How to Use DMSO for Scleroderma: Cure Naturally Using Castor Oil, Baking Soda, Lugol's Iodine, and Essential Oils

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Scleroderma is the pathological thickening and hardening of the skin. Though conventional medicine has decidedly failed to provide a way to cure scleroderma, in fact, people have overcome this disease using natural therapies.
However, Dimethyl Sulfoxide / DMSO has been in use medicinally in Russia since 1974 as a cure for scleroderma.
DMSO is an at-home, natural remedy for scleroderma. This is an FDA-approved medicine with an extremely broad medicinal action and a toxicity level similar to that of water. Click here for a quick overview of DMSO’s medicinal effects. But while DMSO by itself is non-toxic, you should educate yourself about this medicine before you begin to use it on your skin as an at-home remedy for scleroderma. DMSO is a powerful solvent that has the ability to combine with other things like medicines, chemicals, inks in clothing, fragrances in shampoos, or soaps, essential oils, medicinal substances found in herbs, and more. When it combines with these things, DMSO amplifies their effects on the body. This is a magical thing about DMSO. It can be combined with certain medicines like chemotherapy for cancer or antibiotics that are considered useless due to drug-resistant bacteria. For example, using DMSO-Potentiation Therapy (DPT) for cancer, doctors are able to combine very low-doses of chemo with DMSO to achieve better results at treating cancer than using high doses of chemo. Patients who opt to use DPT for cancer don’t have to deal with the same side effects of taking toxic chemotherapy medications for cancer. And DMSO can also be combined with certain antibiotics that are no longer in use because they rarely work against drug-resistant bacteria. But DMSO can bring these seemingly useless antibiotics back to life and make them useful again. So DMSO’s ability to combine with other substances and make them stronger is extremely valuable.

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At the same time though, DMSO can combine with things like toxic chemicals in lotions that you put on your skin or residues from shampoos, dish-soap, or body soap. It can combine with prescription medications that you might be taking as well. If you’re trying to treat a major disease like scleroderma, you need to be mindful of these toxic substances and work to detoxify your life in general because toxins found in shampoo, sunscreen, body soap, lotion, perfume, cleaning productions, and more, play a role in the development of scleroderma. Click here to learn more about example alternative personal care products that you can use to reduce your exposure to toxins while working to heal from scleroderma. It’s important that you work with non-toxic personal care products if you are planning to administer DMSO to large areas of your body. If you are taking prescription or over-the-counter medications for scleroderma, be mindful of the fact that DMSO can potentiate those medications in unpredictable ways. Consider going off the medications or talk to your doctor first before you administer large quantities of DMSO to your body.Click here to learn more about personal care products that are safe-for-use with DMSO.
Be aware that most doctors are not terribly familiar with DMSO except in very limited contexts. While older doctors may have some familiarity with using DMSO in medicinal ways, younger doctors will tend to only know about the use of DMSO for stem cells and cryopreservation and they may confuse the science of DMSO as a stand-alone medication with studies into DMSOs effects on human cells in the context of cryopreservation and toxic chemicals.

