Herbs for Herpes / Herbal Remedies for Herpes

Anyone who is looking for an herb that cures herpes will appreciate seeing the very long list of anti-herpes herbs that have been studied. Herpes is clearly an infection for which the world has produced a cure. Unfortunately, Big Pharma is only interested in developing drugs from herbs and herbal substances that will limit herpes infection and not get rid of the infection entirely because, to kill herpes, is to limit profit potential.
If you’re trying to find an herbal remedy for herpes, just be aware that there are a large number of herbs with anti-herpes activity. They don’t all work the same way. It can be valuable to find a combination of herbs that work through differing mechanisms of action. Be sure to use the proper extraction methods if you’re working with a specific herb or herbs.
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- Baccharis genistelloides / Carqueja - water extracts have HSV-1 activity but the upper limit of its effectiveness was toxic to human cells.
- Baccharis megapotamica - hydroethanol extracts have antiviral activity against 1 strain of HSV-1.
- Baccharis rubricaulis / Rubby - water extracts have antiviral activity against HSV-1, but the upper limit of an effective dose was toxic to human cells.
- Baccharis trinervis - water extract completely inhibited HSV-1 replication.
- Baccharis uncinella - hydroethanol extract had antiviral activity against two HSV-1 strais.
- Barleria lupulina / Hophead - methanol extract of the leaves and twigs of this plant are antiviral against HSV-2, but much weaker than acyclovir.
- Bauhinia thonningii / Piliostigma thonningii / Kalgo - the ethanol extract of the leaves completely inhibit HSV-1.
Bauhinia thonningii, also known as Piliostigma thonningii or Kalgo, is an African plant that’s used to treat a number of different health issues including HIV symptoms (it is not a cure), cancer, malaria, polio, smallpox, syphilis, gonorrhea, meningitis, and hepatitis. It is also used to quell bleeding in the digestive system (bloody diarrhea and bloody vomit) and to treat anemia.
The use of Bauhinia thonningii as an herbal remedy for smallpox fits with the treatment profile other herbal remedies for herpes that tend to target orthopoxvirus diseases like chickenpox and smallpox.
- Bauhinia variegata / Orchid Tree / Mountain Ebony - water extract of the stem or leaves displays moderate antiviral activity against HSV-1 and HSV-2.
- Blumea chinensis / Katarai - ethanol extracts of the leaves have antiviral activity against HSV-1.
- Blumea lacera / Lettuce Leaf Blumea - a water extract of the whole plant is powerfully antiviral against both HSV-1 and HSV-2.
Blumea lacera, also known as Lettuce Leaf Blumea, is used medicinally as an herbal remedy for parasites and viral infections. A hot water extract of Blumea lacera inhibits both HSV-1 and HSV-2.
Blumea lacera is an herbal antidiarrheal as well as an anti-inflammatory agent. It works similarly to NSAIDs like diclofenac and ibuprofen to relieve pain and inflammation except that Blumea lacera is also a powerful antioxidant that has the ability to heal the pancreas and kill viral and parasite infections at the same time.
The methanol extract acts as a diabetes herbal remedy at a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight. It has an anti-diabetic action without destructive action against the pancreas. In fact, Blumea lacera regenerates the pancreas in rats with diabetes.

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- Boletus edulis / Porcini mushroom - water extracts of the fruit of the porcini mushroom are antiviral against HSV-1.
- Boswellia elongata - methanol extract of the bark is antiviral against HSV-1.
- Boswellia ameero- methanol extract of the bark is antiviral against HSV-1.
- Boussingaultia gracilis - water extracts of the whole plant is powerful as an antiviral against HSV-1 and moderately powerful against HSV-2.
- Brainia insignis - water extract of the rhizome produces complete HSV-1 inhibition.
- Buxus hildebrandtii / Boxwood - methanol extracts of the leaf produce HSV-1 inhibition.
- Byrsonima verbascifolia / Murici - the leaf and root bark in a methanol extract produce complete HSV-1 inhibition.
Byrsonima verbascifolia, also known as Murici, is a powerful anti-inflammatory herb that also has the ability to cure HSV-1. Murici is a fruit that can be eaten in cereal.
In one study of Colombian herbs for herpes and other infections, Byrsonima verbascifolia rated highest in terms of its ability to kill HSV. As an anti-herpes herb, Byrsonima verbascifolia had anti-HSV activity at a dose as low as 2.5 micrograms per milliliter.

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