Salt Loading Protocol for Bromide / Fluoride Detoxification
One of the most ubiquitous toxins in many countries today is bromide / bromine. In this article, we’re going to outline how to do the salt-loading protocol properly to overcome symptoms of bromide / bromine detoxification.Before we talk about salt loading or salt flushing, I want to first note that bromine/bromide can be safely removed from the body using N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) or L-Cysteine too. For best results, take 2400-4000 mg of NAC (or L-Cysteine) daily along with salt loading and salt flushing to get rid of bromide detox symptoms.

Bromine is an element that’s found in the same column of the periodic table as iodine, chlorine, and fluorine. These elements are known as “halogens”. Chemists sometimes say that these elements all belong to the “halogen family”. Though they all behave very differently inside the human body, all of them have an outer electron shell that contains the same number of electrons, which causes each of these elements to react in a similar way chemically to the other elements in the halogen family. Because all of the halogens are superficially similar, it’s easy for the body to mistake one for the other. But in the deeper layers of each halogen element, there are important differences that cause the body to respond differently after the element docks into a receptor in human tissues. For example, once bromide hooks into an iodine receptor site, it takes at least 9 to 12 days for it to be purged by the body which means that bromine can easily accumulate in the body with repeated exposures. Bromine does not function like iodine in the body though it has the ability to hijack receptor sites, causing subtle or profound changes in organ function.
The word “halogen” means “salt former” or “salt maker”. When a halogen element reacts with a metal, it produces a salt. For example, sodium is a metal that reacts with chlorine atoms to form sodium chloride (common table salt). Iodine reacts with the metal potassium to form potassium iodide salts. There are many examples of salts that can be produced from the combination of a halogen element with a metal.
The word “bromine” indicates that there is one single atom of bromine present. The word “bromide”, in contrast, means that there are two bromine atoms present, forming a molecule. The same is true for iodine, chlorine, and fluorine. The word “iodine” means that there is one atom of iodine present that is not connected to another atom. The word “chlorine” means that there is one atom of chlorine and the word “fluorine” means that there is one atom of fluorine. But since all of the halogen elements are chemically quite reactive, they tend to form pairs of atoms. When there are two fluorines in a molecule, we call the molecule “fluoride”. When there are two chlorines, “chloride”, two iodines, “iodide” and so on and so forth. In this article, we use the atomic and molecular words to talk about halogen elements. Note that for all intents and purposes for the lay-reader, bromide and bromine are the same thing.
The fact that halogen elements form salts in the body explains to some extent why salt flushing and salt loading can help remove bromine and fluorine from the body more quickly and painlessly than without dosing with Himalayan sea salt. Bromine and fluorine can bind with other elements in Himalayan sea salt to form inert salts that are easily transported out of the body without causing irritation to tissues.
When you first start to administer iodine in the form of Lugol’s iodine 2% or Iodoral, you may experience bromine or fluorine detoxification symptoms. There are a variety of symptoms that you may experience as a result of being both iodine-deficient as well as bromine or fluorine “toxic”. The goal of salt flushing or salt-loading is to mitigate the symptoms of bromine or fluorine toxicity, some of which can be extremely uncomfortable. Bromine is a substance that’s toxic to cells. The use of salt loading and salt flushing can help remove bromide more quickly from the body. Supplements that promote the production of the detoxifying agent glutathione in the body are also useful in the treatment of bromine toxicity. L-cysteine is a natural amino acid that is used by the body to produce glutathione. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a synthetic form of L-cysteine that can also be used to promote glutathione production. Both of these substances can therefore be valuable in supporting bromine detoxification.
How to Do Salt Flushing
Salt Flushing is less intense than the Salt Loading Protocol. To do Salt Flushing, you will add 2 teaspoons of Himalayan sea salt or Celtic sea salt to food or water daily over the course of 2 weeks. Add the 2 teaspoons of Himalayan sea salt to 16 ounces of water and drink it as two 8 ounce doses twice daily or consume the 2 teaspoon dose of sea salt in the diet by putting it on food. Note that regular table salt will not have the same effect as Himalayan sea salt or Celtic sea salt.When you are not actively detoxifying the body from bromine or fluorine exposure, be sure to consume at least 1 teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt daily in the diet.

Click here to buy HImalayan Sea Salt.
