How to Cure Diabetes Permanently: The Aloe Arborescens Protocol
Most English-speakers are familiar with Aloe plants. They’re easy to identify and they have noteworthy medicinal properties that are easy to observe, namely, they take away the pain of a burn when applied topically. But Aloe plants have other magical medicinal properties that are less famous in mainstream culture, though well-known among scientists. Aloe plants contain a number of important medicinal agents, in quantities that vary from species to species, that make them natural healers of a high magnitude. Certain species in particular, like the Aloe arborescens, contain a specific set of substances in specific quantities that make this plant perfectly calibrated to cure diabetes naturally.The genus Aloe belongs to the Liliaceae family. If you can’t obtain Aloe arborescens species exactly, be aware that other edible species of aloe will also likely have similar, though perhaps more subdued medicinal effects against diabetes. Several species of Aloe can be consumed as a juice, for example, that would work nicely as an adjunct therapy for diabetes along with other herbs that are available in the reader’s area.
Aloe species contain phytosterols that are powerfully antidiabetic including:
- Lophenol
- 24-ethyl-lophenol
- 24-methyl-lophenol
- Cycloartanol
- 24-methylene-cycloartanol
All of these phytosterols work to lower blood sugar in those with type 2 diabetes.
How Aloe Works to Cure Diabetes Naturally
Various members of the Aloe family have the ability to reduce the symptoms of diabetes naturally, but Aloe arborescens is one of the most powerful herbal cures for diabetes. It decreases HbA1c levels by 15-18% in animal models of this disease. Administration of Aloe arborscens on a cycle for at least 30 days can reduce blood glucose levels by 30-64% according to scientific studies. Indeed, the use of Aloe arborescens juice appears to have the ability to control blood sugar levels long-term to treat diabetes mellitus naturally.Aloe arborescens is a powerful cure for cancer that Lydian and I researched many years ago. You can read more about how to use Aloe arborescens as an herbal cure for cancer here. But Aloe arborescens is also a cure for diabetes that lowers blood sugar levels and that helps people reduce visceral fat naturally. Aloe arborescens, also known as Kidachi aloe, should be administered as the leaf-skin juice to reduce blood sugar levels and cure diabetes. Pulp powder does not seem to have the same effect as the leaf-skin juice in terms of its antidiabetic effects. The whole aloe leaf reduces insulitis and increases insulin levels by up to 4 times.
Aloe arborescens has been scientifically observed as an herb that treats both the pancreas and the liver. Not all herbs are able to gain access to the liver or to the pancreas to provide medicinal treatment, but Aloe arborescens can do both. Once it gains access to the pancreas, this is an herb that can protect the beta cells and the islets of Langerhas from destruction. It also restores functioning to pancreatic beta-cells that have been damaged or destroyed.
Additionally, Aloe arborescens can inhibit glucose absorption in the small intestine to reduce blood sugar levels through several mechanisms of action. This is an herbal remedy for hypertension too, so if high blood pressure is a part of your symptom picture, Aloe might be able to help.
The leaf-skin juice of Aloe arborescens is an excellent choice for someone who is looking for a powerful herbal remedy against cancer and diabetes. It is also a good choice for diabetes sufferers who are familiar with aloe plants, but perhaps not well-versed in herbal medicine.Though most aloe plants contain the same medicinal components as Aloe arborescens, Aloe arborescens is special because it contains certain anti-cancer, anti-diabetic agents in higher quantities than other species of aloe.
Aloe arborescens / Kidachi aloe scavenges for free radicals to protect the islet B-cells from destruction.
Note that Aloe gel may be applied topically to the body to treat diabetic eczema (a rash that occurs in some diabetic patients) while the patient also administers this herb orally to treat the internal manifestations of this disease.
How to Administer Aloe as a Home Remedy for Diabetes
Below is a recipe for how to use Aloe arborescens to cure diabetes naturally.:
NOTE: In order to make this recipe, you must have access to an Aloe arborescens plant that is at least 5 years old.
- 1.1 pounds / ½ kilogram of pure, raw honey. Choose Manuka honey if you have it in your budget to do so. DO NOT USE SYNTHETIC OR REFINED HONEY. (WARNING: Children under 18 months old should never be given honey).
- Use 3-4 leaves of Aloe arborescens (wash, and remove the spines)
- 40 to 50 mL (6 to 8 teaspoons) of whiskey, cognac, or another type of pure alcohol (Alcohol is a distillate that preserves the product and makes it more biologically available after consumption. It is an important medicinal part of the formula that cannot be omitted.)
Mix these ingredients thoroughly in a blender. Store the final product in a dark, violet-colored HDPE, non-toxic plastic container or a brown glass bottle that you would buy at the pharmacist or drug store. Refrigerate. One dose for an adult = 2 Tablespoons One dose for a child = 1 Tablespoon
Shake well before using. Administer 1 dose 3 times daily at least 20-30 minutes prior to meals on an empty stomach.
Administer the Aloe arborescens for 10 days. Then the patient should take a 10 day break from it. Cycle 10 days of treatment with 10 days of rest from the treatment until the diabetes goes away completely.
Double the dose if you don’t see results within 4 cycles. After the disease is cured, you can take the Aloe arborescens for 10 days annually to prevent diabetes.

How to Administer Other Edible Types of Aloe for Diabetes Type 2
Administer 300 mg of aloe vera gel capsules every 12 hours to improve blood sugar levels, A1c levels, and LDL and total cholesterol levels.Alternatively, you can drink Aloe vera juice or Aloe barbadensis juice , but in some people, the juice can cause diarrhea or abdominal pain. If this happens to you, halve your dose of juice and increase the amount that you drink each day slowly over time. Note that many prepackaged aloe juice products contain harmful ingredients. Below we've created a link to a product that contains only pure aloe vera extract, citric acid, and xanthum gum.

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