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How to Decalcify the Pineal Gland: Natural Treatment for Female Infertility and Male Infertility

Posted By Lydian Shipp | Apr 26, 2022


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What is the pineal gland and what does it do?

NOTE: If you're interested in working with activating the pineal gland, visit Jennifer and I have developed DreamLight as a tool that anyone, anywhere can use on their computer or smartphone to access the healing benefits of trance. DreamLight combines a specially calibrated flashing light with music to activate the pineal gland, heal emotional trauma, and help users regain whole-body health through emotional and spiritual healing. 

The pineal gland is a tiny gland located approximately in the center of the brain. Its location is unique since it is positioned in between the two sides of the brain. In more esoteric or traditional medicine systems, this gland was seen as the “Third Eye”, responsible for dreaming, intuition, and even psychic gifts. In conventional western medicine, the pineal gland’s role in the body includes the regulation of some hormones and sleep patterns/circadian rhythms. It is specifically closely linked with the management and secretion of melatonin, though it also regulates certain other hormones, including female hormones in particular.

There are 2 cells that dominate the pineal gland: the pinealocytes and the glial cells. The pinealocytes are specifically responsible for the production and secretion of the hormone melatonin. The glial cells, in contrast, support the neurons in the brain around the pineal gland (neurons transmit signals and messages within the brain and to the rest of the body; the glial cells help the neurons get this job done by offering neuronal insulation, nutrient transport, waste removal, and metabolic support). 

The pineal gland is ultimately responsible for telling our bodies when to sleep and when to wake up, and when to feel restful and when to feel wakeful. It responds to light in the environment and then tells our bodies these things according to when it’s exposed to specific frequencies of light (and when it’s not). This is why we get jet lag when we travel, especially when day and night are reversed, since the pineal gland has to readjust to a new rhythm of day and night. Because of this, taking melatonin, the hormone secreted by the pineal gland, at night before sleeping is a common and highly effective remedy for jet lag. When people watch their phones or other electronic devices late into the night, particularly when the rest of the room they’re in is dark (as it should be at night), this can also cause problems with the pineal gland since the artificial light from these devices “confuses” the pineal gland and may cause it to function incorrectly.

Some other roles of the pineal gland include regulation of blood pressure and body temperature, mood, immune function, appetite, growth, management of the 5 senses, motor activity, and reproduction. 

What is calcification?

Calcification can occur in nearly any organ or system in the body. In simplest terms, calcification refers to a process whereby excess calcium is deposited into the tissues of different organs via the bloodstream, which then causes hardening or malfunction of those organs. Organ calcifications not only cause problems in the organs and tissues where the calcifications exist, but also in other organs or systems, as we'll see below.

Disorders and Health Problems Caused by Pineal Gland Calcification

The pineal gland is an extremely important little gland that, although most of us aren't aware of it, plays a huge role in our well-being. Here are some specific disorders and general health issues that may be caused by calcification of the pineal gland: 

What causes the pineal gland to calcify?

There are a few different factors in play that can lead to pineal gland calcification. Some experts believe that one of the primary causes of calcification of this gland is due to fluoride buildup (which, according to this theory, the fluoride calcifies once it reaches the pineal gland). Other experts claim that calcification has to do primarily with heavy metals. Others still ascribe to the belief that calcification of the pineal gland occurs as a result of nutritional deficiencies. 

I believe that all of these statements are true, and that, in fact, all of these sources are ultimately saying the same thing (or at least that there’s a lot of crossover between these three theories). To start with, fluoride buildup occurs when a person is exposed to high levels of fluoride in their environment (toothpaste, drinking water, shower water, etc), and turns into toxicity when a person isn’t getting enough iodine either through supplementation or diet. With adequate iodine, it’s not as a easy for fluoride to build up in a person's body because there’s nowhere for the fluoride to set up shop (fluoride takes up residence in the exact same places as iodine, and if iodine is already happily occupying those receptors… then fluoride can’t insert itself into those receptors, at least not as easily). So in essence, the fluoride buildup theory is based on a nutritional deficiency in the vast majority of cases. These two theories are intimately intertwined.

