Why Iodine During Pregnancy Is Essential
One of the most important nutrients that you’ll need during your pregnancy is Lugol’s iodine. Most women know practically nothing about the value of Lugol’s iodine during pregnancy, which can have tragic results because iodine is one of the most vital nutrients that you and your baby need in order to be healthy. I can't stress this enough. As a young woman, I went through one stillbirth and two miscarriages because of an iodine deficiency. I also was not able to breastfeed Lydian beyond the first 2 months of her life because I couldn't produce enough milk due to an iodine deficiency. If you're trying to get pregnant, if you already are pregnant, or if you are lactating, iodine is a nutrient that you need to know about and understand. It's a well-kept secret that keeps the IVF industry booming. Women and children need more iodine than men, and without proper levels of iodine, women may not even be able to conceive a child at all. Indeed, after the first pregnancy, many women are unable to conceive or carry a child to full term due to iodine deficiency caused by the initial pregnancy. Without iodine, reproductive organs simply don’t function properly. And the reality is that most people throughout the world are iodine deficient. In some countries, like the United States, iodine deficiency is a government-supported nutrient deficiency and the government actively works to ensure that the population is deficient in iodine and yet blissfully unaware of the problem. Click here to read about other government-sponsored nutrient deficiencies that harm babies and pregnant women.
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Subscribe to AlivenHealthy Conditions of Pregnancy Database of Searchable Natural Treatments That Are Safe For Use During Pregnancy
When Lydian was pregnant last year, we discovered that it was incredibly hard to find natural cures for health problems during pregnancy. Though there are few drugs that are truly safe for use during pregnancy and though many women actually would prefer to use natural remedies during pregnancy, there was no tool for us to use to make it easy to find herbal remedies and natural treatments that were safe for use while pregnant. So we set to work creating this tool, in part for Lydian, but also for her daughter one day because such a tool is needed. This was (no pun intended) a labor of love. The herbs and treatments that we talk about in The Natural Women's Health Guides that we link to above are all represented in the database so that women can simply search for the health problem without having to read and memorize the book cover-to-cover (because most women don't have time for such things when they're pregnant). The AlivenHealthy Conditions of Pregnancy Database is part of a suite of searchable, subscription-based databases that allow people to do a search for a disease or condition and immediately receive links to scientific or ancedotal data specifically about the disease or disorder in question. The Conditions of Pregnancy Database contains curated content that we've vetted out to ensure that each entry is safe for use during pregnancy based on existing scientific research.Iodine During Pregnancy: Why You Need It
Iodine deficiency is a widespread, global problem. The vast majority of women reading this book live in countries and eat diets where iodine is in tragically low supply. Farming practices in most parts of the world have led to depletion of iodine levels in fresh produce, while most ranching practices also ultimately lead to the production of animal-based products low in iodine. The U.S. has taken this issue a step further by systematically removing iodine from the food supply and replacing it with bromine, a toxic halogen element that competes with iodine in the body, in bread and other wheat-based products. Many decades ago, in the 1970s, bread products were fortified with iodine to ensure that the population stayed healthy and intelligent, within a normal weight range, and physically robust. But in the 1980s, the U.S. government and Big Food worked together to remove iodine from bread products to put iodine in salt instead. But iodine evaporates easily out of table salt. Within days of opening the box of salt, all of the iodine is gone. It’s easy to see iodine evaporate like this if you order a bottle of Lugol’s and leave it open to the air for a few days. So, by removing iodine from bread products (which were an excellent carrier for iodine) and placing the iodine in salt, the government and Big Food essentially created the potential for a nationwide iodine deficiency.At the same time, Big Food replaced iodine in bread products with the endocrine disruptor, bromine / bromide. And Big Ag began spraying fields with methyl bromide and other bromide-containing insecticides. Bromide was once well known as the cause of over 15% of psychiatric hospital admissions in the United States. Patients were regularly diagnosed with “bromism” due to exposure to bromine that caused nervous system disruption, extreme weight gain, brain fog, intellectual and emotional disturbances, and other symptoms. Today, this fact about bromide is no longer common knowledge and Big Ag works hard to keep it that way. Many municipalities that fight against the use of organophosphate insecticides opt instead for bromide-containing insecticides, not realizing that bromide causes symptoms that are almost identical to symptoms caused by organophosphate exposure. Studies have shown that if a pregnant woman lives even within 1 mile of a field that is sprayed with organophosphates, her child has a 60% higher risk of developing autism. But bromide exposure is just as bad during pregnancy for a developing fetus in part because organophosphates and bromide affect similar biochemical processes in the body. Iodine protects the body from bromide exposure and vitamin K2 protects the body from organophosphate exposure.
