Essiac Tea: A Highly Effective Herbal Remedy for Cancer

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Detailed Introduction
Essiac is “Caisse” spelled backward, a tribute to the name of the woman who used this particular herbal tea recipe as a cancer cure with her patients. Rene Caisse was a Canadian nurse who perfected this herbal cancer remedy and treated patients for over 50 years using the tea despite considerable controversy. She first received the recipe from a patient who’d cured her own breast cancer. This patient had in turn received the formula from an Ojibwa medicine man, thus ultimately making Essiac a Native American herbal remedy, likely with a long history of use as a cancer treatment well beyond the 50 years that Rene Caisse used the remedy with her own patients.Click here to learn more about the Lugol's iodine protocol as a powerful nutritional therapy for cancer, and click here to learn more about iodine therapy as a treatment for breast cancer. Lugol's iodine can be used in combination with Essiac tea to enhance the efficacy of this herbal treatment as a cancer cure and also to improve overall health and immunity.

Click here to learn more about the, a guided meditation and brain-entrainment tool that enlists the mind and spirit in the healing process to overcome cancer naturally.
Essiac is an herbal formula that was perfected by Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, who successfully treated cancer patients for over 50 years. In 1939, 400 witnesses lined up to testify to the power of this herbal cancer cure at a Cancer Commission hearing in Toronto. Many of them had resorted to drinking Essiac tea only after conventional cancer treatment failed to work. Ralph Moss, a scientific writer who helped expose the truth of the Laetrile studies performed by Dr. Suguira at Sloan Kettering, wrote about how poorly Caisse was treated by the medical “authorities” of that time because of her work offering hope (and a natural, affordable cure) to cancer patients.In 1926, eight doctors asked Caisse to treat an old man with stage 4 cancer cancer who was expected to survive only about one week. After the treatment with Essiac tea, he lived for 6 months. The doctors sent a signed petition to Ottawa asking the government to provide Caisse with a proper treatment facility. The petition was denied and instead, the government threatened to arrest Caisse. However, since Caisse did not charge her patients fees and she worked under doctors, she was able to avoid being arrested. Nonetheless, this story effectively demonstrates how Essiac is a natural treatment for stage 4 cancer, even in its most advanced stages.
In 1938, after achieving some level of notoriety for her work and research, Caisse’s supporters attempted to get a bill passed in Canada to give her the right to treat cancer patients without constantly facing the threat of arrest. The bill was to include the following:
“…an act to authorize Rene Caisse to practice medicine in the Province of Ontario in the treatment of cancer and conditions resulting therefrom” [1].
This bill was presented to the Ontario Parliament and supported by a petition with more than 55,000 signatures. It failed by 3 votes. Collusion between the Canadian Medical Association and the newly formed Cancer Commission was the likely cause behind the bill’s failure [1][8].

In 1942, Rene Caisse had a nervous breakdown and dropped out of public view until 1958. In 1958, the Cancer Commission asked the College of Physicians and Surgeons to look more closely at Essiac. They asked Caisse to provide the formula for Essiac, but she refused. She said that if the medical world would acknowledge and administer Essiac to patients in need, then she would divulge the formula [1].
Several hospitals researched Essiac starting in 1959. One was in Boston. It was during this time that Caisse worked successfully with Dr. Brusch, President Kennedy’s personal physician. Brusch, in turn, contacted Sloan-Kettering, but Sloan-Kettering didn’t want to sponsor the treatment. Caisse had refused to make a deal with them and reveal the formula for Essiac for fear that it would be shelved [1]. When pharmaceutical companies "shelve" a treatment, they unofficially make it unavailable and hide it in plain sight from both doctors and patients.
Dr. Brusch persisted and eventually got Sloan-Kettering to conduct tests on animals. But the institute refused to continue testing unless the Essiac formula was revealed. So testing eventually came to a halt [1].
Before her death in 1977, Rene Caisse sold the formula for Essiac to Resperin Corporation in Toronto. She also gave the formula to two of her friends: Mary Macpherson and Gilbert Blondin. It was through these two individuals that Essiac became available to the public [1][8].
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Safety and Effectiveness
Essiac tea is surprisingly effective. President John F. Kennedy’s personal physician, Dr. Charles Brusch, M.D. wrote:“I endorse this therapy even today for I have in fact cured my own cancer, the original site of which was the lower bowel, through ESSIAC alone” [1].
It's important to reiterate here that patients need to be aware that Essiac can cause tumors to swell and appear to grow before they disappear. Dr. Brusch used Essiac for bowel cancer, but this is generally not advised since, again, "reverse-metastasis" can in certain situations lead to bowel obstruction. It's also important to note that, in some cases, the tumor may stop growing, but it may not go away. Essiac, as such, can keep cancer in check even if the tumor does not go away completely. Patients with tumors located in areas of the body where swelling could cause other health problems (the brain, the digestive system, etc.), should take this into consideration before using Essiac as a cancer treatment [1].
Thousands of cancer patients of various races, both sexes, all ages, and with a number of different types of cancer have been treated with Essiac successfully. Studies have been done in four laboratories in the United States and one in Canada [1].
In addition to treating cancer, Essiac has also been used to successfully treat diabetes [2].

