Herbs That Contain Salicin for Natural Pain Control
The genus Salix is just one of several related plant groups in the Salicaceae family that contain salicin, the substance that inspired the development of aspirin. The Salix family alone contains between 330 to 500 species that grow in various regions throughout the world, but there are many plants including plants in this genus that are used in folk medicine traditions throughout the world as highly valued for their ability to reduce pain naturally. But while aspirin is a dangerous medicine that thins the blood and wreaks havoc on the digestive system. Salicin is a natural substance and precursor for salicylic acid, a natural substance with pain relieving effects in the human body.WARNING: If you are allergic to salicylates, you should avoid working with the pain-relieving herbs that we discuss in this article.

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Aspirin vs. White Willow and Salicin-Containing Plants
Many people who are aware of the presence of salicins in plants, start first by asking, is white willow as dangerous as aspirin? This is a good question, and the answer is NO. But in this discussion, we’re going to explain why white willow isn’t necessarily the best or most powerful herbal painkiller that contains salicin.
Let’s start first, though, by explaining the basic difference between aspirin and white willow.
It’s important to emphasize that while salicin and salicylic acid are natural substances, aspirin is not a natural substance and it has a different mechanism of action in the body because it contains, for example, an “acetyl-” group that alters how the body uses it. If you aren’t familiar with this rhetoric regarding the difference between synthetic versus natural medicinal substances, let me expand on this topic a bit here.
Synthetic derivatives of natural substances found in plants are synthesized with the goal of producing a patentable drug that can be sold at a profit until that patent expires. Substances that are found in plants that have the potential to be developed into a patentable drug (and thus a profitable drug for Big Pharma) must be “vetted” by scientists in terms of a number of variables. Does the medicinal substance work well? Does it work too well (Big Pharma doesn’t want to cure a disease as to do so would not be profitable)? Is it cheap to extract the medicinal substance? And then…are there synthetic, patentable derivatives that won’t kill a person and that reduces symptoms of a disease without curing it?

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Just because a natural medicinal substance exists in nature doesn’t necessarily matter to Big Pharma. Research funding doesn’t care about the natural substance itself even if that natural substance is regarded as a cure (which means that it permanently cures a disease about 80% of the time). What matters to Big Pharma most is whether a synthetic derivative (which is patentable) of that natural medicinal substance can make a profit. Patients must be wary of synthetically manipulated drugs for this reason. Many synthetic drugs cause harm and they actually damage the body because they’ve been vetted to reduce symptoms, not to cure disease. These synthetic derivatives often work for only a short time period. When the body begins to reject them, instead of switching to a new medicine, doctors will add another medicine to cover-up side effects from the first medicine.Naturally occurring medicinal substances found in plants can, of course, also cause damage in the body if they’re administered at the wrong dose, but as a general rule, the natural medicinal substances that are found in plants interact with the receptors in the body without harming them. And often, herbs must be administered in fairly high doses, volume-wise, in order to work properly. This is why medicinal herbs can be sold as table-tea in the grocery store and there’s no danger of overdosing on them. In fact, there’s little danger that the teas will do any good at all medicinally either. Most herbs require a dose much higher than 1 gram (the average weight of a tea bag) to do any medicinal work at all.
So when we talk about salicin and salicylic acids and salicylates as natural substances, it’s important to note that these natural medicines that are found in many herbs, are different from the synthetic substance known as “aspirin”, namely acetyl-salicylic acid. Aspirin is taken as a tiny pill, or as two pills. Aspirin predictably reduces pain. Aspirin also predictably erodes the stomach and intestinal lining, even if you take enteric-coated aspirin because once aspirin enters the bloodstream, it reduces prostaglandin levels. Prostaglandins transmit information to the nervous system about pain, but ironically, prostaglandins also coat and protect the stomach lining. So it doesn’t matter whether you take a regular aspirin or an enteric-coated aspirin. Enteric coating on an aspirin simply delays aspirin digestion and absorption into the blood supply. Once aspirin is in the bloodstream, it inhibits prostaglands, which reduces pain, thins the blood, and damages the stomach lining (such that a bleeding ulcer could cause life-or-death issues).
Indeed, though aspirin is not safe for use in children, as a general rule, herbs that contain high levels of salicin like Meadowsweet / FIlipendula ulmaria are specifically indicated for children with diarrhea.
In summary, the synthetic manipulation of aspirin from salicin to acetyl-salicylic acid led to the development of a medicine that has a very different mechanism of action than natural, plant-based salicin and salicylates.

