Red Clover: Vitamin B17 Source and Cure for Cancer, Autoimmune Disease, and MORE
[gallery ids="204,205"] Red clover, trébol rojo, also known as Trifolium pratense is a perennial legume that adds nitrogen to the soil. But it's also an ingredient in herbal cancer cures including Essiac Tea and the Hoxsey Formula as well as Jason Winters Tea. This so called "weed" contains vitamin B17 / amygdalin as well as vitamin K2, two of the most vital anti-cancer nutrients currently known to man. The value of Trifolium pratense has been recognized by the biggest names in the herbal cancer cure arena and the value of this tea in curing cancer should not be underestimated. The classic herbal book Back to Eden by Jethro Kloss talks about red clover as a life-saving cancer cure. The blossoms (which can be pinkish, reddish, or whitish colored) contain compounds like caffeic acid, biochanin-A, chlorogenic acid, formonoetin, coumarin, genistein, and isorhamnetin, all of which demonstrate cancer-fighting properties, but amygdalin and vitamin K2 are the most likely candidates at work that make this herb really shine as a natural treatment for cancer.Trifolium pratense also has anti-AIDs and anti-diabetes properties. It can be used as a liniment or balm for skin cancer, but it's also used in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, burns, and sores. The value of T. pratense as an herbal cure for psoriasis, eczema, and other skin diseases actually derives from its function as a "deobstruent" in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen. As a deobstruent, Trifolium pratense is able to remove obstructions like gallstones or bile sludge. It can remove obstructions that cause pancreatic enzymes to back up into the pancreas, damaging tissues. Removing gallstones that have gotten stuck in the bile duct improves the health of the liver as a detoxifying organ that plays a major role in curing cancer and other major disease. Red clover flowers contain eugenol, myricetin and salicylic acid which give it both pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Combine it with licorice root / Glycyrrhiza glabra to kill migraine pain naturally while simultaneously treating the root cause of the migraines. Red clover is a blood purifier as well as a blood-thinner. As mentioned above, it contains coumarin, so people who are taking blood thinners should be mindful of the presence of coumarin if they're taking drugs like warfarin. It would also be wise to avoid red clover before surgery because it can increase the risk of bleeding.
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References: Fritz, H., Seely, D., Flower, G., Skidmore, B. et al. (2013). Soy, red clover, and isoflavones and breast cancer: a systematic review. Retrieved June 14, 2019 from