Click here to read more about how glyphosates contribute to the development of autism and other serious diseases and how to protect yourself from exposure during pregnancy.

Iodine deficiency during pregnancy can lead to a range of health issues, including:
- Recurrent miscarriage / Spontaneous abortion
- Frequent infections
- Autoimmunity
- Breast milk supply problems
- Premature birth
- Low birth weight
- Cretinism
- Lower IQ in the child
- Developmental delays in the child
- Impaired or altered development of the brain, nervous system, thyroid, immune system, and/or reproductive organs in the child
Thyroid Physiology During Pregnancy
Thyroid function plays a major role in pregnancy. I speak from personal experience on this point. As a young woman, I lost 3 pregnancies as a result of iodine deficiency and no one ever noticed that my thyroid hormones were imbalanced. Even if they had noticed that my thyroid hormones were imbalanced, doctors would not have prescribed iodine, but rather thyroid hormone replacement therapy which would’ve made matters worse. It wasn’t until two decades later that I discovered that a simple nutrient would solve the problem or recurrent miscarriages. I was lucky to discover Lugol’s iodine before I went through menopause though. Lugol’s was a game-changer in terms of my reproductive and thyroid hormone profiles that made the transition smooth, if not practically unnoticeable.Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) have a similar chemical structure and during pregnancy, the hCG in a woman’s body during pregnancy is able to bind to TSH receptors. TSH, of course, stimulates the release of thyroid hormones (as its name suggests). But during pregnancy hCG is also able to interact with TSH receptors to cause the release of thyroid hormones. There is only one other time in a person’s life when hCG might hijack thyroid function: if the person has cancer. Cancer cells, after all, were regarded by the embryologist, Dr. John Beard, as false placentas because they function exactly like the trophoblast cells that form during the early stages of embryological development to form the umbilical cord and placenta.
This similarity between cancer cells and the human placenta was set forth in greater detail in the Trophoblast Theory of Cancer by Dr. John Beard. Indeed, surgical biopsy is rarely needed to confirm that a patient has cancer. Rather, if the patient is definitely not pregnant, it is possible to determine whether there are cancer cells in the body simply by administering a pregnancy test. The presence of hCG in the body indicates only one of two things 1) the patient is pregnant or 2) the patient has cancer.
Dr. Beard used pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer as a stand-alone therapy in the early 1900s and he boasted a 13% success rate which is noteworthy considering that chemotherapy as a stand-alone treatment for cancer today has only a 2-3% success rate and a long list of serious side effects. The fact that pancreatic enzymes are able to scour the body (via their circulation in the bloodstream) for cancer cells to eat away at the sheath that normally protects cancer cells from the human immune system is one of the reasons why certain components of fruits like papaya (papain) and pineapple (bromelain) are generally to be avoided during pregnancy. It’s okay to eat pineapple and drink pineapple juice during pregnancy but bromelain, a component of pineapple fruits that is often isolated from the rest of the plant, should be avoided in supplement-form due to the fact that it functions a bit like a pancreatic enzyme. Papaya fruit can be abortifacient and therefore it should also be avoided during pregnancy. In particular though, papain, a component in papaya that functions a bit like a pancreatic enzyme in the body should be avoided in supplements because, like bromelain, papain behaves like a “phyto-”pancreatic enzyme in the body.
Click here to read more about foods to avoid during pregnancy including both pineapple and papaya. Note, however, that after the 38th week of gestation, pineapple juice can be consumed daily to promote thinning of the cervix.