Heavy metals can be chelated from the body naturally if a person takes the right supplements in the right doses. These supplements include vitamins and minerals (like iodine, again, for example) as well as certain foods (like spirulina). Eating a diet that aims to avoid heavy metals is also essential. This particular theory is somewhat removed from the others, but still connected. In this case, the connection is that toxic buildup of any kind in the pineal gland can lead to calcification and poor function of the gland (I talk more about this below). 

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!

Nutritional deficiencies can cause all kinds of problems. These problems can be completely cured (relatively quickly, even) in most cases with nothing more than vitamin or mineral supplements, or perhaps IV nutritional therapy. Unfortunately, most westerners have been taught to shun vitamins and minerals as nothing more than a hoax. While it’s true that there was a time when a human being could have satisfied all of their nutritional needs with nothing more than food and herbs, the food today is often grown in soil that has been depleted of minerals, and the food itself has even been genetically engineered to contain fewer nutrients (such as in the case of seedless grapes and seedless watermelon; the seeds contain vitamin B17, and without these seeds, people don’t have as easy of access to this essential cancer-preventing nutrient). 

Therefore, the idea of taking vitamins or minerals for healing is completely valid, especially for people living in areas where their food has limited nutritional value (this includes most of the western world, but increasingly in other areas of the world too). Diseases like cancer, cystic fibrosis, hypothyroidism, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, dementia, ADHD, asthma, and numerous others can be traced back to a simple deficiency in very specific nutrients. And, in all probability, pineal gland calcification (and calcification of other organs or glands in the body, too) is due primarily to deficiencies. 

Specifically, pineal gland calcification is linked to deficiencies in vitamin K2, iodine, and boron. I will talk about each of these in more detail below, in addition to some other supplements that may be valuable for healing. 

Treatments to Decalcify the Pineal Gland

Vitamin K2+D3 Supplement

This is one of the “Top 3 Supplements” for pineal gland decalcification. No healing protocol for the pineal gland will be complete without these three supplements (the other two are Lugol’s iodine solution and melatonin, listed below). Vitamin K2 comprises a group of compounds from MK-4 to MK-13. These are called “menaquinones” (vitamin K1 compounds, which ARE related, are known as phylloquinones… we’ll talk more about these later). 

Vitamin K2 is a relatively recent discovery in the medical world; it was originally called "Activator X" by Dr. Weston Price, who observed the impact of this nutrient in action in the 1930s and 1940s. This vitamin can be produced in our bodies in tiny quantities from vitamin K1 (the vitamin K most readers will be familiar with), but in fact the primary dietary source of vitamin K2 for humans comes from grass-fed meats and milks. A specially prepared, fermented bean snack from Japan known as Natto is another ideal source of this vitamin, as are some fermented vegetables and dairy products, including some hard cheeses like Gouda. 

Organic Natto Japanese Superfood

As humans have gradually started consuming less and less vitamin K2 in their meat and milk sources over the years, more and more vitamin K2 deficiency diseases and health problems have popped up. Cardiovascular disease, arthritis, kidney stones and kidney disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and more are all associated with soft tissue calcification, which can be traced back to a deficiency of vitamin K2.

Taking vitamin K2, either in supplement form or in the diet (ideally both), can reverse these health problems caused by soft tissue calcification. This includes calcification of the pineal gland, as well as any other organs with calcification. 

Animals that are grass-fed consume plenty of vitamin K1 from their diet. The bacterial flora that these animals have is able to convert the K1 into K2 in the intestines, and from there the vitamin K2 can be absorbed and then stored in fat cells throughout the animal’s body. The vitamin K2 is also present in the fat of the milk the animal produces if it is milk-producing. Therefore, when a human eats the meat or full-fat milk of a grass-fed animal, they are getting a direct source of vitamin K2. Animals that have not been grass-fed do not have meat that is rich in vitamin K2, and since most people don’t have another source of this nutrient, they will end up becoming deficient in this nutrient very quickly.