How to Do the Salt Loading Protocol:
Dr. William Shevin created the Salt Loading Protocol which eliminates the side effects of bromine toxicity that is caused by exposure to bromine.To administer the Salt Loading Protocol, dissolve ¼ - ½ of a teaspoon of Himalayan or Celtic sea salt in ½ cup of warm water. Drink this dose of salt water and then follow it with 2 glasses (16 ounces) of pure, unsalted water. Repeat this process until copious urination starts. You should notice your symptoms begin to resolve by the second to fourth dose of salt. Start with the lowest dose of salt (¼ of a teaspoon) and increase up to 1 teaspoon of salt, if necessary to find relief. Use the lowest dose of salt possible. Observe your results so that you know how many doses are typically necessary for you to obtain relief from bromide detoxification symptoms.
After the initial salt loading protocol, you should be able to do salt flushing daily for the following two weeks to maintain relief from bromide toxicity symptoms.
Symptoms of Bromide Toxicity
Prior to beginning iodine therapy, you may have a number of bromide toxicity symptoms. These symptoms will persist until you get rid of the bromide in your body by taking iodine, the supportive nutrients, using the salt-loading or salt-flushing protocol, and by taking L-Cysteine or NAC. Note that once you have successfully removed bromide from the body, L-Cysteine and NAC may be taken only on an as-needed basis. The same is true for salt-loading and salt-flushing. Iodine should be administered daily throughout life, however.- Mouth sores
- Acne
- Brain fog
- Cystitis / bladder irritation
- Sciatica
- Neurological impairment
- Frontal headache
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Delirium
- Short-term memory loss
- Disorientation
- Auditory hallucinations
- Visual hallucinations
- Loss of control of body movements
- Lack of muscle coordination (mimicking Parkinson’s Disease)
- Drooping eyelids (ptosis)
- Psychosis
- Seizures / Epilepsy Symptoms
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Symptoms
- Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
- Cherry angiomas
- Severe acne
- Pustular or erythematous rashes
- Gastrointestinal disease / disorder
- Lack of appetite / anorexia
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Somnolence
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Hallucinations
- Psychosis (mimicking schizophrenia or dementia)
- Weakness
- Stupor
- Coma
Bromine Detoxification Symptoms
After you start taking Lugol’s iodine or Iodoral daily, your body will begin to purge bromide and fluoride. As the bromide is displaced from tissues and cells, it moves into the bloodstream and begins to cause bromide detoxification symptoms. These symptoms will persist until you get rid of enough bromide from the body for your kidneys, intestines, liver, and other organs of detoxification to easily keep up with the process of removing this toxic halogen element. The process of detoxifying from bromine / bromide exposure can be extremely disillusioning. Below we’ve listed the major symptoms caused by bromide / bromine toxicity. Once you begin taking iodine, these symptoms may get stronger and they may persist even after you stop taking iodine for a few days because once a dose of iodine displaces bromide / bromine, the bromide / bromine enters the bloodstream and “waits in line” to be excreted from the body. Until the organs of detoxification can process the bromine / bromide, it remains in the blood and it can wreak havoc on the tissues causing irritation in areas of the body that happen to be sensitive to this element. Salt loading or salt flushing is the most tried-and-true way to bind bromide / bromine from causing harm or irritation in the body. NAC or L-Cysteine can also be helpful though my experience has been that these supplements take longer to work than salt loading or salt flushing.Symptoms of Bromine / Bromide Detoxification
- Neurological impairment
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Headache
- Greenish-colored urine
- Auditory hallucinations
- Visual hallucinations
- Disorientation
- Loss of control of body movements
- Short-term memory loss
- Brain Fog
- Psychosis
- Seizures
- Gastrointestinal impairment
- Drooping eyelids (ptosis)
- Somnolence
- Eyelid twitching
- Disturbance of color perception
- Delirium
- Foot twitching
- Dark thoughts (e.g. “there is no reason to live”)
- Depression (e.g. “there is no reason to get out of bed”)
- Tingling in the extremities
- Mood issues such as anxiety or mood swings
- Dry mouth
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- Mouth and tongue sores and cuts, a sore mouth
- Odd swallowing sensation (also known as “swollen glottis” in the old medical literature)
- Body odor
- Bromide acne which is coniform (the use of zinc can help counteract bromide acne)
- Hair loss
- Brain fog
- Leg and hip ache that resembles arthritis
- Skin “cuts”
- Rash (bromoderma)
- Sinus pain
- Runny nose
- Cherry angiomas
- Sedation/lethargy
- Headache
- Unusual urine odor or color
- Urethral spasm and frequent urination (may be mistaken for a urinary tract infection)
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Vision changes
- Increased salivation
- Dream changes
- Impaired memory/concentration
- Irritability
- Tremor
- Hormone changes
- Kidney pain
- Breast tenderness (this transient symptom typically resolves quickly)

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
The Bladder: Pissed Off and Ready for a Change - BUY HERE!
