Classic Protocol 1000: Simple, Straightforward Protocol for Common Illnesses

- Hepatitis A, B, and C
- Arthritis
- High cholesterol
- Acid reflux
- Kidney disease
- Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
- Diabetes
- Depression
- Aches and pains of unknown origin
- Giardia
- Viral throat infections
- Herpes
- Cancer
- Candida albicans infections
- Measles
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This is one of the most commonly used MMS protocols and a good place to start. It can be used to heal serious diseases, but it can also be used to do a general cleanse in situations where a person isn’t obviously sick but wants to clear out any unwanted pathogens or toxins that they have living in their body. Although there are some variations on this method, the protocol outlined below has been noted as being the most effective, particularly when care is taken to mix the MMS1 every hour, on the hour.You will start with 1 activated drop of MMS every hour for 8 consecutive hours daily, but will increase the dosage gradually to 3 activated drops every hour (do not exceed 3 drops per hour while following Protocol 1000). Follow the instructions below to start:
- Make 1 drop of activated MMS (1 drop 28% sodium chlorite solution + 1 drop of an acid) in a clean, dry glass container of your choosing. Wait for 30 seconds (the mix will turn an amber color) and then pour ½ cup (4oz/120ml) of clean, purified water into the glass with the MMS and swirl around to incorporate. Drink the mixture immediately (drink the MMS within no less than 60 seconds of making it).
- The next hour, repeat step one again. You will complete step one every hour for a total of 8 hours in a row.
- If you feel fine after taking 1 drop of activated MMS every hour for a few hours, you can increase the dosage by ½ a drop (refer to the Starting Procedure to learn how to divide MMS dosages this way). So, if you take 1 drop for the first 3-4 hours without any negative effects, you may increase the dosage to 1 ½ drops for the final few hours. The next day, you could increase to taking 2 drops every hour, and even work your way up to 3 drops per hour as prescribed in this protocol by the second or third day. However, if at any point you feel a little worse (nausea, vomiting, etc.), stay steady with the dosage you’re at. If you’re experiencing severe symptoms, you may cut the dosage in half. If your symptoms are fairly mild, continue with the dosage you’re currently taking and wait to increase it again until the symptoms go away. The goal is to increase the dosage as fast as possible with this protocol. But, it’s always important to listen to your body, so if you can’t work up to 3 drops per hour in 3 days, that’s okay! Go slow but steady if you need to.
- Once you make it to 3 activated drops per hour for 8 hours per day, continue the protocol for 21 days/3 weeks or until you recover from whatever illness you’re treating. If at any point you have particularly uncomfortable symptoms of detox, you can cut the dosage by half as described in the Starting Procedure section, and then work your way back up to 3 drops when you’re ready (as a reference, if your symptoms are severely interfering with your ability to eat, drink, go to work, or get adequate rest, these could be considered worthy of a dose reduction).
The important thing to remember with the Protocol 1000 is to keep going. Don’t stop the MMS mid-Protocol. Even if you’re only able to take ¼ drop of MMS every hour for a while, that’s okay, keep going and increase the dosage when you’re ready and able.
You may choose which hours you do this protocol, though we recommend from 6am to noon, noon to 8pm, or even from 6pm to midnight because this way you don’t have to think as much about avoiding food or supplements, since coordinating meals with MMS dosing with the Protocol 1000 can be challenging in some cases).

Click here to buy The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution.
Classic Protocol 1000 for Children and Infants
The Protocol 1000 procedure described above is for adults. However, children and even infants can also follow this protocol for the treatment of illness. Below, we’ve outlined the dosages that should be used for children who are following this protocol as well as the steps that should be followed in the administration of the MMS1 solution. Whereas adults may start with 3 drops (as long as they work up to it and follow the Starting Procedure first), the rules are slightly different for children.Here are the rules regarding dosage information for infants and children (remember, DO NOT increase the dosage more than what is listed here according to your child’s weight):
Classic Protocol 1000 Dosages for Children | |
Weight | Activated MMS1 Drops per Hour |
Infants less than 7 lbs (3.2 kg) | ¾ drop per hour the first day of Protocol 1000 treatment, then work up to 1 drop. Continue the 1 drop per hour dosage for the rest of the 21 days of treatment. |
Infants between 7-24 lbs (3.2-10 kg) | ¾ drop per hour the first day, then work up to 1 drop. Continue the 1 drop per hour dosage for the rest of the 21 days of treatment. |
Children between 24-49 lbs (11-22 kg) | 1 drop per hour for the full 21 days of treatment (you will start with and continue with this dosage for the entire duration of treatment with the Protocol 1000) |
Children between 50-74 lbs (22-33kg) | Start with 1 drop per hour and work up to 2 drops per hour. When you reach 2 drops, continue with this dosage for the rest of the 21 days of treatment. |
Children more than 75 lbs (34 kg) | Start with 1 drop per hour and gradually work up to 3 drops per hour over the course of a few days. Remain at the 3 drops per hour dosage for the remainder of treatment. |
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Below are the steps for the Protocol 1000 that should be followed when treating a child:
- Make 1 drop of activated MMS (1 drop 28% sodium chlorite solution + 1 drop of an acid) in a clean, dry glass container of your choosing. Wait for 30 seconds (the mix will be amber colored) and then pour ½ cup (4oz/120ml) of clean, purified water into the glass with the MMS and swirl around to incorporate. Have your child drink the mixture immediately.
- The next hour, repeat step one again. Your child will need to complete step one every hour for a total of 8 hours in a row.
- Only increase the dosage (in cases where the dosage should be increased based on the child’s bodyweight) if your child still feels okay. If he or she is nauseous or has diarrhea or vomiting (or other particularly uncomfortable symptoms), cut the dosage in half and work back up to the higher dosage slowly. Go as slow (but steadily) as needed.
- Once your child is taking the maximum dosage for their body weight, they will continue the protocol for 21 days/3 weeks or until they recover from their illness. Remember, decrease the dosage if your child has severe detox symptoms. Make sure they continue taking the MMS, but decrease the dosage as much as needed until their detox symptoms are either very mild or they are feeling better rather than worse.

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FINAL NOTE for Acid Reflux / GERD / Heartburn sufferers: In addition to success using the Classic Protocol 1000 for Acid Reflux, many people with acid reflux report that they use the 4% Hydrochloric Acid activator just prior to eating a meal and that this treatment is successful. Indeed, supplements of hydrochloric acid with pepsin are often successful at treating GERD / heartburn / acid reflux because many people with this disorder have low acid in the stomach which makes it so the sphincter at the bottom of the esophagus does not close properly when the person eats food. In some cases, when the acids are increased in the stomach by taking either 4 to 8 drops of the HCl 4% activator or a hydrochloric acid + pepsin supplement, the sphincter closes and the person no longer experiences acid reflux. In other cases, an infection may be the root cause and doing Protocol 1000 may be necessary to overcome the infection.