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Salix alba White Willow: Herbal Pain Relief
One of the important things to understand about the salicin-containing herbs like white willow is the fact that it can take up to a week of consistent treatment with these herbs for significant pain relief. This is likely due to the fact that these herbs try to heal the root cause of disease rather than just reducing inflammation and pain. As anti-uricosuric medicines, the salicin-containing herbs work to assist the kidneys in removing excess uric acid from the body that can cause pain-conditions like fibromyalgia, gout, or joint pain. In any case, depending on the root cause of the disease-process that is causing pain, the salicin-containing herbs like white willow might take longer to take full effect. Whereas with aspiring, the goal is to take as little of the medicine as possible in an effort to prevent serious problems like bleeding gastric ulcers, with the salicin-containing herbs, the goal is to take them regularly and consistently for a period of time in order to promote healing of the underlying health problems.Plants in the Salix genus, the willows, contain a variety of medicinal substances that provide the following benefits in terms of human health:
- Analgesic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antioxidant
- Antidiabetic
- Anticancer
- Cytotoxic
- Antimicrobial
- Antiobesity
- Neuroprotetive / Brain and Nervous System Protective
- Hepatoprotective / Liver Protective
- Antiuricosuric
White willow is used to treat the following health conditions:
- Chronic pain
- Painful menstruation / dysmenorrhea
- Headache
- Migraines
- Gout
- Arthritis
- Myalgia / nerve pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Rheumatism
- Sore muscles
- Fever reduction
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- Connective tissue disease
Many people mistakenly believe that willow trees are the natural source of aspirin, but in comparison with the herb, Filipendula ulmaria / Meadowsweet, willow trees contain a fairly low quantity of salicin. In these plants, salicin are converted into saligenin which is then metabolized into salicylic acid (as differentiated from the acetyl-salicylic acid of aspirin). The natural pain-relief produced by white willow comes from the medicinal action of several different substances which includes salicin. However, there are willow pain relief products that are standardized to 240 mg of salicin to ensure a more reliable experience in terms of reducing pain.
What makes the plants in the genus Salix so powerful as pain-reducing herbs is the combination of flavonoids and polyphenols that work synergistically with the salicylate derivatives. These plants act as pain-reducers through a very broad mechanism of action rather than acting through the targeted mechanism of aspirin. Indeed, the targeted mechanism of action by aspirin means that aspirin can be a dangerous drug. As such, taking willow-based herbal supplements for natural pain control does not involve the same dangers involved in taking aspirin.
Does willow bark affect blood clotting?
One question that many people have about taking willow bark for pain control is whether it impacts blood clotting. Willow bark might inhibit platelet aggregation to some extent, but to a much lesser extent than aspirin.Herbal Remedy for Cancer Pain: Aspirin, Willow, and More…
Acetyl-salicylic acid / aspirin and also the other NSAIDs like ibuprofen and diclofenac have anticancer effects in the body. This is a carefully guarded secret. Studies have shown that in addition to reducing pain and inflammation, these drugs slow the growth of cancer cells and they also kill cancer cells. But aspirin and the other NSAIDs are also rather dangerous in terms of their tendency to cause stomach lining irritation and bleeding (which can result in death, after all). A fairly significant number of people who take aspirin more than one time per week will develop stomach ulcerations that can cause digestive upsets as well as a significant danger in terms of internal bleeding. A safer alternative to using aspirin for cancer are the herbal salicin-containing herbs like Willow or Meadowsweet for cancer.A standard aqueous extract of willow bark (a tea or decoction made with the bark of the willow tree) can act as an herbal pain reliever and as a natural anti-inflammatory medicine, but it will also slow the growth of cancer cells and cause some of those cancer cells to die naturally without the same digestive system risks and bleeding risks posed by taking aspirin for cancer pain relief.
Herbs for Arthritis Pain: White Willow
Willow bark extracts have been in use for thousands of years as fever-reducing herbs, analgesics, and anti-inflammatories. For arthritis pain, herbs like white willow can be safely used on a daily basis without increasing the risk of bleeding in the digestive system or throughout the rest of the body. Willow can reduce arthritis pain and inflammation more safely than with aspirin or other NSAIDs.Herbs for Chronic Back Pain Relief: White Willow
People with chronic back pain have to find safe pain relief herbs that won’t cause digestive bleeding or irritation and that won’t increase the risk of bleeding due to injury. Aspirin is a drug that increases bleeding risk both in the digestive system as well as in the general circulation of the body. In contrast, white willow, an herb that contains salicin, a pain-relieving substance, does not cause the same health risks even if it is being used chronically to reduce back pain naturally. That being said, white willow is less effective as a pain-reliever than meadowsweet / Filipendula ulmaria. Both white willow and meadowsweet are pain-relieving herbs that heal the body rather than just covering up the pain so if you’re hoping to get rid of chronic back pain permanently, either of these herbs are worth exploring.Willow bark extracts (which might be made with hot water, as in a tea, or as an alcohol-containing tincture) has anti-inflammatory action on the body and the ability to down-regulate a variety of inflammatory factors.
