Symptoms and Diseases Caused by Organophosphate Exposure
Animals and humans are exposed to organophosphates through the consumption of contaminated food and water, but organophosphate droplets are also distributed in the air when crop spraying occurs over fields using tractors or airplanes. If there is even a slight breeze, the organophosphate droplets can travel a significant distance to expose people living several miles down the road.Diseases Caused by Organophosphate Exposure
Diseases that are caused by organophosphate toxicity include:- Mental Health Issues
- Organophosphates directly target the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which plays an important role in mental health as well as in movement and coordination. As such, organophosphate exposure has been correlated with the following psychological issues:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Vascular dementia
- Other forms of dementia
- Other Mood and Mental Health Disorders
- Organophosphates directly target the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which plays an important role in mental health as well as in movement and coordination. As such, organophosphate exposure has been correlated with the following psychological issues:
- Autism
- A woman who is exposed to organophosphates during pregnancy has a 60% higher chance of giving birth to a child with autism than a woman who is not exposed to organophosphates during pregnancy.
- Living within 1 mile of a field that is sprayed with organophosphates is enough to increase risk.
- Cognitive Impairment
- Organophosphate poisoning leads to predictable cognitive impairments involving any of the following:
- Eye-hand coordination
- Increased reaction time
- Short-term memory problems
- Learning problems
- Organophosphate poisoning leads to predictable cognitive impairments involving any of the following:
- Nervous system issues
- Organophosphates, in high doses, can (and are) also be used as nerve gases because they are poisonous to the nervous system.
- Gulf War Syndrome has been attributed in part to organophosphate exposure.
- Aerotoxic Syndrome has been attributed to organophosphate exposure.
- Intermediate Syndrome / Myasthenia Gravis
- Intermediate Syndrome is essentially synonymous with Myasthenia Gravis. The symptoms of these two conditions are nearly the same. The following organophosphates carry the most risk in terms of causing Intermediate Syndrome / Myasthenia Gravis.
- Methyl Parathion
- Fenthion
- Dimethoate
- Intermediate Syndrome is essentially synonymous with Myasthenia Gravis. The symptoms of these two conditions are nearly the same. The following organophosphates carry the most risk in terms of causing Intermediate Syndrome / Myasthenia Gravis.
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Various studies have supported the idea that organophosphate exposure causes Parkinson’s Disease.
- Lewy Body Dementia
- Lewy Body Dementia is considered by many scientists to be the same disease as Parkinson’s with symptoms developing in reverse order (dementia first, then tremors later).
- Paralysis
- Organophosphate paralysis often occurs after high levels of exposure that occur suddenly, but long-term, chronic exposure to organophosphates can cause paralysis too.
- Cancer
- Increased risk of reproductive organ cancers and thyroid cancer has been observed by scientists studying the spouses of professional pesticide applicators. The following are types of cancer related to organophosphate exposure:
- Death
Organophosphate poisoning is a major problem in the world today. If you or a loved one is suffering from symptoms of organophosphate poisoning and you want to avoid pharmaceuticals or food additives that can make you even sicker, below are the ways in which people are being exposed to organophosphates. Avoiding organophosphates is one of the most powerful ways to treat organophosphate poisoning. Below we go into greater detail regarding organophosphate exposure.
Organophosphate Poisoning
Organophosphate poisoning can occur through deliberate over-ingestion of organophosphates or it can occur due to long-term, chronic exposure and a buildup of organophosphates in the body. The most common type of organophosphate poisoning is known as “Intermediate Syndrome” or “Type II Paralysis”. Intermediate Syndrome looks identical to Myasthenia Gravis in terms of symptoms and some or perhaps all myasthenia gravis patients may actually be suffering from a form of Intermediate Syndrome / Type II Paralysis caused by insecticide exposure. Read more about how to cure myasthenia gravis through nutrient therapies and by avoiding insecticide exposure here.Organophosphate Exposure Symptoms
Long-term, chronic exposure to organophosphates can cause the following symptoms / side effects:- Anxiety
- Depression
- Lacrimation (the production of excessive tears in the eyes)
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of memory
- Disorientation
- Confusion
- Personality Changes
- Physical weakness
- Paralysis
- Chronic Headaches
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Salivation
- Urination (Incontinence)
- Defecation (Incontinence)
- Intestinal Cramping
- Seizures (Epilepsy Symptoms)
- Neck flexion
- Decreased deep tendon reflexes
- Cranial Nerve Abnormalities
- Respiratory Insufficiency (inability to breathe)
- Small pupils
- Sweating
- Muscle Tremors
- Cardiac Rhythm Abnormalities
- Sinus tachycardia
- Sinus bradycardia
- Atrial fibrillation
- Ventricular tachycardia
- Ventricular fibrillation
- Extrasystoles
How do organophosphates affect the body?
Organophosphates affect the entire body through their action on the nervous system and hormones. They impact the respiratory system, the heart and circulatory system, the digestive system, the muscles, the bone tissues and blood tissues, personality, mood, and mental health. For the most part, organophosphates impact every inch of the human body in various ways that depend to some extend on each person’s unique nutrient profile and physiological weaknesses.How do you know if you’ve been exposed to organophosphates?