Many of the herbs that cure cancer are also abortifacient herbs because of the relationship between cancer cells and the embryonic placental cells known as trophoblast cells. And, as it turns out, iodine supplements are some of the most powerful natural cancer cures (and prevention agents) particularly for cancer of the reproductive organs (including the breasts) as well as the thyroid gland. Iodine though, does not work in the same way as herbs. It prevents cancer without harming the pregnancy. Indeed, iodine is the most important nutrient that a woman can take to protect the pregnancy, to ensure a healthy delivery and labor process, and to ensure that the baby is healthy.
But let’s backpedal again to talk more about thyroid physiology during pregnancy.
The thyroid gland is located at the base of the neck. It is shaped like a butterfly and it releases the following thyroid hormones into the body:
- Triiodothyronine (T3)
- Thyroxine (T4)
Both of the thyroid hormones above are made from two main ingredients:
- Iodine
- L-Tyrosine (an amino acid)
The numerical designation associated with the thyroid hormones tells us how many iodine atoms are a part of the molecule. Each molecule consists of an L-Tyrosine with either 3 or 4 iodine atoms attached to it (to yield either T3 or T4).
Thyroid hormones play an important role in metabolism through their impact on the number and size of mitochondria (the “battery” of our human cells) within each cell. These hormones also stimulate sodium-potassium channels, highlighting the importance of potassium-iodide as a component in supplemental iodine formulations. And finally, thyroid hormones also increase beta-adrenergic receptors in human tissues.
Most (about 90%) of the thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland are in the inactive T4 configuration (thyroxine). The other 10% is in the active T3 form (triiodothyronine). Most of the active T3 form becomes available to the body through the removal of an iodine atom from the inactive T4 form inside human tissues.
The production of thyroid hormones is stimulated by the secretion of TSH by the front part of the pituitary gland in the brain. TSH then binds to receptors in the thyroid gland to stimulate the production of thyroid hormones. When levels of TSH are higher, thyroid hormone production and secretion is also higher.
Gestational Transient Thyrotoxicosis / Elevated Thyroid Hormones During Pregnancy: Normal or Not
TSH levels in the body are kept balanced through a negative feedback loop to ensure that thyroid hormone production is not too high and not too low. If thyroid hormone levels get too high, the hypothalamus puts on the brakes to slow production and release. But recall that hCG and TSH are both able to stimulate the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. While TSH has a braking system and there is a mechanism of control to keep TSH levels in check, this isn’t the case for hCG. As a result, during pregnancy, it isn’t unusual for a woman to have slightly elevated thyroid hormone levels on lab results. This is called Gestational Transient Thyrotoxicosis and it’s a normal condition during the first trimester of pregnancy. Though doctors often don’t realize that slightly high thyroid hormone levels during pregnancy is a normal lab result, in fact, it is common and should not be treated. Indeed, a woman who is taking iodine should continue taking iodine at 50 mg per day as the elevated thyroid hormones during pregnancy have nothing to do with the thyroid itself, but rather the excess hCG circulating in the body.Thyroid Hormone Production
There are several steps in the production of thyroid hormones. If any one of these steps is disrupted, thyroid hormone production can be impacted in a negative way. Below we discuss some of the most important components and supportive nutrients that ensure that iodine is used properly in the body to produce thyroid hormones during pregnancy.Thyroid Binding Globulin
Thyroid hormones must be transported throughout the body by Thyroid Binding Globulin (TBG), a transport protein that functions a bit like a taxi to take thyroid hormones from point A to point B. This protein is produced by the liver. Production of TBG goes up at times when estrogen levels are higher, such as during pregnancy.Selenium and Deiodinases Inside Human Cells
When the inactive T4 (thyroxine) form of thyroid hormone enters a human cell, it must be activated by removing an iodine atom to produce T3 (triiodothyronine). To activate the T4 hormone , a selenium-containing enzyme known as deiodinase catalyzes the removal of the extra iodine atom to make it into the active T3 form. In addition to deiodinase, zinc and vitamins B2 and B3 are cofactors in this process which highlights the importance of the supportive nutrients in making sure that iodine is used to its highest potential in the body.Click here to learn about the iodine basic protocol along with each of the supportive nutrients and why your body needs them to properly process iodine. Zinc is an essential partner with T3 in the activation of thyroid hormone receptors. Without the presence of zinc at the thyroid hormone receptor sites, T3 will not be able to successfully activate receptors and thus, no action occurs. This is why many women who take synthetic thyroid hormones don’t experience relief from their symptoms. Thyroid disease is almost always related in some way to nutrient deficiencies, particularly iodine deficiency and/or a deficiency of the various supportive nutrients that we talk about below.

