What is Vitamin K2?
Most people in the industrialized world are aware of vitamin K1, since it’s been around for quite a long while in the public eye. Few people worry about their vitamin K1 intake as our gut flora are supposed to produce this vitamin naturally. Average people have heard of vitamin K1 and they may even know that vitamin K1 is a nutrient that ensures that we have normal blood clotting reactions that are neither too extreme nor not extreme enough. After all, the “K” in K1 is an aptly named vitamin that comes from the German word “Koagulation”. Some people, however, might also know that most of our vitamin K1 doesn’t come from the food we eat, but rather from our intestinal flora. Without a healthy bacterial flora in the intestines, vitamin K1 may not be produced in sufficient quantities. Indeed, organophosphate residues on GMO foods like corn, wheat, and soy can kill the bacteria flora that produce vitamin K1. Click here to read more about organophosphates and GMOs and how they impact vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 levels in the body.
Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
Vitamin K1 deficiency would easily lead to abnormal blood clotting. These days, most of the media attention about blood clotting issues pertains to COVID-19 or the Post-COVID Vaccine Syndrome and rightly so. But actually, studies that have zeroed in on vitamin K1 or vitamin K2 have found that vitamin K2 may be the more important of these two nutrients in terms of normal blood clotting in those who develop COVID-19 or Post-COVID Vaccine Syndrome. Indeed, studies have shown that a vitamin K2 deficiency is a reliable predictive factor in terms of who gets ill with COVID-19 in the first place. And vitamin K2 deficiency is also an indicator of who will get severely ill and who won’t. In any case though, if you are looking for a way to overcome COVID vaccine symptoms, consider taking a vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 supplement as part of your treatment protocol. We don't recommend that people take the MK-4 form of vitamin K2 which is included in most of the vitamin K complex supplements because this is a synthetic form of vitamin K2 and it may interfere with MK-7 absorption in the body. As such, it is best to take vitamin K2 / MK-7 as a supplement and also vitamin K1 as a separate supplement.
Click here to buy vitamin K2 / MK-7.
If you’ve already read our articles about government sponsored nutrient deficiencies that make people susceptible to certain illness like COVID-19 or organophosphate poisoning, then you probably know where we’re going with this thought. Our goal, of course, is not to make our readers feel scared or angry though. But it's important to understand the political dynamics that drive marketing campaigns about health if you want to be able to see through them. Read more here about the vitamin K2 and iodine deficiencies that are supported by governments in various countries leading to predictable susceptibilities to diseases like COVID-19. We’ve expanded on this topic in detail in these previous articles, but the basic gist of of what you need to know in order to get the most out of this current discussion is the fact that if you have a vitamin K2 deficiency, then you also likely have an iodine deficiency because vitamin K2 supports the absorption of iodine. When iodine deficiency occurs, the immune system malfunctions, thyroid hormone levels become deranged, and reproductive hormone levels also become deranged. These are the most common things that happen as a result of iodine deficiency, but in reality, the number of diseases and symptoms of disease that can occur as a result of iodine deficiency is so long that when Lydian and I wrote about iodine, it was one of the longest books we've ever compile.Click here to buy Root Cause: Common Environmental Toxins and How to Protect Yourself From Them.
And though it isn’t common knowledge, it is a fact that reproductive hormone levels alter lung and respiratory function significantly. For example, think about the fact that doctors prescribe steroids to people with asthma. And the fact that young boys are more prone to developing asthma prior to puberty. And then the fact that, after puberty, once menstruation begins in girls, the female gender becomes more likely to develop asthma. All of these facts easily demonstrate that there’s a link between asthma, a respiratory disease, and reproductive hormones—particularly in terms of rapid change in terms of reproductive hormone levels. These facts about asthma then come into focus when you look at research into iodine supplementation and asthma. Indeed, Lugol’s iodine (which contains two forms of bioavailable iodine) is a cure for asthma. In other words, iodine does not just treat asthma, it cures asthma. And it does so by feeding the reproductive glands what they need in order to produce and release normal levels of reproductive organs throughout the various stages of life.
