Is there a cure for psoriasis?
If you’re suffering from psoriasis you’ll need to follow a protocol and not just rely on one treatment to cure the disease. Natural cures require an approach that addresses nutrition and diet as well as pH levels. To kill the colonizing pathogens that are most certainly living in your liver and gallbladder and also perhaps your kidneys, you should look into using Chlorine Dioxide Solution, sunlight and seawater treatments, food grade hydrogen peroxide, or ozone therapy. These therapies work by oxidizing the pathogens, which is a much more efficient type of antibiotic therapy that does not hurt the gut flora and that serves to enhance human immunity while removing pathogens that are harming the patient.
On this site we also discuss important plant medicines to heal the gallbladder and the liver. Plants such as Fumaria officinalis or Fumaria indica help the gallbladder and the liver coordinate their movements and activities to heal the gut. Natural fumaric acid supplements that are available over-the-counter can also benefit patients if Fumaria plants are not available. Research suggests that the gallbladder and the liver are often severely compromised due to colonizing bacteria or viruses that can only be treated using some form of oxidation therapy (mentioned above) or via vibrational therapies. Fumaric acid and Fumaria herbs for psoriasis work in tandem with ox bile supplements to support the healing of the liver and the gallbladder as well as the intestines. In psoriasis patients, these organs have often been under attack for years.

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The protocol that we are outlining here consists of the following:-
- Chlorine Dioxide Solution + Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) treatments (or the use of another reactive oxygen species medicine) to kill the pathogens that are at the root of this disease. You may have pathogens colonizing the liver, the gallbladder, or the kidneys. These pathogens create a situation that doctors refer to as “autoimmunity” wherein the immune system seems to be attacking itself. In reality, the colonizing pathogens have downgraded the immune system, creating a scenario where they can live in the organs long-term. Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO treatments will kill pathogens in the liver, gallbladder, and the kidneys.
- Ox Bile Supplementation is necessary and extremely beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis. It works not by killing pathogens, but rather by digesting the bits and pieces of pathogens that have been pushed out of the gallbladder or the liver only to be partially rather than completely digested by bile. Having either a lack of sufficient bile coming from the liver or the gallbladder or bile that is not released at the proper times creates a scenario where invading pathogens that end up in the intestines are digested down to component parts such as peptidoglycans which are extremely irritating to human tissues. These peptidoglycans cause the development of leaky gut syndrome. The peptidoglycans then are released into the bloodstream where they then find their way to the skin. Once in the skin, they cause inflammation, redness, and all of the skin symptoms of psoriasis.
- Fumaria officianalis tea, Fumaria indica tea, or Fumaric Acid supplements that are purchased over-the-counter are another important component in the psoriasis protocol for healing. Fumaric acid is derived from the Fumaria plants. Both work to coordinate the activity of the gallbladder and liver to secrete bile at the proper times and in the proper quantity. Taking these herbs (as tea) or as a Fumaric Acid supplement will help your gallbladder and liver heal and re-establish proper rhythms to help clear up inflammatory bowel disease symptoms.
- Patients who have kidney involvement, also likely have arthritic symptoms. In addition to taking 100 drops of DMSO every 2 hours by mouth (with water) to treat both the arthritis pain and the kidney problems that are causing joint issues, patients can also apply DMSO directly to the joints. DMSO has a powerfully detoxifying effect on human cells, but it also has the ability to kill pathogens by itself. Many arthritis patients cure their disease using nothing but DMSO.
- Following the No Nightshade Diet in the initial 3 to 6 months of treatment will significantly hasten your progress toward curing psoriasis.
Ox Bile supplementation is an important ingredient in any psoriasis protocol because the odds that you’ll permanently cure psoriasis using this substance is very high (58%-80%). If you add other treatments into your psoriasis protocol like dietary changes, Chlorine Dioxide Solution, sunlight and seawater treatments, probiotics like Saccharomyces boulardii, Rife Therapy, and more, you’ll increase the odds of a permanent cure even further. In short, the process of curing a disease like psoriasis should be approached as the search for treatments that fit with your lifestyle and that contribute to your general well-being without causing harmful side effects.
Dialysis, for example, is a psoriasis cure that has a 20 to 50% success rate. Ox bile supplementation has a 58-80% success rate. If you combine these two treatments and use them together, your odds of success are higher than 58 to 80%. Indeed, if you then take Chlorine Dioxide Solution or spend time in the sunlight and seawater to kill pathogens in the body, the cure rate goes up even higher. The John Pagano diet for for psoriasis patients has a 72.2% cure rate. Imagine if you combined all of these treatments together and committed to a psoriasis protocol using all of these treatment approaches for 6 months. These statistics reflect the permanent cure rate for psoriasis. They are not just treatments that you would use to cover up the disease, but rather, to regain your overall health and get rid of psoriasis forever.