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In addition to already consuming a vitamin K2 deficient diet, a large proportion of the population also consumes trans fats on a regular basis. Trans fats contain an analog of vitamin K2 called dihydrophylloquinone (DHP) that is able to displace whatever vitamin K2 a person may be able to get from their diet, thereby reducing vitamin K2 levels even further. 

So what exactly does vitamin K2 have to do with calcium and calcification? 

Vitamin K2 is required in order for vitamin D to be able to direct calcium to the areas where it’s needed and required (the bones; calcium doesn’t belong in soft tissues). Without vitamin K2 to tell it what to do, vitamin D will mistakenly direct calcium not only to the bones, but also to some soft tissues or even into the arteries and veins. Over time, this leads to notable calcifications in organs and eventual disease. It can also lead to poor bone health. When vitamin K2 is present, it not only can help redirect mistakenly placed calcium in soft tissues, but it can also ensure that future calcium in the diet is directed to where it belongs: in the bones. 

Vitamin K2+D3 Supplement

Thus, if you’re going to take supplements, you should ALWAYS take vitamin K2 with vitamin D3, and NEVER take vitamin D3 completely by itself without any K2 supplementation. An ideal choice is a vitamin that combines vitamin K2 and D3 in one capsule. Take a supplement that contains either MK-4 or MK-7, both, or choose a supplement with primarily MK-7 and then eat grass-fed/free-range meats, milks, eggs, and cheeses if you can. If you don’t have access to grass-fed animal products, try to find a product that has both MK-4 and MK-7. Take 100mcg of vitamin K2 daily with 125mcg/5000IU of vitamin D3. If you're actively treating a calcification, take a supplement containing only vitamin K2. You can switch to a K2+D3 supplement later on after correcting the calcification completely.

Lugol’s Iodine Supplementation

Lugol’s iodine is an important supplement for both men and women since it plays a major role in reproductive and hormonal health. In addition, a large majority of people are likely to be deficient in iodine, and this is especially true for Americans. I talk about iodine in more depth for men and women in our book, The Iodine Bible, so I won’t go into too much detail in this article. Here, I’ll focus on how iodine deficiency affects the pineal gland specifically. 

Many experts have noted that fluoride levels tend to be particularly concentrated in the calcified tissues of the pineal gland, with a high, though somewhat lesser, amount of fluoride present in the still-soft tissues of the gland. While some fluoride can be okay, excess amounts of it (such as the amount found in drinking water, for instance) can be detrimental, especially if a person’s iodine intake is already limited. Fluoride can compete with iodine in the body, making it difficult for any trace amounts of iodine that a person takes in to be able to take up their rightful locations in the reproductive organs and thyroid gland. 

Our Amazon links to powerful cures like Lugol's Iodine often disappear mysteriously after we publish. Support our outside vendors by purchasing Lugol's Iodine here. 

In the case of the pineal gland, excess fluoride can lead to lowered melatonin production due to a lesser number of pinealocytes, and thereby also impairs the production of other female hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and DHEA. Fluoride toxicity in the pineal gland, with or without calcification, has been linked to early puberty and premature sexual development, especially in girls. 

Lugol’s iodine supplementation, particularly in combination with the other treatments listed here, can help remove this fluoride and any other unwanted halogens, like bromine, from the pineal gland. Lugol’s iodine will also help restore thyroid health and reproductive organ health in a more general way.

Start slow and work your way up. If you’re using a 2% Lugol’s iodine solution, start with one drop per day and increase the dose gradually until you’re taking 20 drops daily with no detox effects. If you experience a detox, stay at the dose you’ve been taking until the detox symptoms subside. We have more information about how to take iodine correctly and what to expect from a bromine/fluorine detox at this link. Also consider investing in a high quality water filter to remove fluoride and bromine from your water supply (you can get a shower head filter, too), and getting rid of all fluoridated toothpaste. Replace your fluoridated toothpaste with a more natural toothpaste option, or better yet, make your own with a simple and affordable combination of coconut oil, baking soda, and clove essential oil (click here for a list of natural self-care and cleaning alternatives). 


