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How to Cure Herpes: Start with Heavy Metal Chelation Therapy

Posted By Jennifer Shipp | Dec 10, 2024


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Heavy Metal Chelation for Herpes Cure

Before you can cure herpes, you need to get rid of heavy metals that might impede the work of antiviral medicines against this pathogen.
There isn’t much dialogue about herpes and heavy metals these days, but there should be. Men and women who are serious about finding a cure for herpes (either HSV-1 or HSV-2 or any of the various herpes family pathogens), should look closely at the role that heavy metals play in increasing the risk of being infected with herpes, perpetuating the herpes infection in the body, and the seriousness of herpes symptoms. If you’re open to the idea of a cure for herpes, chelating heavy metals is a good place to start. 

Herpes is one of several diseases that can be caused or exacerbated by the presence of heavy metals in the body. Chlamydia trachomatis and Candida are others though there are likely many thousands of diseases that are worsened by the presence of a high heavy metal load. Mercury and lead are two heavy metals that have been studied extensively in regard to herpes and Chlamydia infections. Some studies have also shown that antiviral and antibiotic medicines are not effective in the presence of localized heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and mercury and that these heavy metals provide some sort of protection to certain pathogens, like herpes and Chlamydia, which makes it possible for them to hide in the body and be protected from the immune system. Indeed, according to research, lead and mercury in tissues in the body often coexist with Chlamydia trachomatis, HSV-1, HSV-2, and Cytomegalovirus / CMV among others in tissues. 

With all of this in mind, let’s expand a bit on the idea of heavy metals and herpes, but remember that heavy metals can cause the body to become susceptible to a variety of pathogens including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, fungi, yeast, and more.

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Where Herpes and Chlamydia Can Hide in the Body

Herpes viruses are said to hide in the spinal ganglion, areas where nerve tissues are a bit bigger as the nerves exit the spinal column on their way to other areas of the body. But some studies have also shown that herpes viruses hide in other areas of the body too. According to one study, herpes and Chlamydia tend to hide in 3 to 5 specific areas of the body where heavy metals, uric acid, and Insulin Growth Factor tend to build up.

A group of researchers were able to demonstrate that despite working with antibiotics to treat Chlamydia trachomatis, and though patients who were treated with antibiotics stopped having symptoms and protected themselves from getting re-infected by a partner, they often experienced a recurrence several months after the completion of a round of antibiotics. The researchers were curious about why some of their patients responded to antibiotic treatment for Chlamydia while other patients did not. These researchers used a special test to discover that the Chlamydia trachomatis had taken up residence in 3 to 5 different hiding places in the body that had high uric acid levels including:

  • The sublingual caruncle
  • A small round area in the right or left armpit
  • The genitals (namely the glans penis and urethra in men and the urethral orifice in women)
  • Insulin-Like Growth Factor (IGF) horizontal lines above and below the knees
  • The maxillary, ethmoid, and frontal sinuses and horizontal lines at the base of the nostrils

All of the above areas contain IGF-1 and IGF-2 which are both normally reduced during infection. The researchers speculated that herpes and Chlamydia somehow benefited from the presence of IGF in these areas.

The researchers worked to increase antibiotic uptake in these 3-5 areas specifically to eradicate Chlamydia and herpes but still, the infections persisted. It wasn’t until the researchers began working with heavy metal chelation (an accidental discovery) that they were able to successfully get rid of herpes and Chlamydia.

Click here to buy Herpes, Orthopox, and Smallpox Remedies, Treatments, and Interventions, Volume 1 and Volume 2

Heavy Metals and Herpes: What The Science Says

According to a number of scientific studies, heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, and others, contribute to the ability of the herpes virus and other chronic STIs like Chlamydia trachomatis to evade the immune system and cause a perpetual infection. The major heavy metals that cause the most harm to human health include:

  • Mercury 
      • Mercury has toxic effects on the kidneys, lungs, and the brain. Mercury is one of the heavy metals that has been heavily correlated with herpes infections.
      • Mercury exposure often occurs as a result of mercury amalgam dental fillings, but also through the consumption of seafood. It is also used as a preservative (thimerosal) in certain vaccines.
  • Aluminum
      • Aluminum leads to inflammation, especially in the brain, and has been shown to contribute to Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminum also contributes to the Candida infections. 
      • There are certain topical treatments for herpes that contain aluminum. Though scientific studies claim that they have excellent effects against herpes, these should be avoided because aluminum exposure can cause other health problems that are just as bad, if not worse than a herpes infection.
      • Aluminum is also found in cooking pans, tin foil, antiperspirants, over-the-counter medications, cake mixes, processed cheeses, and frozen bread dough. Aluminum has replaced mercury in many vaccines today. The fluoride in drinking water increases aluminum uptake in the body.
  • Cadmium
      • Cadmium causes high blood pressure and atherosclerosis as well as damage to the kidneys. Like mercury, it has been correlated significantly with perpetuating herpes flare-ups and increasing herpes infectivity. 
      • Cadmium exposure occurs through cigarettes, but it’s also found in water, air, the soil, and the food supply, especially in industrialized areas. It’s found in plastics and some chocolates.
  • Arsenic
      • Arsenic disrupts the activity of mitochondria, the part of the human cells that produces energy and power. Arsenic can cause neurological, gastrointestinal, and respiratory problems. 
      • Arsenic is found in drinking water, rice, and industrially raised chickens.
  • Lead
      • Lead tends to cause gastrointestinal problems and headaches. It often leads to neurological impairment. Lead is found in paint unless the pain says “lead-free”. It is also found in drinking water as a result of old pipes and in some chocolate. Lead is also found in most lipsticks.
  • Copper (in high doses)
    • Copper must be taken with zinc at a proportion of 2 mg copper per 15 mg of zinc for proper functioning of the body, but at high doses, copper can cause sexual libido issues, nervous system dysfunction, and connective tissue issues.
    • Copper is found in foods like chocolate, avocado, soy, shellfish, and coffee. Most IUDs are made of copper.

Other Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity

Other symptoms of heavy metal exposure and toxicity include:

  • Difficulty learning and remembering new information
  • Brain fog
  • Difficulty concentrating / symptoms of ADHD 
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Nerve problems such as neuropathy, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, etc.
  • Cognitive decline
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Persistent infections such as herpes, treatment-resistant Chlamydia, or treatment-resistant Candida

Heavy Metals and Herpes: What the Science Says

Heavy Metals and HSV-1

Studies have shown that heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and mercury increase the risk of developing an HSV-1 infection. In one study that included 13,772 participants, scientists were able to demonstrate that HSV-1 infection was correlated with lead and cadmium levels that were high. An increase in the concentration of mercury participants bodies, however, was correlated only with adolescents infected with HSV-1. 

Elevated levels of lead, cadmium, and mercury increase the risk of HSV-1 infection and they also increase the difficulty level of being able to cure HSV-1. The relationship between serum lead and serum mercury levels in adults has an approximately linear relationship with HSV-1 infection risk while the relationship between HSV-1 and cadmium was not linear. In adolescents serum concentrations of lead, cadmium, and mercury were in an approximately linear relationship in terms of HSV-1 infection. The relationship between heavy metals and herpes infection is the same for adults of all genders, races, income levels, weight, and immune system status. The relationship between herpes and heavy metals in adolescents is also the same despite gender, race, income, weight, or immune system function.

Heavy Metals and HSV-2

High concentrations of lead and cadmium are also correlated with an increased risk of HSV-2 infection irrespective of HSV-1 status.

How Heavy Metals Perpetuate Herpes and Chlamydia Infection

Scientists have theorized that infectious pathogens somehow use heavy metals like lead and mercury to protect themselves from antibiotic treatments that would otherwise be able to eradicate them. Herpes and Chlamydia both tend to hide in areas of the body that are normally high in IGF-1 and IGF-2 which suggests that the pathogens are using these hormones for their own growth and propagation. 

A different study that looked at a variety of persistent infections including HSV-1. This study found that low immunity and chronic inflammation mediate about 12.14% of HSV-1 infection. In other words, heavy metals hijack the immune system which plays a role in the persistence of HSV-1 infection by increasing a person’s susceptibility and vulnerability to the virus.

How to Test for Heavy Metals in the Body

Heavy metals hide in a number of different places in the body, so they aren’t always easily detected by tests. Some experts recommend the Blood Metals and Mercury Tri-Test as some of the most reliable.

It’s important that your organs of detoxification are functioning well. You may need to test to be sure that the liver, kidneys, and intestines are all working well and able to remove heavy metals. If these organs are struggling, consider doing a colonic to improve detoxification of the intestines and the liver which in turn, will take the load off the kidneys too.

Test for the essential minerals to find out if you have deficiencies in any of them. The body will use toxic heavy metals in their place if you’re lacking in the essential minerals and trace minerals. For example, lead often substitutes for calcium. Cadmium often substitutes for zinc. Aluminum substitutes for a variety of minerals. Unlike the healthy nutrient minerals and trace minerals that our bodies need, the toxic heavy metals don’t easily detach from our tissues. So they buildup in the body and they can make it impossible for healthy minerals to do what they’re supposed to do inside our tissues and cells.

Heavy Metal Chelation: How to Remove Heavy Metals to Treat Herpes

There are a number of ways to remove heavy metals from the body. When you remove the heavy metals that are impeding your ability to be healthy, you open up the possibility of being able to use an at-home antibiotic / antiviral medicine like Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS), food grade hydrogen peroxide, ozone therapy, or another form of Reactive Oxygen Species medicine to cure herpes or Chlamydia trachomatis. Once heavy metals are removed, Candida infections become less common and can easily be treated with a medicine like methylene blue. 

Click here to read more about how to use methylene blue as an antimicrobial agent that works against bacteria, viruses, some fungi, and yeasts like Candida. 

Click here to read more about how Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) medicines work.

Below we talk about different ways to remove heavy metals from the body. If you currently have mercury amalgam dental fillings, consider getting them removed using The Huggins Protocol to limit additional exposure during removal. The removal of mercury amalgam fillings can make a huge difference in the trajectory of your health over time and if you wish to cure herpes infection or any type of persistent infection that causes you daily grief, the mercury dental fillings must be removed. Also, be sure to have EDTA chelation therapy done after you’ve had the fillings removed (and during the removal process) to avoid developing more serious symptoms of disease.

Click here to read more about the relationship between mercury and psoriasis, a disease of toxic overload.

Cilantro for Heavy Metal Chelation

Cilantro, also known as “Chinese Parsley” or Coriandrum sativum, increases the rate of excretion of lead, cadmium, and mercury as well as other heavy metals. In one study, researchers administered antibiotics along with cilantro to reduce the number of pathogens (either herpes or Chlamydia trachomatis) while also reducing the amount of heavy metals in the body. Eleven subjects were tested and the last traces of their infections were eliminated successfully when some form of antibiotic treatment along with cilantro for heavy metal chelation was carried out simultaneously. 

In animals, cilantro reduces lead absorption into bone tissues. Cilantro should always be used with chlorella (though chlorella does not always have to be used with cilantro) because cilantro sometimes mobilizes more toxins than it can remove from the body. As a result, cilantro may flood connective tissues and nervous system tissues with heavy metals that were being stored previously in safer hiding places. This can cause a detoxification of the body if another binding agent is not available. 

Essentially, when a person takes cilantro daily to remove heavy metals from the body, not all of those heavy metals get removed. Rather, some of them just redistribute if a substance like chlorella is not also available at the same time. When use with Chlorella though, cilantro is a spectacular chelator and Chlorella mops up whatever cilantro can’t seem to carry out of the body. Cilantro mobilizes the heavy metals while Chlorella makes sure that they’re properly excreted from the body.

Cilantro also increases HDL cholesterol and decreases LDL cholesterol by promoting liver health. It acts as an anti-inflammatory, an antibacterial, and it can prevent urinary tract infections naturally. Cilantro reduces hormonal changes during menstruation and menopause.

Be sure to take magnesium during supplementation with chlorella to ensure that blood vessels are properly functioning and dilated during heavy metal removal.

See below for more information about Chlorine Dioxide Solution as an at-home antibiotic with an extremely broad spectrum of action that also functions to chelate heavy metals from the body.

Click here to buy a Cilantro Supplement.

Chlorella Alcohol Extract

Chlorella vulgaris as an alcohol extract acts as an absorption agent that can prevent the retoxification of the body due to the use of cilantro. The use of chlorella and cilantro together can remove 87% of lead, 91% of mercury, and 74% of aluminum within about 42 days of treatment.

Chlorella vulgaris and Fucus Algae Extract administered along with aminosulphurates is able to reduce heavy metal toxicity in patients with titanium implants and dental amalgam fillings. 

Chlorella vulgaris is a heavy metal chelator that can remove carcinogenic toxins like dioxin from the body as well as mercury, lead, and tin. After 90 days of treatment with Chlorella vulgaris, accumulation of these heavy metals were significantly reduced in comparison with initial levels.

In addition to its ability to remove heavy metals, Chlorella vulgaris is antiviral which is relevant in terms of fighting herpes infection. Chlorella also improves glutathione production which enhances detoxification of heavy metals through another mechanisms of action. It also helps improve gut flora.

Click here to buy Chlorella.

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) / Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS)

Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS), also known as Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS), is both a heavy metal chelator and a powerful antimicrobial that can be used to kill herpes and other viruses as well as bacterial infections like Chlamydia. CDS / MMS does not work to kill some forms of Candida

Click here to buy The Layperson’s Guide to Chlorine Dioxide and Miracle Mineral Solution.

CDS / MMS works as both an antibiotic / antiviral / antimicrobial because it releases reactive oxygen species that are highly reactive and attracted specifically to microorganisms that prefer an acidic microenvironment (and a positive electrical charge) within which to live. As it turns out, most toxic things in the body (including both pathogens and heavy metals) tend to be positively charged (and acidic). So CDS / MMS is magnetically attracted (via its negative charge) to these positively charged toxins and pathogens. It then reacts with them to either kill the pathogens, or produce a molecule (with heavy metals) that can be safely removed from the body.

Click here to read more about the safety profile of CDS / MMS and how it works.

Click here to buy Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Supplement for humans.

EDTA Intravenous Chelation Therapy

EDTA is FDA-approved though most insurance companies don’t cover it. IV chelation therapy sessions take several hours to complete and they usually take place in a clinic, or a boutique IV spa. Five to 30 treatments are usually required for best results. Liquid EDTA is administered via an IV in the arm.

EDTA therapy is not painful, though some people experience a bit of redness or inflammation at the site of the injection. Patients usually can drive themselves home from their EDTA session and resume their normal activities. In the U.S., chelation therapy doctors must have an M.D. or a D.O. (doctor of osteopathy) and a license to practice medicine.

EDTA chelation therapy is powerful and it offers numerous health benefits by unclogging arteries to treat atherosclerosis naturally, reduce pain and inflammation in the body including arthritis symptoms, improve cognitive and nerve function, reduce ADHD symptoms, and reduce ASD symptoms naturally.

It’s vital that you receive trace mineral replacement therapy after EDTA chelation therapy. Consider doing at least 4-5 doses of salt loading or salt flushing after each EDTA session.

Salt Loading / Salt Flushing

Salt loading or salt flushing is a technique that uses Himalayan sea salt to remove heavy metals as well as bromide / bromine and fluoride / fluorine from the body. It also replaces trace minerals that have been depleted or that are deficient. Click here to read more about how to do salt loading and salt flushing to detoxify the body.


Glutathione is one of the most important detoxifying agents produced in the body. It originates from the liver. Nutrient supplements like N-Acetyl-Cysteine / NAC act as a precursor in the production of glutathione. 

Coffee enemas also enhance the production of glutathione via their effects on the liver.

Glutathione is a potent heavy metal chelator that is also involved in the cellular response to heavy metals, transport of heavy metals, and excretion of heavy metals. It is the “master detoxifer” that binds to toxins including mercury, lead, aluminum, mycotoxins, parabens, and phthalates to safely flush them out of the body.

Anyone with the MTHFR mutation or an SNP on the GSTM1 gene will not be able to detoxify heavy metals as easily as other people. People with these mutations don’t process glutathione as well as others.

If you want to increase your levels of glutathione, eat a diet high in sulfurous vegetables like garlic or onions as well as cruciferous vegetables like kale, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage. These veggies will help your body make more glutathione. Garlic in the diet can prevent kidney damage caused by cadmium.

Not all glutathione supplements are the same. In order for glutathione to be absorbable by the body, they have to be in a particular form. The best way to absorb glutathione is via intravenous administration although liposomal glutathione can also be administered by mouth as a form that can be absorbed and used by the body and intramuscular injections of glutathione are also available.

Click here to buy liposomal glutathione.

Modified Citrus Pectin plus Alginate

Modified citrus pectin plus alginate has been used to reduce levels of lead and mercury in the body. Case studies have shown that modified citrus pectin has been successful in reducing levels of these heavy metals in the body.

Supplements for Heavy Metal Chelation

Taurine and Methionine

Taurine and methionine are sulfur-containing amino acids that can be administered for heavy metal chelation.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is an antioxidant that can regenerate other antioxidants. It also has the ability to chelate heavy metals. This is a heavy metal chelator that crosses the blood-brain barrier after absorption in the gut. The only possible negative to working with ALA is that it can, in some cases, lead to a redistribution of heavy metals similar to what happens when a person take cilantro. 

N-Acetyl-Cysteine / NAC

When administered with vitamins C and E, NAC stimulates glutathione production. It is a precursor to cysteine and a chelator of toxins including heavy metals. Take 1000 mg 3 times per day for a total of 3000 mg. Also take vitamin C at a dose of 6000 mg per day and a dose of dessicated liver as a source of vitamin E to ensure that glutathione is produced as a result of supplementation.

Click here to buy N-Acetyl-Cysteine.


Glutathione can be administered in liposomal form, as a prodrug formulation, or it can be administered via IV or intramuscular injection. It can also be administered via nebulizer. We talk in greater depth about glutathione to chelate heavy metals above.


Selenium is an essential nutrient that forms extremely stable, insoluble compounds with mercury. It provides relief from symptoms of mercury poisoning. Administer a selenium product made of selenomethionine at a dose of up to 400 mcg per day.

Click here to buy a selenium product that contains selenomethionine.


The connection between herpes and heavy metals is often overlooked. It’s hardly a concept that people consider regularly as a possible reason why some people get infected with herpes and become seriously ill while others barely notice the infection and experience no symptoms. The Candida-heavy metal relationship is more widely known, but STIs like Chlamydia are also rarely paired with heavy metal exposure as a potential reason why symptoms recur. 

The removal of dental amalgam fillings that contain mercury is a good place to start for anyone who wants to cure HSV-1 or HSV-2. Removal of heavy metals that are constantly “gassing off” to expose the body to more and more mercury or other heavy metals will help restore the immune system to a higher level of functioning and get rid of areas in the body that are weak and that can play host to the herpes virus and other pathogens. 

After chronic exposure to heavy metals has been addressed, heavy metal chelation therapy of some kind should be administered to reduce the body’s toxic load. This will allow the immune system to function better and get rid of chronic infections like herpes, Chlamydia, or recurrent Candida infections.

Click here to learn more and subscribe to the Living Database now.


Omura, Y. and Beckman, S. L. (1995). Role of mercury (Hg) in resistant infections and effective treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis and Herpes family viral infections (and potential treatment for cancer) by removing localized Hg deposits with Chinese parsley and delivering effective antibiotics using various drug uptake enhancement methods. Retrieved October 20, 2024 from

Qi, Q. et al. (2024). Impact of heavy metals exposure on herpes simplex virus type 1 infection: A population-based cross-sectional study. Retrieved October 21, 2024 from

Zhang, H. et al. (2024). Association between heavy metals exposure and persistent infections: the mediating role of immune function. Retrieved October 21, 2024 from

Morello, C. S. et al. (2012). Inactivated HSV-2 in MPL/alum adjuvant provides nearly complete protection against genital infection and shedding following long term challenge and rechallenge. Retrieved October 21, 2024 from

Sears, M. E. (2013). Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification - A Review. Retrieved October 21, 2024 from

Eliaz, I. et al. (2007). Integrative medicine and the role of modified citrus pectin/alginates in heavy metal chelation and detoxification–five case reports. Retrieved October 21, 2024 from
Merino, J. J. et al. (2019). The Long-Term Algae Extract (Chlorella and Fucus sp) and Aminosulphurate Supplementation Modulate SOD-1 Activity and Decrease Heavy Metals (Hg++, Sn) Levels in Patients with Long-Term Titanium Implants and Amalgam Fillings Restorations. Retrieved October 21, 2024 from

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