Most psoriasis patients are aware that there’s a relationship between their gut and their skin inflammation and other symptoms such as arthritis that are associated with psoriasis, so it makes sense that some of the most important treatments for this disease involve digestion and gut health as well as kidney health. The natural psoriasis treatment we discuss here is based in part on the work of Dr. Haines Ely who acknowledged the science that’s shown that there’s a link between “leaky gut” and inflammation throughout the body. People with psoriasis, after all, often also suffer from other diseases or disorders like obesity and metabolic syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and cardiovascular disease. These other diseases are also influenced by the endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides, and/or peptidoglycans for example) that are released into the bloodstream as a result of a leaky gut.
Bypass Surgery Syndrome and Psoriasis
Dr. Ely discovered Bypass Surgery Syndrome in 1975 (though it later became known as the tongue twister: Bowel-Associated Dermatosis-Arthritis Syndrome) which helped him better understand how to cure psoriasis. Bypass Surgery Syndrome includes the following symptoms:- Papulopustules (a rash that resembles psoriasis)
- Joint pain
- Increased sensitivity to bacteria, especially Streptococcus pyogenes, the same infectious organism that causes strep throat and that has been linked by other scientists to psoriasis.
- Antibodies to peptidoglycan, a substance that forms the cell walls of many bacteria causing an inflammatory response in the body and on the skin.
Gut Health and Psoriasis Symptoms
In addition to finding that there were high levels of peptidoglycans in the blood, research later uncovered the fact that psoriatic skin lesions also contained high levels of peptidoglycans. By taking a closer look at how peptidoglycans behave as endotoxins in the blood, scientists were able to see that acute psoriasis and endotoxemia have shared symptoms including:- Increased capillary permeability
- Elevated liver enzymes
- Fever
- Leukocytosis
- Decreased complement levels
- Higher bacterial DNA levels that suggest “leaky gut”
Dr. Ely was able to clearly explain how peptidoglycans were absorbed from the intestines into the blood causing liver damage. The peptidoglycans caused gut inflammation and the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease. And once the peptidoglycans got into the bloodstream, they were able to end up in the skin and joints which ultimately leads to the development of psoriatic lesions and psoriatic arthritis.
Gallbladder Removal Surgery and Psoriasis
Not surprisingly, many patients have noticed that their first bout of psoriasis happens after they have their gallbladder removed. This is a thought-provoking discovery that confirms the theory that bile deficiency and liver problems are at the root of psoriasis. Research has confirmed that gallbladder removal can lead to psoriasis. Doctors don’t usually tell patients about this possibility when they sign them up for surgery, but patients should know...removal of the gallbladder can lead to a variety of health issues including chronic, uncontrollable diarrhea as well as psoriasis.The gallbladder, after all, stores bile that’s made in the liver to slowly release into the small intestines throughout the day. Researchers have noted that the gallbladder will release a small amount of bile into the small intestine throughout the day, even when people haven’t eaten anything and this has led some so-called “scientific” researchers to the crazy conclusion that the gallbladder isn’t just reacting to the presence of food in the stomach and therefore it isn’t an essential organ. These are sad, sorry conclusions for people who call themselves scientists!
It’s common knowledge today that bile is secreted into the small intestine and then, if it isn’t used in digestion, it’s absorbed into the blood to circulate through the body and return to the liver/gallbladder. Let me explain why this is important. Bile breaks down the toxic peptidoglycans and endotoxins that cause psoriasis, arthritis, and other serious diseases to make them harmless to the body. Additionally, bile makes it possible for the body to absorb fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K1 and K2. Without adequate amounts of these vitamins the body literally starts to fall apart and become generally diseased.
So the circulation of bile in the body is extremely important though researchers don’t fully understand all of its functions. And without a gallbladder, bile flow is much more limited. What scientists do know is that when there’s a problem with the liver or the gallbladder and bile flow is limited or abnormal, peptidoglycans can build up in the small intestine causing leaky gut syndrome that eventually manifests as arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, or psoriatic arthritis among other things.
