Introduction to Dimethyl Sulfoxide / DMSO
Dimethyl sulfoxide, also sometimes written as dimethylsulfoxide, or DMSO, was first isolated and discovered in 1866 by Alexander Saytzeff, but its incredible range of medicinal properties didn’t become known until Dr. Stanley Jacob started working with this substance in 1963. Dr. Jacob made many remarkable discoveries regarding the potential of DMSO as a medicinal agent, but he had to fight with Big Pharma every step of the way to prove, for example, that this medicine can regrow nerves that have recently been damaged (including spinal cord nerves that have been severed).
In 1978, DMSO was approved by the FDA for the treatment of interstitial cystitis in pregnant women. Its super-low toxicity level combined with its ability to cure infection, heal tissues, reduce pain and inflammation, modulate the immune system, and more, made it an excellent candidate for bladder irritation treatment in pregnant women. At this time, the FDA didn’t realize how useful DMSO really was in terms of its expansive medicinal properties. Today, the patent on DMSO has long run out which means that this medication is affordable and accessible to all.
Not only does DMSO have a broad medicinal action, but it also has the ability to strengthen other medications or substances that are used with it. What this means is that, under normal conditions, medications like antibiotics or chemotherapy must be administered in high doses in order to have the proper medicinal effect in the body. But when combined with DMSO, antibiotics and chemo can be administered in much lower doses. Chemotherapy drugs that are administered with DMSO (known as DPT or DMSO-Potentiation Therapy) in very small doses don't cause the same serious side effects, and are considerably less toxic to healthy human cells at these lower doses. Indeed, the treatment is also cheaper than standard chemotherapy treatment for cancer.

Click here to buy pharmaceutical grade DMSO.
Antibiotics like penicillin that are no longer useful because of drug resistant bacteria become useful again when combined in the proper proportion and quantities with DMSO. But despite all the possible benefits of using DMSO for patients, there’s a clear loser if DMSO becomes a widely used substance: Big Pharma. DMSO could reduce the dose and thus the cost of many medications. And it could be combined with natural substances to produce powerful natural medicines that aren’t as toxic as the synthetic patented pharmaceuticals created in laboratories. As such, Big Pharma stands to lose everything if information about DMSO were to become common knowledge.
Click here to buy The DMSO Guidebook.
Chlorine Dioxide Solution / CDS, also known as Miracle Mineral Supplement / MMS like DMSO, is a miracle-medicine that can be used to cure a wide range of diseases that have been dubbed “incurable” by Big Pharma and modern conventional medicine. Recently, CDS / MMS has become more mainstream and average consumers have discovered that it can work for them in many contexts. Indeed, Chlorine Dioxide Solution has a huge spectrum of medicinal action too, but its actions are slightly different than DMSO. Nonetheless, these two medicines (CDS / MMS and DMSO) can be combined into powerful treatments that can be administered by mouth, transdermally through the skin, and even intravenously.

Click here to buy Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Supplement.
Interestingly, oils are another common combination treatment that can be used with DMSO. Castor oil, grape seed oil, apricot kernel oil, and also certain essential oils have an enhanced medicinal action when combined with DMSO. Oils tend to soak into human skin already, but DMSO allows the medicines in certain oils to not just soak into the subcutaneous layers of the skin and into the blood supply but also into human cells. Not all essential oils should be used with DMSO, but combining DMSO with some of the oils that we talk about in this book can exponentially expand your treatment kit by adding only a few additional bottles of high-quality, carefully selected oils to the mix. That being said, DMSO cannot be combined with all essential oils to achieve predictable effects. For example, in this book, we talk about how DMSO alters the effects of tea tree essential oil just slightly when the two are combined. While DMSO with tea tree oil can be extremely useful as a cure for cancer, tea tree oils ability to combat certain infectious pathogens is actually diminished when it is combined with DMSO.So while DMSO has certain predictable effects as a medicinal agent, when combined with other substances or medicines, it sometimes alters the chemistry of these agents. If you plan to work with DMSO, be sure to research essential oils, plant medicines, and other medicinal agents before you combine them with DMSO to find out whether there is scientific research confirming the intended effects. This book was written to give average people a reference manual that they can use to expand their medicinal toolkit considerably. DMSO is a medicine that can empower common, everyday people to take control of their own health.