Read more about Lugol’s iodine as a cure for asthma here.
Also note that one of the main treatments for asthma is steroids. Steroids cause bone tissues to deteriorate though and many children who take steroid medications for asthma later develop osteoporosis and poor bone density in the teen years. Vitamin K2 is the nutrient that builds bones. So the connection between steroids and respiratory function and steroids and bone health is easy to see. And readers might also see, through this example, how vitamin K2 clears calcium from the blood to make it possible for the body to absorb iodine. And meanwhile, vitamin K2 also builds bones. As such, vitamin K2 and Lugol's iodine are alternative medicine for asthma that does not destroy bones.
Also note that organophosphates are administered not just as insecticides in crops, but also as "medicines" that treat osteoporosis and poor bone density. Bisphosphonates are repurposed organophosphates and though they look great in X-rays of bone tissue, the people who take them are at a significantly higher risk of suffering a femur bone fracture. Exposure to organic phosphates / organophosphates (our bodies need inorganic phosphates), after all, in the absence of properly mineralized bone tissues that are ailing due to a lack of calcium, readily causes a buildup of the organic, toxic phosphates. Rather than bisphosphonates, people with poor bone density and osteoporosis need vitamin K2.
At this point, it should be clear that there's a relationship between vitamin K2 and Lugol's iodine. Readers should also be clear about the relationship between bone tissues and the respiratory organs and structures.

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Vitamin K2 supports lung health in part through its effects on iodine absorption (which directly impacts reproductive hormone balance), but also by removing calcification in the soft tissues of lungs that can make the elastin in the lung tissues less flexible or even hard. The vitamin K2-iodine dynamic also plays a role in lung health via the impact of iodine in the production of pancreatic enzymes and via the impact of vitamin K2, which prevents calcification of pancreatic tissues that produce pancreatic enzymes. Pancreatic enzymes break down fibrotic tissues that cause diseases like cystic fibrosis, for example. Click here to read more about how to use pancreatic enzymes and other nutrient therapies to cure cystic fibrosis. Note especially that one of the main "supportive nutrients" for Lugol's iodine, selenium, is also an important part of curing cystic fibrosis.
In contrast to vitamin K1, few people are aware of something called vitamin K2, a nutrient that deals with something that might, at first glance, seem unrelated to vitamin K1. Vitamin K2 is part of a relay team that ensures that our body properly absorbs calcium, among other nutrients. While vitamin D3 takes up its position in the intestines to ensure that calcium is absorbed into the blood supply via the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, vitamin K2 takes it from there via the bloodstream. It makes sure that whatever calcium is absorbed into the blood supply is transported to the places in the body where it is needed most. Much of the calcium absorbed by the body, for example, should end up in the bones and teeth. But without vitamin K2 present, waiting to receive it, the calcium in the blood supply won’t be able to find its way into the bones or teeth.

The AlivenHealthy Iodine Bible - Everything you need to know to get started taking iodine and more!
There are two major health problems that happen at the same time when a person is deficient in vitamin K2:
- Calcium builds up in the blood supply. It will be deposited in any number of soft tissues such as the blood vessels themselves (a disease known as atherosclerosis), the organs (such as the gallbladder to cause something called “porcelain gallbladder”), or the glands (such as the pineal gland, where calcifications can cause symptoms of autism, autoimmune disease, infertility, or extreme insomnia).
- Calcium is subsequently not transported into the bones and teeth, which eventually causes the bones to become weak (a disease known as osteoporosis). Read more about how to use vitamin K2 to remineralize teeth and heal cavities naturally here.
