Introduction: What is DMSO?
Dimethylsulfoxide or DMSO for short, could change the face of medicine today if it was used properly and if doctors were aware of its utility in medicine. It is an FDA-approved medicine, but one that few people know anything about that. The FDA tries to be very hush-hush about this substance that can protect you from radiation (during cancer treatment or nuclear fallout) and that can also regenerate nerves and potentiate/strengthen antibiotics to make them less toxic and also more powerful (check with a knowledgeable DMSO doctor about which antibiotics would combine well with DMSO). In fact, doctors who are in-the-know about this substance and how it works claim that DMSO is not just a medicine, but rather it is a “Medical Principle”. A whole new system of medicine could be based around the use of DMSO because of the way it works with other substances, including pharmaceuticals as well as at-home remedies.For this reason, DMSO has to be used with caution. If you’re taking other prescription medicines, check with your doctor before you use DMSO. DMSO is an over-the-counter substance but it can be used in powerful ways to strengthen your prescription meds or cause them to behave differently in the body. Making prescription meds stronger can also happen by accidents if patients fail to recognize and account for this medicinal effect. By itself, DMSO is approximately as non-toxic as water, but when combined with other things (like certain ingredients in soaps, such as fragrances, or even the dyes in certain fabrics), it can easily strengthen these toxins and take them into the body. So always wash your skin with filtered, fresh water before applying it to the skin and leave the skin open to the air for 15 minutes until the DMSO dries. When taking DMSO, you can combine it with MMS/Chlorine Dioxide, but always check with a DMSO-doctor who can tell you if its safe to combine it with other types of medicines like pharmaceuticals or antibiotics.
Though I’m not an expert on DMSO, I have a lot of personal experience using this substance. I discovered it when I was researching alternative cancer cures for my husband. To this day (5 years later), he still uses DMSO on the small spot where he developed melanoma that was healed by DMSO along with Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)/Chlorine Dioxide (at first) and later a combination of Frankincense essential oil, baking soda and apricot kernel oil. I never leave home without DMSO because it is useful in so many different health-related situations involving both diseases or injuries. It is an antimicrobial / antibiotic, it kills pain, it reduces inflammation, it heals nerves, it protects the body from radiation, thins the blood (slightly), and it can penetrate organs and systems of the body that are otherwise hard to reach (the brain or the bladder, for example). Transplant organs are soaked in DMSO before transplantation because the toxicity level of DMSO is so low and it’s positive effects on cells is so high. Below I’ve listed some of the most amazing benefits of DMSO below, but keep in mind, this list is not exhaustive—it is merely what I can recall off the top of my head. DMSO has the broadest medicinal action of any medicine currently listed in the Physician’s Desk Reference which is why everyone should stock this stuff in their medicine cabinet:

Click here to buy The Alive-N-Healthy DMSO Guidebook.
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A nurse contacted me several months ago for help with a lingering coronavirus cough. The doctors at the hospital where she worked wouldn’t help her and nothing she knew of was helping. I suggested that she breathe drops of DMSO (3 to 5 drops) up into her nostrils and then she administered baking soda in water 5 times per day. Within a few days, the coronavirus cough that had held on for 8 weeks finally went away. DMSO can also be combined with Azithromycin as a potential treatment for coronavirus.
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DMSO has a drying effect and you can apply it to the outside of the ear, or even just the outer area of the ear canal to strengthen an existing ear infection treatment or to get a head start on treating an ear infection if you or a child has chronic problems with ear infections. Dilute the DMSO down to 0.1 to 0.25% by putting 2.5 to 5 drops of DMSO in 100 drops of water. Then put a drop of this low concentration DMSO in the ear. Also spread 40-60% concentration DMSO around inside the ear canal and behind the ear where blood vessels that supply the inner ear travel. But apply DMSO gently to the interior of the ear! Dropping full-strength DMSO willy-nilly into an infected ear can be extremely painful (and it can cause damage to the hairs in the inner ear). The goal is to put the DMSO in an area where blood vessels will take the DMSO into the inner ear to treat ear infections so spread it on the neck below the ear and in front of the ear on the cheek for best results rather than dropping DMSO directly into the ear in a large dose. DMSO absorbs water, so it can dry out the eardrum if you overuse it and obviously you don’t want the eardrum to get unnaturally dry. Use DMSO in moderation and remember that it sucks water out of the skin and can cause redness if too much moisture is removed. Add a drop or two of water with the DMSO if it is too drying.
One of my favorite uses of DMSO is for sinus infections. I often put water and a sprinkling of baking soda in a nebulizer and I use that for sinus infections. But before I nebulize with this baking soda and water mixture, I put a drop of 70% DMSO in each nostril. In the middle of the night, if I wake up with plugged sinuses, I put just a drop of the 70% DMSO just inside my nose. Then, I wait for 5 minutes and reliably, my sinuses pop open. Not only does the DMSO treat the infection itself, but it also relieves the inflammation in the sinuses. Just remember that it can make the nose dry if you reapply it too often or at a concentration that’s too high. Add water, if necessary, to prevent this problem from happening. You can also put the DMSO in your nose and then breathe deeply and forcefully into your sinuses to take it directly into the areas that are ailing.
