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Homeopathic Treatments for Smallpox, MPox, and Other Orthopoxviruses

Posted By Lydian Shipp | Mar 14, 2025


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Homeopathic Cures for Orthopoxviruses

Below is a list of the orthopoxviruses that affect (or have affected) humans:

  • Smallpox
  • Monkeypox / MPox
  • Camelpox (this is an uncommon orthopoxvirus infection that usually only occurs in people who are closely handling camels with this viral infection)
  • Cowpox

In this article, we’re only going to focus on remedies for monkeypox and smallpox. These are the orthopoxviruses that are relevant to most people; cowpox and camelpox are unlikely to infect the average person who isn’t working directly on a regular basis with cows or camels. That being said, if you happen to be among the rare minority of people who may have been infected with camelpox or cowpox, keep in mind that many of the same remedies that work to treat either smallpox or monkeypox also are likely to treat these other two orthopoxvirus infections.

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Homeopathic Remedies for Smallpox

According to major global health organizations like the WHO, smallpox has been eradicated. Most people no longer receive the vaccine since the virus is extinct. However, I still wanted to include a brief section about some homeopathic smallpox remedies since the smallpox virus was only just eradicated within the last 100 years; my husband, who was born and raised in Myanmar, has a scar on his shoulder that’s likely to be from a smallpox vaccine administered when he was too young to remember it (for reference, he’s just under 30 years old at the time of this writing). 

So, here is a short list of homeopathic remedies that have been used in the past to treat smallpox infections:

  • Malandrinum - This remedy is commonly used not only to treat smallpox, but also to prevent infection in cases of smallpox exposure. 

  • Variolinum - Variolinum is a homeopathic remedy that’s prepared from the pus from smallpox pustules. As such, this can be an extremely powerful and effective remedy for smallpox, as well as for other closely related orthopoxviruses like MPox.

  • Hydrastis Canadensis - This remedy has been used for smallpox treatment as well as for other health problems with smallpox-like pustules. It is also recommended for catarrh, severe debility, dyspepsia, cancer, depression, sinus problems, mouth and skin ulcers, back pain, anal prolapse and fissures, urinary discharge, gonorrhea, menorrhagia and leucorrhea, and bronchitis.

  • Kali Bichromicum - This remedy is used to treat smallpox, and also related health issues like smallpox-like acne and skin eruptions, cattarh, peptic ulcers, sinusitis and other nasal/sinus problems, croup, and ulcerations throughout the body. It deals largely with mucus membrane problems, though it has been used to treat a wide range of health problems within a distinctive symptom picture. 

  • Millefolium - Millefolium is made from the yarrow plant, Achillea millefolium. This homeopathically used to be employed as a treatment for smallpox.

Homeopathic Remedies for Monkeypox / MPox

In Africa specifically, there were recently some outbreaks of monkeypox (now more commonly referred to in the media as MPox, which I’ll be using from now on). 

Here are some internal homeopathic treatments that have been recommended for and used to treat MPox infections:
  • Mercurius Solubilis - This remedy is recommended in cases of MPox involving uncomfortable swelling of the lymph glands and recurrent ulcerations in the mouth and throat. It can also treat cases involving vesicular and pustular eruptions; ulcerations needing Merc Sol are irregularly shaped with undefined edges. The patient will experience symptoms like sweating and excessive salivation accompanied by extreme thirst. The fever in a patient who needs this remedy will bring on uncomfortable, intense, persistent perspiration. Symptoms tend to be worse at night, or when the patient is exposed to cool/cold and/or wet environments. Sweating also worsens symptoms. Itching in particular is worsened when the patient is in a warm bed, and a “creeping” coldness may arise during the nighttime. 

  • Rhus Tox. - Rhus Tox is used in cases where the patient has red, inflamed, and itchy  (often scaly) skin, erysipelas, blisters/sores on the skin, and enlarged glands. Fevers are accompanied by intense muscle discomfort; this discomfort is worse with rest, and is alleviated somewhat by movement and external heat (such as from a heating pad). 

  • Malandrium - Patients who need this remedy will have dry, scaly, and itchy skin, with a skin rash on the arms and legs; there may be bone-like growths that develop on the skin, and the toes are especially affected with itching and a burning sensation. The top lip may become dry, scabby, and stinging. Symptoms are worse in cold temperatures and after bathing.

  • Variolinum - The patient will have hot, dry skin with pustules. They will have a high fever and the body will strongly radiate heat; when the patient does sweat, the perspiration is copious and has a strong smell. Patients who need this remedy will have respiratory involvement, including symptoms like a persistent cough, bloody mucus, and obstructed breathing.

  • Cantharis - This remedy is used to treat vesicular eruptions on the skin caused by MPox infection, especially if the eruptions are accompanied by a burning and/or itching sensation. It can also be used to treat vesicular type erysipelas. A patient who needs this remedy is likely to be extremely restless, and will have a fever characterized by cold hands and feet, but with burning soles, and cold sweats.

  • Echinacea Angustifolia - This remedy is used for recurrent eruptions and carbuncles. Patients who need this remedy will have enlarged glands, chills accompanied by nausea, and a fever with cold flashes that are centered on the back. 

  • Thuja Occidentalis - Thuja is recommended for MPox infections involving eruptions that are scaly and warty. It is also used to relieve symptoms that arise post-vaccination.

  • Antimonium Crudum - Children may respond better to this remedy than adults, but it can be used in any age group if the symptom picture fits. Antimonium Crud is used for MPox cases where the patient is exhibiting thick, crusty pustules on the skin, yellow discharge from skin eruptions, and a high level of emotional irritability. Antimonium Tart may also be effective as a treatment for MPox. If the Antimonium Crud remedy seems to fit the patient’s symptom picture, but doesn’t elicit a healing effect, try working with Antimonium Tart instead. 

MPox, like other orthopoxviruses, involves serious blistering of the skin that’s not only uncomfortable (and even painful), but which can also leave scarring in more severe cases. As such, topical homeopathic remedies may provide relief and additional healing benefits in some cases. Arnica Montana and Sarracenia Purpurea are two homeopathic remedies that can be applied topically to relieve the skin-related symptoms of MPox infection.

Other homeopathic remedies that may be beneficial in treating certain cases of MPox include the following: 

  • Belladonna
  • Apis Mellifica
  • Arsenicum Album
  • Bryonia 
  • Carbo Vegetalis
  • Sulphur

Resources: Nerurkar, Aditi (n.d). MonkeyPox: How homeopathy can help? Retrieved January 14, 2025 from:  Choudhary, Vaseem (2024). Monkeypox: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment with Homeopathy. Retrieved January 14, 2025 from:  Damavandi, Pardis Tabaee (2022). Local homeopathic management of the Monkeypox virus. Retrieved January 14, 2025 from:   Ministry of Ayush, Government of India (n.d). Ayush Guidelines for Management of Monkeypox Disease. Retrieved January 14, 2025 from:  SBL Global (n.d). Hydrastis Canadensis. Retrieved January 14, 2025 from:  SBL Global (n.d). Kali Bichromicum. Retrieved January 14, 2025 from: 

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