Drugs That Cause Disease
Sadly, patients who visit a doctor to treat the long list of possible diseases that might develop as a result of vitamin K2 and iodine deficiency, will be prescribed medications that make the symptoms of disease even worse. Bisphosphonate drugs are a great example of this problem. Bisphosphonates are prescribed for osteoporosis. They are organophosphates that have been repackaged as drugs. Read more about bisphosphonate dangers here.Certain chemotherapy drugs are other excellent examples. Cyclophosphamide and Ifosfamide are organophosphate drugs that is used to treat cancer. (That's crazy, right?) Chlormethine (also known as mustargen / mechlorethamine / mustine / HN2 / embikhin) are other examples of organophosphate nerve gases that have been repurposed for use as medicines by Big Pharma. Read more about the use of organophosphate chemotherapy drugs and natural cures for lymphoma, leukemia, myeloma, and other blood and bone cancers here.
Indeed, a wide array of over-the-counter and prescription drugs contain a toxic substance known as bromine / bromide. Bromine / bromide has been outlawed in many countries but not in the U.S. Though it was once widely known that “bromism” or Bromine Toxicity was the cause of most psychiatric illnesses, this wisdom has been covered up and now bromine is added to things like commercial bread products and soft drinks. It is often included as an unlisted ingredient in medications. For example, though Bromide Toxicity causes the symptoms of myasthenia gravis, a serious nervous system disease, one of the most common drugs used to treat myasthenia gravis is pyridostigmine bromide. Though numerous scientific studies have shown that pyridostigmine is safe, there are no scientific studies that discuss bromide because most scientists and doctors today believe that bromide / bromine is safe. Thus the public also tends to believe that insecticides like methylbromide are safe even though they can cause things like autism, asthma, ADHD, or severe learning disabilities in children. In order to protect yourself and your family from organophosphates and bromide / bromine-containing substances, you need to be aware of where they exist and how to avoid them. Read more about bromine-containing drugs here.
Are vitamin D supplements really good for you?
So, if you’re deficient in vitamin K2, you have two opposite processes related to calcium that happen simultaneously: the buildup of calcium in soft tissues and the lack of calcium buildup in the bones and teeth. Though the mainstream media and Big Pharma would have people believe that taking vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 in huge quantities (even as injections by doctors trying to restore balance to sick reproductive organs) would cure all ills, the truth is, vitamin D supplementation by itself is harmful since, without vitamin K2 to ensure that calcium reaches the bones and teeth, calcium will lodge itself in all kinds of undesirable locations in the body. Breast calcifications that cause abnormal mammogram results are a great example of what vitamin K2 and iodine deficiency can cause in the body. Many women today suffer through toxic diagnostic tests as a result of breast calcifications. Indeed, breast calcifications by themselves can be painful and distressing. Women with iodine deficiency often suffer from fibrocystic breast disease which can be cured using Lugol’s Iodine and vitamin K2. Read more about whether vitamin D supplementation is good for you or not here. Read more about the harmful effects of supplementing with vitamin D without vitamin K2 here.Read more about vitamin K2 and Lugol’s iodine as a cure for cancer as well as to get rid of breast calcifications here.
The vast majority of people in the developed world are deficient in vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is present in grass-fed animal products, in some fermented foods, especially in nattokinase. But because a lot of food staples like corn and soy are GMO–and because GMOs are specifically engineered to not go through the biochemical shikimate pathway that produces vitamin K2…and because organophosphate insecticides kill up to 100% of the gut flora in our bodies that go through this skikimate pathway that produces vitamin K2, we are all deficient in this vitamin if we don’t make an effort to find sources of it in the diet or in supplement form. If you haven’t already read our material about the shikimate pathway in some of our earlier material, you can read more here about how the organophosphate herbicide RoundUp / glyphosate destroys plants and microorganisms our bodies need in order to produce vitamin K2.

Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2: Why are they both in the vitamin K complex?
Vitamin K1 works directly with the blood-clotting factors to ensure that they mature properly so that blood clotting happens on cue on an as-needed basis. But vitamin K1 also ensures that blood clotting reactions are not too extreme. Without adequate vitamin K1, our bodies would not be able to form blood clots on demand. But vitamin K2 works intimately with the blood supply too. You see, vitamin K2 ensures that our bone tissues are healthy. Our large bones, like the femur / thigh bone, contain bone marrow where red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and whole blood is manufactured. In other words, to simplify this topic, your blood comes from your bones. If your bone tissues are sick or deficient in the minerals they need, your blood will also be sick. And if your blood is sick, the rest of the tissues in the body will suffer as a result.Sick blood might look like leukemia. Or it might look like lymphoma. Sick bones might look like myeloma or even topical steroid cream addiction or Sezary syndrome–both of which involve a horrifically painful skin rash that can be calmed, at least to some extent through the use of Baking Soda Therapy and the topical application of baking soda and coconut oil.