Click here to buy Selenium supplements.
On the other hand, in order for zinc to properly be absorbed in the body, the patient must have adequate levels of thyroid hormone. So, iodine supplementation and zinc supplementation go together and support each other. There are different forms of selenium that are advertised as supplements, but the selenomethionine form is the best to improve thyroid gland health during pregnancy and support iodine absorption.NOTE: Always take zinc with copper.

Click here to buy a Zinc / Copper supplement.
Magnesium Glycinate
In addition to the supportive nutrients that include vitamin B2, vitamin B3, zinc, and selenium, magnesium levels directly impact the health of the thyroid gland. Magnesium deficiency in scientific studies has been correlated with anti-thyroid peroxidase antibody, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and hypothyroidism for example.
Click here to buy Magnesium Glycinate.
Boron and Vitamin K2
Next to the thyroid gland are the parathyroid glands, two structures in the body that specifically regulate calcium levels in the blood, an important job for many reasons, but in terms of thyroid hormone production, blood calcium levels are particularly important. You see, high levels of calcium in the blood supply can inhibit the absorption of iodine. Boron is a supportive nutrient that promotes proper calcium levels in the blood by nourishing the parathyroid glands.In addition to boron, vitamin K2 plays a vital role in blood calcium levels too, but through a different mechanism of action than boron. In order to talk about vitamin K2, we have to first talk about vitamin D, the supplement most heavily pushed by mainstream media (the media companies that are essentially “owned” by Big Pharma). Vitamin D is not technically a vitamin at all because our bodies can produce vitamin D naturally through sunlight exposure (sans the sunscreen and heavy clothing). Yet, this vitamin as a supplement is pushed daily through headlines to encourage people to take more.
Vitamin D is made in the skin when the skin is exposed to sunlight and then it travels first to the liver for first-stage activation and then on to the kidneys for second-stage activation. Eventually, vitamin D ends up in an active form in the intestines where it works to push calcium from the digestive system into the blood supply. But calcium doesn’t really belong in the bloodstream. Calcium is meant to pair up with inorganic phosphates in either the bones or in the ATP cycle to produce energy in the body. When calcium lingers for long periods in the blood supply, it can interfere with the absorption of important minerals like iodine or iron. If a lot of calcium lingers in the blood supply, it builds up to form calcifications in the blood vessels (this is known as arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis). Meanwhile, if calcium isn’t moved into bone tissues the bones and teeth become weak.

Vitamin K2 is the secret nutrient involved in moving calcium from the blood supply into the bones and teeth. But while the media is practically shoving vitamin D supplements down the throats of well-meaning, health-conscious individuals, Big Food has genetically modified staple foods like wheat, corn, and soy to no longer produce pregnancy-friendly quinones such as vitamin K2 (menaquinone) and coenzyme Q10. In order to move calcium from the blood into the bones and teeth where it is safely stored for later use by the body for energy production and other functions in the body, vitamin K2 must be present in adequate amounts. Supplementing with high doses of vitamin D without the balance of vitamin K2 during pregnancy can make iodine deficiency as well as iron deficiency worse to the detriment of both mother and child.

NOTE: Organophosphates / organic phosphate exposure disrupts the normal metabolic pairing of calcium and inorganic phosphates in the body. While organophosphate exposure impacts calcium and phosphates in the body, bromide-containing insecticides impact iodine absorption which ultimately has similar detrimental health effects on the body but through different mechanisms of action.