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Salt Loading Protocol for Bromide / Fluoride Detoxification
One of the most ubiquitous toxins in many countries today is bromide / bromine. In this article, we’re going to outline how to do the salt-loading protocol properly to overcome symptoms of bromide / bromine detoxification.Before we talk about salt loading or salt flushing, I want to first note that bromine/bromide can be safely removed from the body using N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) or L-Cysteine too. For best results, take 2400-4000 mg of NAC (or L-Cysteine) daily along with salt loading and salt flushing to get rid of bromide detox symptoms.

Bromine is an element that’s found in the same column of the periodic table as iodine, chlorine, and fluorine. These elements are known as “halogens”. Chemists sometimes say that these elements all belong to the “halogen family”. Though they all behave very differently inside the human body, all of them have an outer electron shell that contains the same number of electrons, which causes each of these elements to react in a similar way chemically to the other elements in the halogen family. Because all of the halogens are superficially similar, it’s easy for the body to mistake one for the other. But in the deeper layers of each halogen element, there are important differences that cause the body to respond differently after the element docks into a receptor in human tissues. For example, once bromide hooks into an iodine receptor site, it takes at least 9 to 12 days for it to be purged by the body which means that bromine can easily accumulate in the body with repeated exposures. Bromine does not function like iodine in the body though it has the ability to hijack receptor sites, causing subtle or profound changes in organ function.
The word “halogen” means “salt former” or “salt maker”. When a halogen element reacts with a metal, it produces a salt. For example, sodium is a metal that reacts with chlorine atoms to form sodium chloride (common table salt). Iodine reacts with the metal potassium to form potassium iodide salts. There are many examples of salts that can be produced from the combination of a halogen element with a metal.
The word “bromine” indicates that there is one single atom of bromine present. The word “bromide”, in contrast, means that there are two bromine atoms present, forming a molecule. The same is true for iodine, chlorine, and fluorine. The word “iodine” means that there is one atom of iodine present that is not connected to another atom. The word “chlorine” means that there is one atom of chlorine and the word “fluorine” means that there is one atom of fluorine. But since all of the halogen elements are chemically quite reactive, they tend to form pairs of atoms. When there are two fluorines in a molecule, we call the molecule “fluoride”. When there are two chlorines, “chloride”, two iodines, “iodide” and so on and so forth. In this article, we use the atomic and molecular words to talk about halogen elements. Note that for all intents and purposes for the lay-reader, bromide and bromine are the same thing.
The fact that halogen elements form salts in the body explains to some extent why salt flushing and salt loading can help remove bromine and fluorine from the body more quickly and painlessly than without dosing with Himalayan sea salt. Bromine and fluorine can bind with other elements in Himalayan sea salt to form inert salts that are easily transported out of the body without causing irritation to tissues.
When you first start to administer iodine in the form of Lugol’s iodine 2% or Iodoral, you may experience bromine or fluorine detoxification symptoms. There are a variety of symptoms that you may experience as a result of being both iodine-deficient as well as bromine or fluorine “toxic”. The goal of salt flushing or salt-loading is to mitigate the symptoms of bromine or fluorine toxicity, some of which can be extremely uncomfortable. Bromine is a substance that’s toxic to cells. The use of salt loading and salt flushing can help remove bromide more quickly from the body. Supplements that promote the production of the detoxifying agent glutathione in the body are also useful in the treatment of bromine toxicity. L-cysteine is a natural amino acid that is used by the body to produce glutathione. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is a synthetic form of L-cysteine that can also be used to promote glutathione production. Both of these substances can therefore be valuable in supporting bromine detoxification.
How to Do Salt Flushing
Salt Flushing is less intense than the Salt Loading Protocol. To do Salt Flushing, you will add 2 teaspoons of Himalayan sea salt or Celtic sea salt to food or water daily over the course of 2 weeks. Add the 2 teaspoons of Himalayan sea salt to 16 ounces of water and drink it as two 8 ounce doses twice daily or consume the 2 teaspoon dose of sea salt in the diet by putting it on food. Note that regular table salt will not have the same effect as Himalayan sea salt or Celtic sea salt.When you are not actively detoxifying the body from bromine or fluorine exposure, be sure to consume at least 1 teaspoon of Himalayan sea salt daily in the diet.

Click here to buy HImalayan Sea Salt.
