Can you cure cancer with herbs?

Ayahuasca for Cancer
Ayahuasca is one of the most important herbal cures for cancer. Ayahuasca is sacred medicine that’s made from a combination of two or more herbs. It works not just on the physical and biological aspects of cancer as a disease, but also on the trauma that causes cancer to develop in the first place. Ayahuasca is a trauma-releasing herb that also heals the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder (as well as other organs). The pancreas is the primary organ of cancer which is why pancreatic cancer is one of the most severe and most devastating forms of this disease. Ayahuasca teaches us how to heal the pancreas and thus how to heal cancer.
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Chemotherapy Medications Derived from Herbs
Many of the chemotherapy agents currently being used in hospitals today for the treatment of cancer are derived from or based on substances that were found originally in herbs (e.g. vincristine, etoposide, and taxol). Few people realize that approximately 50% of the drugs that have been approved for the treatment of cancer over the past 30 years come from natural products found in plants. Since the 1940’s, of the 175 small molecules that are used in the treatment of cancer in conventional medicine, 85 are either natural products or direct derivatives from them. The power of plant-medicine has been down-played or demonized by the media and conventional medicine in part because plants are accessible, affordable, and they can’t be patented. As such, plants have the power to kill Big Profits for Big Pharma.
That being said though, chemotherapy medications are not designed to cure cancer. They’re designed to keep patients alive, but dependent on conventional medicine for additional treatment. Chemotherapy is designed to keep Big Pharma financially healthy and to keep this industry stable. These cancer medications are extremely profitable because they do NOT cure cancer. Rather, they make patients dependent on the system and desperate for care at any cost. As frustrating and disgusting as these facts are (they are facts that have been stated by representatives of Big Pharma - read G. E. Griffin’s World Without Cancer for more information), if you’re working to cure cancer, it’s more important to focus on the idea that cancer cures exist in nature. Many of the cures for cancer are widely available and extremely affordable. The trick is to make sure that you choose and then work with an herbal remedies consistently and at a high enough dose to make a difference. Herbs won’t cover up your symptoms and they’ll usually cause a healing crisis when they’re working properly.