One study demonstrated that white willow at the appropriate dose had a pain-relieving effect that was roughly equal or better than the drug Rofecoxib (12.5 mg per day) in patients with low back pain at a dose of only 240 mg of salicin daily over the course of six weeks. Note that salicin is a component of white willow and in order to get a dose of 240 mg of salicin daily, you have to find a white willow product that contains a standardized dose of 240 mg of salicin. The raw white willow herb contains only 0.3-0.8% salicin.
White Willow as an Herbal Remedy for Carpal Tunnel Pain
Studies have specifically looked at white willow for carpal tunnel pain. Results of these studies have shown that white willow bark is about as effective as aspirin for carpal tunnel pain, except without the same risks and side effects. Carpal tunnel syndrome patients should also consider working with other salicin-containing herbs to reduce pain and also heal the body. Salicin-containing herbs like white willow or meadowsweet can be used to heal the body in a general way so as to overcome carpal tunnel syndrome permanently.Purple Willow for Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Pain
Purple willow bark (Salix purpurea) is another plant that contains salicin. As an herbal remedy for fibromyalgia pain and arthritis, purple willow can be used on a more regular basis. It does not carry the same risks and side effects of aspirin. Find a product with a standardized extract of salicin at 120-240 mg. Also, look closely at other salicin-containing herbs like meadowsweet that heal the stomach and digestive system lining, as often, people with fibromyalgia and joint pain have digestive issues that are at the root of the problem.Chronic arthritis or fibromyalgia pain can be managed with willow bark extracts. Unlike synthetic drugs like aspirin, NSAIDs, or other synthetically-produced medications that block cyclooxygenases, willow barks (purple or white), meadowsweet, and the other salicin-containing herbs contain a variety of medicinal substances with a much broader spectrum of action and few side effects. The variety of medicinal substances found in salicin-containing herbs help to heal the body to cure fibromyalgia and arthritis rather than just covering up symptoms. For example, willow and meadowsweet have antioxidant properties that decrease the production of cytokines and leukotrienes that contribute to pain. Flavonoids have analgesic effects that inhibit lipoxygenase which can also contribute to inflammation and pain.
Herbs for Muscle Pain: Willow
White Willow Dose for Chronic Pain:
White Willow Extract: 120-240 mg of salicin from White Willow by mouth given 3-4 times daily. Or administer a whole-herb product at a dose of up to 2100 mg up to 3 times per day. Dried Bark: 1-3 grams daily by mouth. Administer up to 12 grams per day. Tea: Administer 1-3 grams of the bark in 150 mL of water by mouth 3-4 times per day (12 grams total daily). Liquid Extract: Administer 1-3 mL of a 1:1 extract, 25% alcohol by mouth four times per day.Harpagophytum procumbens: Herbal Remedy for Chronic Pain
Harpagophytum procumbens, commonly known as Devil’s Claw, or Grapple Plant, is an herb that originates in southern Africa. There are some species of plants in North America that are also known as “Devil’s Claw” that are not closely related to Harpagophytum procumbens so be sure to look for a product that lists Harpagophytum procumbens specifically as an ingredient and not just “Devil’s Claw” if you’re looking for an herb that relieves pain. H. procumbens is so important as a medicinal agent in southern Africa that it is one of the floral emblems on the Botswana flag.- procumbens is an anti-inflammatory that’s used to reduce low back pain, but it has a long list of medicinal effects. H. procumbens is used for the following:
- Inflammation
- Menstruation issues
- Digestion issues (used as a bitter tonic)
- Fever
- Syphilis
- Loss of appetite
- Arthritis
- Urinary Tract Infection / UTI
- Skin sores
- Dyspepsia (sour stomach)
- Blood diseases
- Postpartum pain
- Ulcers
- Low Back Pain
- Menstrual cramp relief (low dose)
- Laxative Effects
- Expelling the placenta after birth (higher doses)
- Constipation
- Cough
- Diarrhea
- Diabetes
- Venereal disease
- Asthma
- Pancreatitis
- Tuberculosis
- Liver disease
- Rheumatism
- Kidney disease
- Gonorrhea
The Khoisan People’s Traditional Use of “Devil’s Claw” / Harpagophytum procumbens
Harpagophytum procumbens root can be prepared as a powder, infusion, extract, tincture, or decoction. The Khoisan people of South Africa have used Harpagophytum procumbens as a topical remedy that can be applied directly to the skin to treat a variety of issues like sprains or strains. When applying H. procumbens to the skin, the root is made into a powder that is then mixed with an animal fat or petroleum jelly to make an ointment.They can be used topically for the following health issues:
- Burns
- Wounds
- Sores
- Sprains
- Boils
- Chronic skin conditions
- procumbens has been used as a pain-reliever to treat disorders such as arthritis, but for those with fibromyalgia or rheumatic disorders, H. procumbens can relieve body-pain that’s associated with stomach upset and gastric ulcers. When used for this purpose, a liquid decoction of H. procumbens is made with the secondary tubers or people can simply chew the secondary tuber.