How to Do the Salt Loading Protocol:
Dr. William Shevin created the Salt Loading Protocol which eliminates the side effects of bromine toxicity that is caused by exposure to bromine.To administer the Salt Loading Protocol, dissolve ¼ - ½ of a teaspoon of Himalayan or Celtic sea salt in ½ cup of warm water. Drink this dose of salt water and then follow it with 2 glasses (16 ounces) of pure, unsalted water. Repeat this process until copious urination starts. You should notice your symptoms begin to resolve by the second to fourth dose of salt. Start with the lowest dose of salt (¼ of a teaspoon) and increase up to 1 teaspoon of salt, if necessary to find relief. Use the lowest dose of salt possible. Observe your results so that you know how many doses are typically necessary for you to obtain relief from bromide detoxification symptoms.
After the initial salt loading protocol, you should be able to do salt flushing daily for the following two weeks to maintain relief from bromide toxicity symptoms.
Symptoms of Bromide Toxicity
Prior to beginning iodine therapy, you may have a number of bromide toxicity symptoms. These symptoms will persist until you get rid of the bromide in your body by taking iodine, the supportive nutrients, using the salt-loading or salt-flushing protocol, and by taking L-Cysteine or NAC. Note that once you have successfully removed bromide from the body, L-Cysteine and NAC may be taken only on an as-needed basis. The same is true for salt-loading and salt-flushing. Iodine should be administered daily throughout life, however.- Mouth sores
- Acne
- Brain fog
- Cystitis / bladder irritation
- Sciatica
- Neurological impairment
- Frontal headache
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Delirium
- Short-term memory loss
- Disorientation
- Auditory hallucinations
- Visual hallucinations
- Loss of control of body movements
- Lack of muscle coordination (mimicking Parkinson’s Disease)
- Drooping eyelids (ptosis)
- Psychosis
- Seizures / Epilepsy Symptoms
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Symptoms
- Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
- Cherry angiomas
- Severe acne
- Pustular or erythematous rashes
- Gastrointestinal disease / disorder
- Lack of appetite / anorexia
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Somnolence
- Restlessness
- Irritability
- Hallucinations
- Psychosis (mimicking schizophrenia or dementia)
- Weakness
- Stupor
- Coma
Bromine Detoxification Symptoms
After you start taking Lugol’s iodine or Iodoral daily, your body will begin to purge bromide and fluoride. As the bromide is displaced from tissues and cells, it moves into the bloodstream and begins to cause bromide detoxification symptoms. These symptoms will persist until you get rid of enough bromide from the body for your kidneys, intestines, liver, and other organs of detoxification to easily keep up with the process of removing this toxic halogen element. The process of detoxifying from bromine / bromide exposure can be extremely disillusioning. Below we’ve listed the major symptoms caused by bromide / bromine toxicity. Once you begin taking iodine, these symptoms may get stronger and they may persist even after you stop taking iodine for a few days because once a dose of iodine displaces bromide / bromine, the bromide / bromine enters the bloodstream and “waits in line” to be excreted from the body. Until the organs of detoxification can process the bromine / bromide, it remains in the blood and it can wreak havoc on the tissues causing irritation in areas of the body that happen to be sensitive to this element. Salt loading or salt flushing is the most tried-and-true way to bind bromide / bromine from causing harm or irritation in the body. NAC or L-Cysteine can also be helpful though my experience has been that these supplements take longer to work than salt loading or salt flushing.Symptoms of Bromine / Bromide Detoxification
- Neurological impairment
- Fatigue
- Confusion
- Headache
- Greenish-colored urine
- Auditory hallucinations
- Visual hallucinations
- Disorientation
- Loss of control of body movements
- Short-term memory loss
- Brain Fog
- Psychosis
- Seizures
- Gastrointestinal impairment
- Drooping eyelids (ptosis)
- Somnolence
- Eyelid twitching
- Disturbance of color perception
- Delirium
- Foot twitching
- Dark thoughts (e.g. “there is no reason to live”)
- Depression (e.g. “there is no reason to get out of bed”)
- Tingling in the extremities
- Mood issues such as anxiety or mood swings
- Dry mouth
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- Mouth and tongue sores and cuts, a sore mouth
- Odd swallowing sensation (also known as “swollen glottis” in the old medical literature)
- Body odor
- Bromide acne which is coniform (the use of zinc can help counteract bromide acne)
- Hair loss
- Brain fog
- Leg and hip ache that resembles arthritis
- Skin “cuts”
- Rash (bromoderma)
- Sinus pain
- Runny nose
- Cherry angiomas
- Sedation/lethargy
- Headache
- Unusual urine odor or color
- Urethral spasm and frequent urination (may be mistaken for a urinary tract infection)
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Vision changes
- Increased salivation
- Dream changes
- Impaired memory/concentration
- Irritability
- Tremor
- Hormone changes
- Kidney pain
- Breast tenderness (this transient symptom typically resolves quickly)

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
The Bladder: Pissed Off and Ready for a Change - BUY HERE!
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