DMSO Eye Drops and How to Use MSM with EDTA to Get Rid of Cataracts at Home (as well as Other Eye Diseases)
One of the most important things that you need to know about in order to get rid of cataracts without surgery is how to detoxify the eyes and deliver medicine to the interior of the eye. EDTA can remove toxins while dimethyl sulfoxide / DMSO can combine with eye medicines to deliver them directly to the parts of the eyeball that need healing. One of the most controversial things about dimethyl sulfoxide / DMSO has to do with a flawed study that seemed to indicate that DMSO temporarily changes the shape of the lens of the eye during treatment. This study was done on dogs, but in humans, when DMSO was studied under the same conditions, the same changes in eye lens shape were not observable. In any case, in dogs, the alterations in the shape of the lens didn’t last and no permanent damage was done to the dogs. Nonetheless, in an effort to hide the utility of DMSO from the mainstream public, this study is still often cited by Big Pharma on mainstream conventional medicine websites. It scares people, which is tragic. DMSO is an extremely valuable medicine for eye health. This author has used it many times.DMSO can be extremely valuable as a treatment for eye-related disorders. It ranks high on the list of at home treatments for eye infection as well as for macular degeneration, cataracts, and floaters. Below we’re going to discuss each of these eye problems and how to use DMSO in the eyes safely to get the best results.
Note that often, eye-related issues that seem unresolveable are actually being perpetuated by a lack of proper blood flow to the eye. DMSO thins the blood and helps to ensure that blood and nutrients are able to reach eye cells. This changes the course of eye disease.
The Alive-N-Healthy DMSO Guidebook - Buy Here!
Related Studies Into the Use of MSM and EDTA for Eye Treatment
If you have a treatment-resistant eye disease or if you simply don’t want to undergo the conventional medicine treatments for macular degeneration, cataracts, or glaucoma, you need to know about EDTA and MSM. MSM is very similar chemically to DMSO. It is a permeability enhancer similar to DMSO, it contains sulfur and a methyl groups just as DMSO does. In fact MSM and DMSO are almost identical - they have one atom in their chemical structure that differs between them. In scientific studies, EDTA has been combined with MSM to treat a number of serious eye diseases. The MSM is used to help EDTA get to eye structures that are not fed by the blood supply (the lens, for example).If you have an eye disease, it’s likely that you need EDTA chelation therapy as a holistic treatment to help you regain general health, but MSM combined with EDTA and applied topically to the eyes may be essential if you wish to overcome an eye disease like glaucoma, cataracts, or macular degeneration. Using MSM (or, theoretically, DMSO) with EDTA in the eyes can make it possible to remove heavy metals from the lens of the eye and other structures that are not well supplied by capillaries. Below we provide more details as to how to use EDTA and MSM for the eyes, but also note that intravenous administration of EDTA can help you overcome other serious health problems and work holistically to also help open up the blood supply to areas of the eye (like the macula) that do receive blood.

EDTA, MSM, and DMSO: What Eye Studies Can Teach Us about EDTA Combination Treatments
EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), is a heavy metal chelating agent that is used to reopen blood vessels that have been closed as a result of calcification (which occurs as a result of heavy metal buildup in the body). EDTA chelation therapy is an alternative to heart surgery that was once the primary modality of treatment for cardiovascular disease before Big Pharma recognized the potential profit-margin on heart surgeries. Click here to learn more about the use of EDTA chelation therapy as an alternative to heart surgery.EDTA has also been studied in terms of its effects on eye health because blood flow to the eyes is so essential in proper eye function. EDTA has been shown to have a positive effect on glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Some people even use EDTA to improve their vision without the presence of eye disease motivating them. In any case, EDTA chelation therapy is one of the most important alternative treatments for eye disease that people can benefit from if they wish to get rid of glaucoma, macular degeneration, or cataracts permanently.
Through scientific studies, scientists have found that EDTA and MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) combine well to enhance cell membrane penetration. MSM is very similar to DMSO chemically. These two substances are closely related. Of the two, DMSO has far superior tissue penetration abilities and it also has the ability to combine easily with other substances. Nonetheless, in studies, EDTA has generally been combined with MSM. This author can’t speak to the potential results of using EDTA with DMSO. As such, we recommend that patients stick to the recommendations based on the scientific research if they wish to treat glaucoma at home (or macular degeneration or cataracts).