While psoriasis researchers have noted with great enthusiasm that bile has an important non-digestive function in the body (namely the ability to split endotoxins like peptidoglycans into pieces that aren’t toxic to the body) other researchers who wish to prove that gallbladder removal surgery won’t cause patients any problems don’t acknowledge these facts. Gallbladder removal surgeries, after all, are a big business! Nearly half of the population has had their gallbladder removed. Nonetheless, one study followed 2,206 women who had had their gallbladders removed and noted that a jaw-dropping 642 of them developed psoriasis. And 157 of these 642 unlucky women also developed psoriatic arthritis. That’s a strong argument for causation! It’s pretty obvious that gallbladder removal may cause psoriasis in a high percentage of patients.
Psoriasis as a Catharsis
Technically, the definition of a catharsis is “purgation” or the purging of something toxic. The word catharsis is often used to describe emotional release from strong, negative or repressed emotions, but it can also describe digestive purging through diarrhea. Any event that pushes a toxin from the inside of our bodies to the outside so as to rid the body of the toxic substance would be considered “cathartic” and Dr. Ely was able to see that psoriasis was a type of catharsis when he first started talking about his theories back in 1981.The skin is one of several detoxifying organs of the body. Whenever we sweat, we purge toxins, but the bulk of toxins typically leave the body via the liver, large intestines, and the kidneys. But what happens if the liver or the kidneys are damaged by peptidoglycans or other toxins? When the intestines are damaged by antibiotic use and other poisonous substances, toxins like peptidoglycans (bacterial wall fragments) leak into the bloodstream. These peptidoglycans are then pumped through the body and they end up passing through the liver and the kidneys. The liver and the joints are damaged by these peptidoglycans and the body becomes quickly debilitated. The skin takes over trying to purge the peptidoglycans to keep the body from being overwhelmed by them. So psoriasis is a complex disease that involves an infectious agent (in particular Streptococcus pyogenes, but a number of other types of pathogens have also been implicated in the development of psoriasis) coupled with leaky gut and the release of toxins that normally would pass out of the body through the large intestines without affecting the blood supply and liver.
New Psoriasis Treatments
Here’s some hopeful research that demonstrates the value of Ox Bile for psoriasis treatment:Here’s some hopeful research that demonstrates the value of Ox Bile for psoriasis treatment:
- In one study, 551 psoriasis patients were treated with bile acid for 1 to 8 weeks. Of these patients, 434 of them (78.8%) became symptom free while taking the bile supplement. The control group, on the other hand, that received conventional medical treatment for psoriasis had only a 24.9% recovery rate.
- Acute psoriasis sufferers have a 95.1% recovery rate using ox bile supplementation.
- Two years after this study was performed, 319 of the 434 psoriasis patients who were treated with bile acids remained free of symptoms. In comparison, only 15 of the 249 patients in the control group (who had received conventional treatment) remained symptoms free. In other words, treatment with bile acids led to a 2 year cure for 57.9% of patients (the curative effects of ox bile maybe lasted longer, but the researchers stopped tracking the participants). On the other hand, only 6% of patients receiving conventional medicine were symptom-free at 2 years post-treatment.
- Of the acute psoriasis sufferers, only 10 out of 139 (7.2%) of the patients who received conventional medical treatment were still symptom free at the 2 year follow-up. On the other hand, an incredible 147 out of 184 (79.9%) of the psoriasis sufferers who had received bile acid treatments were stil symptom free two years later.
For psoriasis, ox bile supplements significantly increase the odds of curing psoriasis permanently especially if the patient takes ox bile in addition to doing some other treatments geared at targeting the other facets of the disease. For example, since psoriasis seems to develop in response to an infection with a bacteria, it’s important to clear up that infection. At AlivenHealthy, we recommend using Chlorine Dioxide and Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) rather than using a prescription antibiotic because antibiotics can make psoriasis worse by compromising gut health. Also, antibiotics that you would get from the doctor’s office are broken down and filtered by the very organ (the liver) that needs to receive antibiotic treatments. In other words, the liver works to remove the antibiotic from the body and is not, itself, treated by most antibiotics that doctors prescribe. On the other hand, using a product like Chlorine Dioxide that works by releasing singlet oxygen species into the blood, is able to treat all organs and all tissues in the body when it is combined with DMSO. These two substances together can reach all areas of the body.
