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The Buhner Protocol for Lyme Disease

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Dec 01, 2024


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The Buhner Protocol: Herbal Remedy for Lyme Disease 

Stephen Buhner is an herbalist who developed a famous and powerful herbal remedy for Lyme disease.
Stephen Harrod Buhner was an American herbalist who developed a natural cure for Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. He advocated for the use of clinically tested herbs with a broad spectrum of action. These herbs enhance the immune system and also kill Borrelia bacteria at the same time. It is one of the best known and most effective herbal remedies for Lyme disease.

The Buhner protocol uses 3 herbs and 5 basic concepts or philosophies for treating Lyme disease naturally. The 5 concepts / philosophies include:

  • You must support the collagen structures of the body to halt damage caused by the Lyme disease bacteria.
  • You must support and restore proper immune function so that it can fight the Lyme infection itself.
  • You must stop inflammation to reduce symptoms and bodily damage.
  • Work to treat symptoms to restore a higher quality of life. 
  • As a last priority, kill the Lyme bacteria.

The Buhner protocol has a success rate of about 75% when it is properly administered. This means that about 75% of people who use the Buhner protocol for Lyme disease report that for them it was a cure for Lyme. 

While 75% of people using the Buhner protocol experienced a full cure, 15% experienced a profound reduction in symptoms or the complete loss of symptoms. About 5% were not helped very much by the protocol and about 5% were not helped by the Buhner protocol at all.

According to Stephen Buhner, a person with Lyme disease should know within about 30 days whether or not the Buhner protocol is working for them. Progress with this protocol is linear. It takes about 8-12 months to completely recover from Lyme disease using this protocol in most cases, though severe infections may require a bit more time.

Biofilm Dissolvers and the Buhner Protocol

Stephen Buhner didn’t condone the use of biofilm dissolvers, but many of the patients who have used this protocol have reported that the Buhner protocol is much more effective when they combine it with lumbrokinase, a biofilm dissolver.

Antibiotics in the Buhner Protocol

The Buhner protocol can be used with antibiotics “to increase the positive effects of the antibiotics considerably”. But the Buhner protocol and the herbs recommended by Buhner can also be administered as stand-alone treatments for Lyme disease.

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Kryptopyrroluria and Lyme Disease Treatment with the Bunher Protocol

Some doctors such as Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt believe that about 80% of people with Lyme disease won’t be able to recover unless they address the problem of kryptopyrroluria, a condition in which the nutrients zinc and vitamin B6 / pyridoxine are excreted at high levels in the urine. The elevated kryptopyrroles are found in high levels in the urine due to problems with the synthesis of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. 

Kryptopyrroluria causes a severe deficiency of zinc and vitamin B6 in the body and a variety of symptoms that may resemble Lyme disease and other serious health problems.

How to Treat Lyme Co-Infections

Lyme co-infections are common, but there are holistic treatments for Lyme co-infections in Stephen Buhner’s protocol. Below are Stephen Buhner’s books that address Lyme and co-infections:

The Buhner Protocol: Herbal Remedy for Lyme Disease

The Buhner protocol begins with herbs that fight the Borrelia infection, improve immunity, reduce inflammation caused by the bacteria, and that also strengthen collagen structures that act as a target for the bacteria. These herbs reduce symptoms of Lyme disease, but they also get rid of Lyme disease at the same time.

Polygonum cuspidatum / Japanese Knotweed / Hu Zhang

Polygonum cuspidatum, also known as Japanese knotweed, is an herbal remedy for Lyme that protects the walls of blood vessels, specifically the endothelial cells. The bacteria that causes Lyme often infects the endothelial cells in an effort to hide from the immune system of the human body. Polygonum cuspidatum can help protect the endothelial cells in order to starve the Borrelia bacteria.

Administer Polygonum cuspidatum as a tincture or as a powder (in capsules, for example).

Click here to buy Hu Zhang / Polygonum cuspidatum.

Salvia miltiorrhiza and Scutellaria baicalensis / Huang Qin 

Salvia miltiorrhiza and Scutellaria baicalensis are used together as an herbal remedy for Lyme (in addition to Polygonum cuspidatum and the other nutrients and herbs listed below) to disrupt the cytokine cascade that is put in motion by the Borrelia bacteria during infection. These herbs work together to interfere with the Lyme bacteria’s ability to locate target cells, enter target cells, acquire nutrients, and reproduce.

Click here to buy Scutellaria baicalensis / Huang Qin.

Administer these herbs as tinctures.

Click here to buy Salvia miltiorrhiza.

Vitamin C and Selenium

The Lyme bacteria uses collagen as a food source inside the human body and many of the symptoms of Lyme are due to the breakdown of collagen by Borrelia. Vitamin C and selenium play a critical role in the production of collagen and as such, they can be administered to boost collagen production for the protection of bodily structures. 

Administer vitamin C at a dose of at least 10,000 mg per day.

Administer selenium at a dose of 400 mcg per day.

Click here to buy the Cure Lyme Disease of Scientific Treatments for Lyme Disease and Co-Infections.

Uncaria tomentosa, Cordyceps, Ashwagandha, Eleutherococcus senticosus, and Glycyrrhiza glabra

Restoration of the immune system is a priority when treating Lyme disease with herbs. The healthier the immune system the fewer the symptoms of Lyme disease. In the Buhner protocol, the herbs, Cat’s Claw / Uncaria tomentosa, cordyceps mushrooms, Ashwagandha, Siberian Ginseng / Eleutherococcus senticosus, and licorice root / Glycyrrhiza glabra are all used to improve immune system function to overcome Lyme.

Click here to buy Cordyceps.

Andrographis paniculata / Chuan Xin Lian

Andrographis paniculata, also known as Chuan Xin Lian, is an anti-treponemal herb that targets spirochete bacteria like Borrelia burgdorferi.  

Click here to buy Andrographis paniculata / Chuan Xin Lian.

Uncaria rhynchophylla / Gou Teng

Uncaria rhynchophylla, also known as Gou Teng, is an herb with important neurological effects that make it useful in treating neuroborreliosis. This heb protects the brain and the nerves by reducing oxidation and inflammation and through the modulation of neurotransmitters.

Click here to buy Uncaria rhynchopylla


Yang, W. et al. (2020). Uncaria rhynchophylla and its Major Constituents on Central Nervous System: A Review on Their Pharmacological Actions. Retrieved October 4, 2024 from (2017-2021). The Buhner Protocol. Retrieved October 4, 2024 from

Thompson, A. et al. (2023). A Comprehensive Review of Herbal Supplements Used for Persistent Symptoms Attributed to Lyme Disease. Retrieved October 4, 2024 from

NaturallyatHome (n.d.). The Buhner Protocol for Lyme Disease.Retrieved October 5, 2024 from (n.d.). The Buhner Protocol for Lyme Disease. Retrieved October 5, 2024 from
Epidemic Answers (2013-2024). Kryptopyrroluria (Pyrrole Disorder / Pyroluria). Retrieved October 5, 2024 from

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