In animal studies, MSM salts were combined with EDTA for application directly to rat corneas. The combination of MSM with EDTA made it possible for EDTA to penetrate the eye. Without MSM, EDTA cannot penetrate the eye. Scientists have found that by combining MSM and EDTA that they are able to do “regional” chelation therapy, however if, as a patient, you have developed glaucoma, macular degeneration, or cataracts, EDTA chelation therapy should be administered intravenously as a holistic treatment if possible because its likely that the eye disease is part of a larger health issue that involves the entire cardiovascular system. Take the opportunity, if you can afford it and if you can find a reputable clinic that offers EDTA chelation along with mineral-replacement therapy, and receive a holistic treatment to reclaim your general health in addition to your eye health.
Also note that vitamin K2 / MK-7 is a nutrient that should be administered at 200-400 mcg / day to prevent the buildup of calcium in blood vessels after you have done EDTA chelation therapy. Click here to learn more about vitamin K2 / MK-7.

Click here to buy vitamin K2 / MK-7.
MSM and DMSO: Similarities and Differences
Both MSM and DMSO are permeability enhancers. In other words, both of these substances make it easier for molecules to move between and through the cells of the body. Permeability enhancers work in a variety of ways. They may alter the tightness of junctions between cells to allow molecules to pass between two cells. Or, they may actively or passively transport a molecule through a cell using active diffusion, passive diffusion, endocytosis, or transcytosis. Toxic permeability enhancers like polysorbates increase permeability by solubilizing the cellular membrane and the membrane components. This is toxic to human cells which is one of the reasons why polysorbates should generally be avoided. In any case, both MSM and DMSO are non-toxic permeability enhancers. DMSO is able to promote passage of molecules not just around human cells, but also into and through human cells.In some studies, scientists claim that there is no evidence that MSM works as a penetration enhancer, but studies into MSM and EDTA for eyes speak a different truth. In these studies, MSM makes it possible for EDTA to pass into the eyes to detoxify cells. Normally, EDTA is administered intravenously because it doesn’t easily make its way into the bloodstream to detoxify the body unless it is placed into the blood vessels directly. In other words, EDTA does not normally possess the ability to permeate between or into human cells.
MSM is more polar than DMSO. It is also less reactive than DMSO. Both substances contain sulfur, the primary nutrient involved in the production of melanin in the human body. Melanin is a substance that protects the body from toxic forms of radiation, but that also plays a role in absorbing non-toxic forms of radiation as well. Melanin is found in the iris of the eye. It plays a general role in modulating inflammatory responses in the body.

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MSM and EDTA: Topical Dose for Eye Disorders
In animal studies of eye disease, 14C-EDTA tetra sodium salt at a concentration of 2.6% was added to 5.4% MSM salt in eye saline. Ten microliters of this solution was given to rats to study the effects, in particular the eye-penetration abilities of EDTA when combined with MSM. In these studies, EDTA in combination with MSM greatly enhanced EDTA transport through the cornea of the eye and into the aqueous humor. By itself, without MSM, EDTA penetration into the cornea and aqueous human was negligible. The combination of MSM and EDTA was 5 times greater than without MSM at 30 minutes after the administration of these two medicinal agents.Though these studies help us appreciate the value of EDTA as an alternative treatment for macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, and more, and while they also help us appreciate the value of MSM and DMSO for eye health, in fact, if you have a serious eye disease, we recommend that you seek out intravenous EDTA therapy if you can locate a clinic that offers EDTA chelation with mineral replacement therapy. You can begin treatment with DMSO while doing EDTA therapy at the same time if you wish.
On the other hand, if you can’t afford intravenous EDTA chelation therapy or if you live in an area where EDTA chelation clinics are not available, consider working with Chlorine Dioxide Solution / CDS to chelate heavy metals instead and follow the instructions to administer EDTA and MSM to detoxify the eyes and help them heal.
Click here to read more about reactive oxygen species medicines like Chlorine Dioxide Solution.