Some organophosphates have a distinctive garlic or petroleum odor. If you live in a rural area where farmers do crop-spraying, you may notice that certain fields have this smell after they’ve been sprayed with organophosphate chemicals. Avoid these fields, if possible. Chronic organophosphate exposure is most likely to occur in rural areas where crop-spraying is common. But, in urban areas, people may also be exposed to organophosphates through lawn chemicals that are applied regularly or through residues on fruits, vegetables, and other foods such as nuts or grains. Even if you don’t apply these chemicals to your own lawn, your neighbors may be applying them to their lawns which can cause symptoms of chronic organophosphate exposure over time.One of the best ways to protect yourself from insecticide exposures is by taking vitamin K2 and Lugol’s iodine. These nutrients can’t protect you entirely from organophosphates or bromide-containing insecticides, but they significantly improve health outcomes overall. Read more here about vitamin K2 and Lugol’s iodine as government-sponsored nutrient deficiencies that make people more susceptible to the negative effects of insecticide exposure.

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
About 33% of the insecticides that are applied in the U.S. are organophosphates. Methylbromide is another type of insecticide that is associated with different, but similarly frightening symptoms of disease. Read more about methylbromide here. Indeed, Gulf War Syndrome is likely caused, at least in part, by exposure to bromine / bromide in the form of pesticides and/or prescription medications, in addition to exposure to organophosphate toxins in higher doses. Methylbromide is an insecticide that has been banned by all developed countries except the United States because of its toxicity to both humans and the environment. However, though methylbromide has been banned by most developed countries, doctors in those countries may still be prescribing drugs like pyridostigmine bromide and other bromide-containing drugs (including over-the-counter cough and cold preparations like Robitussin, which contains Dextromethorphan hydrobromide/Hbr) that actually cause and worsen Myasthenia Gravis symptoms. Learn about the drugs that contain bromine here.
In some cases, organophosphates are even combined with bromine (a halogen element) in flame retardants. Because of this, exposure to flame retardants may be associated with symptoms of both bromine / bromide exposure and organophosphate exposure.
How does organophosphate poisoning happen?
Exposure to organophosphates can occur through:- Ingestion
- Inhalation
- Skin contact
In other words, you can absorb organophosphates through the skin, the lungs, or by eating them on or in foods, by drinking them in water, or by taking them as medicines known as bisphosphonates.
Organophosphates are sprayed on food plants and crops and small particles of the chemical may be carried on the wind before it falls to the ground. Fields that are sprayed with organophosphates using airplanes and “crop dusters” can distribute organophosphates far from the site of application.
Organophosphates in Meats
Farmers and ranchers may administer organophosphate veterinary medicines to their cows, pigs, chickens, or even fish. The organophosphates are then present in the tissues of these animals such that when the animal is slaughtered, organophosphates are still present in the meat products that humans consume.Organophosphates in the Environment
After organophosphates are applied to food plants and crops, they often remain present and intact in the environment. Organophosphates are found in the water, in the soil and on the surface of plants. They are found in both surface water and in ground water.Organophosphates can be broken down, but they can also build up in the environment and in the body.
Organophosphate Skin Exposure
Organophosphate skin exposure can occur if you (or someone else nearby) applies an insecticide to your lawn or garden or to a field that contains organophosphates. The toxic ingredients in the insecticide can easily pass through the skin and into the bloodstream to cause all of the symptoms listed above, especially if exposure occurs regularly.Organophosphate Inhalation Exposure
Even if you don’t touch or ingest organophosphates, you can still be exposed to them through inhalation. For example, if you live next door to someone who sprays their yard with organophosphates and the wind is blowing, the organophosphates can be carried through your windows into your house. Or, when you go outside, if you are near a yard or a lawn that has been sprayed with organophosphates, you can be exposed to them.Similarly, if you live in a rural area near fields that are sprayed using crop-dusters to apply organophosphates, you can be exposed via inhalation.
Organophosphate Ingestion Exposure
Organophosphate ingestion can occur either intentionally or accidentally. Intentional ingestion of organophosphates is often a higher dose. Accidental ingestion is common and though the dose may be lower, regular exposure can build up in the body over time to cause the same symptoms as a high-dose of organophosphates. Remember that bisphosphonates, a group of pharmaceutical drugs, can lodge themselves in the bones for at least 10 years before the body can finally remove them; organophosphates used as insecticides also build up inside the body in this way.In countries where organophosphates are widely available for use, people may use organophosphates to attempt suicide. And children can accidentally ingest organophosphates in the form of insecticides that are not stored safely from reach. But organophosphate exposure can also occur through medications prescribed by doctors. Or it can occur when people administer veterinary medications that contain organophosphates to their pets or farm animals.
If you use a pest-control chemical to keep insects out of your pantry, you may inadvertently expose yourself to organophosphates. Dichlorvos is an organophosphate that is used to control pests in foods that are stored indoors. If you use dichlorvos to control pests near your food supply, you may end up ingesting organophosphates without intending to.
Recently, scientists have started studying organophosphates found in meats such as chicken, beef, pork, and fish. Ranchers, for example, are not supposed to administer organophosphates such as Famphur to their animals less than 35 days before slaughter to ensure that the meat will contain a lower amount of organophosphates. Administration of organophosphate medications to cows and chickens does not appear to be monitored in relation to time-of-slaughter, so it seems logical to assume that many food-animals are medicated and then slaughtered within less than 35 days after organophosphate-medication administration.
Organophosphate exposure is probably pretty common through meat products. Though the amount of organophosphates in meat may be lower, it accumulates over time in the body. So if you eat meat from animals that have been given organophosphate medications, you can be exposed to organophosphates in this way.
Which type of organophosphate exposure is the worst?
All types of organophosphate exposure can cause similar health issues, but symptoms of organophosphate exposure may develop more quickly if you are exposed to organophosphates through inhalation. Eating or drinking contaminated food or water or getting organophosphates on your skin will cause symptoms of toxicity more slowly than if you inhale organophosphates.Root Cause: Common Environmental Toxins and How to Protect Yourself From Them - BUY HERE!
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