Psoriasis patients all suffer from liver problems and abnormal bile production. They tend to produce too little bile acid and bile which is why it’s so important for psoriasis sufferers to take an ox bile supplement as part of a healing protocol. Bile acids have the ability to split peptidoglycans and other endotoxins into non-toxic fragments that the body can cope with more easily. Scientists have discovered that the peptidoglycans that cause leaky gut in psoriasis patients come from the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes and other pathogens. Though psoriasis patients don't have all the symptoms of a full-blown infection with Streptococcus pyogenes, they suffer from chronic debilitating symptoms because these bacteria (or other types of pathogens) have colonized one of the detoxifying organs. The most powerful way to get rid of these colonies of pathogens is to use Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO, but patients may also choose to use colloidal silver and DMSO. To treat psoriasis using Colloidal Silver and DMSO use the following dosing strategy:
- Take 1/2 teaspoon of DMSO with 1/2 teaspoon of Colloidal Silver.
- Increase the DMSO by 1/2 teaspoon daily until you are taking 2 tablespoons of DMSO with Colloidal Silver every day.
- Take a dose of DMSO + Colloidal Silver every morning and evening to cure psoriasis permanently.
Bile acids are also bactericidal, so they can help get rid of infection as they heal the gut when used as part of a Psoriasis Treatment Protocol that also includes DMSO and Colloidal Silver.
Psoriasis Treatment Protocol:
- Though Dr. Ely suggested that patients use Azithromycin to get rid of any underlying Streptococcus pyogenes infection, patients should consider using Chlorine Dioxide Solution and DMSO instead for psoriasis. Colloidal Silver is another option for those who aren’t ready to use Chlorine Dioxide. With Chlorine Dioxide there’s no risk of developing a drug-resistant infection of Streptococcus pyogenes due to the use of an antibiotic. Also, Azithromycin can actually contribute to leaky gut problems while Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO won’t hurt the digestive lining. If you decide to use Azithromycin to treat psoriasis, consider working with a doctor to use it in tandem with DMSO (an FDA approved medication that can be combined with antibiotics to make them stronger at lower doses) so that you can use a lower dose to achieve the same effects.
- Do a water enema or a coffee enema daily to detoxify more quickly during Chlorine Dioxide + DMSO treatment.
2. Take an Ox Bile supplement with each meal. Start with a 500 mg dose of Ox Bile and expect to experience diarrhea for 1-2 weeks as your intestines clear out. After 14-21 days of treatment with 500 mg of Ox Bile at every meal you may need to raise or lower the dose if you experience diarrhea. Take 500-1000 mg of Ox Bile at every meal and for the first 14 to 21 days expect to feel some fatigue and experience some diarrhea as the ox bile cleans excess fats out of the intestines that have coated the inside of the intestinal wall due to bile deficiencies or abnormalities. If you continue to have diarrhea after 30-40 days of taking ox bile, lower the dose down to 250 mg per meal (unless you have had your gallbladder removed in which case, you should continue taking a higher dose). Adjust the dose until you find the right amount for you. Fatty meals will require a higher dose of ox bile to digest properly. While the intestines are being cleaned out, your body will also be able to absorb fat soluble vitamins more easily and during this time, you will probably feel worse before you feel better. Allow time for your body to rebuild. Be patient. The results could take up to 8 weeks to become visible. Get plenty of rest, especially during the first 2-4 weeks of treatment.
3. Take a probiotic that contains Saccaromyces boulardii (Also spelled Saccharomyces boulardii--it is found in high quantities in fermented foods) at 500 mg 3 times per day.
4. Take Quercetin at 500 mg 2 times per day.
5. Take a vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 combination vitamin. These two vitamins help with calcium absorption, but don’t neglect to take vitamin K2 in the proper proportion with vitamin D3! As someone with psoriasis, your vitamin K2/D3 supplement should contain 5000 IU of D3. Find a vitamin K2/D3 product that already has the right proportion of these two vitamins that work together closely. Be aware that taking just a vitamin D3 or D2 by itself is dangerous and it can lead to early heart attacks as well as dental problems. Vitamin K2 is a recent discovery. Without it, calcium is better absorbed by vitamin D3, but the calcium is deposited in the blood vessels rather than being deposited in the bones and teeth where it belongs. Vitamin K2 tells the body where to put the calcium to ensure that it ends up in the bones and teeth rather in the blood vessels where it can cause heart and circulatory problems.
6. Anyone who has had their gallbladder removed or who has a problem producing bile may be extremely deficient on vitamin K2 and D3 as well as other fat-soluble vitamins. Take a high-quality, cold-pressed Cod Liver Oil supplement each day to get plenty of Omega 3’s as well as other fat-soluble vitamins. The Cod Liver Oil brand we recommend below has an excellent lemon flavor. Drink it straight or put it in a smoothie.

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