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How to Use DMSO as an At-Home Remedy for Scleroderma
When using DMSO to treat scleroderma at home, it’s important to work with DMSO at 50% concentration to prevent extreme skin dryness from developing. At 50% concentration, DMSO acts as an anti-inflammatory, pain-killer, diuretic, vasodilating agent, and muscle relaxant. It scavenges for hydroxyl free radicals which explains why DMSO is so well-known as a skin rejuvenation medicine.Doctors in Russia who have worked with DMSO for scleroderma topically apply a 50% DMSO solution to the affected areas or the entire body and allow it to soak in for 30-40 minutes. The following results have been scientifically observed after only 2 weeks of administering DMSO daily at 50% concentration:
- Skin density is lessened
- Skin edema is lessened
- The finger joints become more mobile
- Capillaries become less permeable
- There is increased blood flow to the skin
- There is increased blood flow to the muscles
One study, which involved 20 women with scleroderma and the administration of DMSO at 50% concentration lasted for 7 to 12 months. The scientists who did this study emphasized the importance of doing the DMSO scleroderma therapy long-term. In the study, most of the women were between 30 to 60 years of age and most of them had had scleroderma for 3 years or longer. In this study, one group of 11 patients received a 50% solution treatment with DMSO while in a second group, 9 patients received a 10% solution of DMSO. DMSO was applied to both hands. This study demonstrated that, in order to cure scleroderma, the 50% DMSO concentration was necessary. At the 10% concentration, no positive effects were observed.
This study demonstrated the importance of making a long-term, sustained effort using DMSO for scleroderma. At 50% concentration, DMSO did not cause skin irritation or dryness. Because it is administered topically and not internally, the digestive system is not impacted negatively.
Long-term application of 50% concentration DMSO for scleroderma is relatively convenient, effective, and it causes no side effects, yet it is able to cure scleroderma.
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DMSO Dose for Scleroderma
Patients can administer 2.6 grams / kilogram of body weight per day with no side effects, however, as a topical medication, if you are applying 50% concentration DMSO more than once daily, it can cause skin dryness and resulting redness and irritation.DMSO and Castor Oil for Scleroderma
A number of very well-respected scientists from different parts of the globe have noted that there is a mycobacterium that causes scleroderma. This mycobacterium is related closely to the mycobacterium that causes leprosy, tuberculosis, and cancer. Most people have never heard of this mycobacterium or the idea that cancer, in particular, is caused by a pathogen like this. Yet, it is relatively common knowledge that certain types of infection are correlated strongly with the later development of cancer. Helicobacter pylori infection is just one good example of this, but there are others. In any case, in natural medicine, cancer cures tend to address the problem of this mycobacterium which emerges in response to a weakening of the immune system.So if you’re new to this idea that scleroderma and cancer are related via infecting pathogens from the same bacterial family tree, suspend any snap judgments about this idea and let’s just say that it might be true. If it were true, then scleroderma patients would benefit from any number of natural cancer cures like the Lugol’s iodine protocol (a nutrient supplement protocol for cancer), the baking soda protocol, frankincense essential oil, and pancreatic enzyme therapy. These are natural cancer cures that have a high cure rate and an excellent track record at treating a variety of different types of cancers. Indeed, the use of Ayahuasca to cure scleroderma would make more sense in this context of cancer cures because cancer is a disease that begins in the pancreas. Ayahuasca, in fact, is a powerful cure for cancer, but often it needs to be administered not just in macrodoses, but also in an ongoing manner as a microdose. Click here to read more about how to use Ayahuasca for cancer but also note that Ayahuasca has been used by patients to cure scleroderma, including very serious forms of scleroderma.
Castor oil is often used to help the body process iodine more efficiently and effectively. Iodine, in turn, helps the immune system function properly. When applied topically to the skin, castor oil, like DMSO, has the ability to pass through the skin tissues into the bloodstream to heal the body systemically. You can apply castor oil over the abdomen, just under the rib cage to heal the pancreas, liver, spleen, and gallbladder, but castor oil can also be administered directly to areas of the body afflicted with scleroderma. In patients with scleroderma, it should be applied to both areas of the body and an infrared heat lamp should be aimed at the treated areas to open the pores and ensure that the castor oil is properly absorbed.

Click here to buy hexane-free, organic castor oil.
Edgar Cayce was a psychic intuitive who was one of the first to advocate for the use of castor oil for scleroderma. He would recommend that scleroderma patients wash the skin first with baking soda right before applying flannel castor oil packs to the abdomen and to areas affected by scleroderma. We would go one step further and recommend that scleroderma patients do the baking soda protocol (by taking no less than 5 teaspoons of baking soda in water throughout the day) and also wash the skin with baking soda before castor oil treatments based on the fact that for cancer, it’s unwise to do the baking soda treatment halfway. In order for baking soda therapy to work as a cure for cancer, you have to alkalize the body above a pH of 7.5. At a pH between 5.5 and 6.5, cancer growth is optimized which means that, if you take too little baking soda, you can actually increase cancer growth. So, because scleroderma and cancer are related diseases, for scleroderma, baking soda should be applied to the skin and also taken internally at a dose of 1 teaspoon taken 5 times per day. Click here to read more about how to do the baking soda protocol.You can definitely wash your skin with baking soda for scleroderma, but you could also put some baking soda in your castor oil that you apply to your skin. In fact, you can combine DMSO, castor oil, and baking soda and apply this mixture to areas affected by scleroderma. As with the studies noted above, you need to commit to doing this treatment daily for at least 1 year for best results. Administer the 50% concentration DMSO (dilute 99% DMSO with filtered water to produce 50% concentration DMSO), castor oil, and baking soda mixture to the skin and shine an infrared light at the treated areas to open pores and kill the mycobacterium that causes scleroderma.

