Whole-Body MMS1 and MMS2 External Application Protocols

MMS baths and foot baths can be used as complementary protocols to be paired with the other primary protocols (like the Classic Protocol 1000). Bathing with MMS1 can help the medicine reach other parts of your body and penetrate tissues more easily. Some people choose to use baths and foot baths with MMS to help treat infants or elderly people, or to treat people who can’t move as easily or who aren’t able to keep down oral MMS1 medicine. It can also be a helpful therapy in addition to a regular MMS protocol for people with skin cancer or skin diseases, particularly when the skin problem covers a larger part of the body or is in a difficult to reach place.
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MMS1 Full Bath Protocol
- Activate 20 drops of MMS1 (20 drops of 28% sodium chlorite solution + 20 drops of an acid). You will work up to a dose of 60 activated drops during your baths, but start with only 20 at first. You will begin with 20, then do 40 drops the next time, and finally by the third bath you may use a total of 60 drops.
- Fill the bath with 6-12 inches (15-30cm) of water. Test your water beforehand to see if there’s chlorine in it; if your tap water contains chlorine, use purified water to fill the bath instead. Make sure that the water is quite warm (make it the maximum warmness that you can tolerate before it becomes uncomfortably hot).
- Stay sitting in the water for at least 20 minutes.
- You may take baths up to 3 times per day, but make sure that you take at least 1 per day while following this protocol. If you notice yourself feeling better with the baths, make sure you continue using them so long as your health continues to improve. If you notice any significant burning on your skin during the bath, get out of the water and rinse off. Reduce the dosage the next time by half and work your way back up to the higher dosage gradually.

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MMS2 Full Bath Protocol
- Prepare a tub with 6-12 inches (15-30cm) of very warm water (make sure that it’s not so hot that it’s uncomfortable, but not so cool that you don’t really notice the heat… it should be just a step below “too hot” for you). If there is chlorine in your water supply, use purified water instead.
- Start by mixing in 2 rounded teaspoons (12ml) of MMS2 (calcium hypochlorite powder). The second time, you may (carefully) increase to 4 teaspoons. As long as you aren’t experiencing any burning sensations or sensitivity, you may proceed to increase the dose to 6 teaspoons (36ml) per bath.
- Sit in the bath for at least 20 minutes.
- Like with the MMS1 full bath protocol, you may take up to 3 baths with MMS2 per day (but make sure that you take at least one, especially if you notice it having a positive effect on your health).
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MMS1 Foot Bath Protocol
- Use a small, plastic tub (one where you can rest both of your feet comfortably flat on the bottom of the tub) and fill it with warm (almost “too hot”) water up to ankle height.
- Activate 20 drops of MMS1 (20 drops of 28% sodium chlorite solution + 20 drops of an acid). You will work up to a dose of 60 activated drops, but start with only 20 at first. You will begin with 20, then do 40 drops the next time, and finally by the third foot bath you may use a total of 60 drops.
- Let your feet soak in the water for at least 20 minutes.
- Complete this foot bath up to 3 times per day, if needed. Remember to do the bath at least one time per day if you experience positive results.
MMS2 Foot Bath Protocol
- Use a small, plastic tub (one where you can rest both of your feet comfortably flat on the bottom of the tub) and fill it with warm (almost “too hot”) water up to ankle height.
- Start by mixing 2 rounded teaspoons (12ml) of MMS2 (calcium hypochlorite powder) into the warm water. The second time you do the foot bath, you may (carefully) increase to 4 teaspoons. As long as you aren’t experiencing any burning sensations or sensitivity, you may proceed to increase the dose to 6 teaspoons (36ml) per bath. If you do have burning, remove your feet and rinse them with clean, fresh, purified water. Try again with a lower dose the next time.
- Let your feet sit in the water for at least 20 minutes.
- Complete this foot bath up to 3 times per day, if needed. Remember to do the bath at least one time per day if you experience positive results.

Click here to buy The Layperson's Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution.
Bath and Footbath Protocols for Infants and Children
Baths and foot baths with MMS1 can be extremely useful for the treatment of infants and children. The process of administration for young people is exactly the same as it is for adults, the primary (and most important) difference is in dosing. The dose for children and babies is less than for an adult, though it may be increased in the same way as with an adult (just make sure you don’t go beyond the maximum dosages noted below). We have not included doses for the MMS2 baths because MMS1 baths are safest for children. Follow the dosing guidelines below according to your child’s body weight:Bath/Footbath Protocols Dosage Guide for Children and Infants | |
Weight | Dosage |
Infants less than 12 lbs (5.5 kg) | Use ¼ of the number of MMS1 drops that an adult would use (15 drops MAX) |
Children between 12-24 lbs (5.5-11 kg) | Use ¼ of the number of MMS1 drops that an adult would use (15 drops MAX) |
Children between 25-49 lbs (11-23 kg) | Use ¼ of the number of MMS1 drops that an adult would use (15 drops MAX) |
Children between 50-75 lbs (23-34 kg) | Use ½ of the number of MMS1 drops that an adult would use. (30 drops MAX) |
Children weighing more than 75 lbs (34 kg) | Use the same number of drops as an adult. (60 drops MAX) |
As with any MMS protocol, pay close attention to your child and if they start to experience any detoxification reaction symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, back off on the bathtime dosage of MMS1 by half. You can help your child work up to a higher dose later if it seems appropriate, but it’s okay if they can only tolerate the lower dosage. If a lower dosage is working and they’re feeling better, continue with it until recovery.