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How Essiac Is Administered
Essiac can be administered by mouth or intravenously. There are currently both teas and Essiac pills on the market for purchase [1]. As far as we know research-wise, only the tea is actually functional against cancer and should be prepared as a decoction.The Essiac formula includes the following herbs:
Burdock (Arctium lappa, A. minus)
Burdock is thought of as a weed in many areas of the world. It now grows in southern Canada and the United States, and was brought from Europe by early settlers. It is a close relative to Echinacea and dandelion. The root is the part used for Essiac [1][3].
Burdock cleanses the lymphatic system and promotes digestion, kidney, and liver functioning. It prevents cellular mutations that can lead to cancer and it has anti-tumor activity. It also promotes skin health and can cure diseases such as eczema and psoriasis [3].
Burdock root is an ingredient used in Essiac for the treatment of cancer. Its bitter principles help promote digestive system health. The herb also has anti-tumor characteristics identified by Japanese doctors as the “B” factor. The World Health Organization has also noted that Burdock is an effective treatment for HIV; this article discusses the broad medicinal action of this important plant medicine.
Sheep Sorrel (Acetosella vulgaris)
Sheep sorrel grows wild along roadsides in the United Kingdom, and is sometimes cultivated in the United States. The whole plant is used medicinally. Sheep sorrel is a blood cleanser and diuretic; it breaks down tumors and helps reduce the impact of radiation damage. Sheep sorrel contains a substance called aloe emodin that can fight leukemia. It is also extremely rich in antioxidants.
Click here to learn more about vitamin K2 as a natural remedy for leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.
Turkey Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum)
Turkey rhubarb works as a laxative and as an astringent. As such, it can be used to treat both diarrhea or constipation, and can stimulate the appetite. It has a notable cleansing action on the gut. First it cleans and removes debris from the bowels and then it astringes the system so it can heal. It can kill intestinal parasites and regulate menstruation, and also has anti-tumor activities.
Because Turkey Rhubarb can increase the loss of potassium in the body, it can increase the toxic effects of cardiac glycosides and anti-arrhythmic pharmaceuticals. Potassium loss can be further increased if licorice root is used in tandem with Turkey Rhubarb. It may cause the urine to turn yellow or red.
Slippery Elm (Ulmus fulva)
Slippery elm is best known for its ability to mitigate the pain of a sore throat, but it also exerts therapeutic actions on the digestive system including in the colon, small intestine, liver, and the pancreas. It’s a diuretic and it can reduce inflammation throughout the body in addition to can soothing urinary problems and helping treat diabetes. It contains beta-sitosterol, which decreases the risk of cancer.

Click here to buy Essiac Tea.
Possible Negative Effects
Women who are pregnant or nursing should not use Essiac tea [7].If you are looking for an herbal remedy for cancer during pregnancy, click here to learn more about burdock root during pregnancy and ginger during pregnancy. Also note that chlorine dioxide solution is an alternative medicine for cancer that's safe during pregnancy.
There are 3 primary side-effects that patients may experience while taking Essiac:
- Eating or drinking too soon before or after taking the Essiac tea can cause nausea or indigestion.
- As toxins dissolve and are eliminated from the body, some patients may experience digestive discomfort. This is most often the result of a Herxheimer/detoxification reaction, and may be accompanied by other uncomfortable symptoms all of which will resolve once the toxins are effectively cleared from the body. Eating an alkaline diet and using regular coffee enemas can help relieve discomfort caused by a detox reaction.
- The existing tumor may increase in size as metastasized cancer cells gather at the original site (reverse metastasis). Then, the tumor will typically soften and become smaller [7].
Patients who experience side effects are encouraged to take a few days off from the Essiac treatment to allow the body to expel toxins before continuing [7].
Patients with kidney disease may have an increased risk of developing kidney stones while drinking Essiac tea because of the oxalic acid in sheep sorrel [7].

Other Important Information
While the Essiac ingredients are vitally important, preparation of the tea is also important. Essiac is a decoction, so be sure to follow the instructions on how to prepare the drink properly so that the ingredients retain the healing properties necessary to treat cancer [8].Resources
[1] Olsen, C. (1996). Essiac: A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy. Kali Press: Pagosa Springs, CO.
[2] (2015). Essiac Tea for Diabetes. Retrieved May 1, 2018 from
[3] Hoffman, D. (2003). Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Healing Arts Press.
[4] Ming, D. S., Guns, E., Eberding, A., Towers, G. H. (2008). Isolation and Characterization of Compounds with Anti-prostate Cancer Activity from Arctium lappa L. Using Bioactivity-guided Fractionation. Retrieved May 1, 2018 from
[5] Morita, K., Kada, T., Namiki, M. (1984). Desmutagenic factor isolated from burdock (Arctium lappa L.). Retrieved May 1, 2018 from
[6] Chan, Y., Cheng, L., Wu, J., Chan, E., Kwan, Y., Lee, S., Leung, G., Yu, P., Chan, S., (2010). A review of the pharmacological effects of Arctium lappa (burdock). Retrieved May 1, 2018 from
[7] (2015). Essiac Tea Side Effects and Cautions. Retrieved May 1, 2018 from
[8] Bollinger, T. (2016). The Truth about Cancer. Hay House, Inc.: New York City.