Harpagophytum procumbens Dose:
- procumbens can be administered at a dose of 50-100 mg per day.

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Filipendula ulmaria / Filipendula vulgaris
Meadowsweet, also known as Filipendula ulmaria is an herb that has been used to treat a variety of ailments including disorders involving inflammation. Filipendula ulmaria and Filipendula vulgaris can be used interchangeably to treat pain and inflammation naturally. As with white willow, it can take up to 1 week for meadowsweet to begin providing significant pain relief.Meadowsweet is specifically indicated for the use of chronic pain conditions (which are often known as “hyperalgesia in the scientific literature). This is an herb that can be administered daily. Toxicity levels are low with the median lethal dose of tested extracts at more than 2000 mg per kg of body weight. Meadowsweet is one of the most powerful salicin-containing herbs for chronic pain relief.
Filipendula ulmaria and Filipendula vulgaris have the following medicinal effects:
- Inflammation
- Fever reduction / antipyretic
- Pain / Analgesia
- Astringent
- Antioxidant
- Anticancer
- Diuretic
- Antimicrobial
- Immunomodulatory (can be used to treat autoimmune disease)
- Anti-rheumatic
- Antiuricosuric
Meadowsweet is used to treat the following health problems:
- Natural fibromyalgia treatment
- Natural gout treatment
- Arthritis / Arthrosis
- Liver dysfunction / liver protection
- Gastric disorders / stomach protection
- Gout
- Natural Antacid
- Infection
- Diarrhea
- Eye disease
- Nervousness / anxiety
- Snake Bite
- Cough
- Rabies
- Erysipelas
- Arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
- Fever reduction
- Pain reduction
- Infection treatment
- Gastritis (stomach inflammation)
- Stomach ulcers
- Dyspepsia (sour stomach)
- Heartburn
- Natural antacid
- Gout
- Rheumatic disease
- Migraine
- Kidney disease
- Nephritis
- Cystitis / bladder irritation
- Muscle spasms
- Bile tract disease
- Pyelitis
- Scarlet fever wound
- Cellulitis
Methanolic extracts of the aerial parts and the roots of Filipendula ulmaria contain the following medicinal substances:
- Rutoside
- Spiraeoside
- Isoquercetrin
- Gaultherin
Methanolic extracts of both Filipendula ulmaria and Filipendula vulgaris are able to inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 enzyme activity with the flower / aerial parts of the plant exhibiting about double the anti-inflammatory effects as the roots.
The essential oil of meadowsweet also contains salicylic acid and its derivatives which means that this oil could be used as a topical treatment for pain.
Australian Traditional Medicine for Chronic Pain
In Australia, Filipendula ulmaria was used as a diuretic and as a remedy for inflammatory disease. As a tea of the flowers or leaves, it was used in Australia for fever, gout, rheumatism, and infections. Meadowsweet has an antacid effect that assists in the healing of gastritis, dyspepsia, diarrhea, and peptic ulcers which are often part of the symptom picture of chronic pain syndromes. In other words, while aspirin and other NSAIDs cause stomach ulcers, meadowsweet is an herb that can heal stomach ulcers and associated digestive issues like gastritis, sour stomach, and heartburn.The stomach and digestive organs are not innervated in the same way as other areas of the body to transmit pain-related information to the brain. Those with fibromyalgia and arthritis or even low back pain may actually have digestive system ulcers or toxicities that underlie their chronic pain. Meadowsweet is an herb that can heal issues at their root when used regularly and consistently.
Additionally, Filipendula ulmaria / Filipendula vulgaris can have a positive, healing effect on the liver and kidneys. Joint pain, including arthritis symptoms can be healed and safely treated using these Filipendula herbs that help the body release toxins and excess uric acid via the kidneys and via the liver, to reduce toxic buildup that causes pain in the joints. As a liver-protecting and liver-healing herb, the Filipendula plants can reduce pain due to toxic buildup in the body. As an antiuricosuric herb, it can also help the body release excess uric acid to cure gout, arthritis, and other chronic pain syndromes like fibromyalgia.