DMSO and EDTA Chelation as a Cure for Macular Degeneration
If you’re looking for a cure for treatment resistant macular degeneration, cataracts, floaters, a treatment-resistant eye infection, or other serious eye problems, consider doing EDTA chelation treatment as you begin working intensively with DMSO and MSM. You can administer both DMSO and MSM at the same time and in fact protocols have been developed that use a combination of DMSO and MSM for dementia. EDTA chelation therapy helps to open up the blood supply fully so that eyes can heal. EDTA will also remove heavy metals that might be impeding proper eye function. Meanwhile, using MSM or DMSO in the eyes while also doing rounds of intranveous EDTA chelation is a more powerful type of treatment than using DMSO or MSM alone without also working with EDTA for macular degeneration and other eye problems. These are treatments that combine well and that work together.
Begin by doing EDTA chelation therapy which can take several months to complete. At the same time, begin working with DMSO and/or MSM to enhance the results of EDTA therapy and give the eyes what they need in order to heal more fully.

Click here to buy pharmaceutical grade DMSO 99.9%.
DMSO to Dissolve Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Floaters: How to Administer DMSO in the Eyes
There was a time about 15 years ago, when I would get an eye infection anytime I was at a high level of stress. When I discovered DMSO for eyes as a potential at-home treatment for eye infection, I read studies first and then experimented with different approaches. I never dropped full-strength 99% DMSO directly into my eyes. That seemed like a bad idea because DMSO is really drying, it heats up a bit when exposed to tissues, and it can cause burning for a few minutes after application. In the eyes, if you’re using DMSO as eyedrops, DMSO should be administered at a dose of around 40% or less and it should be combined with a sterile 0.9% concentraction saline solution.That being said, when I say “saline solution”, I need to emphasize that I’m not talking about the contact lens saline solution that you buy at the grocery store. Contact lens saline solution may contain any number of toxic ingredients that you don’t want to have soak into your eye-cells or the aqueous humor of the eye.
Ideally, you should order a sterile 0.9% saline for intravenous injection. Use a sterile needle like one that people might use to inject insulin to extract the saline from the bottle for each use. Click here to see an example of syringes that could be used to extract sterile saline so that the saline can be combined with other ingredients like DMSO, MSM, or EDTA as an eye drop. DO NOT USE A SYRINGE TO APPLY SALINE TO THE EYE. Rather, use the syringe to remove sterile saline from the bottle in small amounts without contaminating it. Put the saline into a glass bowl that has been cleaned using chlorine dioxide solution / CDS and combine it with the other ingredients. Use a clean dropper or a spoon to administer the final product to the eyes.

Click here to buy sterile 0.9% saline.
You can make your own saline solution using himalayan sea salt or iodized salt (do not use fluoridated slate) and water that has been boiled for 10 minutes and then cooled to room temperature. To make an at-home saline solution, boil 1 liter of water, let it cool, and as it is cooling, add 9 grams of salt to the water and mix thoroughly. Let the water sit and cool to room temperature. That being said, some websites caution that you cannot or should not use a mixture such as this in your eyes at home because it can cause an eye infection if the water is not clean after boiling. However, if you combine the water with DMSO, the DMSO has antimicrobial effects. I include this recipe because some people who read this may be located in areas of the world where they don’t have access to sterile 0.9% saline. Use your best judgment if you live in an area of the world with water pollution or poor water quality. Use 1-2 drops of chlorine dioxide to sterilize 1 liter of water after boiling if you have concerns about its cleanliness.Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.
Chlorine Dioxide Solution / CDS for Eye Infection
Chlorine Dioxide Solution / CDS (also known as Miracle Mineral Solution), has been used with excellent results as an at-home treatment for eye infection. If you have a treatment-resistant eye infection that is not responding to antibiotics, consider working with Jim Humble’s Eye Protocol. There is no need to combine DMSO with CDS for eye infection using this protocol. By itself, the CDS in water works very well.
Click here to learn how to administer CDS in the eyes.
Also note that CDS is a heavy metal chelator that has similar effects on improving eye health as EDTA. CDS can also get rid of an underlying eye infection if pathogens are a root cause of eye disease. Use Jim Humble’s Eye Protocol to administer CDS in the eyes. I have use this protocol many times with excellent results. CDS works better than topical eye antibiotics for eye infection. It is safer than prescription eye drops because it will not cause drug resistant eye infection to develop. In fact, CDS works as a cure for drug-resistant eye infection.

Click here to buy The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution.