Read more about how to get rid of a lymphoma skin rash here.
Read more about how to get rid of a steroid cream addiction rash here.
Vitamin K2 and Coagulation
Vitamin K antagonists are a class of drugs that have been prescribed by doctors for more than 50 years. They are typically prescribed to prevent stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation, but vitamin K antagonists are also used to prevent venous thromboembolism (blood clots in areas of the body other than the brain) by disrupting the body’s natural ability to form blood clots. Vitamin K antagonists are prescription drugs that can induce vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 deficiency which can lead to the various health problems noted above.Click here to subscribe to the Living Database!
Vitamin K2 and Organophosphate Poisoning
In organophosphate poisoning and exposure, it’s vital that the bones have access to plenty of calcium, but how you make that happen is by taking vitamin K2 supplements, not calcium supplements. Mainstream media would have us believe that we need to take calcium supplements or vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 (or both) to make sure that plenty of calcium ends up in the bones and teeth. But actually, neither taking calcium supplements nor plain vitamin D2 or D3 supplements will do anything to ensure that your body absorbs calcium into the bones and teeth. Calcium is abundantly available in most foods because our bodies need so much of it. So we don’t really need to take calcium supplements and, in fact, shouldn’t.Vitamin D2 and D3 work in the intestines to ensure that calcium is absorbed into the blood supply through the intestinal membrane. Vitamin D does not, however, tell the body where to put the calcium once it reaches the blood supply, and if the body is deficient in vitamin K2 (as differentiated from vitamin K1), the calcium generally ends up in the soft tissues of the body. A person who is vitamin K2 deficient is likely to have weak bones, poor dental health, and lots of calcium in their blood vessels (atherosclerosis) or in organs and glands. Calcification of the pineal gland, for example, is relatively common throughout the population in areas of the world where people are no longer living close to the land. Read more about how to decalcify the pineal gland here.
If you are deficient in vitamin K2, then this means that you have lots of calcium circulating in the blood supply, inhibiting the absorption of iodine (and making you iodine deficient and thus susceptible to bromine toxicity), and searching for a place to deposit itself in the soft tissues. When a person has high enough levels of vitamin K2, which acts as the watchdog to ensure that the calcium ends up in the bone tissues, calcium will also be present in sufficiently high quantities in the bones and teeth. Calcium is also found in cells, and indeed, calcium plays an important role in nerve transmission as well. But without vitamin K2, the proper amount of calcium that is needed for healthy bones and teeth won’t end up in the bone tissues where it belongs. Thus, a vitamin K2 deficiency not only causes soft tissue calcifications, but it also causes osteoporosis over time. One might say that osteoporosis is actually a vitamin K2 deficiency disease, so vitamin K2 is a powerful natural cure for osteoporosis. Indeed, when you take vitamin K2 to cure atherosclerosis (calcium buildup in the blood vessels), you are simultaneously healing your bone tissues by removing calcium from a place where it doesn’t belong (soft tissues/blood vessels) and putting the calcium in a place where it does belong (in the bones and teeth). Read more here about the harmful effects of supplementing with vitamin D without complementing this supplement with vitamin K2.
In the bone tissues, calcium and phosphate (the healthy inorganic variety of phosphate) combine to make a crystalline structure that is extremely strong, but also flexible. Calcium, of course, is present in high quantities in the bones and teeth in people who are fully charged with plenty of vitamin K2. But high calcium levels in the blood supply causes a different issue. When calcium levels are unnaturally high (which happens when someone is deficient in vitamin K2), the calcium and iodine combine together and iodine is promptly escorted out of the body. So, a person who is deficient in vitamin K2 (which includes most people in the developed world) will also, likely, have a hard time absorbing iodine from a supplement even if they’re taking the other supportive nutrients.
