Powerful Herbal Remedy for Long COVID
Studies have shown that the COVID virus can find its way into the liver and gallbladder, like many other pathogens like Streptococcus bacteria, for example, that take up residence in these and other organs to cause autoimmune disease. Autoimmune disease, after all, is a brand. It is an idea that has been branded and advertised to the public en masse and after years of being inundated with the idea of autoimmunity, people believe that autoimmune diseases exist. In fact, there are so many autoimmune disease names and labels that it would take several days for me to attempt to list them all in one document. UPDATE 2024: Click here to see a list of autoimmune diseases and the pathogens that have correlated with them through scientific research. These pathogens colonize rather than "infect" organs. In other words, these pathogens don't cause the regular symptoms of infection because they are colonizing the body because the body is weak in some way. Read more of this article learn about how to strengthen the body to recover from Long COVID. Autoimmunity was once regarded as an impossibility by doctors and scientists who could see that the idea of the body attacking itself made no logical sense because our bodies have an innate wisdom and we are designed to heal ourselves. But despite this attempt by Big Pharma to brainwash the general public into believing in the concept of autoimmunity, a multitude of scientists have independently discovered pathogens living in the liver or gallbladder (as well as sometimes in the meninges and brain issues, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, or bone marrow) from diseases that had long resolved in the patient’s past. A huge library of studies demonstrate that every autoimmune disease has specific associations with particular infectious pathogens. Which brings us back to the idea of COVID and how COVID turns into Long COVID. Autoimmunity as a concept, and this includes Long COVID, essentially makes people fear their bodies and begin to lose faith in their body's ability to heal itself. As someone who was diagnosed with two different autoimmune diseases 20 years ago (fibromyalgia and later, Reiter's syndrome), I can say that disbelieving in an autoimmune disease diagnoses that you receive from a doctor can be your biggest saving grace. The body can heal and was designed to heal itself. Autoimmune disease is essential an infection that occurs when the body is weak due to a lack of nutrients, due to autonomic nervous system imbalance, and the need to reconnect with nature in its various forms. To learn more about how to cure Long COVID and other autoimmune diseases, click here to buy The Barefoot Healer's Guide to Autoimmune Disease.
Click here to buy The Barefoot Healer's Guide to Autoimmune Disease.
Gallstones as Ancestral Bones
Two years ago, some family members who had been vaccinated against COVID visited us for 2 weeks. They stayed in our home with us, so we spent a lot of time when them. We started to become ill about 2 days before they left. And after they'd been gone for about 24 hours we were fully ill with fevers and the whole COVID-19 symptom picture. Though normally, we would've begun treatment with Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Supplement within hours of developing symptoms, we were traveling with 4 cats and these estranged family members, one of which was actually a patient that we were treating for addiction. So we neglected ourselves and allowed the COVID to take hold, a decision we definitely regretted later. Our COVID infection wasn't severe, but we had difficulty recovering. Lydi and I were vomiting green bile about 10 days after our infection commenced. This was the first clue that our gallbladders were somehow involved in Long COVID. There wasn't a lot of information online about natural treatments for Long COVID at that time, so we paid close attention to ourselves and experimented with different medicines. One night, I had a fever (again), and I had a dream that I was digging for bones inside my gallbladder. It was like I was doing some kind of archeological dig where gallstones were the "fossils". My Spirit Guides were talking about how dry it was in there and how this dryness caused the situation to get worse. They referenced the sea and showed me the fossil beds at the bottom of the ocean and how these fossils were my ancestors. These ancestors dissolved in the water would heal me. This was how I learned about the use of sea water supplements to cure Long COVID. I looked up the use of sea water and trace mineral supplements to find out if my dream was correct according to the science and anecdotal reports and sure enough, it was. Click here to read more about how trace minerals and electrolytes heal the body at the cellular level.
Click here to buy Panakos Sea Water Supplement.
Note that sea water supplements are not a stand-alone cure, but they definitely help by hydrating the fascia that surrounds the gallbladder. At least 1 teaspoon should be administered in every 8 ounce glass of drinking water that the Long COVID patient drinks throughout the day.
My Spirit Guides went on to explain in greater detail that gallstones are like bones. They represent trauma and stress. Like trees, if you cut into a gallstone, it has rings and the rings are like stories---years or days of stress. COVID can live on gallstones. Having gallstones in the liver and gallbladder clogs up the ducts making it hard for bile to clear out the COVID virus from these vital organs.
Click here to buy The Gallbladder and Beyond: A Curious Organ at the Core of Digestive Health.