Click here to buy pharmaceutical grade DMSO.
DMSO, Castor Oil, Lugol’s Iodine, Baking Soda, Apricot Kernel Oil, Myrrh, and Frankincense Combination Remedy for Scleroderma
If you want to cure scleroderma using natural treatments, you can combine the following in a GLASS bowl. In addition to DMSO, castor oil, and baking soda, you can add several other ingredients that heal the immune system and that combine well with DMSO. These ingredients are famous for their ability to cure skin cancer and they also work well as a natural remedy for scleroderma. Do not use a plastic bowl because DMSO can dissolve many types of plastics. Use a wooden spoon to stir the ingredients together:- 99% concentration DMSO - 200 drops
- Organic, hexane-free castor oil - 100 drops
- Lugol’s iodine 2% - 1 drop
- Frankincense essential oil - 33 drops
- Myrrh essential oil - 33 drops
- Apricot kernel oil - 33 drops
- Aluminum-free baking soda - 1 tablespoon
Click here to buy Lugol's iodine 2%.
You will need an infrared light to shine at the area under your rib cage and back for 15 minutes.
Also apply this same mixture to areas of the body that have scleroderma lesions. Shine the infrared light at these areas of the body for no less than 15 minutes as well. Do these treatments daily.
Support the Pancreas to Cure Scleroderma
Ayahuasca is a cure for scleroderma that works its magic through a number of mechanisms of action. Ayahuasca is an herbal remedy for scleroderma that is able to heal the pancreas. The pancreas in Traditional Chinese Medicine is the organ that deals with trust vs. mistrust and issues around anxiety, but we regard this as the organ of trauma or “incomplete actions”. The pancreas is the area of the body that takes note of what actions we’ve completed and what we experience as “incomplete”. For example, if you watch a loved one get killed tragically and you feel as though you “should have done something” to prevent the tragedy, this would be “trauma” – it is a sense that there is some action that has not been completed. The incomplete action is stored in the autonomic nervous system. Trauma is not always due to something very serious though. Trauma and the sense of an “incomplete action” can also happen to a child who watches a friend get pushed down by other kids on the playground. Trauma could be caused by a dental appointment that is painful and that causes a person to wish to leave the dentist’s office (but who sits in the chair and chides him or herself to endure the treatment). Trauma happens when we love someone who does not show us love back. This includes parents, siblings, or potential mates.Ayahuasca for Scleroderma
Ayahuasca is an herbal remedy for scleroderma that heals the pancreas and that also allows us to “go back” to traumatic moments in our lives to emotionally complete the incomplete actions. This allows us to release trauma, which is just one of several mechanisms of action through which the pancreas is healed. While DMSO, castor oil, and the other ingredients listed above can heal the pancreas physically, Ayahuasca can be used (either through microdosing or macrodosing) to release trauma that has been stored in the autonomic nervous system.
Ayahuasca can be administered as a full, psychoactive dose or it can be administered as a dreaming herb in a microdosing form instead. Microdosing Ayahuasca may be a better choice for some patients, especially at first, but macrodosing Ayahuasca may be essential in order to get rid of scleroderma permanently. Ayahuasca purges the liver and the gallbladder to heal these organs and open the ductwork through which pancreatic enzymes flow. Pancreatic enzymes, in turn, have the ability to travel throughout the bloodstream (when they are present in excess amounts following the digestion of food) to seek out and destroy scleroderma cells when they emerge and before they have a chance to take root.
Lugol’s iodine is one of the nutrients that is used by the pancreas to produce pancreatic enzymes. Castor oil, frankincense and myrrh help the body process and use the Lugol’s iodine. And pancreatic enzyme therapy supports the pancreas by introducing some extra enzymes into the body. Taking Ayahuasca as a microdose and/or as a macrodose introduces bitter alkaloids that act medicinally to heal the pancreas. Also, this herb allows us to release trauma permanently to cure diseases like scleroderma.
For more information about how to obtain and/or also make Ayahuasca for microdosing or macrodosing, contact us at [email protected].
DMSO has been scientifically studied as a cure for scleroderma, but patients with very serious forms of scleroderma may also wish to work with Ayahuasca to overcome scleroderma naturally. Microdose with Ayahuasca to release trauma and to also heal the pancreas. Ayahuasca (which consists of two herbs) is one of the most powerful herbal remedies to heal the pancreas. It is also one of the most powerful psychoactive herbs that release trauma.Click here to learn more about how to cure scleroderma