I talked about melatonin’s role in hormonal balance earlier in this article, but to review: the pineal gland produces and secretes melatonin, and then melatonin sends out signals telling the body when to go to sleep (more melatonin tells a person that they need to sleep), when to wake up (less melatonin indicates that it’s time to wake up), and also when to produce and secrete other reproductive hormones. The pineal gland itself can sense light in a person’s surroundings, and secretes melatonin in response to darkness. It stops secreting melatonin in response to light. This is why you’re supposed to stop looking at bright devices when you go to bed, and why you’re supposed to sleep in a dark space. Failing to do so can confuse the pineal gland. 

Taking a melatonin supplement can help get your body back on the right track while you begin the process of decalcifying your pineal gland. Melatonin can help regularize circadian rhythms and improve sleep quality in addition to stimulating your brain to start producing and using the right reproductive hormones again. 

In terms of fertility specifically, take note of these aspects of melatonin’s importance in the female reproductive cycle specifically

  • Some studies have shown that higher proportions of melatonin are found in larger, more mature preovulatory follicles than in smaller, more underdeveloped follicles.
  • Taking supplemental melatonin orally had a direct effect on increasing the amount of melatonin in follicular fluid.
  • Women who work the night shift have been known to be more likely to have irregular menstrual cycles, and also to have significantly lower melatonin levels (indicating a correlation between menstrual regularity and adequate melatonin production and secretion by the pineal gland). 
  • High dose melatonin is associated with suppression of ovulation, but only when combined with high levels of progesterone. Women who are pregnant (and therefore have higher progesterone levels) have also been noted to have higher plasma melatonin levels that increase concurrently with progesterone levels. 
  • Some researchers have noticed that higher follicular fluid melatonin levels ultimately led to improved oocyte quality and better outcomes for women going through IVF. 
  • Melatonin supplementation and/or bright light therapy (during the daytime hours) may be able to decrease the risk of spontaneous abortion. When melatonin levels are high enough, they encourage the production of progesterone. Without enough progesterone (and therefore, without enough melatonin), the chances of a woman’s body rejecting a new fetus are higher. In addition, melatonin reduces uterus contractions (in fact, it can be so effective at this that some other studies have indicated that it may be valuable for preventing preterm labor). 
  • One study gave its female participants (who were undergoing IVF) 3mg of melatonin each night starting on the 5th day of their previous menstrual cycle and continuing until oocyte retrieval. This led to higher melatonin levels in the follicular fluid, and in a statistically significant number of participants, improved rates of fertilization and pregnancy. 

10mg Melatonin Dissolvable Tablets

To take supplemental melatonin, choose a high quality supplement that contains between 3-10mg of melatonin per capsule. Take 1 capsule per night before going to sleep, and choose a dissolvable supplement type that you can let dissolve under your tongue (melatonin is absorbed better this way when taken orally). Make sure to not expose yourself to light from devices, reading lamps, or other sources after you take the melatonin, and try to fall asleep right after you take it. 

DreamLight: At-Home Pineal Gland Activation Through Light, Sound, and Guided Meditation

Chelation Therapy

EDTA chelation therapy is a vitally important part of detoxification, not only for the pineal gland, but for the entire body. This type of therapy is designed to specifically help remove heavy metals from the body. While there are IV chelation therapy options available in boutique health clinics around the world, there are also some at-home treatments that can help remove heavy metals if you aren’t able to obtain IV chelation therapy.

Both aluminum and mercury have been linked to the deterioration of pineal gland health. Aluminum accumulation in the pineal gland leads to a decrease in melatonin production, and ultimately disrupts sleep as well as other bodily responses that relate to melatonin secretion. Mercury, however, is truly problematic if it reaches and builds up in the pineal gland since it inhibits the gland’s ability to detoxify itself. This not only means that the pineal gland suffers, but also the entire brain, since both are more susceptible to accidentally absorbing any other heavy metals that the body may come in contact with. 