So a person with vitamin K2 deficiency likely will also have an iodine deficiency and possibly bromine toxicity as well. While iodine deficiency and bromine toxicity both have an impact on the brain and nervous system as well as on the endocrine system, which together essentially involve the entire body, vitamin K2 deficiency, in contrast, most strongly impacts bone tissue health and blood health. Bones like the femur (thigh bone) for example contain bone marrow where red blood cells are manufactured so it makes sense that vitamin K2 would impact bones and blood. But research into this new member of the vitamin K complex (vitamin K1 is already well known for its modulating effects on blood clotting) has recently shown that vitamin K2 can also be used to cure leukemia, blood cancers, bone cancers, and reproductive organ cancers. Indeed, some cancers, such as thymoma (thymus gland cancer), are strongly correlated with Myasthenia Gravis/Intermediate Syndrome. Though it isn’t common knowledge, recently scientists discovered that the thymus gland is innervated by cholinergic, catecholaminergic, and possibly GABA neurons. This fact has led scientists to speculate that acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter that is central in causing the symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis, is actually an immunomodulatory neurotransmitter, but we’ll talk about that more in future articles. Read more about vitamin K2 as a cure for cancer including thymoma here.
Besides being a treatment for bromine exposure, Lugol’s iodine is an extremely powerful natural cure for breast cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, cervical cancer, thyroid cancer, and other endocrine cancers and conditions. Read more about Lugol’s iodine as a cure for cancer here. Lugol’s iodine also has a modulating effect on the immune system, so in this way it’s beneficial as a natural treatment for all types of cancer, but combining it with vitamin K2 offers the extra benefit of allowing patients to protect their bones and blood from a metastasis of cancer while protecting the endocrine glands at the same time.
So, it isn’t hard to see how these two seemingly unrelated nutrients are connected and how a deficiency of vitamin K2 can cause the body to also be iodine deficient and bromine toxic. If you or a loved one suffers from Myasthenia Gravis, taking Lugol’s iodine 2% with the supporting nutrients listed above along with a vitamin D/vitamin K2 combination supplement will help you make powerful gains quickly. You can also take a stand-alone vitamin K2 supplement if you get plenty of sunlight so long as you do not wear sunscreen. Look closely at your multivitamin and make sure that it doesn’t contain vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 without vitamin K2 to balance vitamin D’s effects on the body. If your multivitamin does contain vitamin D2 or vitamin D3 without vitamin K2 in the list of ingredients, get rid of it and purchase a multivitamin that contains both of these nutrients together (or, get a supplement that contains neither of these and get a dedicated vitamin D3+K2 supplement as well as the multivitamin). Multivitamin manufacturers that haven’t made it their business to be up to date on the nutrient research should be boycotted and avoided.
How to Take Vitamin K2 as a Cure for Organophosphate Exposure / Poisoning
Taking vitamin K2 as a treatment for exposure to organophosphate insecticides is simple. There are simple vitamin K2 supplements available on the market, as well as combined vitamin K2+D3 supplements. Either one of these options is fine, as long as you choose an option that (ideally) contains the MK-7 variety of vitamin K2, rather than the MK-4 variety (which is synthetically produced). Also be sure that the vitamin D is cholecalciferol since this form is better absorbed than the other kind, ergocalciferol/vitamin D2.Avoid taking a supplement that contains more than 5000IU/125mcg of vitamin D3 per capsule, since this is the daily upper limit for supplementation of vitamin D3. If you prefer, take a supplement that contains only vitamin K2 instead, simply avoid supplementation with vitamin D in any form entirely and take in the full-spectrum, healing rays of the sun instead. Thorne Research Multivitamins are the only multivitamin that we currently know of that contains vitamin K2, though its present as the synthetic MK-4 form. An alternative to a multivitamin is the herb Moringa. Read more about Moringa as a nutrient-dense, herbal remedy for cancer here.