The presence of gallstones in the gallbladder, bile stones in the liver, and bile sludge that gums up the common bile duct is a serious issue, but also an issue that is fairly easy to remedy using coffee enemas, the Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanse, and herbs that dissolve gallstones. Administering Lugol's iodine 2% is extremely important in supporting the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder to prevent the development and progression of diabetes and other so-called "autoimmune diseases". We've written extensively about Lugol's iodine because the vast majority of people in the world are deficient in this nutrient and they can't cure Long COVID without it. But iodine is complicated because when you're deficient, your body takes on fluoride and bromide, both toxic halides, to try to overcome the deficiency. Meanwhile, your body gets sicker, fatter, and your hormone levels become completely imbalanced. The initial process of administering Lugol's iodine requires attention to a particular process in order to prevent a Herxheimer reaction.
Click here to buy The Iodine Bible.
Lugol's iodine and the supportive nutrients that help the body absorb and metabolize iodine are essential if you wish to cure Long COVID and also prevent future COVID infections. When our bodies are properly charged up with plenty of iodine, we are less susceptible to the toxic halides and our bodies can thus use iodine as a front line defense against infection. Most people know that Povidone iodine is used to prevent infection during surgery, but did you know that our bodies release iodine through our pores when we have plenty of it to spare? Our mucus also contains a bit of iodine if we aren't deficient in this nutrient. Iodine is a natural antiseptic so it helps us prevent infection with COVID and other diseases.
Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
Many of the herbs that are used to cure Long COVID work in part because they contain a small amount of iodine. The herbs also contain supportive nutrients to make it easier for the body to absorb iodine. But herbs also contain medicinal substances that do things like reduce inflammation, which can make it easier for the digestive system to absorb iodine and the other nutrients. Red clover is a natural deobstruent that opens the bile ducts to allow gallstones to pass naturally without surgery. If you work with the Hulda Clark Cleanse, coffee enemas, and red clover with licorice root along with trace minerals and Lugol's iodine and supportive nutrient, you can expect to see a noticeable changes within 6 months and a general health overhaul within about a year. Click here to read more about how to use coffee enemas to enhance liver and gallbladder health. At this point, I can't neglect to briefly discuss the concept of stress and trauma as contributing factors in the development of Long COVID. Many of the health coaching clients that we work with have experienced some form of healthcare trauma. Healthcare trauma is no laughing matter. If you've ever had a major health issue that was dealt with in a way that made you fear for your life and wellbeing or the lives and wellbeing of a loved one, then you may have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) related to healthcare. Some people will express a buildup of trauma as physical symptoms of disease. Treatment for PTSD can often relieve symptoms of Long COVID via their effects on the autonomic nervous system. Click here to read more about at home treatments for COVID PTSD.Click here to subscribe to the Living Database!
Red Clover and Licorice Root
Recently, it came to my attention that Red Clover / Trifolium pratense and Licorice Root / Glycyrrhiza glabra can help the gallbladder / liver sphincters release and open so that gallstones are less likely to block the ducts. We discuss this amazing remedy in greater depth here at this link. It can be used to cure migraines that are caused by biliary dyskinesia, but you can also use this herbal remedy to treat Long COVID. Do not combine it with Palo de Campeche. This herbal remedy for Long COVID should be administered separately.
Click here to buy Red Clover / Trifolium pratense Tincture.
The Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanse
Another important supportive natural treatment for Long COVID is the Hulda Clark Gallbladder Cleanse. Removing gallstones means removing a place for the COVID virus to hide inside the gallbladder and the liver. This simple gallbladder / liver cleanse is fundamental as a natural cure for Long COVID. Plan to do at least 5 cleanses to remove all gallstones in the liver and the gallbladder.
Click here to buy Licorice Root Tincture.
Studies Showing that COVID Lives in the Gallbladder
One study demonstrating that COVID-19 is able to find its way into the gallbladder, liver, and biliary system of ducts that connect the liver and the gallbladder to each other involved a patient with cholecystitis, or inflammation of the gallbladder. The patient had developed gangrene of the gallbladder. In this study, the patient was given serum tests, oropharyngeal swabs, sputum tests, bile tests, a test of abdominal drainage fluid, urine and stool tests, and also a PCR test. Gallbladder tissue was harvested and tested for COVID virus RNA using Hematoxylin and Eosin staining.Though the bile, serum, oropharyngeal swab tests, sputum tests, abdominal drainage fluid tests, urine and rectal swab tests were all negative for COVID-19 RNA, the viral host receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) was expressed in the gallbladder epithelial cells. Indeed, the COVID virus nucleocapsid protein was also able to be observed in the cytoplasm of gallbladder epithelial cells.
The goal of this study was merely to prove that COVID-19 could take up residence in the gallbladder tissues.

Years ago, Lydian and I researched cures for necrotizing fasciitis or gangrene, a disease that can’t be treated using Chlorine Dioxide Solution / Miracle Mineral Supplement or other Reactive Oxygen Species Medicines and at that time, we discovered the Palo de Campeche or Hematoxylin could be used to cure necrotizing fasciitis as well. And certainly it could be used to cure gangrenous gallbladder tissue as well.
Read more about the use of Hematoxylin to cure necrotizing fasciitis here.