Chlorophyll, 100mg Supplement

Lugol’s iodine, discussed above, is one way to help remove heavy metals from the body at home. Specifically, iodine can work to chelate mercury, cadmium, lead, and aluminum from your pineal gland and the rest of your body. Chlorophyll supplements and foods that are high in chlorophyll, like dark leafy greens, wheatgrass, and spirulina, may also help chelate metals gently in addition to supporting fluoride/bromine detox in the first stages of taking the Lugol’s iodine.

Boric Acid Supplement

Boric acid, which is a form of boron, an essential trace mineral, is found in some dietary sources, including avocados, bananas, beans, dates, chickpeas, walnuts, almonds, and other foods. It may also be taken as a supplement to support pineal gland decalcification, detox, and overall healing. Some sources have noted that a deficiency of boron can contribute to calcification of the pineal gland in particular, as well as calcification of the ovaries, kidneys, arteries, and endocrine system organs.  

Boron is present in the highest amounts in the parathyroid, and via the secretion of parathyroid hormones (or lack thereof), it plays a role in the absorption and metabolism of calcium in the body, as well as in the absorption and metabolism of phosphorus and magnesium. The importance of boron in the parathyroid is similar to the importance of iodine in the thyroid; thus, the importance of boron and a potential boron deficiency can’t be understated. 

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Boron deficiency ultimately causes the parathyroid to release too much parathyroid hormone. Since parathyroid hormone regulates calcium absorption and metabolism, this leads to an increase in blood calcium levels and also leaches calcium away from bones and teeth. Over time, a boron deficiency can therefore cause bone problems (like osteoporosis) and dental problems (like cavities). In addition, the increased calcium levels in the blood mean that calcium can then get deposited in soft tissues, including in the pineal gland, reproductive organs, kidneys, and other organs, causing the organs to calcify.

Besides correcting a deficiency, supplementation with boric acid can also support fluoride detoxification and can chelate heavy metals. Take a supplement that contains 3mg per day, especially during the detox period, and add in foods that are high in boron to your daily diet.

Chaga Mushroom

Chaga mushroom can be eaten fresh (if you have access to it), taken as a tea using dehydrated mushrooms, or taken in powder/supplement form. In terms of the pineal gland, this mushroom helps increase the production of melatonin in addition to supporting overall hormonal health and balance. Chaga also has the added benefit of being anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiviral, and of being able to ease digestive upsets. 

Buy Hawaii Pharm's Chaga Mushroom tincture here. 

Take chaga mushroom (in any form you choose) in the evening before bedtime. Because this mushroom increases melatonin production, it’s best to take it at night before you go to sleep in order to ensure that it works properly. 

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Magnesium Supplement

Taking magnesium with boric acid supplements is recommended since a deficiency of magnesium can often make the symptoms of boron deficiency worse (and also more difficult to correct). Vitamin K2’s action in the body is also improved when it’s taken with magnesium. This supplement will support decalcification of the pineal gland, reproductive organs, and any other calcified tissues. Take one 150mg supplement daily in the form of magnesium bisglycinate or magnesium citrate, and include high-magnesium foods in your diet (these include foods like cashews, almonds, pumpkin seeds, whole grains, dark leafy greens, raw cacao, and others). 

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[1] Villines, Zawn (2017). What is the pineal gland? Retrieved April 24, 2022 from:

[2] Belanger, G. (2018). Reversing calcification and the miracle of vitamin K2. Retrieved March 31, 2022 from:

[3] Northrup, Christiane (2020). Why You Should Detox Your Pineal Gland. Retrieved April 24, 2022 from:

[4] Gromadzki, Slawomir (2016). Pineal Gland Calcification. Retrieved April 24, 2022 from:

[5] WebMD (2021). What to Know About Calcification of the Pineal Gland. Retrieved April 24, 2022 from:

[6] Healthgrades Editorial Staff (2021). Calcification. Retrieved April 24, 2022 from:

[7] Olcese, James M. (2020). Melatonin and Female Reproduction: An Expanding Universe. Retrieved April 24, 2022 from:
[8] Sandyk, Reuven, et. al. (2009). The Pineal Gland and Spontaneous Abortions: Implications for Therapy with Melatonin and Magnetic Field. Retrieved April 24, 2022 from:

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