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Methylsulfonylmethane / MSM and DMSO
Methylsulfonylmethane / MSM is a nutrient that is almost identical chemically to DMSO. Indeed, DMSO and MSM share all but one atom in their chemical makeup. Both are sulfur-based compounds. MSM is a nutrient while DMSO is a drug. In this book, we make mention of MSM in certain contexts as an alternative to DMSO. In herbalism, for example, MSM can be added to teas or tinctures to enhance their absorption through the skin and digestive tissues. People who wish to work with MSM should always choose MSM in the form of salts and not as capsules.
DMSO Book Overview
DMSO is a medicinal agent that can enhance the other medicinals that you have in your medicine cabinet. For those who do self-doctoring at home or who wish to cure a specific disease without a doctor, DMSO is essential. Below is a brief overview of what we include in our book, The DMSO Guidebook.In the first part of this book, we talk about DMSO’s spectrum of action, how to use this substance safely, what tools to use, and also how to think about and control your exposure to other substances that might combine accidentally with DMSO. We provide basic DMSO protocols detailing how to administer this substance properly.
In the second part of this book, we discuss how to use DMSO with Chlorine Dioxide Solution / CDS / Miracle Mineral Supplement / MMS. In this section, we go over the use of CDS / MMS to cure major diseases like HIV / AIDs, COPD, and cancer.
In the third part, we discuss how to use DMSO in combination with other substances as a cure for Lyme disease.
In the fourth part of the book, we discuss how DMSO works to cure cancer and DMSO combination treatments for cancer.
In part five, we discuss the use of DMSO for nervous system diseases and disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, brain injury, intracranial pressure, spinal cord injury, stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA). We also talk about DMSO for Down’s syndrome and cerebral palsy as well as autism / ASD. We provide not just information about DMSO, but also a discussion of DMSO combination treatments using nutrients, herbal remedies, and more for nervous system diseases and disorders.
DMSO is also extremely valuable in assisting with mental health through sleep architecture. In the fifth part of the book, we also discuss the use of DMSO for psychosis, depression, anxiety, and other severe mental health issues.
In the sixth part of the book, we discuss the use of DMSO combination treatments for digestive diseases like Helicobacter pylori infection. Later in the book, in part eighteen, we discuss the combination of DMSO with vitamin B3 to cure Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Part seven of the book talks about how to use DMSO to heal systemic lupus erythematosus using DMSO.
In part eight, we talk about how to use DMSO in combination with other treatments to get rid of fallopian tube blockage at home without surgical intervention.
Part nine of the book details how to work with DMSO for pain. We outline a protocol for using DMSO with CBD oil in this part of the book.
Part ten talks about how to use DMSO for heart and circulatory system health.
Part eleven goes into greater detail on how to work with DMSO for traumatic injuries including the use of DMSO for bone fractures. In this part of the book, we discuss DMSO combination treatments and alternative medicine for healing traumatic injury.
In part twelve we discuss the use of DMSO for ears. In this part of the book, we discuss how to safely use DMSO for ear infections, tinnitus, and more.
In part thirteen, we discuss how to use DMSO for eyes. We outline a DMSO eye infection protocol as well as other eye diseases and disorders like floaters, macular degeneration, and cataracts that can all be treated using DMSO.
In part fourteen, we discuss how DMSO can be used for lung health. Specifically, we outline a way to safely nebulize DMSO for respiratory infection, lung cancer, and Acute Respiratory Syndrome (ARDS).
In part fifteen, we discuss the use of DMSO for skin disease including acne, vitiligo, necrotizing fasciitis, and severe burns.
Part sixteen details how to use herbs with DMSO as well as MSM, a nutrient substance that is closely related to DMSO. In this part of the book, we provide examples of how to combine DMSO or MSM with herbs to treat disease.
Part seventeen is dedicated to exploring the topic of combining DMSO with essential oils. This chapter begins with a detailed case study of tea tree essential oil with DMSO and how these two substances change in terms of their effects on the body when they’re combined together.
Part eighteen discusses the use of DMSO with nutrients. Though we discuss this in great depth in the chapter about DMSO for Down’s syndrome, this part of the book highlights several important nutrients that combine with DMSO to treat an array of different diseases and disorders.
Finally, in part nineteen, we discuss DMSO and detoxification, specifically detoxification reactions and what to expect when you begin to heal from a serious illness.