How to Take Lugol’s Iodine
Lugol’s iodine 2% should be taken at a dose of 20 drops per day, every day. This is equivalent to 50 mg of iodine. You can take these drops of iodine by either rubbing them into your skin or by putting them in a glass of water to drink. Either way works well, and you can even switch between applying the iodine to your skin and drinking it in water depending on the day and your needs. The important thing is that you take it every day.Normally, we tell patients to increase their dose by 1 drop per day until they reach the recommended 20 drops per day of 2% Lugol’s iodine solution. During pregnancy, if needed, slow the process of increasing your dose down by 1 drop only every 2 or 3 days. If you feel fine, go ahead and increase the dose every day, but if you experience bromine detoxification symptoms (discussed below), make sure to listen to your body and stop increasing the dosage until the symptoms pass. Then you can continue to increase the dosage again.
If your thyroid gland is healthy, take the supportive nutrients for 2 weeks before taking Lugol’s iodine. This will make the detoxification process much smoother, and will also ensure that your body can correct any other accompanying nutrient deficiencies it may have that would interfere with its ability to use iodine.
If you have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Grave’s Disease or any other form of thyroid disease, note that the supportive nutrients are especially important and you should actually begin iodine supplementation efforts by taking the supportive nutrients at least 2 months in advance of beginning to dose with iodine.
It’s important that you take Lugol’s iodine solution, or another iodine product that has the same set of ingredients as Lugol’s iodine. Lugol’s combines molecular iodine with potassium iodide in order to feed both the reproductive organs and the thyroid gland; this is completely different from other iodine products on the market, like nascent iodine or povidone iodine. Only the combination of molecular iodine with potassium iodide will work as supplemental iodine to feed both the thyroid gland and the reproductive organs. Iodoral is another iodine product in pill form that provides this same iodine / potassium iodide combination. Later, you may prefer to use Iodoral pills instead of Lugol’s drops, but we recommend that patients start with Lugol’s solution at first because it's easier to gradually increase your dosage of iodine as slowly or as quickly as you’d like when using the liquid solution.
Supportive Nutrients to Take With Iodine
If you’re deficient in iodine during pregnancy (and chances are high that you are), you’ll also need to make sure that you’re taking the supportive nutrients described here in our discussion of the Basic Iodine Protocol. These nutrients are required in order for the body to be able to absorb and effectively use iodine. Without them, the supplemental iodine you take may or may not actually do what it’s supposed to do. Before and during pregnancy (as well as after, especially during breastfeeding), many of these supplements should already be a part of your daily prenatal supplementation protocol.In addition to Lugol’s iodine 2%, be sure to take the following supportive nutrients:
- Selenium in the selenomethionine form- 200-400 mcg during pregnancy; 20 mcg in infants and young children below 8 years; 40 mcg in children 9-13 years
- Vitamin K2 / MK-7 - 200 to 300 mcg per day during pregnancy; 50-100 mcg per day in kids
- Vitamin B2 - 400 mg daily during pregnancy; 6 mg daily in infants; 30 mg daily in children
- Vitamin B3 - 500 mg daily during pregnancy; 6 mg daily in infants; 30 mg daily in children
- Magnesium - 800-1200 mg during pregnancy; 65 mg per day in infants; 350 mg per day in children -- a magnesium oil roller can be applied to the skin or administer magnesium via epsom salts bath once or twice daily in children.
- L-Tyrosine - 1000 to 2000 mg per day
- Vitamin C - 2000-5000 mg/day during pregnancy
- Seawater Supplement - Take 1 teaspoon with every 8 ounce glass of non-mineralized water that you drink during the day during pregnancy.
- Boron - 3 - 6 mg per day during pregnancy
- Zinc - 15-30 mg per day during pregnancy; 1 mg per day in infants; 2-10 mg per day in children
- NOTE: Ideally, in adults, zinc should be taken at a 15 mg dose with 2 mg of copper to prevent the zinc from leaching copper out of the body, but there are no healthy children's supplements that contain copper. The trace mineral supplement below contains copper and is thus very important for kids to prevent copper deficiency while supplementing with zinc. During pregnancy, choose a Zinc (15 mg) / Copper (2 mg) supplement. Note that during pregnancy, you may need to take 30 mg of zinc daily, but DO NOT TAKE MORE THAN 2 mg OF COPPER DAILY.
