Herxheimer reactions, which frequently occur in people working to cure any major disease, including cancer, in a natural, holistic way.
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Other Important Information
Hyperthermia can have a positive impact on allergies as well as rheumatoid arthritis and other types of chronic inflammation.The Von Ardenne Institut offers Low-pH Therapy in Germany:
Von Ardenne Institut Für Angewandte Medizinische Forschung GmbH Zeppelinstr. 7 – 01324 Dresden Germany HRB 2106 Amtsgericht Dresden USt.IdNr. DE 140 132 933 WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 99280487 +49 (0)351 2637 400 +49 (0)351 2637 444 +49 (0)351 2637 449 [email protected]
For out of town visitors, the Von Ardenne Institut can suggest nearby hotel accommodations.
[1] Brewer, A. K. (1984). The High pH Therapy for Cancer Tests on Mice and Humans. Retrieved March 14, 2018 from
[2] Baronzio, G. F., Gramaglia, A., Baronzio, A., Freitas, I. (2002-2013). Influence of Tumor Microenvironment on Thermoresponse: Biologic and Clinical Implications. Retrieved March 19, 2018 from
[3] Von Ardenne, M. (1972). Selective multiphase cancer therapy: Conceptual aspects and experimental basis. Retrieved March 19, 2018 from
[4] Garattini, S., Goldin, A., Hawking, F., Kopin, I. J., Schnitzer, R. J. (1972). Advances in Pharmacology and Chemotherapy. Academic Press: New York.
[5] Von Ardenne (1993). Oxygen Multistep Therapy (O2MT). Retrieved March 19, 2018 from
[6] Garber, K. (2004). Energy Boost: The Warburg Effect Returns in a New Theory of Cancer. Retrieved March 19, 2018 from
[7] Otto, A. M. (2016). Warburg effect(s)—a biographical sketch of Otto Warburg and his impacts on tumor metabolism. Retrieved March 19, 2018 from
[8] Pielke, R. A. (2006). When Scientists Politicize Science. Retrieved March 19, 2018 from
[9] Van der Zee, J. (2002). Heating the patient: A promising approach? Retrieved March 20, 2018 from
[10] Griffin, G. E. (1974). World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17, 3rd Ed. American Media.
[11] Hildebrandt, B., Drager, J., Kerner, T., Deja, M., Loffel, J. Stroszcyzynski, C., Ahlers, O., Felix, R., Riess, H., Wust, P. (2004). Whole-body hypertheramia in the scope of von Ardenne’s systemic cancer multistep therapy (sCMT) combine with chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: a phase I/II study. Retrieved May 18, 2018 from
[12] Morgan, G., Ward, R., Barton, M. (2004). The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies. Retrieved May 18, 2018 from
[13] Bollinger, T. M. (2016). The Truth About Cancer. Hay House, Inc.: New York City.