Herbal Remedies for Cancer That You Can Administer at Home
In this chapter, we’ve included descriptions of some of the most powerful and well-known herbs that have been used to cure cancer for centuries. To include all of the herbs that have anti-cancer capabilities would be beyond the scope of a book such as this one since there are other books that have been written on the topic. Most notably, Dr. Jonathon L. Hartwell (long-time employee - and possibly one of the founders, according to Ralph Moss - of the National Cancer Institute). He worked in the Natural Products Section, which he also founded. He studied plant-based cancer treatments and published a book called Plants Used Against Cancer, published by Quarterman Publications in 1981. Shortly after his book was published, Dr. Hartwell died and Quarterman Publications went out of business. Nonetheless, his work is an important testament to the fact that cancer cures exist in nature and that plants can heal this disease. Unless you’re an herbalist with your own personal experiences working with herbal treatments for various diseases, you might be inclined to believe that plant-based medicines are not as effective as the chemicals offered by conventional medicine. In most of the modern world, this sense that chemicals are more effective than plant-based medicines is easily traceable to political decisions that were made in the 1980’s. What most people believe to be true about plant-based medicines is based on what they’ve been brainwashed to believe. Anti-plant propaganda is hard to identify because it comes from a variety of sources. Recall the media frenzy over ephedra in the early 2000’s when Korey Stringer from the Minnesota Vikings and Steve Bechler, a pitcher for the Baltimore Orioles, died of heatstroke that was supposedly brought on by use of ephedra. Yet “ephedrine” is an essential medicine that can be used to save a life under certain conditions and many people who spurn ephedra have psuedoephedrine (a derivative of ephedra) in their medicine cabinet. Often, media stories are sponsored by Big Pharma to seed an anti-herb frenzy in the public that gently keeps patients involved and invested in the use of synthetic derivatives from plants. The synthetic derivatives of substances found in herbs don’t work in the same way as the natural substances themselves. Synthetic derivatives are chosen specifically as molecules that do not exist in nature because naturally occurring molecules cannot be patented. Further, Big Pharma tries to pick synthetic derivatives from plants that they can use to treat and not cure disease. Goldman-Sachs went on record years ago to say that “curing disease is not profitable”. So when you work with treatments from conventional medicine, you are literally choosing treatments that will never cure the disease, but at best, cover up the symptoms. The entire model of conventional medicine is based on this fundamental rule about which medicines are acceptable and which medicines should never be prescribed by doctors. There are, in fact, a number of FDA-approved medicines like salinomycin (prescription only), for example, and methylene blue (over-the-counter) that have powerful cancer-curing effects. The FDA hides these cancer-curing medicines using different tactics such as “shelving”. Shelving is where a pharmaceutical company purchases the rights to a particular cancer cure in order to recommend to doctors that it should never be used or that it should only be used as a last resort in the treatment of cancer. Several cures for cancer like Essiac tea, for example, have only continued to exist as a known cure because people have refused to sell the rights of their herbal cancer cure formula to Big Pharma to prevent Big Pharma from being able to cover it up or obscure its true utility. Click here to learn more about how to safely administer methylene blue as an at-home treatment for cancer and other serious diseases. Americans are encouraged to “spray for weeds” in order to nurture green, homogenous lawns that are completely devoid of plants such as red clover / Trifolium pratense (which contains amygdalin / vitamin B17 and is used in several of the most powerful and effective herbal cancer cures). Trifolium pratense is an herbal cure for cancer during pregnancy as it is actually a herb that promotes a healthy, full-term pregnancy by supporting the reproductive organs. Not all herbs can be safely used to cure cancer during pregnancy, but Trifolium pratense and Arctium lappa are exceptions to this rule. (It’s important to note that there are specific herbs that cure cancer during pregnancy safely because cancer and pregnancy are related in terms of certain physiological processes in the body that, as noted above, relate back to the pancreas and pancreatic enzymes.) Herbal cures for cancer must all, by law, state that the FDA has not approved them as medicinals. They are merely “supplements”. Also, in the United States and in other countries, herbal cures for cancer cannot state that they are anticancer herbs. All of these subtle tactics serve to confuse the public and make them less aware of herbs for cancer. Of all the anticancer herbs that Americans know about, marijuana is the one that’s gotten the most negative press. It was dubbed as a “gateway drug” in the 1990’s and only recently have states begun to recognize its medicinal value. The U.S. federal government is predictably slow at accepting marijuana’s treatment value for cancer as well as for other diseases like epilepsy. But the federal government and associated organizations have a vested interest in Big Pharma. Until Big Pharma can develop a synthetic-marijuana-analog to eclipse the use of marijuana-the-plant, there will continue to be plenty of propaganda and naysayers who stand against the medicinal potential of THC and CBD. Unfortunately for Big Pharma, many of the synthetic marijuana analogs cure cancer too. Thus, these analogs are currently being shelved. Those who are interested in working with marijuana to cure cancer should seek out Rick Simpson oil.
Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
In addition to the anti-plant propaganda that Americans are constantly exposed to, they are also exposed to propaganda extolling the virtues of pharmaceuticals. Television advertisements for pharmaceuticals began in 1983 and since that time, there has been a crescendo in the number and quality of these advertisements. In 1982, just one year before tv advertising of pharmaceuticals began, when Dr. Hartwell published his book, Jim Duke wrote a foreword that offered an important glimpse into the future:
"... I view [Jonathan's book] as one epitaph to the cancer-screening program involving the National Cancer Institute with the U.S. Department of Agriculture for nearly 25 years. In a blow to natural-products chemistry in the United States, the Board of Scientific Counsellors, Division of Cancer Treatment, National Cancer Institute, voted on October 2, 1981, to abolish the NCI research contract program concerned with the development of antitumor agents from plants. I fear this signals the end of significant government-sponsored research in the United States on medicinal plants, leaving research to the pharmaceutical firms, who have shown relative disinterest in plant products.
According to the OTA (Office of Technology Assessment, 1981) Project Proposal, approved by Congress, Technologies for Sustaining Tropical Forest Resources (p. 15), "The National Cancer Institute has screened about 35,000 higher plants species for activity against cancer; as of 1977 about 3,000 of these had demonstrated reproducible activity; a small fraction were appropriate for screening should perhaps be accelerated." Apparently, Congress had not anticipated the closing down of the plant screening program. In 1978, as a longtime student of herbal medicine, I changed places with Dr. R.E. Perdue as leader of the Medicinal Plant Resources Laboratory of the USDA. Although no exciting new leads developed during my association with the program, they may well reside untested in the hundreds of plant specimens that came in from Australia, China, Ecuador, Madagascar, and Venezuela after the program was ordered phased out. I fear that the long-range implications are that, as a result of this cutback, some plant species with anticancer activity will suffer extinction before they are ever studied. Some natural drugs that could save thousands of lives and alleviate much suffering will disappear from the face of the earth, irretrievable, without ever being used…”
There have been a number of cases when high-appointed authorities in the NCI would act in concert with certain powerful individuals associated with the pharmaceutical industry to quell a plant-based project that showed great promise in treating cancer. One such project was known as “ammatosin”.
“Ammatosin” was a project that was developed over the course of twenty years by Dr. Wilburn H. Ferguson, a phytopharmacologist. Dr. Ferguson’s work took place in the Amazon jungles of eastern Ecuador where he studied an herbal cure for cancer that had been in use by the Jivaro Indians. The herbal formula was carefully developed and eventually clinical human trials were started. One such trial took place in Pauma Valley, California between 1959 and 1960. The herbal formula worked as well as any of the pharmaceutical controls. Dr. Hartwell was notified of the promising results and he began his own investigations. Dr. Ferguson could not secure funding to continue the research however. And Dr. Hartwell was ordered to drop his investigations. Today, members of the Ferguson family use the herbal formula privately but refuse to share it publicly for fear of reprisal by regulatory agencies.

Click here to do our Cure Cancer at Home video course.
Plant-based medicine is powerful, but understated. Today, phytomedicine operates quietly in the shadows. Information about herbal medicines is available to those who know how to find it buried underneath the propaganda. And in terms of cancer, Dr. Hartwell has published the names of over 3000 species of plants that have anti-cancer properties. This list can be downloaded in a review published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology by Graham, Quin, Fabricant, and Farnsworth (2000) at you continue with this chapter take a moment to examine your own beliefs and inclinations about plants and medicine. Many herbalists regard plants as sentient beings with their own consciousness. This author is no exception. Since the medicinal behavior of most herbs is relatively mysterious and often not reducible to one molecule in the chemical make-up of the plant, the idea that plants have a consciousness makes logical sense of their special medicinal powers. Herbs can and do behave as healers when we use them as such even despite our inability to understand this mystery fully.
As you begin working with herbs to cure cancer, be aware that dose is important. Herbs are bulky and often the dose required is much larger, volume-wise, than the volume that you’ve been accustomed to working with in terms of pharmaceuticals.

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Below are links to just a few of the plants used as an herbal cure for cancer:
Buy Essiac Tea as an herbal cure for cancer here.
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