What is Chlorine Dioxide and How You Can Use It to Cure COPD
Chlorine dioxide is a simple chemical that comes as a kit consisting of two bottles. One bottle contains sodium chlorite, the other bottle contains a weak acid activator (citric acid at 30-50% or hydrochloric acid at 4-5% usually). This substance can be used in very small doses to purify water. In high doses, chlorine dioxide can be used as Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine to cure an extremely broad spectrum of diseases.
At first glance, when people start learning about chlorine dioxide and molecular hydrogen (molecular hydrogen is another vital cure for COPD), it seems as though these two medicines may directly oppose each other and cancel each other out. Indeed, in some situations, this may be the case. Reactive Oxygen Species Medicine is a field that studies both the use of oxidants like chlorine dioxide as well as antioxidants like molecular hydrogen and how these chemical “species” are balanced in the body. But without going into a lot of details on the chemistry of chlorine dioxide and molecular hydrogen, suffice it to say that these two medicines can be used together without having one cancel out the effects of the other. Using both chlorine dioxide and molecular hydrogen as cures for COPD will increase the odds that you’ll achieve success within a reasonable period of time.

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What Is DMSO and How You Can Use It to Cure COPD
DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide) is an FDA approved medicine that is derived from trees. It is produced as a byproduct of the paper and lumber industries and as such, it is extremely affordable. DMSO has the broadest medicinal action of any substance currently listed in the Merck Manual and this broad medicinal action has led some experts to assert that it could be used as the basis for an entirely new system of medicine that is much less toxic and much more effective than the current standard of medicine that most of us are familiar with in hospitals and clinics.DMSO is a powerful solvent so it must be used with care because it combines with almost anything that it touches. By itself, it has a toxicity level similar to that of water. But in combination with other things like the dye in your sweater or the toxic chemicals in your dish-soap, DMSO can be dangerous. So you need to learn a bit about DMSO before using it as a cure for COPD. Nonetheless, this powerful medicine can accomplish great feats such as regrowing nerves, including spinal cord tissues and curing cancer. If you wish to use DMSO, simply read a bit about it here to learn how to use it safely and properly.
Chlorine Dioxide and DMSO Dosing for COPD
It is vital that COPD patients begin using chlorine dioxide by following The Starting Procedure recommended by Jim Humble. It isn’t unusual for COPD patients to begin with this procedure and immediately experience nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms of a strong detoxification reaction. If you take chlorine dioxide for COPD, it’s possible that this medicine will uncover biofilm and infection in the lungs that simply cannot be treated using antibiotics that your doctor would prescribe.Patients with COPD should begin with The Starting Procedure and then, once they’ve completed this procedure, move on to Protocol 1000 Plus. This protocol uses the powerful and extremely broad spectrum action of chlorine dioxide against pathogens to eliminate biofilm in the lungs combined with DMSO’s ability to seek out pathogens with targeted precision in the body (via its chemical charge) combined with DMSO’s trojan warfare skills that make it able to penetrate easily through pathogen cell membranes with chlorine dioxide attached to it.
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Be prepared to experience a detoxification reaction when using chlorine dioxide solution and DMSO. If you have been suffering from COPD for quite some time, it is likely that the Protocol 1000 Plus or even The Starting Procedure will cause you to develop what feels like a sinus infection or even the flu. But don’t be fooled, the flu-like symptoms that develop are your body’s reaction to pathogens being removed from the body. Drink a lot of water and use molecular hydrogen, hypertonic saline, and NAC.
NOTE: Take 1000-2000 mg of NAC at bedtime ONLY so as not to cancel out the effects of chlorine dioxide solution during the first 3 to 6 months of treatment.
DMSO is related to MSM. These substances are chemically almost identical and they serve similar healing functions in the body. Both have the ability to restore elasticity to the lungs and heal tissues that have been severely damaged.
After you have gotten rid of your COPD symptoms using chlorine dioxide and DMSO in the Protocol 1000 Plus, continue taking daily maintenance doses of 3 drops in the morning and 3 drops at night to keep COPD in check.
A Word about Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide for COPD vs. the Use of Chlorine Dioxide Colution
Technically speaking, hydrogen peroxide is a reactive oxygen species medicine similar to chlorine dioxide. But hydrogen peroxide and chlorine dioxide do not produce the same reactive oxygen species and they do not function in exactly the same way in the body. Though both hydrogen peroxide and chlorine dioxide use different chemical species to cure diseases, they are not entirely equal and though sometimes, one can be substituted for the other, in COPD, this is not the case.Some patients have used The One Minute Cure or the Bill Munro protocol to treat COPD using nebulized hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), but while this treatment may initially provide positive results, it is not a cure in part because the lungs are already producing hydrogen peroxide that can cause lung tissues specifically to break down, especially the elastic fibers that make the lungs “spongy” and expandable and contractable. When the elastic fibers break down, the lung tissues become hard and inflexible which is essentially the definition of emphysema. As such, hydrogen peroxide can hasten the process of losing elastic fibers even as it hastens the process of expelling toxins and pathogens from the lung tissues.
Chlorine dioxide, in contrast, works by releasing different reactive oxygen species that are less toxic to lung tissues. As a general rule, with few exceptions, chlorine dioxide should not be inhaled into the lungs. Rather, patients should take it internally as a drink. The chlorine dioxide then finds its way into the blood stream and travels via the blood to the lungs to kill pathogens and bind with and remove toxins from the lung tissues. If chlorine dioxide solution is not inhaled into the lungs, it does not hurt the lung tissues and it can be used alongside molecular hydrogen and hypertonic saline treatments.