Filipendula ulmaria / Flipendula vulgaris: Herbal Remedy for the Common Cold / Influenza
If you have the flu or a cold, Filipendula ulmaria / Filipendula vulgaris can be administered to lower fever and reduce chills and achiness. Use a flower infusion or liquid extract or tincture. Be sure to take the proper dose at 200 mg/kg body weight for best results. This herb tends to have fever and pain reducing effects that last about 6 hours. As such, divide the 12 grams per day for a person who weighs about 60 kg, into 4 doses of 3000 mg for lasting, 24 hour pain control.Filipendula ulmaria / Flipendula vulgaris: Herbal Remedy for Arthritis, Rheumatic Disease, Fibromyalgia, or Muscle Spasms
One of the challenges of overcoming chronic pain and also acute-pain is to target the root of the problem rather than just putting a band-aid over symptoms. Meadowsweet is an herbal remedy for fibromyalgia, arthritis, rheumatic disease, and muscle spasms, that isn’t damaging to the stomach lining, platelets, or any other part of the body. In fact, this herb actually works to heal kidneys as well as the liver, organs that are often deeply involved in chronic pain disorders.Filipendula ulmaria / Filipendula vulgaris Dose:
At a dose of 200 mg/kg body weight, Filipendula methanolic extracts significantly reduce inflammation and reduce pain for about 6 hours. However, if you have gastric inflammation or peptic ulcers, a tea would be less likely to be irritating to the stomach lining. Arguably, for those with rheumatic or chronic pain issues, a tea or essential oil would be the best way to administer this medicine.A person who weighs about 130 pounds / 60 kg would take about 3 grams of Filipendula ulmaria or Filipendula vulgaris should take 3 grams as a tea of decoction 4 times per day (every 6 hours). The proper dose for this herb is 200 mg / kg body weight. A child would take a lot less and someone who weighs more than 130 pounds should take a higher dose.
Viburnum opulus or Viburnum prunifolium
Viburnum opulus and Viburnum prunifolium belong to the same plant genus, but they are very different plants. Nonetheless, they both contain salicin so we’ll discuss them together here.Some Viburnum species such as Viburnum opulus are used to prepare a drink called gilaburu in Anatolia. This drink is known to prevent neutrophil infiltration to inflamed intestinal tissues. This prevents damage to damaged tissues in the digestive system and in turn, it reduces inflammation. But Gilaburu, as a drink, also improves DNA damage that’s been done in the colon and in other areas of the digestive system to slowly heal the tissues while reducing pain and inflammation.
Viburnum opulus / Cramp Bark
Viburnum opulus is used to treat the following health conditions:- Cough
- Cold
- Tuberculosis
- Rheumatism
- Fibromyalgia
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Stomach ulcers
- Gastritis
- Kidney problems
- Antibacterial against Gram positive bacteria
- Inflammation
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Osteoporosis
- Cardiovascular disease
- Endometriosis
- Urinary Tract Infection and Disease
- Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation)
- Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition
- Antioxidant
Viburnum opulus contains the following medicinal agents:
- Salicin
- Hydroquinones
- Coumarins (anti-inflammatory and analgesic)
- Tannins
- Carotenoids
- Amentoflavone
- Chlorogenic acid
- Iridoids
- Vitamin C
- Phenolic compounds
- Essential Oils
Viburnum prunifolium / Black Haw
Note that Viburnum prunifolium is used to treat high blood pressure. Use caution in those with low blood pressure as well as with those who are taking medication to lower high blood pressure.Both Viburnum opulus and Viburnum prunifolium are used traditionally to treat dysmenorrhea or painful menstrual periods. Both can also used, however, to treat pain that radiates into the thighs, including low back pain, and a feeling of bearing down in the pelvis. Both of the Viburnum herbs featured here are able to relax the uterus.
Viburnum prunifolium is a different herb that contains a different set of medicinal agents:
- Salicin
- Coumarins
- Biflavones
- Phenolic acids
Viburnum Dose:
The bark of either Viburnum opulus or Viburnum prunifolium can be made into a tincture or a decoction. It can also be taken as a crude herb in a capsule form.Viburnum opulus / Cramp Bark
Tincture: 5-10 mL (1:5) three times daily. Capsules: 2-4 grams three times daily.Viburnum prunifolium
Tincture: 5-10 mL (1:3 to 1:5) three times daily. Capsules: 2.5 to 5 grams three times daily.Resources: