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Herbs for Children's Health: Myrrh / Commiphora spp.

Posted By Lydian Shipp | Dec 12, 2023


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Myrrh (Commiphora spp.) for Respiratory and Skin Problems in Children and Babies

Myrrh is an oleo-gum resin that comes from the Commiphora plant that grows in Africa and Arabia. The resin is a yellowish-white substance that hardens when heated to a reddish-brown crystalline solid. Though Commiphora molmol is the most widely known and widely used myrrh used in the west, in India, Commiphora wightii is the species that is most widely used and known as “guggul”. 

Myrrh supports and enhances the absorption of other substances.

Myrrh is generally considered to be an emmenagogue and an abortifacient, so pregnant women should not take myrrh internally or apply the essential oil externally. 

Myrrh has been used in the treatment of the following conditions in both children and adults:

  • Skin problems
  • Hemlock poisoning
  • Lead poisoning
  • Gout
  • Colic
  • Catarrh
  • Gastrointestinal hemorrhage
  • Parasites
    • Liver flukes
    • Schistosomiasis
    • Fasciola gigantica
    • Trichomoniasis
    • Giardiasis
  • Dental problems
    • Dental infections
    • Halitosis (when myrrh resin is chewed)
    • Thrush
    • Mouth Ulcers
    • Gingivitis
    • Damaged gums
  • Pharyngitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Leprosy
  • Eye infection
  • Sepsis
  • Bacterial infection (myrrh is an antibiotic)
  • Cough
  • Diarrhea
  • Psoriasis
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Nausea
  • Dyspepsia / Indigestion
  • Yeast infection
  • Cholera (myrrh was used in enemas during the early 19th century to treat cholera)
  • Proctitis (as a suppository)
  • High cholesterol and triglycerides
  • Arthritis
  • Excess mucus
  • Respiratory infection
    • Respiratory congestion
    • Common Cold
    • Influenza
    • Chronic congestion
    • Bronchitis
    • Sinusitis
    • Tuberculosis
  • Female reproductive tract disorders
    • Amenorrhea (lack of periods)
    • Leukorrhea (vaginal discharge)
  • Inflammation
  • Pain treatment
  • Chest pain treatment
  • Chlorosis / Hypochromic Anemia
  • Cancer
    • Liver cancer
    • Prostate cancer
    • Breast cancer
    • Skin cancer
  • Stomach ulcers
  • Intestinal spasms
  • Antifungal
    • Aspergillus niger and Aspergillus flavus
    • Athlete’s foot
    • Ringworm

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Myrrh as a Natural Treatment for Schistosomiasis / Bilharzia, Trichomoniasis, and Other Parasite Infections

Myrrh can be administered at an oral dose of 500 mg / gram body weight for five days before infection or on the day after suspected infection with Schistosoma mansoni. Or, if the infection is established, administer myrrh at a daily dose of 500 mg / gram body weight for 8 weeks.

One study on adult women observed that 85% of the trich-infected women who were given Mirazid (a medicine made from myrrh sap and myrrh essential oil) were completely cured of the infection using only this myrrh-based medicine.

The Renegade Parent's Guide to Children's Health and Healing: Volume 1 - Encyclopedia of Herbal Remedies

Myrrh as a Treatment of Respiratory Disease and Respiratory Infection in Children

Myrrh essential oil can be used in aromatherapy for both adults and children. Aromatherapy use of myrrh may be particularly well-suited to the safe treatment of the following conditions in babies and children: 

  • Colds
  • Congestion
  • Bronchitis
  • Asthma
  • Phlegm
  • Coughs

Aromatherapy use of myrrh can also enhance focus and treat depression and anxiety.

Myrrh essential oil may combine well with citrus scents like mandarin or grapefruit, or more spicy smells like cinnamon. Some floral scents may also work with myrrh essential oil. Myrrh essential oil can be diffused or applied to a cotton ball so that you or your child can smell the scent regularly as needed or continuously. 

Myrrh Essential Oil for Pain and Inflammation

In adults, myrrh is well studied for its ability to combat pain and swelling. It interacts with the opioid receptors in the brain, in addition to directly blocking certain inflammatory chemicals in the body; thus, it can treat pain and inflammation from two different angles. Children and babies may also be able to benefit from the pain-relieving effects of myrrh when needed. Use the appropriate dilution of myrrh essential oil (as described below) and apply to the affected area, or as close as realistically possible. 

NOW Essential Oils, Myrrh Oil Blend, Meditative Aromatherapy Scent, Steam Distilled, 100% Pure, Vegan, Child Resistant Cap, 1-Ounce

Myrrh Essential Oil for the Treatment of Skin Problems in Babies and Children

When applied topically at a 1-3% dilution, or in the form of a bar of soap containing myrrh, Commiphora molmol can be used to treat all kinds of skin problems in babies and children, including the following: 

  • Skin wounds
  • Fungal, bacterial, and viral skin infections
    • Studies have shown that myrrh essential oil alone can inhibit fungal growth by between 43-61% in vitro
  • Bruises
  • Boils
  • Skin sores
  • Wounds
  • Dermatitis
  • Cradle cap
  • Eczema
  • Diaper rash
  • Prickly Heat
  • Acne
  • Hives
  • And more…

Read the instructions below for how to use myrrh essential oil topically (do not use this essential oil internally!). If using a soap containing myrrh, suds up the area to be treated, leave the soap to rest for a minute or two, and then rinse it off.

Myrrh Essential Oil for Umbilical Cord Healing

A few midwifery practices suggest putting a drop or 2 of pure myrrh essential oil onto the umbilical cord stub in newborns to prevent infection and facilitate healing. These practices recommend using the oil only when you notice some bleeding on the umbilical cord; it should be gently massaged into the umbilical cord and/or the remaining wound. Though likely safe when used for this specific application, I would personally dilute the myrrh oil with some coconut or jojoba oil before applying it directly to a baby's skin, regardless of the location of the application.

Myrrh Essential Oil for Eczema in Babies and Children

There are 2 potential recipes that may help heal eczema in babies and children. The ingredients for each are listed below: 

  1. Aloe vera (the base) + Calendula essential oil + Lavender essential oil + Chamomile essential oil + Myrrh essential oil
  2. Jojoba oil (the base) + Calendula essential oil + Myrrh essential oil + Lavender essential oil + Chamomile essential oil + Evening primrose oil + Geranium rose essential oil

Myrrh Essential Oil as a Sunscreen

One study observed that the combination of myrrh essential oil and SPF-15 sunscreen had better protective effects against UV rays than SPF-15 sunscreen alone. Myrrh isn’t as effective as sunscreen alone, however, given the toxic ingredients in sunscreen and the (demonized) benefits of sunlight, myrrh may be a good choice to protect the sensitive skin of children and babies in certain situations. Follow the general usage guidelines below and apply regularly in the sun if needed.

MAJESTIC PURE Myrrh Oil Premium Quality, 4 Fl Oz

Myrrh Mouthwash for Behçet’s Mouth Sores in Children (and Other Dental Problems)

NOTE: Only give myrrh mouthwash to a child who is old enough to not swallow the mouthwash. Stay with the child each time they use this mouthwash and watch them to make sure they don’t swallow the mixture. If you’re worried that they’ll swallow it, either practice the mouthwash with them a few times with plain water, or try a different treatment protocol.

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Behçet’s disease is an autoimmune disease that usually develops during adulthood, though some children may also develop this condition. Myrrh can be an extremely helpful treatment for mouth sores caused by Behçet’s. 

There are special, formulated myrrh mouthwashes available. While this is of course an option, it’s almost always cheaper, easier, and healthier to make your own at home (if you make your own mouthwash, you control the ingredients, thus avoiding the various types of toxic ingredients that exist in the vast majority of all dental products). Below is a recipe using myrrh essential oil:

  • 1 cup filtered water
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 drops peppermint essential oil (peppermint is, of course, minty fresh, besides having its own valuable medicinal properties for mouth health)
  • 2 drops clove essential oil (clove is a great painkiller for dental problems)
  • 2 drops myrrh essential oil

Put all of the ingredients above in a small, closeable container. Shake well. Have your child take a small amount into their mouth and then swish-swish for about 1 minute. Then they should spit out the mixture and not eat or drink anything for 15 minutes. Repeat 4 times per day for at least 1 week. 

In a study on adults with Behçet’s disease mouth sores, the use of a myrrh-based mouthwash 4 times per day for at least 1 week was able to completely heal the mouth sores in 19% of the patients, and reduce pain in 50% of the participants.

This myrrh-based mouthwash may also be helpful in the treatment of other dental problems in children, such as gingivitis, thrush, mouth ulcers, and more.

Avoid myrrh-based mouthwash if you recently had oral surgery since there’s a slight chance that the stitches used could dissolve when exposed to myrrh. 

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Myrrh Aromatherapy for Clean Air

In Ancient and Biblical times, myrrh was commonly used as a disinfectant. The smoke from myrrh (and often also frankincense) resins was thought to help prevent the spread of disease. Indeed, modern studies have actually been able to prove that this technique can indeed help prevent the spread of airborne diseases by reducing airborne bacteria counts by up to 68%! 

While it’s still possible to obtain and burn myrrh resin, most people will probably find it simpler to put a few drops of myrrh essential oil in a diffuser in their home. 

How to Use Myrrh Essential Oil / Myrrh in Children 

Myrrh essential oil should be diluted to a dose of 1-3% in babies and children. This means that only 1-3 drops of pure myrrh essential oil should be added to 1 teaspoon of a carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil. For babies and toddlers, use only 1 drop. Older children can use the 2-3% dilution of this essential oil.

Do not apply myrrh essential oil to the eyes or inner ears.

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Do not use myrrh essential oil within 2 weeks of surgery since it can have blood-thinning effects. Myrrh can also lower blood sugar levels, so individuals with diabetes should be extra aware of their condition while using myrrh. Also note that large quantities of myrrh can affect heart rate, and thus, babies and children with heart conditions should only be given myrrh with great caution, and only in small doses. 

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Michie, C.A, et. al. (1991). Frankincense and myrrh as remedies in children. Retrieved October 12, 2023 from: 

Bone, K. (n.d.). Myrrh: A Significant Development in the Treatment of Parasites. Retrieved October 14, 2023 from 

Ekoideas (n.d). Jabón Sólido Ecológico de Mirra. Retrieved October 14, 2023 from:,-Zorro%20d'Avi&text=Se%20recomienda%20su%20uso%20para,los%20ni%C3%B1os%20hasta%2015%20a%C3%B1os

Jasmine and Juniper (2021). The First Year: Using Essential Oils for Babies. Retrieved October 23, 2023 from: 

Absolute Essential (n.d). Pure Natural Remedies for Eczema in Children. Retrieved October 23, 2023 from: 

N.A. (n.d). Relax, Strengthen, and Purify with Myrrh Essential Oil. Retrieved October 23, 2023 from:,the%20feeling%20of%20spiritual%20awakening

McCullogh, Marsha (2019). 11 Surprising Benefits and Uses of Myrrh Oil. Retrieved October 23, 2023 from: 

N.A. (n.d). DIY Natural Mouthwash with Myrrh Essential Oil. Retrieved October 23, 2023 from: 

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