- Trace minerals / Shilajit - 250 mg per day adults; 50 mg per day or less in infants; 125 mg per day in children
About Bromine and Bromide Detoxification, and Fluorine and Fluoride Detoxification…
Bromine is related to iodine on the periodic table. Both of these elements are what are known as “halogen” elements, along with others like chlorine and fluorine. The body needs iodine and chlorine (as an electrolyte in molecular “chloride” form), but fluorine and bromine (as well as the reduced “halide” forms fluoride and bromide) are toxic and can build up in the body, thus causing symptoms of bromism and fluorosis. Unfortunately, both bromine / bromide and fluorine / fluoride are ubiquitous in the US and other developed countries, and most people are exposed to fairly large quantities of these toxic halides each day without ever knowing it. Bromine / bromide in particular is used in swimming pools, pajamas and other new clothing, curtains, furniture, some pesticides, breads, soft drinks (especially citrus flavored ones), and much, much more. Fluorine / fluoride and bromine / bromide both are found in the water supply in most places in the US, as well as in some other countries.Bromine / bromide in particular, and fluorine / fluoride to a slightly lesser extent, can take up residence in the iodine receptor sites in the body. These receptor sites exist in the highest concentrations in the thyroid and reproductive organs. When a person consumes enough iodine in their diet or via supplements, bromine / bromide isn’t able to “take over” these receptor sites as easily because they’re already occupied by iodine (as they should be). However, when a person becomes deficient in iodine, these receptor sites end up empty, leaving a prime opportunity for bromine / bromide to fill them up should this person be exposed to bromine / bromide.
But, bromine / bromide isn’t iodine. So even though the iodine receptor sites are filled, the bromine /bromide can’t perform the same job as iodine. In fact, bromine / bromide acts more like a poison in these receptor sites, and over time (or even somewhat quickly in some cases) causes the symptoms of bromism, which include:
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Headache
- Delirium
- Feeling “fat”
- Unexplained weight gain/weight loss
- Brain fog
- Short-term (and long-term) memory loss
- Fatigue
- Somnolence
- Neurological issues
- Infertility
- Cancer (especially cancers of the reproductive organs)
- Psychosis
- Loss of control of body movements
- Hair loss
- Depression / Anxiety
- Mood swings and other mood disorders
- Dry mouth
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- Twitching of the eyelid(s) or feet
- Increased salivation
- Irritability
- Breast pain / tenderness
- Hormonal issues
- And more…
As you begin taking Lugol’s iodine, you’re likely to experience a bromine / bromide detox. This is natural and normal, and happens when the toxic bromine / bromide leaves your body as the iodine takes up its rightful place in iodine receptor sites throughout the body. Because of this detoxification process, it’s important to go slow with increasing your iodine supplementation dose during pregnancy in order to avoid encountering too many uncomfortable symptoms of fluorine / fluoride and bromide / bromide detox. Some people may experience very few detoxification symptoms, while others may experience some detox symptoms for a month or longer. In our experience, the full process of fluorine and bromine detox usually takes between 2 weeks to 1 month, depending on the individual.
A skin rash known as bromoderma is an extremely common symptom of bromine detoxification. Don’t be alarmed if you develop this rash, it will pass as the bromine leaves your body.
To make bromine / bromide detoxification less pronounced, be sure to take the supportive nutrients listed above. These will help your body detoxify more effectively in addition to supporting the actual uptake and usage of iodine. If you’re concerned about bromine / bromide detoxification, start taking the supportive nutrients 2 weeks before beginning to take iodine. For a lot of people, this is enough to dramatically minimize the symptoms of bromine detox.