CDS and DMSO As a Cure for Drug-Resistant Eye Infection
When I started working with CDS for drug-resistant eye infection many years ago, I would administer Jim Humble’s eye protocol using CDS and water. Then, I would put DMSO on my eyelids (on the lower eyelid, upper eyelid, and even in the canthus or corner of the eye) rather than putting the DMSO into the eye directly along with the CDS. Though it didn’t concern me to put a little bit of DMSO in my eyes by itself, it did concern me to put both CDS and DMSO in the eye directly at the same time. If you’re using CDS as a chelating agent, it may work better if it is not administered to the eye in combination with DMSO. On the other hand though, if you have a severe, drug-resistant eye infection, you can administer DMSO with CDS, just be aware that the eye may sting for a little while after application. Properly dilute the solution with sterile saline so that the DMSO is at a concentration of less than 40%.If you have a drug-resistant eye infection, start with Jim Humble’s CDS Eye Protocol first. After you administer the CDS 1 or 2 times, you should notice a change in the infection. If you don’t notice a dramatic change after the 1st or 2nd application, administer CDS with a drop of 25% concentration of DMSO applied simultaneously to the upper and lower eyelids. DO NOT ADMINISTER THE DMSO IN A PLASTIC SPRAY BOTTLE OR IN ANY OTHER CONTAINER THAT CONTAINS PLASTIC. DMSO CAN DISSOLVE PLASTICS AND TAKE THE PLASTICS INTO HUMAN CELLS. USE ONLY GLASS WHEN WORKING WITH DMSO.
Click here to sign up for the CDS Protocols App!
EDTA, MSM & DMSO for Macular Degeneration
EDTA as an Alternative Cure for Macular Degeneration
If you’re looking for an alternative treatment for macular degeneration, you should start with intravenous EDTA chelation therapy if you have access to this form of treatment to open the blood supply to the macula. Studies have shown that a reduced blood supply to the macula is one of the hallmark signs of macular degeneration and EDTA as an intravenous therapy can help increase the blood supply to the eye. This type of treatment using EDTA is done in a clinic and it has been shown to dramatically improve macular degeneration. If you can seek out a clinic that specializes in intravenous therapies, that would be ideal. The clinic should also be offering mineral replacement therapy as a part of the overall process of doing EDTA chelation therapy intravenously.
Macular degeneration responds well to EDTA therapy for the same reasons that patients with severe atherosclerosis respond well to EDTA treatment. EDTA chelation opens the blood vessels that feed areas of the body that have, for one reason or another, been cut off from proper blood supply. Our bodies are designed to shut down the blood supply to certain areas of the body that are injured or infected. Blood supply is shut down to protect the rest of the body from becoming infected with pathogens too. This is an adaptive response, but it can go awry under certain circumstances. After the body heals, sometimes it forgets to reinstate normal blood flow to areas of the body that were afflicted with injury or infection. EDTA chelation can help alter patterns of reduced blood flow so that the eyes and other structures in the body can heal.
EDTA and MSM as an Alternative Cure for Macular Degeneration
Studies have also shown that the use of methylsulfonylmethane (MSM in salt form – do not purchase MSM capsules), a substance that is nearly identical chemically to DMSO, and EDTA therapy can relieve glaucoma and intraocular pressure. In studies, MSM and EDTA were applied topically to the eyes in animal models of eye disease. It is likely that this same form of treatment could be valuable as an alternative cure for macular degeneration. The combination of MSM and EDTA with a sterile saline applied directly in the eye allows patients who do not have the funds or access to intravenous EDTA to still work to treat macular degeneration at home.
Note that the dose for 14C-EDTA tetra sodium salt is 2.6% concentration with 5.4% MSM in sterile 0.9% saline. This is the dose that has been used as an alternative treatment for glaucoma in animal studies.
DMSO for Macular Degeneration
In 1971, at the New York Academy of Sciences symposium, treatment results from a combination of pharmaceutical grade 99.9% DMSO and sterile saline 0.9% concentration was presented. The DMSO and sterile saline were combined in a 1:1 relationship (50% DMSO and 50% sterile saline). The DMSO-saline eye drops were an effective treatment for macular degeneration according to this report.EDTA, MSM, and/or DMSO for Glaucoma and Intraocular Pressure
Animal models of eye disease have been used to show how EDTA and MSM (a compound that is nearly identical to DMSO) can be used as an alternative treatment for glaucoma and intraocular pressure. In studies, MSM and EDTA were applied topically to the eye for 3 months. At the end of the study, animals that had received the MSM and EDTA treatment experienced lessened damage to the retinal ganglion cells and less damage to the optic nerve as a result of intraocular pressure.Once again, the dose for 14C-EDTA tetra sodium salt is 2.6% concentration. The EDTA is administered in combination with 5.4% MSM in sterile 0.9% saline. This is the dose that has been used as an alternative cure for glaucoma in animal studies.