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Where to Buy DMSO
DMSO is sold over-the-counter and you can find it on Amazon. Be aware that many DMSO products are NOT no-odor DMSO which means that when you take it or use it on the skin, that you’ll smell like a rotten oyster for about 24 hours. It’s a very strong odor and you won’t smell it yourself! (The people around you WILL notice, though). No-odor DMSO does not have this problem, thankfully. If you can’t get no-odor DMSO, you can give DMSO in small doses to the people that you’ll be near on the day when you take the medicine. If they also take DMSO, they won’t smell the DMSO anymore.How to Use DMSO
DMSO can be used in many different ways. It can be combined with other substances though you should use caution and talk to a doctor before combining it with most substances—NEVER take DMSO with other prescription medications because it can strengthen them and cause them to become toxic. NEVER put DMSO in an enema. DMSO penetrates into cells and tissues and takes large molecules that it’s exposed to with it! If you put it in an enema, it will take all the toxins that are on their way out of your body via the large intestine and take them back into the bloodstream. So enemas and DMSO should never ever be used together! By itself, DMSO is one of the least toxic medicinal substances known to man (with a toxicity level similar to that of filtered water) and it is also currently the medicinal substance with the broadest spectrum of action on the human body. So, if you have DMSO in your medicine cabinet, chances are, you’ll use it all the time if you know how. When DMSO goes into human cells, it has a generally detoxifying, disinfecting effect on the cell which means that it can heal diseases that can’t be touched by regular antibiotics. So while it takes time to learn how to use DMSO, it’s definitely worth it!DMSO + MMS as an Antiobiotic and Antiviral Medication: Usually, I combine DMSO with MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, also known as Chlorine Dioxide) to create a strong antibiotic or antiviral that has an extremely broad spectrum of action. There are many different protocols/recipes for using DMSO and MMS together, but you’ll need to learn how to use MMS to treat disease first. DMSO should be added to the MMS mixture after it has been activated for at least one minute and after the water has been added. I usually put in 3 times as many DMSO drops as activated drops of MMS in my antiviral or antibiotic mixtures.
DMSO for Skin Conditions or Injuries: The main thing you need to know about DMSO when using it on the skin is that it permeates the skin very easily. And if you put DMSO on the skin and there are other toxic substances on the skin at the same time (like perfume or residues from the dish-soap you normally use), the DMSO will take the toxic stuff into the body too. So always rinse your skin thoroughly before using DMSO on your skin, but only use clean, filtered water for washing and skip the soap or use Bronner’s non-toxic soap as an alternative. NOTE: If you must use soap before applying DMSO, use a type of soap or shampoo that is free of fragrances and other toxic ingredients. Soaps that are UNSCENTED still contain fragrance ingredients. Essential oils found in Bronner’s Soaps are generally safe for use with DMSO. SheaMoisture produces a non-toxic soap product at the time of this writing, but check the label to make sure that they have continued with the same ingredients. Bronner's is a more reliable non-toxic choice for soap.
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DMSO for Nerve Treatments and Brain Diseases and Disorders: DMSO has the amazing ability to penetrate through cell membranes and one of its most famous effects on the body is that it can repair nerves and brain tissue. It works best when applied as soon as possible after a nerve injury when the injury is still fresh. A major nerve injury would warrant regular, ongoing intravenous treatment with large doses of DMSO administered by a doctor. Miraculous results are possible. Some people have used DMSO with MMS to treat Alzheimer’s or other types of dementia.
DMSO for Eye Infections: DMSO should be diluted down to at least a 25% concentration before you administer it into the eyes. Again, DMSO is very drying so this can cause irritation if this treatment is overused.
DMSO for Athletic Injuries: DMSO is regularly used by Olympians and professional athletes to heal wounds quickly. Typically, the DMSO is applied to the skin over the injury. DMSO practitioners will apply and then re-apply the DMSO using an undyed cotton cloth along with enough water to prevent drying/burning of the skin. DMSO can be put on the skin over a back injury to not only reduce inflammation and heal damaged nerve tissues, but also to heal vertebral disc issues. If you have severe back pain caused by a disc, also consider using Methylene Blue as a treatment.

The CDS / MMS Book Bundle - Learn About Chlorine Dioxide, Dimethyl Sulfoxide, and Complementary Therapies for Both Medicines. PURCHASE THE BUNDLE HERE!
DMSO for Cancer Treatment: DMSO can be used as an alternative brain cancer treatment to take substances into the brain that otherwise couldn’t penetrate the blood-brain barrier. But it can also be used as a stand-alone treatment for most cancer-types including melanoma. DMSO has the ability to penetrate the sheath that protects cancerous tumors to get into the malignant cells and cause them to revert back to normal cancer cells. Brain cancer patients often combine the use of DMSO with frankincense (which can also penetrate the blood-brain barrier) and apricot kernel oil (which contains high levels of vitamin B17). Cancer patients could drink the DMSO with clean, filtered water and they can also apply it to the skin (just be sure the skin is clean and you allow the DMSO to dry thoroughly before dressing)!
DMSO is regularly used at low-chemo, no-radiation cancer cure clinics where it is combined with chemotherapy agents in tiny doses to deliver chemo directly to the cancerous tumors without causing the horrible side effects and health deteriorating effects of large doses of chemotherapy that are normally prescribed. This type of cancer treatment is known as DPT or DMSO-Potentiation Therapy.
For more information about cancer cures that are being used as no-chemo, no-radiation cancer treatment centers throughout the world, visit this link.
How DMSO Interacts with Other Medicines and Substances
Here is an important link to information on the solubility data of DMSO and how it reacts with a variety of different substances including pharmaceuticals. Summary: If you have DMSO and Chlorine Dioxide / MMS in your medicine cabinet, you’re prepared to work with just about any disease or injury you might encounter. These are powerful medicines and you’ll need to read up on how to use them because they work differently than the medicines that your doctor might give you.
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