Drink at least ½ a teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt (salt loading / salt flushing) in ½ a cup of water (followed by 12 ounces of regular water) each day until you reach the full 20 drop dose of 2% Lugol’s iodine. If you’re experiencing detox symptoms, you can take this dose of salt water every 30 minutes to 1 hour until the symptoms of detox start to subside. The various mineral salts in the Himalayan pink salt will help bind with the bromine / bromide to carry it out of the body. In addition, this will stimulate your body to urinate, which will ultimately facilitate the faster removal of bromine / bromide (and thus, fewer detoxification symptoms). Please note that Himalayan sea salt behaves much differently in the body than table salt which is why its safe to do salt loading / salt flushing with sea salt during pregnancy.
Click here to read more about salt loading and salt flushing.

Click here to buy Himalayan Sea Salt.
A Note for Women with Thyroid Disease…
Pregnancy women with thyroid disease should prioritize iodine into their supplementation protocol during pregnancy. When thyroid disease develops, this is inarguably a sign of iodine deficiency or a deficiency in one of the nutrients that supports iodine absorption and utilization (or a combination of deficiencies). Thus, it’s essential for pregnant women with thyroid disease to pay extra attention to their iodine.If you’re pregnant and have a thyroid disease, you should start taking the supportive nutrients above at least 2 weeks before beginning iodine supplementation. This will help to correct a range of other deficiencies that likely exist and that may interfere with thyroid function, and prepare your body for the detoxification process. When you start taking the iodine, continue the supportive nutrients, and go extra slow in increasing your dosage. Some women with thyroid disease experience a more dramatic detoxification reaction in response to beginning iodine supplementation, so it’s wise to go slowly with dosing in order to effectively gauge your body’s response in terms of detoxification symptoms. Start with 1 drop per day. Continue with this dosage for a few days. If you don’t notice detoxification symptoms, go ahead and increase the dose by 1 drop. Continue for a few more days with 2 drops. Continue this until you reach the full 20 drop dosage.
If you need to reduce your dosage temporarily to reduce symptoms of detox, that’s fine. Try to keep taking the iodine, even in small doses, at an amount that your body can handle. You can increase the dose again when you feel ready. Over time, your thyroid and the rest of your body will rebalance and be able to absorb and use the full 20 drop dose of 2% Lugol’s iodine. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to get to the full dose, follow your body’s cues.
At the very least, try to get your daily iodine dose up to 3 mg per day (about 1 drop of Lugol’s iodine 2%) during pregnancy. This is a woefully low amount of iodine according to most scientific studies, but it’s still much higher than the average dose of iodine found in a typical multivitamin product for pregnant women. After pregnancy, you can increase the dose of iodine more to ensure that you can produce plenty of breastmilk that will be nourishing to your baby.
Eat well, get plenty of rest, and drink plenty of water. Make sure that your bowels are moving as well as possible in order to facilitate the removal of toxins from your body. Consider doing an enema, if necessary to detoxify the body more quickly during pregnancy as constipation is a common issue. Follow the salt-loading protocol above, if needed, to ease detoxification symptoms further.
UPDATE: Lydian followed the iodine protocol throughout her pregnancy with excellent results. She did salt loading and salt flushing several times after she was exposed to bromine through new furnishings in her house (which caused her to develop cystitis / irritation in the bladder). She also used enemas to detoxify after being exposed to bromine with no ill effects. The baby was born healthy and active. The doctors commented on how strong and alert the baby was after birth.

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
Click here to subscribe to the Living Database!
Skeaff, Sheila A. (2011). Iodine Deficiency in Pregnancy: The Effect on Neurodevelopment in the Child. Retrieved April 17, 2023 from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3257674/
Lee, Sun Young, et. al. (n.d). Consequences of Iodine Deficiency in Pregnancy. Retrieved April 17, 2023 from: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/11941/consequences-of-iodine-deficiency-in-pregnancy
Thompson, S. (2021). Functional Materinity: Using Functional Medicine to Improve Pregnancy and Childbirth Outcomes. Modern Wisdom Press: Boulder, CO.
Wang, K. et al. (2018). Severely low serum magnesium is associated with increased risks of positive anti-thyroglobulin antibody and hypothyroidism: A cross-sectional study. Retrieved May 15, 2023 from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6028657/