EDTA and MSM for Cataracts
EDTA has been studied by scientists as a possible cure for cataracts because there is a strong correlation between heavy metal toxicity and the development of cataracts. EDTA removes heavy metals in the body to allow cataracts to heal naturally.One of the unique things about some of the structures of eyes is the fact that they don’t receive direct blood flow. And EDTA does not easily penetrate these structures under normal conditions. However, the topical application of EDTA and MSM in the eyes makes EDTA able to penetrate these tissues. When EDTA is able to access the eye structures such as the lens that are normally not directly fed with a blood supply, oxidation-induced lens opacification and the toxic accumulation of protein-4-hydroxynonenal adducts are significantly reduced. Indeed, in animal studies, the use of EDTA and MSM topically in the eye reduced lens opacification by 40-50%. EDTA-MSM combinations also diminished epithelial cell proliferation and fiber cell swelling that characterized the initial stages of cataract formation.

Click here to buy the Big Print Cataract Cure Book.
DMSO for Retinitis Pigmentosa
Research has shown that 99.9% pharmaceutical grade DMSO in combination with sterile 0.9% saline is an effective remedy for retinitis pigmentosa. This remedy was presented in a report at the New York Academy of Sciences symposium in 1971. Combine the high-concentration, pharmaceutical grade DMSO with the sterile saline in a 1:1 ratio (50% DMSO and 50% sterile saline). Administer as eye drops every 2-4 hours. This treatment causes a slight burning sensation.DMSO for Blinding Keratitis
The main causative agent of blinding keratitis is Acanthamoeba castellanii. Though this amoebic eye infection has been reported in people who do not wear contact lenses, it is most often associated with improper disinfection of contact lenses. In those who wear contact lenses, the amoeba attach to the lens first and then, when the lenses are put in the eye, they bind to the corneal epithelial cells.Studies have shown that a 3% concentration of pharmaceutical grade DMSO in sterile 0.9% saline is enough to prevent attachment of Acanthamoeba castellanii to contact lenses. Those who develop blinding keratitis due to amoeba infection may wish to work with DMSO and sterile saline at the concentrations recommended for macular degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa.
DMSO Saline Eye Drops: Alternative Recipes
DMSO 20% and Sterile Saline 0.9%This is a simple recipe that combines 8 parts sterile, injectable saline 0.9% with 2 parts pharmaceutical grade DMSO at a concentration of 99.9%.Combine these two ingredients in a glass container and administer 1 drop every 2-4 hours using a dropper.
DMSO, Glutathione, and Vitamin C
Dr. Robert Rowen developed this DMSO recipe for eye drops. He combines glutathione at a concentration of 1.25%, pure vitamin C at a dose of 1.25%, and DMSO at a dose of 6.25%. These ingredients should be combined with sterile 0.9% saline.
Other Eye drops That Have Been Used to Cure Eye Disease
If you’re searching for non-surgical treatments for macular degeneration, cataracts, drug-resistant eye infection, glaucoma, or other forms of eye disease check out the links below to additional treatment options:Sananga Eye Drops - Sananga should not be combined with other treatments like DMSO or MSM. Castor Oil Eye Drops for Cataracts - Castor oil can be administered with DMSO. N-Acetylcarnosine Eye Drops for Cataracts
A number of serious eye diseases have been correlated with heavy metal toxicity in the structures of the eyes combined with lessened blood flow to areas of the eye that are meant to be well-fed with a robust blood supply. EDTA chelation therapy and EDTA-MSM-saline topical eye-drop application can help the eyes recover their health.DMSO and MSM are closely related substances. For eye health, they indispensable. DMSO and chlorine dioxide solution / CDS or CDS by itself using Jim Humble’s Eye Protocol can be used as a powerful at-home treatment for eye infection. Indeed, CDS is a powerful agent that even works to cure drug-resistant eye infection.